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Everything posted by Palatinose

  1. It's fine admin. Point of luxury articels is: they're only slighty better though the price lies in another dimension. Here the luxury article isn't better. Admin - the people's man.
  2. not the point dear admin
  3. Left: 30 combat marks. Right: 150 PvP Marks. Value in Gold: ~150k / ~37,5 Million. Left is better tho. I just love it /o\ Edit: theres also the RNG Steeltoolbox (4-5th): 3% repair + 4% repair time reduction
  4. So you're in the smaller vessel and get a bonus against bigger ships?
  5. Some nice changes, some - let's say: whuuuut?? Nope 3rd has the same armament as Bellona now methinks. 3rds have more HP, Thickness, Mastthickness. Wasa can be sailed solo, 3rds are more for fleets actions imo. @admin can u comment on the stats shown in your sheet regarding e.g. Barricades: ingame a melee and firepower bonus is shown, your stats tell one it is a defensive bonus only (well its somehow obvious as it is barricades). Could this please be outlined a bit clearer ingame. Furthermore the spreadsheet shows 3% speed for navy hull refit. It's 0.025 now. One more question: after some k hours ingame I still don't get what ladders melee penalty reduction means. My imagined picture is: got ladders instead of ropes, so "running into open blades" is reduced? So it's it's an offensive mod? Does this effect this difference in height between small and big ships?
  6. Okay du hast recht. Dann fahr ich wieder nach KPR und hau die Newbies aus dem Spiel muss ja auch irgendwie Geld verdienen. Liebe Grüße
  7. Don't be as naive as I am regarding exploits. They will be used. Btw I consider darkjoker a fine captain.
  8. tbh in solo pvp theres not many choices one has. I often sail Trincs and get sunken constantly because I can't escape. Thats fine for me, but I can seriously understand that a light Wasa is the choice for solo pvp. I may not like that but you cannot blame ppl using these ships. As long as it isnt nerfed there is no need for any discussion.
  9. I like it on the open world, got tweaked to a very playable level. For pb's (big ones): very hard and frustrating if you work for your wind postion for 15 minutes, finally reach it and lose it by a wind turn. Basically what @Havelock said.
  10. Passt schon. Das ganze VM System ist einfach unausgereift irgendwie. Würde vermutlich jeder machen. Hat halt ein Geschmäckle.
  11. possible but still the shown damage should be applied visually. if u are able to pen, you cause damage. the upgrade you're talking about enlarges the thickness, not the hp if im correct.
  12. Methinks one could still keep it while the wind turns. So 100% is pretty much. Generally I agree and think the suggested changes are pretty smart (just counting peas as Greg Mendel did o.O)
  13. As it states dreammaker sank russian player, perhaps u switched onto his ship, switched back and sank it afterwards? In this case one doesn't get marks for that. Just a guess.
  14. How can you call BF and RUBLI friends of sweden? BF attacked Grand Anse while RUBLI attacked Grand Turk. BF got their fight, RUBLI didn't. Legal doesn't mean legitimate. Not blaming you. Still telling you that there is is only one nation claiming being best of RvR but not being able to protect from an uncooordinated multi-attack. Btw I guess RUBLI as well as BF will hate the swedes as they prevented them from fine big battles. I don't know a single clan more that is willing to fight fair (and fair in this case means fair ike 1on1 BR) fights but RUBLI and BF. Pirates be pirates. Ingame russians be russians.
  15. I know it's there. But does it work? Afaik it doesn't.
  16. Is this possible? Never tried.
  17. The ones raiding the East Coast are mainly prussians. And Rio Seco is available for all. Sorry Graf your logic here seems a bit wobbly.
  18. Bermuda and the hidden islands are the safest places on the map. You can deny it. PvP kills around every capital show the true numbers though.
  19. Just to clarify some things here. It was pure stupidity. We collected playerwise what we could, none of the officers had done pb's since before the wind patch, hence we just didn't know it would turn so fast. Considering the starting wind inside the battle, we decided to sail out as far as possible. I got several tags on me, many went through the decive one didn't. That's all. As Kloot draw a picture, I will draw one aswell: the analogy of a well organized group in front of a capital. The captains sailing out to counter that are usually unorganized. It felt exactly like that. Mine and some other officers mistakes led to the insta loss of Carta. For this moment you all just put too much expectations in the swedish nation. War will be fun though I guess. My brain is then back aswell I hope
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