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Everything posted by Liq

  1. I've been thinking about ways to get more PvP. Came to the following idea: What about some sort of a lobby-ish queue system, where one can enter what ship he is in and how he'd like to fight (e.g. Solo, frigate, 1v1s or duo frigates 2v2) etc.. Maybe take that info from the groups (and maybe allow groups of more than 12 players (?)) How I'd imagine it to work: Additional "Queue" tab in port, enter your group size, have some sort of indicator that shows when a match is found so you can accept the challenge In open world, add a queue window (where one can also sign up for a match, but mainly so one does not have to wait in port and do nothing until a match is found) The option to have it in open world might seem exploitable to escape from chasers, simply add a 1 or 2 minute timer one has to sit afk in OW (to "prove" he is not getting chased). Battle-overview Additionally, a battleoverview-screen which lists the current challengers (as in groups that set up a battle and are looking for a group to accept the challenge) with the setups demanded could help a group to find a fight fairly quickly. Simply browse through the list, see who wants to fight what fight (numbers and ships wise) and maybe take the challenge (or private-message the group to find a compromise and set up a new, similar battle). This battleoverview screen could look something like a counterstrike server browser or the lobby of an Age of Empires multiplayer game, which lists what map is being played, how many players there are, what gamemode, etc. I'm sure you get the idea. Example: Age of Empires lobby room Why? Numbers are going down (partly because of the announced wipe, but still), it's getting harder to find a decent fight, wasting hours doing nothing might be realistic but it's a game after all. I also think lack of battles or having to spend hours in OW to find one of the main factors which drives many people away, not everyone has that much time to spend. Problems Main issue in my opinion is the danger of people always taking the tankiest setup possible (looking at the daily small battle challenge, those usually result in massive brawls, live oak / build strength / strong hull and extra planking with carros are basically required if you want to score any kills/assists), because people don't have to worry about being too slow in the open world and get caught by a bigger, faster fleet. How to solve that issue? In the queue-screen, the possibility to limit a ships setup could completely solve that issue. Captains that don't like fighting full tanky ships but rather go in something in between (teak or oak etc) could set that as a rule, and if someone wants to fight with the same rules and setup, a match gets found. Please let me know what you think.
  2. Thx, ill update the scoreboard tomorrow aka today ^^
  3. It's not. Signaling worked just fine. Equal BR fights are where the fun is at, not having a massive gank fleet hop out of port and join your battle within that 5 min join time. Can't really see how those uneven fights are supposed to be fun
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  4. Totally Agree. What keeps the most players playing a game is the competetive aspect (e.g. cs:go matchmaking, League rank, etc.). You always want to improve yourself, get better, get a higher rank. This is what kept me playing csgo for almost 2k hours. Have some sort of PvP-reputation rank system, which encourages players to become better and therefore keep playing. Really hope they're going to add something similar at some point.
  5. How exactly do you plan to forbid players to buy the game on another steam account again
  6. Q: What will happen to learned BPs? Especially the special ones such as aga / L'ocean / p frig / heavy rattle - Will we have to grind that awesome pve 'challenge' again?
  7. What's the point in playing a game in the first place? what's the point of living a life? Dude, have some fun, thats what it's ALL about
  8. Wasn't the 30-min thing coming anyway so that people that log in to OW won't be able to join a pb for 30 min?
  9. Announcement: [LIQ] Clan (with a constant active playerpercentage of an astonishing 100%) will stay on the global server.
  10. Sounds fair. Whops, sorry. Adjusted it
  11. but...the most important question is it a western- or eastern-alliance baby jokes aside, congratulations
  12. Prize-distrubution for next week updated: The prizes will be given out according to the principle of "First come, First serve", so that winners dont have to wait for the first guys to make their decision. Speeds up the prizedistribution by a lot and also encourages players to actively look up the prize pool.
  13. Escaping-Rule updated: Escaping early from a battle is a cowardlike behaviour that can ruin the whole battle for your team and denies point credits for the enemy team. Only bring a ship you're willing to let go a dura from. Escaping from a battle will result in losing any points gained in the current battle AND a 0.5 points penalty for your total weekscore. Surrendering is fine, but don't escape.
  14. Found myself surrounded by two hostile French Endymions while being in a Cecilia after leaving a battle and entering OW. If the ship wipe wasn't announced, I would have probably sailed off (or tried to) and saved my cecilia's dura. But instead I gave it a go,
  15. Scoreboard updated, congratz to @dron441 for the 1st place! Please let me know ingame which item from the prize pool you'd like to have. thx
  16. Guessing if that's the case the wipe will be postponed again and not happen in the next 12-28d as said by an admin/dev.
  17. Scoreboard updated! Tomorrow will be the last counting battle for this week, at the same time, 18:55 servertime. On sunday there will be a special: Sunday-Special Lineship small battle! That one won't count for the leaderboard; just to get out of the frigates for a chance and have some fun with the big boats. You don't have to bring a SoL if you don't want to, but looking at the announced ship wipe, we might aswell use them before it's too late
  18. Liq

    Today in a nutshell

  19. Not too sure if I like that change. Pushes away new players / non-PB players, how should new players get into the game when they cant even craft ships using mats form buildings they dont have?
  20. Question to everyone: Do you think negative points should be a thing? e.g. getting a penalty of 0.5 because of bringing an indefatigable and scoring 4 assists while losing would result in a total score of -0.1. Yes or limit to 0?
  21. Also note how my name is not orange in the scoreboard, it seems like the game kind of kicked me out after I got captured and moved me to the spectators
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