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Everything posted by Liq

  1. So a player will be able to unlock those slots over time and use them for specific skills, such as a crew boost (basically extra hammocks)? Will we be able to reset those slots?
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  2. Haven't we all been in the following situation at least once?: Sailing around in the pvp event area, looking for someone to fight. But you don't find anything. Nada. After 30 minutes you decide to sail back to port. My suggestion: Add a player-counter when being in the zone (similar to H1Z1's remaining players display), so you can see if there is anyone else around and you're not just wasting time. Maybe even have some sort of indicator that shows you the direction of the closest enemy every 5 minutes or something. It's not 'realistic', but gameplay fun > realism. Noone likes wasting time. I also do hope this problem will solve itself once the playernumbers go back up.
  3. There should be a limit though, so you cannot Bounty-Bomb™ someone to midshipman and prevent them from participating in RvR
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  4. Sounds perfect please do it Edit: Maybe you could add some sort of Bounty-Board for everyone to check the current top bounties. Would be kinda cool to see your name in that list - WANTED - 5 million dublons - or something Also maybe some hints, similar to the glorious 'ship report letters' if someone on that bounty list is hunting in a specific area for a while, a message gets created people can check and then go look for you in that area. There are so many opportunities to make this game even more awesome. Currently 3.5k hours on it, still enjoying it like on day 1. well done on developping such a great game, even though it does have its flaws, but hey, flaws are there to be reworked/improved.
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  5. Reset XP in what way? whose XP?
  6. so two live oak ports for 7 nations without alliances?
  7. Just label it with [PvP EU] or [PvP Global] in the title, problem solved
  8. or this one, my first connie battle ever. flipped in it. Unlucky brian
  9. What is your problem? I've had plenty of good fights, mainly frigate fights, sometimes even when outnumbered 1v2 or 1v3 Im not afraid to fight (check my youtube) Don't judge others just because they don't have the same idea on how to play a game like you. On the otherhand, I've watched your stream now and then, saw you hunting around in the rookie zone in your speedy rattlesnake. Now look: That wouldn't be my goal, to kick out new players by simply smashing them, but hey, do whatever you like, that's the whole point of a sandbox game, to do what you want. Also by saying "don't comment below this thread if you don't agree with me" on a FORUM where the whole point is to exchange opinons... really?
  10. Naja, gerade wenn man mit dem Spiel anfängt und seine erste Cutter mission macht, da trifft man noch nicht so viel, im vergleich zu einem AI cutter der so gut wie alles trifft. Meine ersten paar Missionen waren auf jeden Fall komplette Fails. Je höher das Schifflevel, desto einfacher ist es jedoch (auch mit der dazukommenden Erfahrung) den gegnerischen NPC mit etwas Geschick 'outzuplayen' ... Mir fällt der deutsche Begriff dafür nicht ein lol #Denglisch
  11. So simply because that applies to you you assume it to be the same for everyone?
  12. Oh alright. Yeah tbf it was just showcasing the stupid things sternrakes could do (and/or still can do), so I see how people don't 'respect' that 'playstile', it is kinda boring. De acuerdo, lo siento por eso, de vuelta al español. (google translate lol)
  13. can someone translate please
  14. 2 months lol half a year is probably already veeeery optimistic. wouldnt surprise me if it takes til 2018 but hey, thats not meant to be a bad thing. better take your time but make it PROPERLY. A money-bug in the live version of the released game would suck so much. so take your time o7
  15. Hunting: Surprise "Ganking": Constitution
  16. Würde dir raten noch bis zum wipe (reset) am 20. April zu warten. Dann ist ein Start ins Spiel auch deutlich leichter, wenn alle wieder auf dem gleichen level sind. Bezüglich Veränderungen: Das User Interface hat sich nicht wirklich verändert; der Spieler muss immernoch alles selber rausfinden, aber mit bisschen Hilfe (evtl deutscher clan?) sollte das kein Problem sein.
  17. Do you know yet which ships will be considered as special and won't be obtainable through increasing crafting lvl?
  18. bork The noise that the Swedish Chef from the Muppets makes. Bork Bork Bork Bork! - The Swedish Chef from the Muppets
  19. Nice idea, just thinking for players with alts it won't be a challenge to obtain one of those letters of Marque
  20. props to you for listening to the community, let the pve'ers have their fun. Don't think that pve zone on a pvp server was all too practical.
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  21. kinda disagree, openworld is a nice gimmick but battles shouldnt be restricted to OW only imo
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