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Everything posted by Liq

  1. I suggest you have a read through that thread
  2. I wonder though what happens to the old missions you have taken in your old nation, as I still had the missions around Mortimer after switching to France (can see that in the vid I posted). Could be used to generate hostility missions by alts Time and money costy I know, but have to think around all corners
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  3. You need to be in a free port to use the item, won't be able to in a national port
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  4. The way I understood it was everyone would get one item as redeemable after the wipe, and after that you will be able to buy more as steam DLCs or something. (They compared it to WoW's character transfering service at some point.) Some clarification would be nice tho
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  5. The way it works is, you have to abandon all outposts in the old nation yourself (so noone can say they didn't know they would loose their stuff in there, because they literally have to close the outpost themselves). You can save your stuff in free port outposts (ships, mats, etc.) After you changed nation, you also keep your gold, redeemables, officer, and XP of course. (Also knowledge slots as PG Monkey mentionned below). However you will loose your current LHs
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  6. Another sort of wow-moment were the weekly special events where hints about where the treasure would be on saturday dropped during the week. I think it had great potential IF we actually had to fight for it, as in sink some protective ships and capture the trader ships in battle, and then also escort them to land. But as they were, they were kinda dull. Everyone was sailing in indiamans to loot the wrecks as fast as possible to then get the hell out of there. Still a good experience.
  7. Ich glaube da arbeitet ein sehr sehr kleines Team dran, im sinne von einer Person, und das auch schon etwas länger. Hat soweit ich weiss jetzt auch nicht so grosse Priorität im Vergleich zum Naval Action OW spiel.
  8. When I first started the game, My goal (probably everyone's) was to level up as fast as possible to get to the biggest ship. The first time I sailed by an npc 3rd rate fleet, I almost shit my pants. I had just captured my first snow, which I thought was already an immense upgrade to the cutter, but that 3rd rate just seemed like a carrier. A good while later, the first Victory on the server (was playing on pvp2 by then) was crafted. Everyone came to have a look at it, because we had never seen one before ingame. It was massive. (Only to then a few days later to get captured by a group of pirates lol). However now they are quite common ingame. I think testing them to cost conquest marks to produce might be a good way to get that "WOW" feeling back, at least for the new players.
  9. What made me say wow was seeing the Santa Cecilia in action for the first time. It's such a gorgeous ship and extremely well adopted to the game. In general I have to say, all the ships are looking stunningly awesome (Well, except one..hehe). It may take a lot of time to get them added to the game, but it's surely worth it. Other WOW moments are when you are outnumbered in a small battle, but somehow still manage to win against the odds. Those are the moments I play for. Oh and then of course random stuff like that.
  10. 1) Die Piraten können keine BluePrints für Conquest marks kaufen, aber handelbar mit anderen spielern sollten die BPs immer noch sein 2) Dies gilt nur für Pirat VS Pirat Gefechte; alle anderen Gefechte gegen nationale Spieler bleiben normal
  11. I think you are looking at this from a wrong perspective Most of us are already max rank ingame by now. But think of the future players. After all, we are still testers. New players start from zero, with the basic cutter, levell up and by doing so, also unlock slots on the ships they are using. It might not be convenient for us who have already reached max rank and know what ships we want to play, but I think that feature might work out nicely for the future of this game and its new players. Anyhow, first we should test it, then provide feedback on what should be changed in what way. Some XP requirements to unlock slots do indeed seem kinda high right now.
  12. I think he's refering to regional refits which are craftable through the workshop building using regional ressources Having a list of those (ingredients too) would be nice
  13. Actually, I was one of the few lucky guys in the british nation to own all the event blueprints, and as a result, i had tons of redeemable XP, which didn't always boost my officer to lvl 10, but something like 6 or 7 was good enough. From that point I levelled him in pvp, indeed. I can only remember one time where I levelled my officer through PvE, before I had the BluePrints. And that made me remember how much I hated it for its repetetiveness. True, a game needs something players can achieve. Once the endgame or something similar is reached, a player will have spent enough time in the game to then make the decision to continue and search for more depth inside game or if he moves on to other games because he is confident with what he has achieved / what he expects the game to offer him. I've spent almost 2k hours in csgo, after reaching the highest rank I decided to stop playing as intensively as I used to, because I knew if I wanted to really improve from that point, I would need to invest a lot more time, which I wasn't ready to do. I prefer that game to be a casual game. Everyone decides that for themselves.
  14. As I said, I dont think that's something that needs to be rushed and done in one day. The way I am seeing it, it will be a progress over time. Main goal, for me at least, won't be to unlock the slots as fast as possible, but to have nice little battles. When I started privateering, I had long reached Rear Admiral. Any XP earned from that point seemed kinda pointless. Looking back, I would not grind PvE missions all day anymore just to unlock the biggest ship ingame. That got boring relatively fast, for me that is.
  15. Oooor 40 hours of pvp fun? I like to think of it as playing and enjoying the game rather than the need of grinding; and unlocking the slots being a nice side effect Personally I wont spend a single more minute in PvE missions after having made enough gold to buy some cannons for the redeemable surprise.
  16. This reputation system has been suggested several times. I especially liked the one by @Zooloo, here This also suggests that by sinking someone, you gain reputation points but also at the same time the enemy player you sank looses points. The bigger the gap between your reputation rank and your opponents, the less points you will earn. This should prevent alt farming in masses. Don't think a reputation system based on PvE on a PvP server is a good idea. PvE is nice to get to know the game, but once you're done levelling they become kinda dull and very repetetive, as AI is extremely predictable.
  17. So for now, tp between national ports is going to stay as it is? I think the idea of limiting the amount of TPs is good. However, I think everyone should have a 'free' teleport every 4 hours, and for additional TPs you would have to pay (in marks?)
  18. I thought missions as we know them are gonna be removed anyway?
  19. Teleport to free port / from free port to national port is getting removed, but what about teleport between national ports? Will it cost marks?
  20. If you had an account on all servers before the wipe, you will be able to redeem your xp on all three servers once.
  21. The one time I've used tp to nearest port on the testbed I got teleported to outside the port, the dock. And when being sunk, I think you'll get teleported into the nearest friendly (deepwater?) port
  22. Well somehow you must have entered that port in the first place. If you entered it in a trader, I dont think you are able to sell that trader, as you would need to 'leave' the ship to do so, which is impossible. If the port gets captured over night by an enemy nation, I think you are still able to leave the port in any ship. At least it used to be like that a few months ago. Not sure if it still works.
  23. I think that got changed with hotfix 6 "Port crew recruitment is now 68 per crew member"
  24. JobaSet made this a while ago https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PHxx0WQIGShFK8z6dfGe0CsjoKg32YtpeS8GuvTFaDs/edit#gid=0
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