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Everything posted by Liq

  1. Plenty of pages to read through. I completely agree with you. Why give someone a second chance after you escaped in the original instance? That someone being able to use hyper warp to pretty much spawn on top of your battle.
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  2. Alright i've had enough, taking a break of this charade It's happening over and over again. battle starts, he lets his mates know through nat chat, they have plenty of time (5 minutes!) to respond, and of course they'd take basic cutters as they're free. It's not about them being strong, really. It's just the mass of them, with the chaining buff, is just absolutely disgusting. 5 basic cutters can chain down anything pretty quickly. I know you can oneshot them, but you simply don't have the time to do it, before you're down to 40% sails. Being forced to use up all repair kits because of freaking cutters, then having to sail back to base and get new ones... Just to get cutter swarmed again. Nah thanks, i'll pass for now. let me know when this is fixed.
  3. Liq

    Mega Patch 10.0

    I see your point, if it was a 6th rate I wouldn't even have chased it so my initial post wouldnt exist. But do you think a trader should be able to escape into missions, at all? I dont think so
  4. I dont think nations should be given such huge advantages, really If a nation doesn't have the players to defend its area, it starts to shrink, as it's supposed to, until the balance is reached We need dynamic bonusses over time, NOT set-in-stone ones which over time might unbalance things Only because Spain was given all those ports in the beginning, that doesnt mean you're supposed to hold and defend 75% of the map over time. If you have the numbers, sure, but as you don't, why would you?
  5. Liq

    Mega Patch 10.0

    So an enemy player traders brig entered a midshipman mission right infront of me. I noticed I couldn't join due to the fact that you can't join missions in a ship bigger than the mission's AI are. IMO this is ok, as long as it only affects one nation. Raiders shouldnt have to be punished for it, as I would have easily caught the trader in my example. Escaping to a safe 4th dimension, idk I would have had to wait up to 105 minutes for him to come out, as he could have just run and wait until the batte was over after 90 minutes, as AI doesnt escape. After that another 15 minutes until he gets kicked out to Open World. Another Feature?
  6. Aye but the more additional speed than 15 knots you have, the bigger the 'range' in which you can do 15 knots should be at least in theory?
  7. ah alright thx I've looted at least 30 npc ships, never gotten anything decent out of it. I hate RNG, especially for something as significant as upgrades like copper plating
  8. But Copper Plating is PvE Random drop only right?
  9. So then you would get 1-3 conquest marks per day for holding a single port? I quite like the region system now
  10. You must be really bored But thanks a lot ^^ Edit: Any idea on what "SHIP_TURNING_SPEED_RHEAS" means? Just turning speed?
  11. You can access his cargo, by stopping next to him and pressing X. An option to 'sink' the ship will come up. So if you don't want the ship but marks, you can sink your enemy in the cargo hold screen
  12. You can find where nvidia saves the files here Here's a good guide to it. http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/guides/geforce-experience-shadowplay-is-now-share Uploading it to youtube first is probably the easiest way to link it to the forums. Although I recommend using OBS, it's way easier to manage IMO
  13. Im not sure if i understood correctly, but if you send your fleet ships to retreat, and you, the player, escapes before your fleet does, the fleet will auto surrender in battle edit: nvm i didn't understand correctly. You seemed to be still in battle Does seem a little weird then indeed. Also: When the battle is over (saying BATTLE OVER on the top), you can just escape and dont need to send your fleetships out first. But if its not, they will surrender if you escape first. Agree a warning would be nice, "Fleetships will be lost if you escape now" or something.
  14. Die Degradierung juckt den nicht im Geringsten ^^ Irgendwo hat er glaube mal gesagt 10+ alts zu besitzen. Wieso man denen die Conquest marks nicht auch abgenommen hat ist mir ein Rätsel.
  15. Can we get a comment from @admin on this? I saw the post regarding fireships today. I get that they are a valid tactic. But not in cutters. They are free. Britain also didnt get their fireships get spawned from nothing. I think it is needed to remove the cutter from pvp. way too many griefing options, nothing to loose, etc.. I think you know the arguments. Sinking a Cutter doesnt give pvp marks. But sailing a cutter sinking otehr ships does. How is this balanced? thx
  16. Liq


    Here's one I took And a few other versions. I just played around with filters, I dont know jack shit about photo editing. But if you want to edit it yourself, feel free. First one is original.
  17. Liq

    Mega Patch 10.0

    It would be cool if we'd get a warning for when we restore crew in OW using rum. Being the clumsy n00b I am, i have missclicked a few times already and clicked Rum instead of Hull repairs, so it used up all the rum and I would not have any left in battle to restore crew there.
  18. It's a beauty; Really miss mine from pre-patch :'( Please make it obtainable again.. Even if it's hard to get, or very rare.. but at least so there is the slightest possibility to sail it again.
  19. Ive tested you cannot have more than one figurehead per ship, so if you already have one, you cant get another one kinda makes sense
  20. If they do they risk loosing dozens of conquest marks (their ships). That risk is quite high as its a long sail now without freeports and in dutch homewaters They can get their conquest marks from holding ports on the frontline instead with not as much risk
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  21. Example - dutch are about to take gibraltar - start producing marks I dont think any nation will try to sail by the dutch capital to gibraltar to try and capture it Suggestion: Wait a week or two until the phase of empty port battles is over, when nations havr taken back what belonged to them pre patch.
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  22. The emphasis lays on PORTS IN DEEP NATIONAL SAFE WATERS (sorry im on my phone and dont know how to use bold on here so im using caps instead. Is not meant as screaming.) Suricato made nice examples of regions in the gulf No pb fleet will 1) ever sail there with their heavy ships nor 2) have enough screeners to counter the other nations home water screeners Oh and I also dont think anyone will sail for 2-3 hours or more just to get to a port battle now that frontlines are way more dynamic as you cant use freeports anymore
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