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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Every one that was part of the EA upon release will get the Pandora ship as a gift. It's some where around the Niagara and Cerberus size in ships.
  2. Is that an MMO? Sorry should of said name one MMO that does so? A flight sim game isn't exactly the same. This isn't a sailing simulator. You can also identify your planes easily in game right? No I"m asking for causal mode...you want hardcore mode than ask for an option to take all that stuff out. We remember what happend the last time we went hard mode on the game. We lost players cause the other 99% of the players didn't want to play hard mode.
  3. Exactly this is a game, name one game that hides the player names, rank and class of char in PvP zones from other players? Even EVE you can see the ship and player name unless they are stealth and even contact said player before engaging in a fight if you want to or of course try to run. Your going off in to the hard core elite side of the game again which is only a small percentage of the player base. Though I did find out one thing I like about the fact there are no names and such. One can not tell what ship is part of the screen fleet or PB fleet as you can't find the known players/clans that will be going to the port battle. SO you have to try to tag every thing in which also can be a very bad thing too.
  4. Yah I'm hoping we can talk them in letting us keep our ship knowledge cause I honestly do not want to grind all these ships out again. The econ stuff I'm fine with rebuilding.
  5. Tomorrow is going to be interesting maybe we will get another teaser of the new UI......OR EVEN THE NEW UI? We can wish right?
  6. I was thinking the same even after we been told a billion time the only thing promised upon release is we will keep our rank/xp/crafting levels.
  7. I'm not sure about capture, but I know you can give it to others and I think you could pre-wipe capture it cause some one gave me a 1 dura Yacht to play around with back when they had 5.
  8. Yacht is a great example of a premium ship. It's basically a cutter with a fancy paint job. They should be just that one ship type with a special paint job and maybe a slight stat change but nothing big and I don't think it should be any big ships. 3rd Rates would prob be the highest they should have so folks don't just buy a premium 1st rate and only use that. Have them where you can redeem then once a week or something like that.
  9. Yah keep the XP/Rank/Crafting and Ship Knowledge and I'll be a very happy camper running around in my lovely Pandora that first couple of weeks.
  10. Is that the one in the Grand Turk area? I think I remember some one finding one in that area.
  11. Month after release won't have broken deleviery missions and other bad mechanics that have been fixed or changed that many of us got rich off of. NOt to mention all the folks AFK that been stock pileing VM's casue they where in a port battle and there nation was top nations or even more all the folks that are currently getting marks for ports they flipped off neutral ports. No the map and every thing needs to be wiped and every one needs to pick new nations if they want and start over with a fresh clean slate. The only way I can see them letting us keep stuff is do a wipe and go into beta right before release (like a month) and let us have a head start. We all singed up for an EA Alpha test of a game, they should honestly had a couple dozen wipes over the last two years but to many cry baby's forget this isn't a released game.
  12. That actually reminds me I need to pop into PVE and redeem some things or move chars.
  13. There has always been talk of a wile at release. It wouldn’t be fair to new players for us to have tons of stuff we got while still working out the game mechanics or bad ones. the only thing safe is Xp and rank.
  14. YOu are a hard core PvP vet not a casual player. Casual players don't get excited about those things, they run and hide. They don't have time to deal with fighting every blob and finding out half of them are friendly. By taking out the names and info we can't make in game alliances.....I mean how many nations where on each side of the Napolian wars? It wasn't just two nations fighting it out with one another. They have basically removed a big part of the game and that is Nation/Clan alliances and deplomate affairs. Yah you might love this but many others don't. Honestly I feel they are listening to the Elite again and forgeting the casuals make up the bulk of the game. Name one game that doesn't show Rank and Name of the other team players in PvP zones? Name one game? Every MMO I been in I can see the rank and name of the player before I start a fight with them including the type of char they have. I might not see the exact build but I know if they are playing this or that class and what there rank is before I engage in a PvP fight with them. Even Eve you can pretty easily get this info on other ships before you engage them in a fight unless they are using something in game to hide it (like stealth).
  15. LOL even for a name change right?
  16. You nation owns ports right next to two of the the zones, so how do you not have resources in that area? Hell if Aves drops that means your nation prob has the best chance out of any of them to be at all them. Here is a little hint, "YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE AT ALL THEM."
  17. You know our pirates have nothing special about them in the game and they are just another nation. I thought wouldn't it be better to rename this ship since all can use it to Privateer Frigate? Than you can do this with other ships that you make refits for. Like the Le Gros Ventre Refit could be Caller Privateer Le Gros Ventre. This giving the ships more of a reason why they are modified version of the main ship. I just never could see the blueish Pirate Frigate really being a Pirate ship. It seems more a role you find a Privateer using it for. Than again what is a Pirate? Just a Privateer without a job.
  18. You know you could always get some one to bring them in and store them for your clan/nation? We did this all the time on GLOBAL and still do it here when we get ready for battles. Why depend on the market that over price things any way?
  19. This is a game not a simulator and I think folks forget that. Name me one game that hides the name of a player and rank when your in PvP zones or arena's? Hell even hides the ships your in? Even eve you can click on a ship/char and get info from them once they come in range. Notice I said click on? I think keeping some data hidden is good, but other info should be able to gain through the spyglass or something before final battle is engaged. Maybe within a certain range the info comes visible, but you can't see the info from large distance in OW.
  20. I get a strong felling this game is going to turn into another POTBS when they went to F2P and buying things....it went to crap and lost the original game focus along with most of it's player base.
  21. Basic cutters should only be able to enter missions it started. They should never be able to join other folks missions. They aren't meant to be used by RA"s to troll like they get used mostly for.
  22. and these should be part of logs that every game out there has.
  23. I was hoping the spyglass would give you more details in game. Though really the only ship we can figure out is the players ship so we have no clue if he has two combat ships or traders in his fleet other than by the BR and that changes every other day right now and most folks don't have an in game BR list. BR should be listed on the ship cards data by the way in port. BR also should be listed in both normal groups and BATTLE groups with battle groups maybe having a total BR listed for the group. We should not be using a bunch of out of game resources for these things which should be part of the game.
  24. Than why don't we have clan logs, we have logs of what we bought in shops and what our battle results are? This has been asked since day one of having clans in games. Every game i ever played that had clans/guilds had logs of who put stuff in the clan and take them out. I get the other stuff about taxation and more tools can take time to add, but logs have been asked for pretty much since day one.
  25. Maybe if his clan stop going to the event sin SOL's in large groups they would get more PVP. I know folks stopped going when they showed up cause all they did was steam roll and ganked every one the other night, but that is a discussion from another thread. You really should put some limits on those events so that the average casuals can play them instead of being steamed rolled by folks in higher tier ships.
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