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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I didn't even notice it was a PB, but good to know, next week....maybe patch, like big big big patch next week? Or just a hotfix? *HINT REQIUN 5TH RATE HOTFIX**
  2. A basic cutter can not start a PvP action against another player, but they can be tagged or join battles.
  3. Well just got home and watched it......well at least they tried and showed?
  4. Well we can always test the rain and fog, if it becomes a problem can always remove it. I mean we are here to test things after all right? Though I do have to say some times the waves/storms where fun. If it takes a server restart than maybe you could do special events....>STORMS ALL WEEKEND< and than let it go back to normal or something, just a thought for the future.
  5. As a former member of one of those BLACKS (GLOBAL) this is why I bring it up. I think it's best to clean slate it and let folks start new. If I wasn't on fast enough to claim a tag than that is my fault. I say let it start clean and new.
  6. Just an off question @admin will clan roster be wipe this time upon release? I know it was an issue the last time. That way folks can use dead clan tags after release if they don’t come back.
  7. Who clicks on the swords? We have folks click on the port buildings as we had folks set battles right on the cross sword. @admin we are just talking about rain/fog not heavy waves right?
  8. Was going to post some of the US guys where talking about this on discord when I left for work.
  9. I don't care what folks say there government was very corrupt too. I been down there many times over the last 10 years for work and for such a bueatifull country it's run buy a bunch of idiots. Though have to say I seen some of the spots where old gold ships shipped out of and where pirates would hit them. Prob one of the thing I'll miss now that I"m not working offshore any more is the trips down there as most of the rigs I serviced our equipment on was in that country or in Africa (don't miss that country).
  10. Yep I put all mine up for sail. If it is a deep water and get no perks it goes to CT market, if it's a shallow water Purple (or my one rare GOLD) it goes in my private bank of back up ships. Send them to the US market, I hear they are need plenty of cheap ships at the rate they go through them. I have prob made over 200 ships in our clan own port and I just got my first GOLD ship last week. A bout a dozen purple ships the rest all blue with or without perks, but than RNG just hates me. I honestly think you should get a bonus if your set up for crafting perks too to give crafters that little bit more edge.
  11. Yah I think you should be able to stack two like mods/knowledge but maybe not three. The problem right now is there is no limit other than the hard caps put in place. Some of the books also fill mulit rolls (and some mods) sop wondering how that will work. I mean 5 Rings gives you 5 things so you won't be able to do any books that are similar? That pretty much kills most of the list. Hay I'm game for trying it, anything is better than the current system. I was noticing that too..>>BOOM<< @admin Until this is put in place though can we maybe get a hard cap added to crew for now? 30% would match up with the other hard caps we have in game all ready.
  12. We have way to many ports with very low BR in the DEEP water. One of the biggest complaints I hear about PB's is when a nation only sends in the same 5-10 guys the other 20 or something get tired of being only screeners. The great thing about shallows is most of them are big enough to get a good number of players in them so more get involved and when you have a larger team you can make up for mistakes or weak links in the team with your numbers. Please take a look at some of the more important ports or at least have the regional capitals with larger BR's. They don't have to be so high you get 25 1st rates in them, but would be nice to get more than a few in them. I also know several players that stopped playing simply cause there is no more big epic 1st rate battles any more, well unless it's in the OW and than it's which nation has the most screeners and don't end up who is the better in the PB.
  13. maybe just put a 30% cap on it like you have with other mods. Right now Shallow ships can get up to 55% more crew with all the mods, knowledge and wood types. With the ship having 100 more crew than any other shallow ship it makes it OP with out the crew mods as Niagara can only get 232 crew. Just make the ship a 5th rate like every one is asking and maybe put a 30% crew stack limit for now until the new mod system is put into game.
  14. I think there needs to be something more than a moral hit for the crew stack. Limit crew stacking to 30% would be one thing and I think for each mod you should get a crew debuff to grape, which might be counter with certain mods that protect from crew damage. Makes me wonder if any one I tired to grape had 5 rings as it gives protection from such and htat could be why it seems i wasn't doing much damage. I'm pull 12's all week so I'm not going to be on much, but if I get some free time over the weekend I"ll test crew damage out. Figure green on green in a test would still show crew damage from grapping. Oh and more great stacking of Requins....a lot of those players that where boreded and didn't have Requin on the US side don't have the DLC content and won't be doing any port battles from now on cause they don't think they should buy a ship to fight Port battles. I wasn't here but man that is a a lot of capture dships and notice they are all none Requin ships other than one? I assume instant board and killed.
  15. Screening is part of the game, the problem is when it's five nations against one and there of those are basically constantly bitching about lack of PvP and RvR but they hardly ever attack each other. Than they cry there is no PvP/RvR....well get off your arse and attack those other guys right next to you in the OW half the time. I wasn't bitching about them getting screened out, I was only pointing out three nations where running around slaughtering US players instead of each other the other night cause they where going for the easy kill. Can't bitch there is no PvP or RvR if your not attacking all sides. I do give the Pirates and Prussians credit they fight each other when they feel like it.
  16. BS the other night US was screened out of the Danish port battle before they even got close by French, Pirates and Prussians. We see it almost every time we try something, three or more nations screening us out of a fight when they don't even try to fight each other. France has one of the largest RvR/PvP force in your time zones.....if you don't got folks to fight than go to anther nation and fight those in your own. I'm sure there isn't much love between WO and UWS? That or stop screening for other nations and kill them too. @Lovec1990 summed it up, ya'll don't want to fight equal fair fights, you want to bash the underdog cause it means you will almost always win. Also instead of econ killing a nation by locking them out of all there good crafting ports you ever thought about giving ports back to let a nation grow and gain some moral and fight back? I mean why not do it the easy way, hell I don't even want to know how many PvP marks some of these guys have from all the farming they do of capitals.
  17. All them Requin sand all those captured ships I assume it was a rage board wet dream. i honestly wasn’t expecting that big of a turn out on the US side with I being that late on a work night, but a lot of those names are guys that rarely do port battles or fairly new or very casual players.
  18. So you made 71 marks. I bet 99% of the US hasn’t even made that many marks in the last few months other than with the patrol mission lol. All the while the guys farming the crap out of them get this prob daily.
  19. I get both side but I think the BRs need to be looked at. Way to many ports with really low BR that would b better to have a higher BR to let a Nation defend it instead of a small elite force or the same 8-10 guys every time. i know a few folks that stop playing cause there are no more big epic 1St rate port battles.
  20. Those other xebecs where also way bigger than this one and had short distance back to home port so didn’t carry a lot of supplies and over stacked the crew for raiding. Much like other pirates did. The one in game was made to be slick and fast to catch raiders. Remember you didn’t have to board that ship just sink it or take it out of commission. im wondering if crew stacks need more penalty tha. Just the -15 moral for hammocks and crew space build. That is 30 to moral but I didn’t see his moral any where close to that low. 5 rings only gives you 6 right? What else they using. With lower moral they should be more effective to boarding if they take a big hit.
  21. @Capn Rocko isn’t RVR actually organized fair PvP and last check screening is PVP too. Hell you don’t even have to flip it. Every time we go to a French port to flip it they come out and smash our fleet so don’t tel me they don’t come out and stop folks. Maybe the EU sit on there arse and let it turn to a PB but haven’t seen the that with any of the ports we have flipped in EU and US prime time owned by a PvP clan. The problem is all the major PvPers Prussian, France, Pirarates hardly attack each other when US is the easier target present. Y’all want to show how good you are come and fight the other guys. Or just Lee getting paid off or locking each other boots. I mean US only stays alive cause it has 50% of the game sales and most new players start out in it or GB.
  22. And you don't think those casuals players just doing some AI missions didn't spend millions on there own ships so they can better kill AI. Remember some folks AI's are actually hard and a challenged still as they aren't expert elite PvPers, but buy your very words your a CAREBEAR. You don't want to take risk on your highly expensive set up so you only club what's easy and has little risk. Sounds like a bunch of cowards excuse why they won't fight each other and the fact they prob actually suck at PvP if they where put up against a real challenge than clubbing a bunch of casuals at the capital ports. Cause lets all be honest that is the reason folks do it. Low risk high reward when they group up and go club. We need to remove that option so they have no other choice but to go PvP each other in PvP hot zones that we can make our selves (we don't need PvP Patrol Zones). Again I'm going to say this, go put hostility on Cart, Ezo, Little Harbour or any other major money making port of a nation and you will get your PvP in not safe zones, but it's cause y'all are lazy and don't want a challenge.
  23. You do know that if say a US and Brit start a fight you both can join opposite sides and fight each other that way?
  24. Why? If a RA wants to PVE than he should. Stop trying to make others play the game your way. We need to keep players not run them off. Low risk low rewards for all. That same RA will on his own come out and PvP on his own if he wish.
  25. Aren’t you in UWS? One of the biggest gankers of the us cost line and exact ones that are toxic lily saying will destroy US until they come out of safe zones? I mean clan. Mates of yours as I never heard you act up in global but some of the other guys. Trying to get some one to escort you doesn’t work when your still out classed an out number by the gankers or sharkers circleing the chun pool.
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