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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. You can turn your map off if that is the game you want to play but for the rest of no thank you. Honestly grids needs to come back to OW map and rough lad/long (drop F11 cords.). I should be tell some one to meet me roughly at these cords and in game not using 3rd party software find me.
  2. I so need to stop posting from my phone. Lol edit it a bit but those would be the things to bring me back to the BLACK
  3. If they restricted to level 2 shipyards as I mention also in the past make all SOL none captrureable except for pirates. If a national captures a SOL it is sent to admiralty and they are paid (like it use to). also turn Mort I to a neutral port/zone all nations/pirates can use. Give pirates Kidd’s Island as there home base. pirates should not be a chargen option. Bring back the old way to become pirates by attacking fellow nation player. Tired of the pirate life use froge papers or delete you char and make a new one. if you remove them from RvR than along with free towns have some ports marked as pirate haven. They can be captured by other nations but no mater who ownes it pirates can use them just like free towns. The trade hub 25 magical ports would prob be great ports to do this with.
  4. You mean a OP ship that should never be in shallow port battles? Doesn't matter if they where getting rekt or not, they WON THE PORT BATTLE. Honestly stop being a sore looser, you lost the port, go get it back later. We are talking about a bad mechanic that needs to be fixed. It doesn't matter if he was chasing them or off taking a piss some where. By him being in the fight and not leaving it keep them out of the port. Why shouldn't they get the safety of the port? They won the BATTLE that ya'll lost. Remember time scale of OW and IN battle isn't the same. When that PB started there was no one out side, that is why you where under man in it. So that means when it ends it should be the same, there was no one out side, but by the time the battle ended an hour and half later there was several Prussians and French sitting out side waiting (who once again refuse to fight each other when in each other presence). If I remember right the Pirates actually had screens, but the force that showed up late was to much for them. How much you want to bet if it was the Prussians trapped in there and the tables turned. He would be all bitching about getting it changed.
  5. but but i must make that one 20K more extra this trip......well geuss what you just made zero cause we sunk all your ships without guns. Never undrstood this. I'll admit I don't run cannons on my trader brigs in fleet cause well they suck and are instant dead any way, but any deep water trader I'll spend that 40-50 cargo space on guns, they might not be the top tier cannons or anything other than mediums, but they gotten me out of a few sticky spots. Nothing like endless AI chaining some one your fighting with your actually Escort ship in the lead or a battle set up trade ships.
  6. Revenge fleets are cause your in enemy waters and well that tends to happen when you go into others waters. A won port battle should be open for the winners. The loosers are lucky it stays open for them until the contested is over. The loosers don't have a chance to go into the port if they are the attackers, no one is saying that is bad, what they want is that if the loosers should be able to go into the port they won and not be trapped between a gank and those still in the PB once the BATTLE IS OVER.
  7. Of course you don't see a problem with it, you had over a dozen ships out side ready to jump them as soon as they came out. BATTLE OVER MEANS BATTLE IS OVER. If they want to fight on there own terms that is fine, but fore every one else it should be over, not run from the one guy that can sink almost all them easly. I watched the stream live it was a dick move, it was even more a dick move coming onto Chris Twitch and telling him that they either leave now and all die or he will stay in until he catches them pretty much and kills them. Sorry man BATTLE OVER SHOULD MEAN BATTLE OVER. It's one thing to finish one last broad side or board action, but to chase the winners (or even loosers) for 15 mins cause they are locked out of a port cause the one guy left won't leave is griefing and a very dickish mood.
  8. Cause this is a game and you need to see the stats of the other players to make fights fair and how to respond. Stop with this stupid hard core stuff cause all they do is drive players away. This is not a historical simulator, it's a game.
  9. That is fine and I don't think it would of been a problem, but in this case Delta was actively going after them to sink them and force them out of the the battle and into a trap where they couldn't enter the port until he left. He was in a Requin and none of them was so he could pretty much instant board/kill any of them he caught after the battle ended. If he got into trouble he could just leave, but none of them could leave cause the port was still locked. If he had said or just went AFK I don't think this would of been as much an issue. I mean watch the screen, he even went onto Chris's twitch and told him pretty much he's not leaving and they will all be killed out side if they leave. @admin Is there a way to make it where after the battle ends no one takes damage? I know this will kill the last second sinks and boards that folks don't leave in, but it might be a way to prevent such griefing from working to force players out when they can't enter a port.
  10. We have pints right now. hello a -white and the special Endymion one we got NYE last year. I still got a bunch of both.
  11. I'm waiting to see how the new UI is, but really we need stuff like what ships every one is in (like the old small groups) and with the new BR changes it should list the BR of the ship and than next to the group leader total BR of the group. @admin with new UI has the groups been cleaned up a bit....maybe a teaser? Though I agree a change leader option would be good for groups too so you don't have to drop the group. It should be auto when group leader is dropped to and goes to next person in group.
  12. Come sail for US for a while and tell me how many nations you have screen you out?
  13. Now a days it’s more the half a dozen nation gank squads showing up to kill one side or the other. You rarely have to worry about the team you just fought it’s every one else and there mother out side picking folks off.
  14. It really should have an option to buy the BP. I like using it for trade hunting in far away waters
  15. Though a PvP red zone on map where agro is over 25% or a lot of PvP is going on (not PvP even zones) that comes up on the map to let you know the hotzones for the day. Maybe let it fade slowly so when areas get inactive it goes away. While a zone is RED you get maybe increase rewards for PvP....something simple like boost to creds and xp.
  16. I think we are down to the last 3 days to redeem it too so make sure you let folks, I know a lot of folks are going to bitch once the redeem expires, but I'm hoping it's a craftable ship for sure.
  17. Check you redeemable, unless your blind you should have the Diana in there just like every one else. As for visible damage other than cannon ball hits it would take up a lot of resources in game that would bog down the game just like seeing cannon recoils and other things that have been left out for a reason. If you ever been in a 25 vs 25 port battle you will know what FPS hit you take, specially when your talking about 1st rates with 100's of cannons. A lot of folks don't see it as all they see right now is open world engagements or small BR port battles.
  18. I think one of the biggest issue is the crew size in the shallows is why folks want it moved to 5th rate and keep out of PB's. If we had a craftable (not a store bought ship) that can match it in boarding of PB's that issue would be taken care of. Though I would really wish they bring back paints for us cause this game does get bland with half the ships looking alike. With paints I would like to see maybe sail design changes with some of them so every thing isn't white. I love how the red sails pop out on the screen and makes the ship very noticeable. I can tell a red sails from a long distance. Would be nice if we had a few other refits like that. Maybe a blacked out Indiman refit would be cool.
  19. I got some good history with POTBS.....I remember when it went to crap (in most of our view when it went to F2P) some Russians said, "We play this new game, you should come try it out. You kill each other and much fun." Next thing I was hooked on WoT tanks from BETA stage of testing. Couple years later I'm getting burned out on that and some Russians say, "You try this new game, It's ships you will love it." I been hooked on NA since it came out of sea trials. I would still pop into POTBS from time to time just to check it out. I kinda lost intest when it went to F2P and most of my old stuff became obsolete cause you had to buy new BP's and stuff to match the new changes. I hope this game never becomes like that, though I'll be honest there is another game that is coming up that will switch a lot of us over if it ever gets close to finished. It's not a sea navy game, but it has ships and such. Unless NA gets off there butts and finsih the main part of this game it's going to slowly fall behind times. THe one thing I couldn't stand about POTBS when I logged back into it is how cheesy the game looks now a days. Yah you had sea battles, avcom fights and such, but the game is so out dated now. I'm affraid that might happen with NA in a few years. Hopefully they can get this big patch released soon and than the game released and keep it going. I have to much invested in this game (5 chars with almost all DLC on all them) to just drop the game and give it up. So I'll be here being a pain the Devs butt for a good while. #WHENSEPTEMBERENDS DISCLAIMER: RUSSIANS COULD OF BEEN UKRAINE'S TOO.
  20. Sorry to hear this, does he still stream? ya'll can name and shame him there too. I'll be hones this is why I have always had a second clan/crafter clan that keeps most of the very expensive stuff in it with very few clan members/officers allowed to touch things. If ya'll need anything we can help with in game let us know even though I won't be on much this weekend with RL things going on. They also need to have levels of officers. Like junior officers can take items out but not touch the money. Are have certain things open for a rank. Like they can only pull out repairs but not mats.
  21. Are how about they give you a safe zone to play in and we just merge the servers if you want RvR than you can just come out and play with the big boys if that is what you want in the game. They never promised a PvE server that was just something they did to be nice to a few players. I honestly think they should just turn the whole GoM into a PvE zone like they mentioned before. If you want to be part of the safe/PvE nations you play French or Spain (maybe even US). Though you still have an option to go to the capital and play on the PvP part of the server. Just make the PvE zones low rewards and keep the PvP contents/rewars in the PvP friendly zones. They just don't have the man power to work for content that is enough to make two servers a PvE/PvP server (main one) and the PvE only server and keep the population and players happy.
  22. That is actually against rules. Though I hardly report them unless they get pissy about when I tell them it's actually against the rules so they might want to change the topic. 4. Discussion of real life religion and politics is prohibited. And the reason why is to many folks get butt hurt when you bring up those two topics.
  23. I seen a lot of really bad PvPers maxed rank. I seen a good number of new players that are great at PvP (most played other games like this) and can kill most of those RA's at a very low level as they ranked up. I wasn't even RA when I got my second char and I remember getting a tag on a British Bucc with my Spanish alt (only just made rank to fill a Rattlesnake). Some pirates jumped in and I helped them get the Bucc by keeping him in the fight until they caught up and I worked his sails and his stern. Got my first PvP kill/assit with that char and they gave him the Bucc. Remember I wasn't even RA on my main char yet. That fight gave me a rank and half from it. It was mostly I knew the basic's of the game and was able to do well in the fight. Other players can come on and not have any alts and do the same. PvP flags can be abused so limiting PvP to oinly certain rank or above. We tested the PvP flag I think and it was to easy abused, just like why other games don't have them. As for a starting PvE only part of game is to much extra coding unless they open up the other side of the map. It's best to just give the easy mode nations a safe zones folks can play in if they don't want to PvP that day or ever. Just keep the rewards low and all the good stuff out side of it.
  24. I get your point and I have mention before making in game polls for certain things would be a good way to get feed back.
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