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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. No one is asking for a RED DOT 'I'M HERE' but I'm sure some wouldn't mind that. You can have a GPS red dot and still do the same, just dont' type 'M' and look at the map. I mean how hard is it if you don't want to use a feature to just do that, not use it? That is why I suggested bring back the grids on the maps and give folks Long/Lat so they can look at the map and find out roughly where they where at. You do know they had smaller scale maps of the areas too, that was prob just a large scale general map. Some one that sailed a lot around a certain areas would have things such as coast line, reefs and other hazards or markings mapped out for there travels. Remember the movie and I assume they did the same in the book of "Master and Commander" how they pulled the charts and said these ares are to shallow for the larger ship to follow? They had a bunch of charts of that area cause they traveled in them a lot or other ships have and mapped it out all ready. As for assuming what players want or dont, you might of loved getting lost when you started. I hated it, it locked most of us that I played with to hugging the coast line all the time like we where greek/viking sailors or something. Even they had better means to navigate in this game than we had back than. The only good thing is if you got lost off the coast of US is you just head West until you hit land and than north until you found what port your closes too. That all the while hoping to not get jumped by the tons of players all over the place as the game was over populated and you couldn't piss off the side of your ship without getting jumped by half a dozen nations while only in your basic cutter. I died over 22 times before I even made it off the US coast and explored the shallows....that was just trying to do misisons to level up into a snow and get off the coast. It was not a fun experience at all for me so stop thinking it was for every one else. We are looking at things to make the game good for all players. You don't like a feature, than don't use it.
  2. But they could still fire broad side at each others. I know we have the board actions, but maybe is there a way we could still fire our cannons while in boarding so that it can be also very devastating to pull some one if your a smaller ship you could be sunk by the broad sides or even loose sail/mast/crew depending what was loaded into the cannons. I think this would make trying to rage board certain ships a very very very risky act. Specially when we are talking about say a fir/fir rage boarder vs a LO/WO SOL Maybe when you board there is rigging damage if you disengage to both ships. Though I agree ramming needs more hazards like leaks and damage as I seen to many folks ram (in Requins) and it does nothing to them or the effects or so little they get over it quickly. Even if the leaks are small and slow, but it makes it a hazard to who ever did the ramming. It will get here when it gets here, remember your words over and over to me..... #WHENSEPTEMBERENDS With that if it doesn't come in the next two weeks we better get some chest of paints. Hell I still think we all should get a chest of paints just for the long wait we been having. #WHYNOPAINTSINGAME?
  3. Remember also that when that patch drops there is going to be a mod stacking changes too so your not going to have guys with 50 board fit mods either. You will have to pick and choise the ones you combine with other things.
  4. I know I think I'm one of the few who has ever escaped a board fit Requin pull in a Naigara. 300+ crew vs my 170 and I was able to escape with 90 crew left, but I was running barricades (what most folks don't use), axes and 5rings. I call it my anti board set up as I used it many times to be pulled, but hold the rageboarding while teammates sink them. Than release them just as they are into the structure and taking on water. Like I said we will test this, I actually do a lot of boarding myself in fights even against AI (it some times make the fights shorter if you know what your doing). Just get that big patch done with and in game please. #WHENSEPTEMBERENDS
  5. This now makes me wonder how many folks started to bitch about the anti board pit move. I done this a lot in the past with AI and players before the Requin over crew crap happen. I have pulled ships in fight or let myself get pulled in my Mortar brig in the shallows. Only they didn't know I was running barricades and axes on the ship. I'll let the other ships on my team core them out and than I disengage to watch them sink as I take off. Guess that option is going to be more limited now, or you have to get your speed slow so others can us the move and sink them.
  6. You mean if you do a broadside in boarding it actually fires your cannons into the other ship? That would be kinda interesting as there was times when during boarding they tried to sink the other ship by firing into it at point blank. I'll wait and see how this turns out, but i get a feeling there is going to be way more rage boarding. It seems most of the fights i been in lately have been nothing but Vets rageboarding the crap out of others. I still think DD should been tied to board prep, but this just means we have the board mechanics AI uses, they won't pull you unless they have more crew.
  7. By having you actually look up the Long/Lat on the in game map to figure your location instead of a red dot saying "I'm Here" is like the meeting grounds between the folks that want a dot and the folks that want every one to be master navigators. long long time ago even when we had cords I got plenty lost, but cause i was a US player back than we all knew turn west and you will hit land and than go north until you find a port and than you will know where you are. It's not about us old timers, it's about the new players. I got guys that can't even figure how to get a couple ports over until you point out it's north or south of the port they are in. Right now the only folks that have that are us old vets and folks using 3rd party info to get those. Is that fair to the new players that have no clue about that? Every one should have the same info in game they can use. Just don't make it accurate and they can't pen point the location. That why I said have a grid map and give the long/lat on the side and you have to figure your self where that is not just look at a dot on the map. Yah keep the distance in port, but not at sea. Though it is handy cause they would know the distance from location to the distance of a port during this time if they weren't off course. So maybe just drop the F11 cords from player view (it can still show up on devs logs) and put the cords and grids back on the map. Keep the protracter though. Wasn't the old squares on the map grid something like 25km from one line to the next? Vets that know how to use F11 and third party maps do that any way. Though honestly I don't think I heard some one call out cords other than for epic locations in ages cause most of the battles are along the coast line and we can just say, "The cove north or south of CT that the french/prussian/pirates hide in."
  8. That why I mention bring back the grid and give them a rough cords so it’s not exact but close. 25km squares where still pretty big when we had them. Just not red dot on the map saying I’m here. They still have to look at the map and see what we that long/lat crossed
  9. Your going to have the egos in any game but when you look at other games with faction RvR type play they keep it down to a low number. Right now we have way to many nations a and most of them wasn’t even a port or even ever was in this area of the game and time it covers. Shrink the RvR nations to: Dutch France GB Spanish US That is the 5 nations that where powers or growing powers in this time period. Than make pirates an in game option (no chargen) that you can become that is PvP and only or give them the impossible nation rules. If you get tired of being a pirate delete your chat or use forge papers to go back to a nation.
  10. They need to brin the grid back to the map and rough cords of where you are. Wasn’t each square 25km? You have them off by 5-10 or even to the nearest 25km. I should be able to tell folks to meet me at this long /lat roughly and they should be able to find it by looking at the map and tracing those cords. It’s up to them to get close to it through in game navigation. if you don’t like those options than turn them off. Most of us Vets know the in game map so well we don’t need those things but new players that haven’t been playing the game for 2 years need some way to find out where they are. No one asked for pin point gps which we have with F11 and third party apps. It’s not fair to the casuals and new players that don’t know about these things.
  11. Cause 5th rates is mid tiers, you get into them when you make Master Coms (actually can get into them at Lt Com but undercrewed). Name one capital that is in the shallows so why would folks grind up 6/7th rates at a capital. And who are you to say capitals are for noobs? Maybe Casuals like it and they want to grind at the capital. It's not your place to tell them how to play there game they paid for. We want more players, ,we want a fun game for all right? And all I see you and a few others ask for is to push players out into the PvP where they might not want to be all the time. That has never worked and won't work in the future if you want a decent player base. #WHENSEPTEMBERENDS
  12. Than enjoy a dead server like we have now....you will never have 1000+ players if you don't attract casuals....... Really with folks like your self and some others I should just start telling folks to stop playing this game unless they are a HARDCORE PVPER, let the sheep die and see what the wolves have after that. Maybe it's time for me to finally make them reviews about this game. "DON'T PLAY IT THEY DON'T WANT CASUALS, JUST SHEEP TO FARM ALL DAY TO GET EASY KILLS." hello kitty this I'm honestly tired of even trying to fight for the majority of the players that are the 90% that don't get on the forums. Lets just make it a HARDCORE PVP only game and see how long that last. Also @admin and the game devs views have changed over time, posting something they said 6 months ago doesn't mean that is there view of the game right now, but if ya'll are happy with 100-400 players max than go a head and don't try to get casuals to stay in game and see how much longer this stupid game last. Might as well just pull the plug on it now cause without those casuals you will not have a player base and you will just have NA:L and how did that do again?
  13. It's not alt farming it's still farming. Ok let me make this simple for you. "Your US right?" "I'm Spain." I contact you and say, "Want to farm PvP?" We meet at a location and we kill each other on the hour every hour in cheap store bought ships. That is how you farm PvP marks and other things. We have caught more folks solo chars farming marks than we have caught Alts being farmed so game mechanics can be abused by just about any one, it has nothing to do with alts or not. Actually this way of farming would be way easier to do than alt farming. Cause if you get a group together you can switch out the names of who gets what kills so there isn't as much of a pattern. Any thing that you would call alt abuse can be done by solo players too. I have 5 accounts and I have never abused my accounts (well on testbed I abused the crap out of them, but that was for testing.) So just saying cause some one has alts they are cheating and abusing the game. I'm doing nothing that a small clan of 5-10 players can't do with a little organization and solo accounts. I'm just a bit more organized about it than they are. CAUSE THEY WON"T MAKE MORE MONEY HAVING MULIT ACCOUNTS ON ONE GAME. And this day and age specially for an INDY company it's all about the amount of money you can squize out of a game. Many games have gone away with the multi chars to only a few and than if you want more you have to buy (with real money) more char slots or copies of the game. Funny thing is all my chars (4 of them) that wasn't my first I didn't pay more than 20 bucks for cause I bought them on sale. Never pay full price for things you can catch on sale. Most of the folks that get caught abusing alts tend to get caught doing other shady things against the rules, it has nothing to do with the alts, it has to do with the players themselves. Normally a cheater is going to cheat no matter if they have alts or not. Alts just make it easier to catch them doing so.
  14. How is my suggestion about making 5th rates the tier they are center agains? Remember @admin said the missions and rewards will be tiered by location. Out side the safe zones it will be better rewards. Why shouldn't some one fight 5th rates in and around the capital? It's the most common ships in game or should be and folks would be using it way more than 6-7th rates around capital waters. I'm looking at this from the casuals point of view and what feed back I gotten about missions. #WHENSEPTEMBERENDS I like giving missions more complex and hardness. Maybe have the higher STAR ones be 2-3 ships instead of 1 ship at start and than add one per person. That way a solo player can get a small fleet to fight. This would work great if you allow them to bring one tier up ships too. So if I'm doing a 5th rate mission out side of capital waters (out of the safe zone), but i bring a Connie (4th rate) I get 2-3 5th rates, some one else joins and it goes up 1, and keeps going up as others join. They can be in 4th rates or below, but since it's a 5th rate missions it will only spawn max 5th rates. This will allow for casuals to grind a bit easier and others that want the better reward/pay out will bring same tier ships or lower. You will never stop idiots that abuse the system, and they don't have to have alts. Two players with zero alts can farm each other too. That is why we have a combat system in game so if we notice certain folks getting kills when you never see them in PvP it can be fishy.
  15. I can tell the guys that don't trade, cause the ports are already like this. No one makes money off trade goods inside the zones. US zones gives mainly US goods which you get little to no profits off at the capitial. You have to pick up goods out side the zone and bring them in to make any money. Also forcing traders out side the zone is never going to give them more sheep to hunt. As @Christendom puts it low risk low profit goods should still be in the zones for those that need to make a little cash, if you want to make the big bucks you have to go out side the zone, which is pretty much how it is at this time in game, but can be tweeked a bit more.
  16. @admin looks good but I would make the mission ranges like 7th-5th rate 5th-3rd rate 5th-1st rate That way 5th rate ships which should be the norm can be done any where. Also either take off the rate restriction or allow one rate above the mission. This to help the casuals and well lazy folks. Just have the mission spawn in what the max level is. Hoping those chest will have chance at some paints
  17. DD should only be activat d if you have your board prep going since it reps having crew ready to repeal a boarding attack. just like I think repairs should only happen while in battle sails or below. This silly going full sails repairs and rage boarding with ships like the Requin shouldn’t happen. Just like you need to slow down to board you should slow down to repair properly. At worse full sails gives you only 50% of your repair. I would also like to test musket area around ships. This should only be effective by number of muskets your ships carry based or with mods. Make it only 50m range so it’s a danger to small ships side scraping and two ships that might be prepping to board one anouther.
  18. No where it states having alts is cheating. Many games allow multi chars and multi accounts. Now what you do with them is what abuses the rules. A player with one account can cheat and abuse the rules just as easily as some one with 5-10 chars.
  19. Ok I’m going to say this very slow. There is no diplomacy in game either. Oh wait clans and nations can make there own. Just like pirates can act as Privateers for one nation or anouther are just be criminals to all. It’s called freedom of a sanbox. Just cause there is no physical LoM I game doesn’t mean folks can’t work for nationals and RP as one. Most privateers in history turned to piracy when there was no more wars. Why change from doing something your good at? I always wonder how many of the folks that make suggestions ever actually played pirates or leaves there port once in a while. Most of us marking hard core sugggestion have played or currently playing pirates.
  20. Toss in the gunboat and/or some paints and I’m onboard. I would hope they do this simply for the knowledge slots I hate to have to regrind. Than they can than use the old model for a generic heavy frigate that folks can buy with combat marks or craft.
  21. And who says they are outlaws to all? You? Didn’t know you commanded how every one plays the game. If some one wants to hire out a pirate/clan they should be able too. Pirates can join either side of that engagement. Some might join both cause of national alligiece/clans. Though a third option would be nice turning the fight into a FFA but those got abused to much mainly by none pirates using pirate alts. againill repeat many famous pirates where privateers even while some nations saw them as pirates. Some held letters for multi nations. Other might fight for one nation and than later fight for anouther. The only thing that didn’t make them a pirate was that letter giving them permissions to do so. So why should t pirates in game choose who they want to help or not? Any nation can still attack them in open world.
  22. I don't agree with this, you know what a Pirate is? It's a Privateer that doesn't have a job. Just about ever Privateer was seen as a pirate to the other nation. It just happened to had permission to do the pirating from one or more Nations. So why shouldn't I join a side and help them?
  23. You never balance something according to the elites/pro's...you balance it to the majority of the players. If they can't beat it than it's going to be Op when in certain hands. I think the majority of us have agreed the best temp fix is to move it up to 5th Rate and than it will be limited on certain things and not in shallow PB's. Once that is done we can better balance it. I'm fine with it's states as a 5th rate that would make it the glass cannon trade raider it's suppose to be where folks only have to worry about it in the OW. The ship doesn't need to be nerfed to death, but I don't know why they are taking so long to put it back to 5th rate status it had from start. It was a simple hotfix for the Hercules to be moved back and it got balanced out with that move. I would prefer them go back and balance some of the older ships a bit that our way out dated. I would also like to see a new shock type for light ships and below that get broad sided by a SOL so they can't just tank it like most do now. If one broad side takes you into your structure than you should go into some type of shock not just pull away and run to repair.
  24. Just make it a generic frigate that folks can buy for CM's
  25. We got folks that can barely pay att nation to the green and red on the mini map and you think it’s smart to take that away? I can just see friendly fire going through the roof and all the complaints.
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