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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Actually control is free if you leave your chasers off or have a ship like the Reno so what is your point? It gives no combat advantage other than knowing your not lost as hell. They are all ready going to be down one combat perk just taking it.
  2. Why do they have to hug the land? Not every one wants fights, a smart sailor would take an out of way route. I do it all the time without F11 and new perk, but I been playing this game for 3 years so I know pretty much the whole map in most places I sail in. They are all ready giving up a combat perk for a 2 pt perk that won't help them in combat. Most folks that will take this perk are folks that prob take more than one fleet too and have even less combat perks. Stop trying to make game harder for others just cause you want to play the game your way. Again I'll post this old screen shot of cords and grid....yes you see the grids on there. You can see I'm some where close to 67.50,32.50 portion of the map, but my actual location is 69.82, 31.54. The grids are every .25 or .50 If I remember right. So lets just give the cords to rounded up. So instead you will get 69.8, 31.5 (I rounded off). So I can get I'm in a general location but not the exact location or only give the .in .25/.50 not exact locations. This would be more real in how they navigated back than. They didn't get a perfect location but some of them could be pretty spot on too. You adjust your course as you get better updated info if your Navigator wasn't half an idiot. ....yes those are KiDD's Island cords for any wondering. As for those that don't want grids and cords, just make an option in the game controls to click so it doesn't show it. Than you play hard core mode all you want.
  3. Did you ever get a Christian? I got one on one of those accounts.
  4. I assume upon release that will be reset and you will have to do them over again to get the rewards. Yes we are in the past we had PvP1 and PvP2 servers and with them combine we had way more than now. We are looking at PvP2 numbers right now. This would be the best time to do a wipe for testing. If you don’t want your rank don’t redeem it, but we all get to keep that any way upon reease. Many of us are sitting on so much resources we don’t need to use the Econ or do trade runs. So to best test the crafting and trade lol old stuff needs to be wiped. we are Alpha testers after all so why not let us test things give proper feed back and get this game released. It’s not like every thing is going to be wiped in a few months any way right @admin? Any update on planed released of game?
  5. I know every one hates the words wipe no matter when and how it's mention but we are at a all time low on the game player wise and with holidays and new year maybe it's time to do a soft wipe. This way we can test the econ without having stock piles of goods. I got so much stuff saved up right now from old system I can craft ships for days and not run out of anything but the crafting woods for certain builds. Maybe it's time to make this game officially BETA. Do a soft wipe, give some nifty prize (The Pandora) let use test thing on a clean slate until game released. Than folks won't be so upset when the finally wipe comes as they aren't sitting on over a year worth of stuff. You can even do like you did on test and offer a few notes of certain ships for those that activity stick around and test things until release. We can keep the PvE server the same so as not to upset folks that just want to PvE and play with AI.
  6. Well you picked those nations, if your going have problem doing trade with nations that weren't even active in this time or had influence than well maybe pick something like Spain or France instead. I mean they are called HARD CORE NATIONS for a reason. Better yet can we just drop these and go back to actual nations that had historical presence during the time the game is based? Other wise going to be something interesting for any of the traders that might come back. I think it's nice change to come, but we need a wipe and test things fresh to be honest. Maybe we can get our numbers above 100-300 players in prime time..?
  7. Any one got a screen shot of the old cords? I’ll find one as I know I had kids for ages so I can show what they use to look like. we could maybe lost 69.8,31.5 as it will give a close reading but not gps accurate
  8. Even when we had cords on map and grids you could only see out side battle on ow. I think we all agree F11 should go pretty much. What we want is the means to navigate in game with use of proper map grid and long/lat cords. Yes some one could call out there cords but keep them none accurate (F11 is exact location). Drop a decimal off the cords so you could be any where in the nearest 10-20km of that location.
  9. Two differ thing. Perk is a god dot. Map and cords you still have to check you long and than you lat and hope you got it right. Just you would with a map real life. You don’t want to do that than don’t do it. If you want a GPS dot than get the perk. Here the thing most of us don’t realy need these things cause we been playing the game 2+ year and know most areas like the back of our hands. I mean I got over 9k hours in this game many of you have 1k or more hours and that is a lot. It new players and casuals don’t play that much and we need tools to encourage them to get out explore and stay and play.
  10. He’s talking about the revenge fleet that will sit out side the battle until it’s over. Most time when I see this is folks tanking newbs and trade ships in green zones and try to run when it gets to hot. You don’t want a gank fleet than hunt some where safer.
  11. You mean the same gank fleets that do it any way off the F11 and use 3rd part apps to know exactly where they are. New players and casuals don’t use these but why should we have to use a 3rd party map for things that should be in game. The old cords was never exact that you would find something. Just like Real life not every one is good at directions and navigation. Give me lag and long and map and I might find where I need to be 9 times out of 10. Most revenge gank fleets don’t need cords to find a battle right out side a port.
  12. You are assuming we will have more tutorial tha. We have now. Never assume any thing. Though a proper first mission tutorial would be nice for new players but this game does kinda throw folks out into the fire. This is even if the perk system stays around as it is an out dated system that needs updating with the rest of the current game mechanics.
  13. And even the cords don’t have to be accurate. As long as we can look at the map and figure the general area we are in.
  14. Both these should be effective ways to control how many of these ships are redeemed and where. They should never be an instant ship any where. Hell can you redeem them in an enemy port? They really shot them selve in the foot by listing to much detail. I thought ever 48 hours would make more since as the yacht is every 24. Bring in a 4th rate and make it every 72 hours. The way around this is they make them limited ships deal for current backers. Change the sales and repost up what the new ones are and leave things like redeemable open to be adjusted. Or just make those ships craftable too and not locked behind stupid reward chance RNG to get the BP. Like all backers get the BP free but after release you have to buy the dlc or buy a ship in game from a backer that crafted. Crafter bought ships can be traded and keep. the other thing is limit what they get from the note. All notes are 3/5 only with chance of perks. Same for all crafter ships in non captured ports. The only way to get a 4/5 or 5/5 ship is crafting in a clan owned port. Make it so ceafted ships are always worth more no matter what.
  15. I haven’t been able to check game since the other day before posted this (12 hour shifts before holidays). I know the frame limiter doesn’t work in port as I was getting 147 in port while on anouther acreen rock solid 69fps (with ow limited at 60). I might take the limiter off in battle. Open world was felling real choppy water wise though before patch and game as a whole. I’ll compare this morning when I get off work and post. I7 8700K CPU 32G RAM SSD drives for OS and games RTX 2080 game on max stettings. (Was running on an old gaming laptop with a 980m but using a graphic amplifier w 980 and can tell changes big time while that ran game fun just not multi copies.)
  16. It has nothing about my views or yours. It’s what best for the game and the majority of the players. I thing wrong with how /you/ play the game or how I play as that is the greatness of the open sandbox world. i called you that cause look at the last page and all your short one sentence post. If it’s not your way of play style you tend to post a certain way against it. Thinking about mainly only yourself and not the game as a whole. having grids and cords and making the game easier over all does not effect your play style. If we can make the game easier for the majority they stick around and we have more players to play and fight with. No one is saying give every one the easy button. Keep the FPS a perk for those that want it but give every one else the resources they should have as naval captains during this game period. Charts/maps and means to find lat long cords on the map. PS I’m an asshole so nothing wrong with being a prick too.
  17. Some folks want simple so keep the GPS a perk, but every one should have the optoin of Map with cords and grids on it. That way we can look at the map and plan things out our self or figure where we are. If you suck at reading long/lat than you will still get lost as it's based off human error and skill and not just magically given to you the location on the map like the perk does. Most the time if it was a gank we just say it's out side this port or NW of it or something, you rarely hear folks use cords any more unless we are setting up on top of some one to gank them when they get out of a battle. the way to fix this is not give accurate Long/Lat so your in a general area not exact cords. F11 gives to accurate details of location and that is how you fix that is not give the exact location, but a general location of the area your in and than folks still have to look at the map, do a cross referance of the Long and Lat and hope they are in the right area off that. Keep the GPS dot as a perk for those that want it, just means they are less one perk out of 5 that could go towards combat perks. You now it will be mostly traders, new players and casuals using it as it takes up combat perks slots. It's like when you see the guy with 4 ships, you know he has no other slots and prob going to suck at combat as half the time they never put cannons on the trade ships either. That's his fault for taking those perks. Had one that was the book for stay sails, a few of the ones to make french gunnery and one other mats. It was a bottle i had open for weeks now and havne't went to get cause it was out of the way.
  18. A perk point he prob use for something else if he doen't know about that option. Last I checked they had maps, chats and means to get Long and Lat back than so why do we not have these simple things in game. Yes he can use 2 perk points to get GPS, but every one should have map with grids on it and a means to chart, and find there cords. It's not 100% (cause I suck at reading lag/long as do others) but it's something every one should have. You don't want them than don't FREAKING USE THEM.....it's that simple. Just like double ball and shot should be like chain. Every one should have them auto ever battle and they should be limited and not a perk. The perk system really needs to be revamped and the crafting perks should be tied to crafting not your combat rank. Maybe do a tier thing that you get certain perks at certain levels as you level up. Than they could have slots where you pick certain perks. Lets say give the ammo ones free, but you have 5 slots and you pick certian other things for your char. For crafting the Light ship master should be given to you when you hit rank to craft the next tier ships. So when you can craft frigates you get light ship master, when you can craft SOL you get Frigate ship master. When you reach level 50 you should get Royal Shipbuilder. Lets make the ranks mean something instead of just a number type of thing. Remember back when every one wanted to be level 50 crafter so they can make MC mods and ships....now it means pretty much nothing. Dude your starting to be a prick, just cause it's not your game style doesn't mean it's not for every one else. Not every one and in fact the majority of the players do not want to play your hard style life, they want to enjoy a game and have fun too. I remember spending most my time lost and hating this game at the start. I would only log in to check new patches out cause 9 times out of 10 I was killed in my basic cutter before I got to my missions by pricks that think this game should be hard core or the 10th time I was so lost I had no clue where I was I either had to sail west or use the tow to port option. If I was just some normal player and not think of this as a game in development I would of just raged quite and never looked back. We have a terrible retention rate of new players and we need to fix that. That is why we are sitting on what 100-300 players on average right now in game. If you want an empty game than just keep on that mind set and you will have an empty game.
  19. I think grids and a rough cords would be good for most players like we had just before it was removed. Than leave the perks for those that want gps
  20. It's part of the perk, you don't like it don't get the perk. We didn't ask for a dot either, think it's funny most every one ask for return of grid and cords and we get a GPS dot with a two point perk. Have you ever read a map and found your cords in Real Life? That isn't JPS. So stop thinking giving some one a map with cords and having to find where they are on that map is GPS. GPS is a dot that tells, "THIS IS WHERE YOU ARE." Which is what we have with the perk. We should still get cords and grip on the map for the folks that don't need a dot to tell them exactly where they are. I don't mind the perk for those players that don't know how to read a map and figure out cords, but for the rest of us we should get a grid on the map and be able to get our Long/Lats to figure out where we are. Not to mention I should be able to tell you meet me at this point, you look up on the map and if you got it right we should be close to each other on the map in that point. If your off than well one of us sucks at Navigation than. @admin What is the status of the Pandora? If we aren't getting it early you should make a comment of that on the patch notes. I think there is a bit of a miss understanding as a lot of folks was expecting to get it since it was mention on the post and the pre-patch post.
  21. I just went around Crown, Turtle and back to Marsh to drop off this loot and it was on the whole time. It seemed pretty accurate for the path I just took above with it. While not a dot, it's that white ship on top of marsh as I was sitting in the harbour in front of the port when I took that screen shot.
  22. So I'm testing the new perk.....It's a GPS dot. As you can see I'm sitting right out side Marsh Harbor........I still think putting the lat/long back on the map as grids and giving some one the Lag/Long is better, cause that was actually what folks had to do back then would read a map. I get this can be for new players but I honestly would jsut prefer the cords be on top and we have grids on map.
  23. I was just about to post this that we should have a Language forum section for folks that want to convert over to certian languages and have it where the files can be link with directions of how to use them and set it up. I'm going to bet by allowing players to translate some of the none official languages they will get translated pretty fast might even get the official ones done fast too until they can be officially checked and confirmed. I was thinking of looking at it to change some of the English words depending how it's set up so that some of the mods and stuff have a more easier understanding of what they are/do lol
  24. Yes the shape of the hull can effect thickness and penetration along with the angle of the shot.
  25. Uh why is this on the list if it's not in game...grrrrrrrrr. My game broken ok going back to something else now.... Disclaimer: If the Pandora wasn't ready for game should make not of it.
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