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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. If your in a port that isn't changing than you are safe. The ones moving locations will swap your stuff, but not your buildings. They will be destroyed and credits given for there cost to build. If the port is not a free town or moving but it's currently your nation and will change to a new nation of that region you will have to move them before hand or use a trader to get your ships out. So make sure any none freeports you have stuff in is going to belong to your nation after the patch or move your items.
  2. I thought a nice PC way to do Whalers and Slaver ships is just to make them NPC's and you get contracts or rewards for taking them out. As for the type of ships they can bring some exploration ships in and that could be one way to get them (one dura ships) or if you do a reward point system you can get enough points after sinking so many to get the BP for that type of ship. That way they won't piss off any of the PC folks as your stopping such actions not encouraging them.
  3. This could be a cool way to introduce new ships like they are planing the two current new ones and well even have folks get there hands on the rare BP ships that can't be broken down. Making special ships that are 1 dura so they are even more rare. That reminds me I need get a new Aggmommon built soon for a special build project. I would like to see something with a large cargo hold and a bit more guns. Some more like and exploration ship that would also do good on raids. Yah we have two ships that carry guns, but I'm thinking like half the cargo and a bit more gun. Not the same space as the smaller cargo of the war/Navel ships.
  4. Even if they go to a 1 dura system I think they should be all craftable or obtainable and than perm once you put on a ship. When you capture a ship you get those mods with the ship and if you want to change them (REFIT THE SHIP) than you have to destroy them and put your new mods on the refitted ship. Hell even multi dura ships I think should be perm mods that stay with the ship.
  5. ad ho·mi·nem ˌad ˈhämənəm/ adverb & adjective 1. (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining. "vicious ad hominem attacks" Calling the kettle black your post has nothing to do with the topic of this discussion and is actually a personnel attack. Maybe you should go see the furom rules before you post. I take it we have sunk you or didn't allow you to play with us or something? This is an open disccussion about the new mechanics and well that is what we are doing. It's not what you are doing. 10 post in what two months of being on here? Seems you would use those more like your other 9 post and be more productive and help the game or give your views to make it a better one like you have in your other post.
  6. I like this, really wish folks would stop teaming against pirates and fight each other. With the new mechanics we are really looking forward to fight for one nation or the other when being contested in regions or just killing them all. I don't think the nationals understand just how much us Pirates can be a thorn in a side. When all the nations aren't fighting each other it kinda gets a bit boring if your not in the middle of all the fighting.
  7. While BLACK is know for being elitist arse, but I'll help out any baby pirate in Nation chat or if they want to run with us in battle. We need to help them grow up to be good big rats too. Hell I have given free ships to folks that showed up and fought even if they where way out classed (low level). It's the best way to learn in my book. It's also one of the fastest ways to make rank and gold is by PvP and Port Battles.
  8. I would love to see more french and I been seeing more of them in global. I think I have only sunk one in all my months in this game. Ya'll should really take back the US south coast area when the new patch comes out and hold it strong. I will add as a pirate I will be very happy to help screen that area for yall if any one tries to agro it.. I would do that down south, but that is just way to far away in your little french corner of the world lol
  9. I remember back in my early days before I was part of any clans and still playing on EU (I switched to US PvP2 when they split the EU server). I was called a spy/traitor basically cause I had asked about how to understand and get involved in port battles and had no clue how to read the conquest/map stuff about Port Battles and flags. The old time US players where very toxic towards new players. So I moved to PvP2 expecting a better expiernce. Well I got little to know help for the most part and it wasn't until I grounded out another level or two that some one help make me a surprise (thanks Speedfreek for doing so for only the mats needed). I was getting the same feeling of how old timers just didn't care about new players as I was once again trying to get involved into the port battle and PvP stuff. At this time I had been a casual player only poping in after patches to check things out for a few days or week before waiting until the next patch. An old clan mate from another game got me to join UNKN and had a good time cause that small clan was very helpful with new players. We would take folks out and show them the ropes, it's why we grew so fast there at the end of our US time. Once again we started to get a very toxic feeling from older US players involving port battles and them not wanting to help or bring lower level/basic ships with no mods or running in every fight after one or two sunk. That is why we switched to pirates to work with a very organized groups. It's why Pirates do so much damage with so small of a nation and yes we are smaller than US or Brits, but we are better organized and help newer players out. I have even gone out of my way and helped new players in other nations. I try to keep friendly to them in global and give out info to help them cause we where once Newbies.....ALL OF US WAS AT ONE TIME. Hell I felt so bad in a battle where I had been tag by some low level brits that got the balls up to come out and play with us in front of KPR. I got one stuck in irons and he just couldn't get out of it so we stop firing at him and talked him through how to get out of irons and manual sale. He said thanks and learned more from that one fight with us than he had learned from any brit. That should not be the case that the folks your fighting are teaching you more than the nation you belong to. Yah we learn from fights, but the basics should of been taught by there Nation members or even clan members. With the NEWBIE area and ROE with the new patch I actually plan to be in that area from time to time to help them out. Hell I'll prob be looking for baby seal clubbers to kill no matter what nation they are in. Lets take the time with this new patch to do so and help these new players.
  10. I think this is one of the issues why BLACK wins so many fights. We aren't afraid to lose ships. I think some of the nationals would flip if they know exactly how many crafted/capped 1st rate our clan has in stock. Lets just say this we have a few members with over 20 1st rates in stock. Hell I'm sitting on 3 myself with one being given to me, one being crafted (my santi) and one I stole off the DUTCH in OW. As for our frigates it's not hard for one of us to just pump out the replacement for every thing except the none craft-able rare mods. Does it really matter? I have a new boarding Bucc ready for the OW and ship hunting. I got tons of blue mods from PB's and such I 'm not using that will go towards these 1 dura ships. I have used the Pirate frigates in the past and they are basic ships, so it's not like I'm not use to them. I just hope we get more than just basic ones from the capture ships to really test different quality ones. I think a lot of us have this mind set and it's why we can go in out number and come out still alive. If your afraid to fight and loose something you are going to be more careful and won't take the chances that might turn a fight in your favor quickly. That and we don't use the retard AI like half these guys and depend on our 100% attention to the fight and not what our AI is doing like: Shooting the wrong guys (they will shoot through one ship to hit another), ramming into folks cause they sail like drunken sailors (hay how you get my crew on there?), they don't do anything at all cause they are still having there none tea (Always a few NPC fleet ships in missions that do this until after the fight starts). Every one keep hitting your pray button and lets hope we get this patch this week.
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  11. I beleive it's been brought up a few times. I think a few other officer spots would be good too. Where you can restrict what they can do. Right now it's either your just a member and can put stuff in there or your an officer and can rob every one blind.
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  12. I'm going to have to agree with this too. Though I can see doing some special rare ships 1 dura. Like gift ships and rewards for special events and maybe you turn in credits to get them. I just don't see the system working without major over haul of doing all ships 1 dura. I like the tier system we have now. Though I do agree some work might need to be done as to where you get sent to if you sink. Personnely I think it should be back to your nation capital or closest out post not the closes nation port. This will keep folks from surrendering to get into a port cause they have dura's left on there ship and those that just keep coming out fighing over and over in a junk basic ship.
  13. Cause it's a spoiler and not every one wants to just magically know where it is. Even if it shows on the new content map they still have to find it for them self and there is a lot of OPEN SEA OUT THERE. The OP all ready removed the cords cause he was asked to nicely and you shouldn't be adding it to his post after he has done so. As for finding them by accident. I found them looking for a wreck a bottle dropped and I'M A PIRATE. Never had been there before and was in a storm getting a wreck and found them. So yes folks do find them by accident.
  14. How about we stop complaining about pirates until all the National mechanics are put into place and tested. For now Pirates are a Nation that every one is at war with and don't have alliance. We are here to test this game so we have to do it in steps the Devs see best for each content to be released and Pirate mechanics was voted a good while back to be put off until all the National stuff is finished or more complete of a system. WHAT PART DO YOU GUYS DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS IS AN ALPHA TESTING?
  15. What you think reseting the officer would do? Every game I been on that lets you reset your level starts you back at the start of that level not mid way through it. If you don't want to loose XP than don't reset it right before you rank up. Like said it use to cost three levels to reset your officer. I'm hoping for them to make the officers tied to each ship so you don't have to reset them for diffrent ships and than have a shore officer for each outpost where you have buildings. Or maybe just one in charge of your land affairs.
  16. You can put the fire out but once you take it off survivor and it goes into Fireshock your not going to put it out and you can't turn your ship or do anything. That is when you will go BOOM once it gets to your mag. It's timing the fire placement and when you go into fireshock I suck at. I tried it a few times on my last officer life and it just hasn't worked out well. I'll stick to boarding and using cannons balls.
  17. I know folks have it. I know one person on PvP2 that has it for sure. There was a rumor one of the guys in our clan got it by breaking down the redeamable ones, but we don't know if that was a fluke or what.
  18. So not something Dev's have said. Had some one freaking about it. That would give to much chance for abuse cause folks could just make an alt and use it to run important things like Blue Prints and notes. The area ROE thing I think is way better for them.
  19. Where are you getting this 100 hours thing? Mod only posted they can pick the port to start at when they create there chars.
  20. Yah I try to explain to guys not every one is a hard core player and not every one has 20 1st rates and 20 million in the bank (I"m exaggerating here a bit). The learning curve for some isn't the same for all. I know I prob sunk about 20 times in my basic cutter before I got decent to take my snow out to play. The learning curve was pretty tough for me back than but I only logged on back from EA to the last few patches for a few days at a time. It wasn't until about 2-3 months ago I became a very active player and i have prob over 1000 hours now in game time. Not every one has that many hours. Than again I'm Curse and as of this week made level 50 crafting. I can make my own ships and keep going and plan to have a blast with these new 1 dur ships (just hope they aren't all basic ships). We as in my clan has collected up tons of blue and green mods to just throw on them.
  21. pow·der mon·key nounhistorical plural noun: powder monkeys a boy employed on a sailing warship to carry powder to the guns. NORTH AMERICANinformal a person who works with explosives. Well boys will be boys you know...lol
  22. And don't be like me.....and well just about 99% of every one I seen use them. We tend to do more damage to our own team than the other. I tried it a few tiem with a basic connie with little to no real results in battle. People tend to know when your going to be a BOOM ship by that fire.
  23. It goes in waves and I swear they know your looking for them. Every time I need a traders they are all hiding. Every time I'm in a trader I see a million of the guys all over the place.
  24. THat is the whole point of the fireship. Your ship will light on fire more easy so you can sail it into the middle of the bad guys and than you remove survivor crew settting and when the fire gets to your magizine you go BOOM. This can happen normally, but the fitting makes it happen way more often and gives a bigger blast than you would normaly have. Cuase well you stuffed your ship full of kegs of powder and other things that help it go BOOM.
  25. Getting really bad ping and DC a lot this morning so there is something up with the server again. I'm gettitng 90 ping when I all ways get about 50. It's been shooting up to 300. I feel like I'm playing on PvP1 right now with the lag.
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