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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. It was funny we where on TS last night and the topic got to be about some of the old days and UNKN got brought up how we had pretty much was a thorn to there side in the Bahamas and we where pretty much a small clan. Now I fight along side the people that use to sink me all the time. For me I'll be honest and say Nurtyle was one of mine and many others thorns. I'll be honest and will tell you folks there was a lot of green on green that accidently happend right after he switched over cause you just auto see a name and fire upon them. Than remember they are now on your team lol
  2. The open window is for HOSTILITY MISSIONS ONLY. You still can solo attack folks but you have to make sure no one is in the second circle or they will be pulled in too. Though they won't be exactly close by my understanding. As for the MISSION they are pretty much like the current pull a flag and do a port battle. Isn't that how you get 25 players together to do them? You don't need that many but it prob going help. Even port battles had what a 30 min timer for folks to join. The only thing different is going to be you don't get that port after the battle. Yah I'm hoping the ships will be a mix of hull types to test instead of all basic. As above the open window is for HOSTILITY MISSIONS ONLY. If you want to do normal ganking and such the window is closed and it pulls folks in your tagging circle in close like normal first pulls and the outer circle pulls any one else but they will be at a distance from the main battle by what I'm understanding. After the battle starts no one else can join so there won't be any 2 vs 20.
  3. This is how the current system all ready works. 5-7th rates have five, 4th has 4, 3rds have 3, 2nd have 2 and 1st rates only have one.
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  4. I all ready have ships set up to do the oppisite. Go in there and hunt the seal clubers. Hell I might even try to protect some of the other smaller nation new players.
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  5. You be suprised at how many folks we sink undercrewed cause they haven't made it back to port or had medkits on them after we sunk there AI's. If some one runs I keep there AI in the fight and take them out or let them escape and the AI's Surrender so that means they loose crew. It's a quick fix to people that bring AI's all the time. Starts to hit the wallet fast and hurts them when they aren't near a port.
  6. I'm going to take bet you won't be able to get the BP that way cause than we will just make full dura version instead of testing the 1 dur versions. Though I'm hoping we get random version from fleets. Like how you use to get Common and Fine and not just basic all the time. Still get a few common or fine traders, but that is about it.
  7. I can see Pirates while every one is at war with them can end up being like Mercs for some Nations and helping to swing things into action one way or the other. That is what a lot of Nationals don't understand that we kinda can make big things change fast if we want to. Though question is if we work on helping one side or the other. When the Port Battle comes along which side do Pirates get to join or can they even join? Would be interesting if one Pirate clan says helps the Brtis out and another is helping the US out in your example. Than you might have a third clan that is sinking both sides. Well when the Port battle comes can the ones helping either US or Brits join there sides cause they had earned the player participation points for that battle.
  8. Are you logging into steam by your browser? Yah you need to download the steam app and than once you log into it should list your games you have bought and than you have to install the game on your computer.
  9. If it's a new computer have you authorized it to be used with your steam account? Than all you have to do is just download any game you have on steam. I'm beating this is the issue.
  10. if they made them more common and not so rare or have replacement system for none craftable mods than yes there shouldn't be a reason to worry about your one dura ship and mods getting sunk. Though it's more the cost as many folks don't PvP and do ECON to make tons of money cause they are causal players so that one ship they loose might of been there only ship too. While not something guys like us have problems with, but we aren't the average casual players either. As for Skill vs Skill. I'm sorry no amounts of mods or Exceptional ships is going to make up for skill. Some folks are just bad no matter what. It's why we keep getting called OP and Hackers. Even in real life a great Captain could make a crappy ship out perform with a good crew vs a Great ship with a crappy crew and bad Captain. Just look at the long list of history of underdogs winning when way out gun and shipped. Tends to happen when you give Captains ships based on who they kissed arse they most with or how deep there pockets are. Just cause they where some rich nobles son didn't mean they where a good Captain. So to be honest ships need to have a wide variation and the true skill no matter what is what the Captain makes of the current ship he is in.
  11. That is cause the current loot system blows. I gotten grey mods from Regional Port battles. Why am I getting a grey mod in a battle I have a first rate with all gold mods on it? It's trash. PvP rewards should maybe be random mods from the ships you capture/sink. Capture ships if one dura like 1st rates should come with the mods the user had on them. Though make this locked in so the only way to remove and put other mods on them is you have to destroy them. To be honest I would prefer all mods be perm once put on a ship. They lock in if you leave the port with them on the ship. I think the dura system for ships works as is, folks have little to worry about losoing there shisp if they have more dura, it's the problem the SOL"s are to easy to get right now that you see every one in the biggest badest ship they can get into even if they can't even fully crew it yet. Need more incentives to not have SOL's in every battle. Would be ncie to have levels of shallows and such you can fight in. Think of shallows, normal draft and than deep. You can get only light ships into the shallow areas. Normal draft ships can go into areas that SOL or deep water ships can't get into so you can only see Frigates and Lights in those areas. Than of course the deep waters can have any ship in them. Though port battle limits should still stand to keep from lower level ships trolling say the regional deep water port battles. I think this is kinda being fixed with the open 25/25 battles on OW that will be taken place of the old flag nightly port batttles we have now. As for upgrades would be nice, but don't like the stacking system. This is how we Pirates should be getting the Pirate Frigate. Say we take one capture frigate and we can turn it into say a crafter and he can convert it over to that same level ship but now a Pirate Frigate that has less armor but some bigger guns and more crew. THough the ship is still a one dura ship. The can make a few more ships like this to replace the fact that Pirates won't be able to make there own SOL's. Though they have to watch this cause POTBS had a system like it and many of the pirate mods where OP compared to there national counter part. Though SOL's as with any ships could still be capture in PvP.
  12. The problem is not all upgrades can be easly replaced. I only have one MC Marine the rest are blue/greens and it has taken for every to get all those. Even the MC one a lowbie in my old clan agave it to me after a fleet cause I was doing a lot of boarding so they can capture the ships and break them down or use them. Though things like Marines and Powder Monkeys need to be brought into a crew system to be honest. As they where both duties of crew members on ships and not all ships had marines or the younger sailors that where known as Powder Monkeys cause they would run the powder charges from the mag to the cannons. Though I think there has been talk of such crew workings coming in the future. As for a few other none craftable mods they need to be made craftable. Like anything dealing with sails. (Staysails for example) To be honest I think if they made them cheaper and the mods stayed with the ship when it gets capture 1 dura wouldn't be a bad thing. Going to have fun playing with the new ships we capture. Hell I all ready bring back out capture ships in PvP just cause I like the fact I get to sink folks with there own ships lol
  13. and the guys we know all ways show up in basics we just sink cause they aren't worth taking the time to capture. Some guys are just that predictable and we can some times guess the build by what the ship does, or even crew. Reloads slow and has maxed out crew it's prob a board build ship. Fast as hell and can't take a beaten it's prob made of fir. Hidding the build from the person that would know that ship the best is kinda stupid. A good captain should know his ship weakness and strengths, but this should take us for ever to find out in game. Not to mention some folks can loose there ships within hours of it being crafted. This is why I'm not a big fan of every ship going to one dura. I think they should make them more costly so that folks will be more willing to fight in Frigates more than SOL's you tend to see a lot in the OW. That and the learning curve is really harsh for new players so loosing that new one dura low level ship could be all they could afford and now they are back in a basic cutter. We need to have some middle ground.
  14. I know for a fact my clan plans to grind out these new ships and test them like crazy. Than again we have never been affraid to loose our fancy 1st rates either. Prob why we will bring them to Port Battles and other nations won't bring theirs out other than to grind PvE. Also prob why we have captured so many. I'm pretty sure it would blow the minds of some US and Brit players on PvP2 to know exactly how many 1st Rates BLACK clan has in there stores. I know for fact a few clan members have over 20 on hand. Yep so we aren't afraid to loose them. I'm just hoping that we get a chance at getting more than just basic version of the ships when we capture them. To be honest it would be best if the US server was moved from the East coast to the West coast to give Asia/Aussies better ping in relationship to location. This might even drag some of the ones on PvP1 back over to PvP2. While many say ping doesn't make that much of a diffrence, wait until the numbers go back up on release and there is more of a server drawn and more battles going on. Than you will for sure see server lag at the higher ping ranges. Than again this is a topic for another thread and such. I got a feeling at least on our server it's going to be us Pirates who take the most risk and enjoy these new ships. Than some one is going to cry it's op cause we are using it and sinking there pretty little fancy mulit dura ships. It has been a few days since I been called a slacker, but than I been taking a break and pushing my crafting up so I can make my very first own Santi. Which will be crafted this eve. Though I really should get back to being OP and hacking as folks like to claim I do after I sink them....funny thing is I think I'm an average to below average player lol But I have a bunch and so does our clan warehouse Blue and Green mods that are prob going to get some use in this testing. Unless your one of those that only bring them out for PvE fleet grinding and won't bring them to Regional Port battles cause you too scared you going to get it sunk. We where talking a lot about this in clan TS last night. Going to be interesting to see what they are for each of the regions. We could think of things like the American Live Oak bonus but wasn't sure about some of the others. Though a few jokes I will not repeat here did come up for some Nations. Would be nice if the Pirates got the option to maybe refit/make Pirate Frigates finally but can only do it at say Kidd's. Which by the way I think should truly be the pirate capital.
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  15. I'm a Curse so I think I'm pretty well ranked up. Though unlike you I actually PVP and I know the mechanics of ports that aren't my Nations. Something you apparently haven't learned in all that PvE grinding and making money you have. Maybe if you get out there and sink a few times you wouldn't have so much saved up. Again as the DEV's just posted there is a very big warning that you can't leave with combat ships in a port that is not of your Nation. As some one that actually plays all features of the game (I'm almost maxed out on crafting) and have played both National and Pirate this is a mechanic that most of us find out very early in the game after loosing a port in a battles with others. Next time read more carefully and maybe stop playing on PvE and come play with the big boys....you know actually loose some ports and have fun. Maybe even get a few ships sunk or sink some. can't trade ships unless you have an outpost in that port.
  16. Shhhhhhh don't let them know our ratly plans.
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  17. I was in shock last bottle last week I got a Charismatic Boatman that was gold.
  18. How does one get 5.5 mil and not know the enemy port mechanics for buying ships? And who pays that much for a ship even if it's a first rate? I swear you nationals drive prices way to high over cost to make.
  19. So what nations want our votes?
  20. It still gives you xp to you officer, but it seems delayed. I just lost the last life on mine and I ranked him up 5 levels on my redemables (I'm curse so no other use for them.) It seems a bit delayed though so doesn't happen that moment. I think it showed up in a about 5-10 mins on the officers xp though.
  21. Can he delete comments cause it seems he even mentions he's deleted the bad ones or something. Though I agree with your view of it and seems he got some fanboy/buddies of his own to comment below on it. I think a lot of folks just don't understand what an ALPHA game is.
  22. Want to have more PvP? Stop voting alliance with the other big nations and than you will have more options to fight. Right not it's pretty much every nation against the pirates. No one else is fighting each other. This makes a very stale game to be honest considering Pirates isn't that big of a nation.
  23. Though the funny thing is how many ports are US going to take off off that use to belong to Brits and they won't get back cause of there alliance? Oh and yes I been playing other games and doing family things myself. Nice to take a break once in a while. We need new content so this patch needs to hurry up and get here.
  24. Exactly and even worse when your AI has been into the rum and tend to drive like blind mice all over the place ramming into your own ships and stuff. There is a reason I normally don't run them and it's cause I swear I put the most blond blind captains on them it seems.
  25. edit cause of double post
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