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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. But that also allows for a small team to defend to in such case. The other team has to controll to regions to get points. Well if you stop one group and sink them it slows down the timer. Than you go after a second group the third might have to pull off and go support them. Than toss in one mortar brig to help the defenders he can take out the attackers mortar and well some ships. Now that I think of it for the low pop battles that would work. The problem is more when you have a high pop nation attacking a low pop and they will just steam roll them no matter what. Some of these stupid alliances are killing the servers (both of them). I do like the small bonus for escaped ships. It's annoying when they run and than escape even though they have numbers. To many ships want to run instead of fighting. This will make it hurt the team more when folks do it and maybe they well get them to stop running. Well we can only hope.
  2. You forget something. Defenders can have mortar brigs too. If attackers move theirs close enough to get the forts than the defenders are prob closer to there Mortar brigs and escorts and can rain on them. Also any SOL sitting still is a big target for a mortar brig. This morning at Baracoa port battle I was in the mortar brig on the attacking team (Pirates) I did almost 10K damage to a l'Ocean, 1K to a Bucc and 500 to some 5th rate I think I randomly hit along with taking out 2 towers (only one that counted) until the defenders rushed and took me out, but I did my job. That l'Ocean was pretty much out of the fight after that as he was sunk very quickly. So both attacking and defending teams will prob have to start doing a mix of ships depending on the port features. I think it would be nice if we can get some screen shots of the regional ports cause some of these spots folks have never battle in and the attackers should have some clue of the features before just jumping into there first battle after the patch. Kinda same goes for the defenders.
  3. Actually depending if your in certain areas you do create hostility the other day we killed a bunch of brits in the shallow water and put like 13% on the zone that was closes to that side of the circle. So if your smart you can get them to that zone and and sink some of those of that nations you will be building hostility too. As for the OG the problem with this is the SERVER TIMES you can't do port battles needs major adjustment to match server maintenance time. Right now you can't have any port battles for 6 hours before servers go down for maintenance and can't build hostility for 4 of those hours. BUT you can have a port battle right after the server 1 hour maintenance comes up which means you can't screen for it while the server is down and what happens when the server is down for like 2 hours for patches or even more if there is any problems? The window that no hostility and port battles can be set needs to be moved closer to the maintenance time and down times. That will allow for after maintenance Port battles to be screened before the battle and there isn't such a big dead zone of no port battles. Right now that means no port battles in US REAL PRIME TIME ON THE PVP2 server and on the PvP1 server for the off prime time players. This would also move the port battles after server maintenance more into the SEA players time zones and allow folks to be able to get on and screen those battles. I like the screening reward thing cause one of the biggest issues is getting folks to the PB early and ready. That and folks that can't stay for the whole battle can maybe make it to screen out side before or during the battle and get some points/credit too. This will get more folks to show up to port battles and fight in both the OW and in the PB. At least that is what I'm seeing the Devs are trying to do here.
  4. That how I was taking it too. The one inner small zone to cap is started in control of the defenders. The two over or in the middle for them to fight over. Though this is kinda against smaller nations that can't split there force and can only fight at one zone or the other. Time to get some recruiting done than. I'm going to bet somer Mortar Brigs are going to show up more and more in these battles. Why don't we wait for them to maybe get raid mechanics in as that seems to be in the near future. One thing at a time. There is nothign wrong with the current system in my book if you have a decent size nation, the problems i have is the 5 min missons timers that are closed to fast (go back to 15 or even 10) 5 gives little to no time for you to get to your scout that finds the mission and enter it. As for the false flags things, It should create hostility for that zone or if you pull a false flag it should have a cool down for that port/zone and make agro go away. That will stop folks from pulling flags if they have some type of system like that for raids. We will just have to wait until that comes along if it does. I'm not a big lobby fan cause when folks sit and wait on each other it breaks down the motion of things of just going for it. That and than you have folks boss about who can enter and fight and who can't. Remember the balance is the 25 vs 25 system assuming you have the numbers which PvP1 should, they shouldn't change the mechanics for a smaller pop server. Later when the game is live I assume there will be more players on both sides. What they need to fix is when the PvP2 US players can have Port Battles. We are currently locked out of doing PB during our high pop times on the server cause we can only flip a port before 10PM CST for an 8 PM battles which means you ahve to start grinding 2-3 hours ahead. That might be prime time for east coast players but it's not for CST and PST players. In fact most of the PST players will still be in school or at work with most the CST just getting home. This is why we had such low turn out for the last few fights where we got attacked by US or Brits. It was not during server prime time to get the most players in to the fights.
  5. and all that time your waiting the defenders could be controling the three zones and getting points built up. Do you mean no shallows period as in no shallow port battles in shallow waters or do you mean no shallow waters as in a mix of deep and shallow waters so that shallow ships can go into islands and passages that other ships can't? I assume you mean the second one as the shallow waters are still going to be restricted on ship types right? Same with the none Lineship battles. Though if this could be something in the future to have actual shallow water in deep water port battles so a fleet of light ships can take a passage that other ships can't take would be cool in the future. One step at a time. Every been in an OW battle arond some of these ports that have a harbor or bunch of islands? Those big slow ships will be out ran and maneuvered in those waters and you have a bunched of irons/beached ships if one of the captured zones are in some of these interesting ports. I'm so waiting to see how some of them turn out. The times that Port battles can't be done needs to change. The one right now means that on the PvP2 server we have to flip a port before 10PM CST to get at the latest an 8PM port battle. That is still when some folks on the west coast are just getting home from work. Even worse it takes like 2-3 hours of a good big fleet with no resistance to flip that port in that time so you have to start before 5-6 pm when most folks are getting home from work/school CST and most folks are at work PST. The only folks that get an advantage are the EST folks that would be all ready home from work. And the first port battle after server time is exactly when servers come up from one hour maintenance. So what happens when we have a patch and it's 2 or more down times? They need to move the window to no port battles to two hours before the servers go down and three hours from when they go down. Right now it's 4 hours before servers go down and only one hour for maintenance. They are nice juicy targets for sure. Have destroyed and gave a good number of them a really bad day.
  6. Than what would be the reason to fight over regions other than the certain woods like Live Oak, Cedar and Mahog? I think cotton is a rare one as it's only in the US area too. So if every one can just get them than there would be no fighting. Might as well play on PvE than. Also I don't think any region that has a rare meterial should have a bonus to it. Like Bermuda has Speed Regional. So what will folks do? not ship it any where else and just build any speed ships there. So if you take the regional away than they have to ship it to the region they want to craft in. This gives more traders on the OW and more hunting an PvP.
  7. I talked to the rest of the guys about the 1 vs 1 when they are all in H Rattlers. We will try to make it more fair. We went in today and did it a little better in match up. Most of our guys are very good at PvP and it really isn't fair to match up a 1 vs 1 like that when they are in H Rattlers. We are trying to make them more fair and fun for all. Hope to see ya'll out there again though. I'm pretty sure they aren't aware. Most of them don't speak english and we have to use google translater to speak with them a lot of times. We are trying to get a hold of there leaders of that clan since we have worked with them a lot in the past and pass it on.
  8. To many alts and such so it would just end up being just like the fine woods. I like the current refit thing myself, but maybe since people complain about the capitals all capitals shoud give the natiosn regiona bonus. Not sure what the Sedes and others would be, maybe the Northern Carpenter for the Dutch/Danes? Some of thoe aren't useless when you only have those regions to use and not one of the better ones. The ones you added should all be major regions people will fight over. now the ones I think are uselss are the ones with no bonus at all. Thouse should really be made netural regions every one can use. or something. That way it gives low pop nations a region to buid in other than there capital. PS lets wait until the next big patch as I think the ship crafting changes will pretty much help with some of these things your talkign about.
  9. They where going for the big guns or rage bording? Seems they didn't learn to keep there distance, but I do agree when I see a Niagra in a fight the first thing it gets is the decked clear with grape. I hit one the other day with my HR and cleared 55 crew and sent him into crew shock. He fell behind and wasn't very effective to the team so when he got back intot he fight I hit him again with only like 20 crew lost. Than I boarded him. Yah some of these guys need to learn they need to keep there distance with ships like that. I use one from time to time in a group as the dedicated boarder cause of it's high crew size. But that is only when we need one. I get asked how my sails stay so high in fights for so long and I tell them "BATTLE SAILS." It's there to be used, stop trying to fight every fight at max sails going full speed. That and I find it helps make more accurate shots. But yah there are still some crew in the rigging, but it's not a lot. Some one has to man them so you can turn and adjust your speed and trim.
  10. Over a fight I can kill that many just with cannon balls, but you prob won't have any armor left and will be sinking.
  11. Well first thing stop hugging them and you won't get your deck cleared. I all ways keep a distance and let my Carros put big holes in them while they try to shoot my sails than I move in and grape. By time I"m done they are sinking any way cause crew is in shock. I love it when folks try to come in to grape me cause I pick the wind and let them roll that belly up at me to put leaks into them.
  12. I think reward points are in the future with the admirality office. Remember we are testing things for them. I think this is a good way to test ships match up in a more standard controlled means (the PvE events) and by now letting the rare ships be more numerous they can spread them and test them more in use. I gave out about half my 8 heavy rattlers I have gotten from the events and destroyed a few crappy ships I wouldn't give the US (cause we hate them). Many of us on PvP2 have started gentalmans agreements before fights to match BR as close as we can or numbers. Well except the US that just ganks every one. Though biggest problems they are now seeing is that super alliances suck cause they can't fight any one and every one is allianged with US other than Pirates up until the other day. So what we do is avoid there ganks squads and they haven't until last night gotten folks on the leader board for the PvP. But it's back to avoiding them cause they have several times told us to come only to do the gank thing. Sonner or later there going to start loosing players cause of that.
  13. In the future it would be nice if things like this would have been explain in the patch notes of new ROE for those areas. This is what I was thinking had been going on for the events, but for us to better test and bug check things we really need to know info like this or we will think every thing is a bug. I know my group was thinking it was the signal flag, now we know we don't even have to have it for the PvP events. Thanks.
  14. I was wondering about this last night cause I was moving stuff around so I can drop a port and put up another port some where and was trying to make sure I didn't send to many ships to one port.
  15. We have a few clan members that just hate shallow waters and won't play them even for a Port Battle, which I think hurts a team. We had the same problem on WoT where once folks got past a certain level they sold there tank and just keep the max level. So when our clan went back to basics and was doing tier 8 and 6 battles instead of 10 cause we had a better match up of clans our size and skill many couldn't join in. We made it a rule they had to get a tank to stay in the clan cause they are pretty much hurting it. We haven't done that here on NA, but some times I feel we should if you want to stay competive. Those are the same guys that want to roll only in 1st rates for every battle and than bitch that there is not PvP cause no one wants to fight only 1st rate fleets. I'm sorry some of the best PvP battles I have ever had was in small ships. To me I think it takes more skill to fight in one than to just push a button and ALPHA damage some one with your big old slow ship. These are all so the same players that complain about stern camp and crew lost. Well if you don't want to get stern camp than don't bring a big slow moving target to a fight. Lately though we been doing a big mix up of ships in our fights and it's working out. Like I tell them you want PvP you have to go where the PvP is and it's not all ways in deep water. So if your not willing to go there than shut up and stop complaining. I get PvP all the time in shallow waters when I hunt traders thinking they are safe from the big nasty ships. I have gotten over 8 H Rattlers, around 3-4 Aggies, 1 Endy and 1 Indfatiable with a mix of paints. A clan member has now gotten two H Rattler BP's so yah it's actually been fun and I'm glad it's going on. There is still PvP out there as you got to get to the event and back home. We had so many folks get gank on the way there by the gank squads of the US. Every one else pretty much does the gentleman thing and been matching up fair fights except the largest nation in game. Than again they have alliance with every one so they can't attack the other nations that show up so it's only pirates and we leave when they show up in gank squads so they don't get points. See you can blockaid large nations in more than one way. If you look at the PvP2 leaders of PvP events It's pretty much all pirates, GB and Dutch. Small friendly groups that are meeting for fair fights. While anything out side the zone is fair game.
  16. You can break them down for parts now. I done it with a few captured ones now cause most of them are junk and even did it with one I got from an event cause I'm not going to be running a fire buildstrength something the other ship... Though would be nice if they just allow us a small chance befroe the next big patch to get the BP's from breaking ships up. I keep getting H Rattler from the event and I"m about to start just breaking down the crappy ones to save space.
  17. I don't play on PvP1 but I assume that is where your talking about. Any proof of these cheats cause I really get tired of folks claiming cheats with no videos or picture proof. 99% of the time it's the fact that your bad players or don't know the game mechanics and not the some one is cheating or hacking.
  18. It's been working great for us at Kidds on defense. We send the fast guys out to find them and keep a distance until the fleet shows up. Tag them and keep them in battle until the big boys get to them. Has worked great if you can keep from sinking to early lol
  19. Want a priate refit one? LOL Good thing mine been used for patrolling KIdd's to find the US over the weekend when they tried to flip it. I think I'll use one of these free H Rattlers I gotten from the events now instead.
  20. Every time I hear some one complain about raking, "STOP SHOWING YOUR REAR TO THEM." It's as simple as that. To many folks let it get exposed in fights. Work as a team and keep them of you. This is why mixed ship fleets come in handy. You got some frigates with those SOL's than use them to keep folks off the SOL's sterns.
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  21. You can use your own ship, the temp ship is only for those that don't have a ship of that type.
  22. This is why we should just get perm ports (Kidd's really should be the capital) and than a raid system where we get to take a port temp (not a region). Than let the Nations fight over the regions. I'm really hoping after they get most of the kinks out of the National system they do something with pirates so we aren't just another nation every one is at war with. Pirates where for the most part Privateer's for one nation, while the nation they attacked for that nation would call them Pirates. Now outlaws are the true Pirates that just didn't car and every one including privateers should be able to hunt them down. But I think you shouldn't be allowed to take regions from a Nation your not at war with. This will get nations to switch who they are at war with more instead of all ways fighting the same one over and over or as we have a problem on PvP2. Every one declares war with Spain and takes there ports (I think the last two are getting tooken this week) other than one or two spots by the capital and they don't have to vote war with any one else and keep there magical three alliance of the three biggest nations. The only one fighting them is the Pirates cause none of them will fight each other. Well Swedes seem to have pissed off most of the others, but that is cause it's the same guys that keep skipping nations and pissing folks off.
  23. Do them like ships. You can't trade a ship in a port that you don't own an out post in. Than lock them from being sold on the market. So you have to actually bring them finished to be able to drop them.
  24. While it would be cool, but I kinda understand why they do it. It's so you can tell who is all on your side for the most part. Some times you can't see a players name or it's showing the wrong ship in the top right corner and all you got to go off when you fire upon a ship is the flag on it. If you use multi flags it can get a bit more confusing. Easy for me I just fire at any flag that isn't Pirate lol When I switched from US to Pirate I think I did a few accidental green on green cause that was all we fought as US players. Takes a bit to get broken from so I can see if I was fighthing another nation that I was at war with and than next week we aren't and he's on my side and I see that flag I might accidentally fire upon him.
  25. The your fleet commander part was general not saying you. If you have a fleet with you you are it's commander and should stay with it till the end, not run like many players and the other player did in your case. We see it all the time when we hunt/fight. You sink a player they jump out of the battle fast and forget there AI fleets that just surrender. We send ships home and break them up. Free mats are all ways great when your a poor Pirate like myself lol I think they do the surrender thing is to keep folks from just escaping and leaving fleets to fight and tie up ships to prevent a counter gank/tag after the first one.
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