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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Snickers....we talked about this before and even brought up the last part. Just kill every one and keep all the booty for our selves...lol But what we are talking about on PvP2 is once we get the buffer back some day is just letting the Nationals fight it out so they don't freak out about us and keep it OW PvP fights. Many us got burned out bad when we did the whole bring US to 11 ports and than Brits to 1 port thing. It was only 10-15 players after all and that is why we go so silent November before the patch came out. I even took that month off and only logged in to do econ. We don't want to get into that spot again cause it wasn't healthy for the server and all nations to be fighting like that when the server is so small pop wise. But we do need some god dang pirate mechanics so we can be pirates and folks can stop complaining. Even though they will never stop complaining. It's to much part of human nature.....
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  2. Here the funny thing. They got into a bunch of fights after the port battle was over out side. I was told the Pirates captured 4 ships that had the PB rewards boxes still in them. Hay we don't have to win port battles to get any silly stinking prices. We just capture ships after the battle as folks leave lol. Hmmm gives us even more reason to screen port battles for others before and after the battle. We might just get some extra booty. Well they don't have to set there alarms to wake up early and fight our SEA/AUS players. They can all ways wait to attack it back after the cool down during there prime times too. We got what we wanted for the late players. They got PvP during the Port battle (we almost lost a few guys when timer ran out) and afterwards. See comment above as some even got reward chest too boot. I personally think they are a means to show our support for the crappy broken port timer system since we can't fight in US prime time than we might as well fight during some other port timer time.
  3. But the problem is on PvP2 they all ways down vote war with Spain a dead nation with like 1 active player (maybe 5 tops) and not with each other. Are two largest nations have not fought a single port battle against each other since August last year. There is something wrong with a system where your two largest nations can be in alliance and peace with each other that long. You get one vote for each rank you are, but you need to be Rank three and in a nation for two weeks before you can start voting. Since you maxed out level you get 10 votes. They want you to vote for war first to stimulate war between nations like Serk said. Something that doesn't get done on PvP2. Because every one is so afraid of the Pirates cause of things one Clan did months ago before the patch. It's even worse now up till recently we had the three largest nations all in alliance with each other and no one was fighting except the Pirates. Which are kind the third most pop nation, but I'm not counting them out of the Nationals cause we don't get alliance. We should be the odd man thorn in the side for the other nations.
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  4. Wouldn't make much diffrence and I think it would make the annoy cructh users that go no where without there AI use them even more. Really can we get a limit on Battles that is some one has AI and they hit 25 ships every one else is locked out of that battle so there isn't like 29+ ships on one team cause they have a bunch of AI? Now that I would like to be fixed. At lower levels I think you learn more by not using AI or getting things done faster without there help.
  5. And if you lower the grind and make it easier you get what you have when Rear Adm players come over from PvE and think they know how to play the game and than wonder why they get sunk. We have had guys come from PvE max ranked and couldn't even manual sale. Really how did they last that long over there?
  6. Actually I'm very right. You want me to log onto PvP1 and make some screen shots for you? Just cause you haven't experienced it yourself doens't mean others in other nations haven't. You even just listed a few ports and that means your prob Brit and not have been in every port to check to see what every one has sold. I'm Pirate over there on my alt account and you had to go away from any of the main ports to find NPC sold ships that wasn't bought by some player and reposted at a much higher mark up. I did go searching around to find an LGV that wasn't marked the hell up. I was doing some testing one sunday morning and started as a Demon with nothing but a basic cutter (since I play on PvP2) and I grinded up about 2-3 milliion, had a capped trader snow and both me a store Trinc and LGV. I had to go a good distance from the Mort area to find those two ships in a reasonable price to get them. To some one that doesn't know the game even a 150K ship is not cheap. A shop built LGV should be about 50K and a shop built trinc is 80K. I'm checking on PvP2 to find a Connin, but I"m going ot bet it's prob about 100K . And most those ships listead or either Oak, Teak or Fir so you have to look around good or you will be stuck with a fir paper thin Connie
  7. Some of use don't care for 1st rates and they don't need to be the end game. I will leave this game if it becomes a lobby WoWs style game. I have enough of those with WoT and other games. I came here for the OW sandbox game play. Though I do agree they need to stop doing things to support the PvE carebear players and start listening to us PvPers.
  8. I have posted it several times and even made a thread on it in this group. It should give you a bonus defense against grape/crew kills since that was part of the purpose of putting them on a ship not just for boarding. Maybe when they bring the new crafting system and you want to build a ship with them put in they can give the bonus. I put them on ships even if the ship isn't planned to be a 100% boarder cause the added protection helps if some one else boards you.
  9. There is no way they are making a release any time soon as we haven't even got pirate mechanics or gone into beta testing stage. I don't even see it making release during the summer unless a lot of stuff gets put out real fast for us to test and them to tweek. I actually think it would be better if they update it and let us know what the plans are. We are loosing folks interest cause they know there will be wipes soon and well a lot of folks are tired of not having pirate mechanics too. RvR and Nation Conquest stuff is out and being tweeked. I think it's time for the pirates to get a little love and there system worked on.
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  10. That not so easy from what I seen on PvP1. Where folks will buy them up and than resale them at marked up prices. This makes it really hard for new or broke players to buy the cheap ships. My personnel view is that SOL's should not count in the PvP event deep water. It should be saved for your fleet grindings nad Line ship port battles. This way it keeps the BR's more evenly matched and saves the PvP event sto Frigates and Light ships only. I refuse to go into the Deep water one on either server cause it's nothing more than a gank fest or every one wants to use biggest ships and fight smaller only other wise they run if you bring equal ships. Limit it to frigates only than that will make the ships more equal BR wise in fights.
  11. Little Harbor Shallow water Pirate VS US Port Battle. 12 Pirates vs 25 US/Brits (mostly all US) This is what he's so scared about. This is how most of the port battles keep turning up being and they keep saying we have 35+? Yah keep on dreaming or smoking what every you been doing guys. Pirates don't have the numbers and never have had the numbers. It was a fun fight I hear from Pirates side and we did sink one before the cap circles capped out 1000 points.
  12. One we didn't have 35+ at kids. We had 25 with a few extras and a few guys dual boxing there pirates alts. They did good hitting the Brits out side to keep most of them out. US/Brits where the ones that had way over 35+ out there. I'm going to bet it was prob more than that by the numbers we saw in the port battle and than in the two fights after the port battle out side. But you wouldn't know about this cause you weren't at the port battle. And why shouldn't we be able to field 25 players on a very important region and was basicly the last one we had if we had not took San Jaun before the USor Brits rushed over to take it from Spain? We called every one we could think of to get on that eve to protect our last region. Noticed I said last region? Cause if that had failed we prob would of lost Castries next and San Jaun as we knew the US had plan to attack it when it got off cool down. I think us actually wining Kidds might of stopped that. Show me one port battle since the patch came out that we had more players than the other team? Well other than Spain. Why are you a DUTCH player even worried about the Brits? It's not like we are crushing them taking a few ports back and most of them we want back we had taken from us first. It would be different if we where crushing a nation and taking all there ports. Last I checked the Brits where still number two largest nation and have the second most regions. Dutch being 3rd place for this. So your saying taking a few ports they won't even using is crushing them? Man get off the drugs your on. Maybe you should worry about DUTCH affairs and not other nations. Last I checked until Kidds we where lucky to field 19 players and many of those where us dual boxing our pirate alts so it was more like 10-15 players in the fights against 25+ and most the time there was about 10-15 others out side when you had US/BRITS/DUTCH all in an alliance. Where was the fairness in that? Funny when it's every one else against the Pirates it's fair, but when the pirates goes up against a stronger nation solo it's not fair? Really don't see the reason in that. Windward isn't a key region for us. Yah British Refit might be nice and it puts a nice little buffer between us and the Dutch, but it's not something we want or need to keep. The Brits have that regional bonus else where so we aren't even taking it from them. Sounds more like the DUTCH want it. That fine than get your big girl panties on and grind up some agro and make it a fun port battles. Ya'll can even pick the port time if you want and we will come with who ever is online (most pirates don't even have ports over in that area). I bet you will be surprised to find that the numbers on both sides will prob be way more equal than any other port battles that have happen before hand.
  13. Are you attacking contraband nations of your own nation? Hell even other nations. Found out that they don't draw any other ships into the fights and it ends being mainly 1vs1 if the ship has a contraband flag.
  14. As Elric stated if this is an issue for more than one and not on both servers it's not my ISP. It will be something between me and it or should I say us and it cause that means others are haveing the same bottle neck some where. With the server for EU being in Germany (last I heard) it couldn't be something we have to go through once we get to the EU area of the world to get to that server. While it might be great for the local players in that part of the EU but it isn't for any one that is off continent. We have some guys on PvP2 that get ping of 20 and they live right in the area of the US server (think it's around NY area or something). Those same guys tend to be the folks with the better pings on the EU server too. Which makes since cause the closer you are to a server the better the ping SHOULD be. Though Hobo bring sup a good point of moving them to a better location. I still think they are using sub par servers cause they are having this much issues with about 100-500 players think of how bad it would be if they had 1000+ on both servers all the time. Any one remember the lag and issues logging in before the Mirroroed EU server and that was back when it had a large constant player numbers. This isn't a big issue while your just doing Alpha testing, but any time in the future of a release planned it needs to be fixed or updated.
  15. But you forget ping isn't every thing, you have packet lost and such that takes play too. You might think you have one ping and then do a trace route and find out your getting packet lost on the way. Kind wish I knew the IP of the server for each game to do a trace to see if there is a reason for lost/spikes on one and not the other. It might be bottle necking some where on our side or it could b on EU side or it could be multi places. I got fairly good connection for most games and I'm central, but the US server on East coast of US seems to have one of the worse pings I have had in US games I have played. Not a recent pick, but it's pretty much what I average.
  16. Yep every one I know got the british refit. Maybe you opened a reward ship chest from the events or a PB and got one?
  17. Lag/ping has little to no connection with FPS and that is correct, but i get no change on my FPS from PvP2 to PvP1. I get about the same in main OW 60 FPS with about a drop to 14 FPS if every one and there mother is firing cannons in large battles. Now ping has every thing to do with lag and longer load screens. That is not my computer that is taking longer, it's the data taking longer to get from me and the server. On PvP2 I get about average 50-68 ping most the time in game. This is a little higher than what I get in other games that have way more players than we do (I'm talking in the thousands) where I normally get morel like 30-40 ping. While on PvP1 I get around 130-140 ping. With some really bad spikes of 400-800 from time to time. It's kinda what folks are explaining above. On other larger games I get around 60-85 ping on EU servers and around 120 on SEA/AUS servers. So with a game with such low pop why are the pings so freaking bad and the game isn't really that big content wise compared to other games. I really think and this might be a issue with budget, but they prob could find a better server provider that can handle the numbers we have now and hopefully more in the future and not have so many issues. Just think how bad it's going to be be with say a couple thousand folks logged on to either server instead of a few hundred? I been watching a lot of videos I can find of players on PvP1 and notice a lot of the EU guys got pings as low as 20-30 so either they live very close or they get a really good connection there. It seems the server has a bad routing for most players not in EU and it's why we get the bad spikes. I'm sorry if you say ping doesn't matter than I brough up a recent video where Jehil dueled Olg and you can compare there pings and watch the difference when tehy fire. One is almost instant fire after he does so and the other has a 1-2 seconds delay. This is cause of ping. While this isn't a twitch shooter, that still means you could of lost those leak shots (into a wave) or missed the mast if your trying to do any careful aimed shots. If they where to ever merg the servers they need to find a spot that is more central for all players or they will really loose many more players than they would gain form the merger. Honestly I'm fine with the current small servers as we are here to test thigns, but they need to fix other things like the time to cap in Port batles when no one fights or sink. The fact US players can not play any Port Battles during their prime time. We have an PvE event right after Port Battles are cut off from being able to start at night. Your forcing a lot of players to not be able to play cause of this on both servers. Pirates still don't have there own mechanics. There are still a lot of other thigns that need tweeks too.
  18. They also need to make them and the notes stackable.
  19. They need to change the ships around more often. We got the Cerb for a week and it's been what going on three weeks for the rattler. I stopped doing them after that first two weeks cause it's the same ship.
  20. The only time we really used it on POTBS to set teams in port battles. You would have RED, BLUE and GREEN teams. I'm not even sure the other nation ever figured out what each mean. RED/BLUE was the main force and I was in charge of green team. The Priavateers and skirmishers (lower level guys)....that weren't in the big rated ships, but I kinda agreee but I kinda don't. I want clan flags for sure, but would be nice to have some sail patterns or slight color changes cause every dang ship looks to much like each other in battles.
  21. Actually would take it one step further. Once it's made into a war supply you can not trade it to a nation you are at war.
  22. I think one thing would help is I'll take for example the recent meta of every one bringing say the Aggy to port battles. Well folks are saying they need to nerf it. It's all ready been nerfed. Instead why don't we give some of the other 4th rates back there old stats. This can be said about some of the other ships. That and BP's like it's and the H. Rattler need to just given to players since they are now the Meta needed to fight Port Battles. Well if any one fights in them any more as it's more a race to capture zones.
  23. Koltes....he's in BLACK NOW..... I think he was one of the first ones (well close to it) that we got merged into our clan when we decided to merge the two recently. Yah I think we can all agree there are issues with the system as it's good you have two servers with high pop and low pop right now to test things and even PvP1 is heading the same spot as PvP2. Super alliances need some system to break or dissolve. Even if this is just a simple down vote system for nationals that don't want it, to easy for folks to use alts and there clans numbers to out vote the majority. It's even more easy for guys that aren't even fighting in OW or RvR to out vote the guys that want to fight and have war too. PvPers all ways tend to be only a small part of any nations population (ok maybe not the pirates cause we tend to attract them more than other nations). But as been pointed out when you have three nations that have the highest population all in an alliance and they aren't fighting any one except the pirates than there is a problem. I mean folks constantly vote war with Spain just so they don't have to vote war with any one else. I think there should be a limit that if you have the most nations regions you can't vote against a nation that has little or none for war. Either you don't get to vote or you vote for war against a nation that has a lot of regions. This would force the two largest nations to fight each other. Than they can bring in under there wings the smaller nations to help them. That and they need to do map resets. Things need to be stired up every couple of months or it will just get stale. There still is really no end game in this game as there is no Total Conquest or reason to not aligned with other big nations and just have peace. I'm sorry the PvEr carebears should not be the majority of the power in a server meant to have PvP. A prime example how the current mechanics are geared more towards PvEers is that shorten hostility window to 5 mins. The fact most port battles are won without a shot fired or any one sunk. Devs just got to look at the numbers of ships sunk in a port battle before this patch and than after to see that is a big issue. If folks aren't getting sunk than something is wrong with your mechanics and people are fighting. I'm sorry that is why I came to play this game is for the Naval ACTION and that means fights not races to cap circles. I like the new system cause it is way better than the old one and has more better feel to it with the land in the battles and forts that are used for defense and such, but the point system needs to be changed for a win. There needs to be a reason to fight like give higher pay outs for ship kills or something or make the ticker even more slower for cap circles. When your port battles use to last an hour and half with the timer running out a lot of them and not they are almost over in 15 mins with no kills there is an issue with your system. It's a new year and the Devs need to update the plan for what is to come with the game and give some better feed back so we can help them make a better game. Right now to many things need tweeks and they keep tweeking them in the wrong direction to chase off the PvP players.
  24. Sounds like someone is a bit touche there? The reason is exactly as BallsOfSteel puts it. The last couple of big patches folks like you stopped playing pretty much and the game grinds to a dead stop for days, weeks and months as the patch doesn't come out exactly when folks expect it instead of keep playing like normal and just worrying about it when it comes out. We are here to test things, all those pretty pixels of yours are going to be gone any way when they do any wipes and they are way over due for one. And I don't mean just ships. Yah they drop all the rare BP's now on a very small changes so folks need to stop complaining they can't get the BP's. Only the two newest ships and the gunboat can't be dropped BP wise. Which kinda surprised they didn't add the gunboat into that rotation.
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