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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. The point isn't hostility the point is PvP and the hunt. Every stupid new rule and change they been has been in favor of the PvEr that doens't want to fight.
  2. They do that cause that means some regions are worth more than others and they should be fought over, but if you don't have those high value regions you can still craft with just the lesser perks. The problem is folks don't fight over them for the most part mainly cause they make alliance and can just use there buddies.
  3. This was kinda what I thought they where going with the Fleet Hostility missions, but than they brought them from being open from 15 mins to 5 mins so it's like winning the lotto to find one still open to join and stop. Than they add in the return to friendly port so you can't even catch them on the way out to do another. Cause if they know your hunting them they will just return to friendly port. There is hardly any way to know where they are grinding up the missions so it's like finding a needle in a hay stack. It seems they are pushing more and more in favor of the PvE guys than the PvP guys. The PvP events are nice, but I got board of them cause they are gank fest in the deep water and we can get some better fair fights now cause of smaller pop on PvP2 and getting more folks on board with the concept, but we shouldn't be only PvPing in these zones only. We should be doing it out side regions as we grind them up and get ready for war. Well that is if nations will ever go to war with any one other than Pirates. Epic events should be epic too. When they where droping those treasure events I though a cool concept would be to do the epic events, with treasure ships in them. You have to capture the traders and get there cargo to win the missions. It's not just escapeing with it cause you have all the escorts firing at your ship and the ones you captured too and you better bring a big enough group or your prize will just get sunk. Since this would be a PvE event it would work on all the servers. Without being some silly arena game you click on and join.
  4. While not sure if they used any actual ships in the movie or if they where just mock ups, but these are the ships that was involved in the events in history. Tecora - a brig that was a slave trader (what brought them from africa). La Amistab - A two masted 19th Century Schooner. Later was named Ion under a US captain and than sold to french. USRC Washington - A Morris-Taney class Cutter that found them of the United States Revenue Cutter Service (they later became the coast guard)
  5. I think he was asking which one. I'm not even sure cause I seen them shoot both balls and chains, but I just assume it's de-sailing not demasting as it's mostly chain shot I see them fire. I'll have to play with this. I never been one to try to demast some one but lately when I been tagging traders in shallows I started to toy with demasting. AI I can knock the mast down essly, players it's a bit of a pain cause they don't stay still and well they have a repair. That and it's just faster to rage board them once you get the sails down. I kinda wish there was more than a few commands for the AI. For me I would just prefer that to be a sail shot command, but I think they pick the ammo depending on the range.
  6. Yah I get why they did it cause it was being exploited the other way. You attack your alt and than you surrender and your side gets the points, but you think they would have found a work around for that.
  7. Yah they mentioned something about watch out about captured/enemy ports. Wonder if they can fix it with an F11? Don't tell me Tex and LA? Maybe one day ya'll will get them back. This morning US was attacking Danes. Some one that hasn't attacked any one since patch and just doing there thing. I swear these guys a a bunch of yellow belly cowards. I have yet seen them fight any one that has numbers to fight back. Really honestly thing it's time all the other nations get together and push US back a bit....all they do is take ports and help no one. I give the Dutch credit for helping ya'll out right now by giving ports back. Though it doesn't really help ya'll with the ones you can't get back and that most of the econ was being done at any way.
  8. Do you tows at the end of the night. I all ways do mine before I log out for the night so that way they are where I need them when server comes back up and I log back on later.
  9. It's like back when the Brtis would bring crappy ships in there fleets with little to no crews on them. We see there 1st rates and go to camp out side the battle. They send there SOL's home after battle and swtich to the crappy ships. Get tagged out side and all surrender. Now it's even worse with the free ride home button and the misisons don't stay open past 5 mins.
  10. Did you make you char BEFORE Jan 1st on those servers?
  11. Actually there is a difference. Unless they changed something if you come up to some one your at war with and they are in a fight with another nation you can't pick the at war side. If they are just neutral on both side you can pick wich one you want to join. We did this early today joining Dan missions to help them grind down some hostility (we being pirates) that the US was creating. Seems they want to attack yet another nation that is not doing anything and only has a few regions. Still don't understand why the two biggest nations on PvP2 aren't at war with each other. All ways in a carebear alliaince.
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  12. Good luck and welcome to the wonderful world of PvP2 as a clan. Hope ya'll aren't a bunch of carebears and want to war with other nations to get the votes stirred up and things a little more alive in game. I'll see you out on the OW.
  13. When they said they where going to go with 4 times a day over the 3 times I thought man that would be cool if they add in a new location too. Like the MIDDLE OF THE GULF OF MEXICO. That area is never used for the most part and there is so much area in it. As long as it's not an arena style lobby fighting I can see them doing a hot zone some where in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. Make it an for ever open battle for 2 hours that any one can join and return to join. The longer you last the more points you rack up with the kills and damage. Who ever has the most points at the end of the event gets the rewards. Though the problem is they don't have a system to do more than 2 way battles so folks would have to pick sides. Though if the system did say like a random pick to fill up numers on either side so that one time you might be on team a and the next time your on team b and nations/allaince don't mean crap that would prob work too. If you read a bit further you will find out that was a very bad attempted at an sarcastic joke.....you know dry humor and all.
  14. Exploit would be a better word for it, but they should make it that it still causes hostility points for a surrender even if you don't get the kill or xp. To many folks do it as an easy way out and they tend to grab cheap ships to do it.
  15. Oh man that is one of my biggest things that drives me nuts. Specially when folks say, "Well with gold hammocks and....." NO NO NO NO....I see undercrew I see easy target. I grape you and now you can't even fire that one broadside with the other locked or man your sails. NO NO NO NO. Stay in smaller ships you can crew and learn how to play. If you can learn stay alive in a smaller ship in a battle with larger ships than you become a better player. To many want to rush to the 1st rates. Remember when the Bucc was given to every one? I was US back than and even I captured a few undermaned ones from new players taking them out for a stroll (think I was Mater Comd as I just got into a Surprise).
  16. I kinda wish you can do like large groups too, like battle in battles but you can do it before hand. That way if you got a bunch of guys that don't get into team speak you can get them into the battle channel and you can coordinate with multi groups. Would be great for screening and getting ready for port battles. Or as you meantion things like peace treaties and such where folks can talk things out in game instead of using out of game resources.
  17. not that I don't like to hear you chatter, but you where the reason I thought of it lol And yes I still refuse to do the deep waters....shallow I might show up in the gunboat....maybe.
  18. We do the same, even little lobie baby brits in front of KPR. We spent a few nights teaching them how to manual sail and such when we tagged them and released them. It was like a catch and release program. Every one left with a little bit more knowledge of the game.
  19. Some one brought this up just now on PvP2. Why don't we have a comsys channel for the events. So folks that want to go do them can join that channel and chat about the events and maybe arrange fights and not be spamming up global chat. The channel can be used for other things too like player made events that don't fall on the PvP event times so it can have more than one use.
  20. Hay might as well since there is nothing else to do in the carebear alliance...oh crap ya'll can't do that either. Well ya'll can attack the Brits if you want now, which is cool, but US still has alliance with the two two other nations. Really if we want to kill each other every one should break alliance with US and just attack them. I mean count the PB's and you notice they are the ones bringing full numbers every time. They really don't need Brit/Dutch help.
  21. There you go talking about the past over and over again. I swear you guys just don't move on. Oh and your nation still had 11 ports after we reacted to being brough to 1 port our self and having Mort camped and every one killed out side it. We attacked brits cause they stabbed us in the back when we had a dual of peace with them until we get down with the US. You see a trend here? Every action of the pirates has been cause of something some one else did. Including taking the Dutch down to one port. You where US when that happen and so was I. That was before Jul/Aug so your still bitching about things that happen over half a year ago. Which I will remind you when we took those regions back from the Brits we gave them to Dutch in good faith. Only to have them attack us while we where fighting the Brits in Port battles. See again trust was lost. So we let our AUS/SEA players have fun with the DUTCH during there prime time and ports exchanged hands back and forth a bit. You want to know more about trust? We gave the southeast region back to the DUTCH that ZILCH touched and with agreement we won't attack each other other than in OW and do arranged battles over the tear drop. As soon as ya'll took it you took the tear drop and was showing up in every port battle with US/Brits. That shows ya'll have no plans to keep you side of the deal. In fact I hear your one of the three guys that wants to attack pirates constantly and been grinding on Castries our silver. So how can we really TRUST YOU? FOR THE BILLION TIMES THE DEVS HAVE MADE US A PIRATE REPUBLIC. Until such time as we get changes in the National RvR system that is what we are. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_Pirates 12 years there was actually a real Republic of Pirates. So just drop it man, it's getting old and maybe we will luck out and some changes are to come this year soon for pirates. It's getting old ya'll keep saying that when the game is not yet design for us to be anything else. Remember I have given examples of every reason we have done something and they all ways have something to do with a reaction to others actions. We have been brought down to one region other than our capital recently cause US and Brits are attacking us constantly. You know what happen last time they did that? Yah let me repeat US was at 11 ports and prob would of been pushed to 1 if it wasn't for the Brits. Even in the alliance US couldn't stop Brits from being taken to 1 port. Again this was only 15-20 players doing all this and not once was US/Brits had less numbers in port battles than we did, the only time they did was when they stopped showing up to defend there ports cause they where pulling 5 flags some where else. Which works when you have numbers. Loose one to game 2 others, the problem was US was the only one gaining any thing and brits was the one loosing things. You might want to worry more about US as they are the ones who all ways seem to gain stuff out of these alliance while the other nations loose stuff. We have stated our intentions now very clearly and this is of course only BLACK CLAN as we can't speak for all pirates just as you can't speak for all DUTCH.
  22. Some good things and I put in my 2cents.
  23. Thanks for the update and will be looking forward to it......crosses fingers and hopes for pirate stuff soon.
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  24. It does, if you have 200 crew your in the Cerbus and that is deep water and I believe it works up to the level you get 300 crew? Could be wrong, but if your that level you should know the basics of the game nay way cause your over half way through the levels. I think the problem as in many games to many folks power level and rush to the top and not learn the game. We have had guys from PvE that are maxed out Curse/Read Adm level that can't even manual sail.
  25. Now the problem I have seen recently is that the game matches wrong ships with to low level of a player. Me and a clan mate went over to PvP1 with new chars with basic cutters (both curse though) and we went out to do some mission to get our officer and some money. First one they put us in thief level missions (fast cast for the 5K to get officer and well we where in basic cutters). It gave us a lynx or cutter on our side and the other side had two lynx/cutters and a Rattlersnake. Than we did another mission that put another ship that had 120 crew in it. At that level if we weren't players that had a clue they would of gotten shredded by those ships ment for some one 2 level higher than them. I F11 each time so the devs would look at it. We did sink them and even capped one to get a better ship, but again we are both season players.
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