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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Why should the 20 something of us lets say 30 max leave and start all over? It won't change a thing. We would be the same clan just different flag and folks will be bitching "SPAIN IS TO OP". I'll be bluntly honest the reason your numbers are down so low is the same reason ours was a few months back. CAUSE FOLKS GET BORED AND STOP PLAYING. How many time have you heard folks say they don't like the US/Brit alliance only to be called pirate lovers and traitors and than talked down to or never see again? Many of them are bored out of there mind so they come over to Pirates, many more just stop playing. If ya'll stop being a big giant care bear alliance and fought each other some (don't have to go to war) than you can get more experience, more players will show up and well hate to say it prob kick our arse. We took something recently and used it with the event to create PvP and get our guys back into he game. Many of them only showed up for the Port Battles and that was it. Go do the same, see if you can get the guys to show up just for port battles if you need to. Maybe try to pick some smaller fights instead of constantly attacking some ones last regions and only econs. Hell simply ask the new guys what they want. Be open about it and listen. I think we have to many grumpy old guys that don't even play the game or show up but they keep voting for the same thing cause they don't want changes to happen. Change is good. You never know if something will or won't work until you try it.
  2. Mike that kinda what this one is. I do think it's funny they loose 2-3 regions and still have 20 more and they act like we 1 ported them....lol
  3. Remember these are OW kill/captures. We also get a lot of them going to do missions or counter grinding. That and the sad thing is folks still run and leave the SOL's behind in a lot of fights so what could of been a 5 vs 5 suddenly turns into a 1 vs 5 as all his mates left. The sad part is a lot of times it's really 5 vs 3....his mates leave and now it's 1 vs 3. They had the numbers on us and they run. The 1st rate issue was something that was going on back when I was US. You see guys out side grinding fleets the day of a port battle. Get to the port battles and they are are in 2nd rates and below, even worse 5th rates. Than right after the port battle they would be going out in there 1st rates to fleet grinds. As said before most of the guys we are fighting are the younger ones. They learned a lot from fighting us I hope. Many of them came out and fought odds they shouldn't have and that gained our respects. As for Pirate population we had a down time, many didn't play for months. We did something to get them back to playing and that was created PvP event of our own (not the crap the devs created) Something to give them a goal and to have fun. There is a reason I pushed to post port battle results. Go back and look at all the fights posted. ALmost every one has the exact same guys in them with a few filling are changing out the numbers. We are one organized clan, not a whole nations. Think if one clan can do this with 15-20 guys? Now take a couple of well organized clans in say US. They should be curve stomping us with those numbers. If you look at the Port battles filled with US/Brit/Dutch it's a few dedicated guys that fill them in almost nightly, but most of it is a melting pot of guys and not to mention all the guys that are left out side screenin g and can't get into the port battles. You listed off 6 players that came and joined us. Where are those 35+ that we say at kidds and other port battles where we only brought barely 25? It seems ya'll only show up in numbers when your going to win. Last night was so sad when not even 2 mins into the port battle almost all the US left and left players behind. We where out number 16 vs 25 at the start of Wilmington. And remember US picked the port battle time and all. So it wasn't like we had put it some bad time for there players. We didn't even try to stop them from flipping the port for the most part other than OW hunting. So why did every one come in Bucc and below and why did IGG, NPG and the others leave not even 2 mins from battle start? They could of stayed and fight. You never know they might of just have won that too.
  4. And remember those where open world numbers. We didn't count port battle numbers since they are more a group/team effort. Now I must begin to move these darn ships around. I will add we will continue to do the normal hunts along the coast but nothing to the effect we have for the last two weeks.
  5. Oh some of the US guys would like to do some shallow fights. I told them to get a hold of you and North along with Elric about setting up some shallows like we talked about. I feel if the pirates do it every one will flip, but if ya'll arrange something it would be fun for ya'll mid level guys since US and Brits own all the shallows, but a few of them just can't be important or used that can easily exchange hands. Hell if you tell us one that isn't important I could prob get the guys to flip on on the side to do some fights. Just as long as every one doesn't freak and the big boys rush to block the little guys out of the fight. Could pick one region that has no real bonus to it and just have it be exchanged hands on who wins and than flipped by one of the others once it cools down. Would so work better if US and Brits wasn't in this silly alliance. People are honestly getting bored cause no one to fight unless they want to fight top dogs and that is hard for new players and not loose hope being sunk over and over. I think it would help the server if some of the bigger Nationals (none pirates) could do some 4th rate and shallow battles against each other to get these guys up in level and confidence.
  6. Yah we know of the one reported, but I'm going to bet some one heard about it and did it. We actually thought about showing to have a little shallow fun, but no one has any ports in that area and figure it would be a better statement to not support the flip and to let it go. This is why we didn't show up to some of the accident flips in the morning that was caused by PvP Agro and not use actually flipping it. Guys forget you get a lot of points from a PvP kill. I didn't make this mornings battle, but I heard only a few folks showed up for San Augustine Defense. If I can get the screen shot I"ll post it.
  7. Savanna Line Ship Port Battle: 25 Pirates vs 25 US/Brit/Dutch Well let me start by saying that only 23 Pirates vs 17 US/Brit/Dutch. Well as soon as the battle started suddenly a large chunk of the US/Brit/Dutch escaped. Leaving three guys in the battle: Richbeard, Mjohnir and Sparkydog. So basically NPG, IGG, the two dutch took the coward way out. Remember ya'll attacked the Pirates not the other way around and you picked your battle slots not us. Well I think the word got out and the screeners tried to join and ended up make the total number 25 (we had two come in late). The 8 extra guys guys showed up just a few mins after they had all escaped. This is why ya'll loose fights. Bet you will see most of these names in Vegas port battle against the Danes that is going on right now. We would like to thank DD and the other guys that stayed and fought until the cap points hit 1K. Ya'll gained a lot of our respect from us sticking it out. Thanks.
  8. Yah cause we didn't flip that. I'm pretty sure some one used the alt exploit thing and this cause us to be locked out of a port battle since we can only have two at a time. Hope ya'll enjoyed your free loot. I really would love to Devs to check to see who put all the agro on that port as it wasn't any main pirates.
  9. UNKNN was very much around in JUL. That was when we switched from US to Pirates at the end of July. Once again bring stuff back from May....which is over 9 months ago. Many things come and go. Hell over 75% of those players prob aren't even around in all the nations . You guys might get some stuff down if you stop living in the past and worry about the present. Populations are giong to go up and down on games like this, in game and total. Nations are going to loose areas and gain them. That is part of the game. But ya'll think some one taking one or two regions is a zerg. Yes there was zergs back than but not one nation was inacent of doing it. Well maybe spain can say they never zerg any any one for sure. Poor Spain.
  10. Prob didn't help Pirates caught a 1st rate before the port battle heading that way. I thnk there was a second ship in that fight but can't remember what it was. I get a feeling a few was going to try to show but than call it off when they saw the Danes numbers.
  11. Not by much, 1st rates are kinda slow in the first place. Though I noticed an LVG the other day with a wappen freaking out ran us. So that wappen was not slowing it down one bit on the OW.
  12. BS and you one of the problems cause you think this. When I switched to pirates we had BLACK pushed back to Atwood and took Mayiguanna Ragged cay and I think we jsut took salina point. We UNKN a small clan pushed them back in the Bahamas. They weren't zerging the map. The reason we left wasn't to join the winning team as at that time Pirates wasn't winning. They where giving good hard fights where and there while out number. So we had our last port battle (I didn't make it that night) in the Bahamas and defended a port. 4 UNKN showed up against 10 BLACK members. 7 NPG's showed up to help late. When the fight was over and BLACK was stopped (didn't get the towers and BR) only 4 UNKN was still standing all the NPG's where killed. We asked how the hell they all got killed. "OH we brough green ships from the shop and had no mods." This was the last straw as we known they did this all the time. These same folks would be out in front of CT with 1st rates fleeting. Than when port battles came they show up in 4th rates and below for a line ship battle. PB lost against smaller Pirate force and they be right back out to fleets in there 1st rates. This same crap is still going on to this day. It's one of the complaints I'm hearing from the newer players. And I call BS on the green on green. cause that was removed before i turned over to pirate and before we took over most of US. Which at the time we hadn't gotten all the east coast ports yet when they removed it as I was still Pirate myself. And I think it's funny every fight we have of screen shots of we have almost always been out number. The problem is ya'll remember one gank and than think every battle was that one gank when you forget the 100 ganks that US did having us way out numbers. That and ya'll love to not count your AI as part of the battle, the over use of AI is part of the reason many of you suck at PvP. You let them do your fighting while you run away. Are you run to forts and hide under them even when you out number us or you run to the fleet you tagged by you and hide. These are things the Alliance members are doing now. How much better is that than the so call green on green that never happen or it was so long ago even I don't think you know what was really going on back than. I hear guys tell stories to new guys and it's no where close to what happend. Hell we see folks that get there arse stomp in a fight tell a totally different story in chat about what happend. You know what. WE SCREEN SHOT FOR A REASON. I notice you guys seem to never have any actually facts to back your BS and delusional state of the game you think is going on. AGAIN WHAT DOES STUFF FROM OVER 6 MONTHS AGO HAVE TO DO WITH THE NOW?
  13. It's only if you use a 1st rate and loose since you don't have any other dura's. I found a slight work around with this. Bring your self a trader lynx into your fleet and you will be able to change ships and load it.
  14. US BRITS AND DUTCH HAS MORE PLAYERS THAN MAJORITY OF THE SERVER PUT TOGETHER. You really only read what you want....I said between you all which means your alliance. The world doesn't revolve around just you man. You know if you try different things instead of doing the same thing over and over, you might find out they work. Seems like your the only one that doesn't want to make changes. Look how you even talk about your own guys, no wonder why they don't want to listen. Funny how there story is something totally different than what your story is. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH that is all I hear from you any more. Man your nothing but a joke, go take you meds or what ever you are suppose to be taking.
  15. I been told they know of the problem and trying to address it straight from Devs. I'm going to bet it might get fixed next patch when ever that might be.
  16. Only one clan went PvP1 and that is ZILCH. Not sure what the hell your talking about. Even though I started on PvP1 and still have a char over there and do go when it's slow to play on that server my main play is one PvP2. You still have more players than us over all. Instead of bitching and calling them Pirates spies you could take those lower level players under your wings and teach them. ZERGING? LOL we took two US regions. They have 20 more. That is not Zerging. Brits/Danes having there own thing and it hasn't left Haitian and prob won't. The Brits should of left Danes ports alone.Danes are going to set the times for when they can field the most, just like Brits set the time when they can. I don't see any Brits over here bitching, hell they still have 23 regions. The only person I see is you. Maybe cause sooner or later we are going to get sick of your crap and come show you what a ZERG TRULLY IS. Keep poking and talking so much crap and we might just do so. Though at this time it's not in our plans. Taking a port here and there is not a freaking ZERG when that nation owns 20+ regions and we only own 3. We currently hold 5 that is still a very small portion, hell Dutch has three times more than that and other than a few rogue swedes no one is bugging you guys. Why don't you let go of US pockets and go do your own thing. Wow your about as bad as the EU players that hate Americans over there. The server location is only that a location that you can pick for the better ping of the servers. They are world wide servers for players that live any where and during any times of play. So where do you want the SEA players to go? They are between both our prime times and the EU players and they don't have there own server. If you notice the DEVS have set 3 and than 4 PvP even times for players prime times all over the world. Which means it's a world wide server. Just cause it's not a good time for you, doesn't mean it's not a good time for others. I worked night shift for years and would pick EU/SEA servers over US ones to play cause by time I got home that was the best pop for a server for me to play on. I live in the US so your saying I shouldn't play what time I want cause of my location?
  17. So your complaining about Port battles when the numbers of players have been all time high. You know folks take a break from the game and than come back. Maybe if your little rage attitude there in the above post about your own players was different you have more players wanting to fight. It's funny I talk to a lot of those little guys you are insulting and they have some very choice words about ya'll old timers not wanting to do anything and only coming out for port battles and not helping any of them. Lets take a look at the port timers for the battles as of right now. Ciudad de Cuba: 7:28am CST Dans attack. If the Brits will stop attacking the danes two main econ ports they won't get attacked. They brought this upon there selves with there actions. Cartagena : 9:58am CST Swede Attack. This one just the annoying Swedes. If they flip it, just flip it back in your prime time as it's only going to be what like 2 guys show up? Isla de Pinos: 5:30pm CST Pirate attack. This port was not flipped by Pirates or well any of the known one. No one claimed this so we think it's some one using the exploit on the Brits side. To lock us out of a port battle. So who is the shady ones now? Georgia: 6:23pm CST US flipped this one so they are setting the time. We where going to flip the next one at this time so we stopped so there wouldn't be two port battles at the same time. What is wrong with this time? Seems it's very much US prime time if your EST. We are limited on our times cause as we all agree the limit cut off for port battles suck. and remember US set the timer not Pirates. La Vega: 7:55pm CST Brits attacking Danes. Well like I said if you loose something that you can't get the numbers just flip back and fight them on your time zone. Timucua: 3:00am CST Pirate attacking US. We where going to put this around the time that Georgia was put, but didn't think it would be fair to have two port battles since we can't field two teams and US/Brit/Dutch can. So we figure let the SEA players have a port battle. Again if we take it we take it, if we don't we don't. Than US can just take it back in there prime time if that is what they want if we take it. When have we yet won a SEA time battle yet? Why would we waist all our agro to be grounded down the next day and well many of the SEA pirates been left out of the RvR and we wanted to do a fight for them. Cap-Francais: 5:36am CST Danes attacking Brits. Again if they didn't keep attacking the two regions the Danes where happy with they wouldn't be in this mess. Though I would prefer the Brits speak about there own battles than you or any US players, you know since your DUTCH. Filpina; 9:24am CST Swedes again it only takes a few guys to show up , your telling me known of the US/Brit/DUTCH have SEA players that can show up to stop this one and the other? Brits been showing up with a good 10-15 and fighting the Danes in the morning and not bitching. As for our numbers. You haven't had any return players? You didn't keep in contact through steam, fb or any other things with your old clan mates and players that aren't active right now? Well we did and they took time off and some of them are coming back, some aren't ever. Have you noticed a big streaming going on with twitch and one of our players. We been sparking more PvP than your carebear alliances has done in ages. I don't see any one but you and the old timers complaining. Maybe it's time ya'll just leave the game or go over to PvE. Many of those guys your saying are in pirate supporters aren't. They hate us but they are bored to death with not being able to fight guys of equal level and there Admirals and experience players aren't coming out and helping them. They get left out to do nothing but screen the port battles and than they get crapped on in nation chat for your own mistakes not theirs. It's 5:30 pm and the server pop is 132. I bet it will be close to 200 in a bit when more get on. Though it's kinda slow on Sundays. A month ago we could hardly have 80-90 on prime time. So apparently we are doing something right since the pop has gone up. and staying pretty steady. Pirates have taken two regoins in what 3 months and you guys act like we are zerging the server. US has 20 regions, Brits 23, Dutch 15, that is over twice what the Dutch, French, Swede, Spain, Pirates have combined (since you want to add all us as one). Your going to loose a region once in a while. That is what the game is about. NAVAL ACTION. If no one fights than there is no action. That makes a very boring game. Which is why you are loosing players. Both new guys and older guys.
  18. The problem is no matter how the Devs make it folks will complain that we are nothing more than just nats with black flags. That is why I proposed a Privateer system for them and if your not actively working for a nation than your an outlaw/pirate like how it was in real life. But the devs kidna shot that down in that last Q&A thing as they answer they will never be privateers they will be pirates...
  19. Actually it was Dec 5th when the last patch came out (not counting hotfix). So it has been a bit longer than that. The issues some have is that we where suppose to get the next one late Dec/Jan and that one has passed. It seems they keep coming later and later. Even the Dec one was a late part of the early patch of content that didn't make it in. I do hope they been working on a bit since than and we get some new stuff soon.
  20. Yep just ask a lot of the Nationals on PvP2 about how they have lost there 1st rates on the OW. It wasn't all ways a iron fleet of ours that took them down. I'll admit we been using 2nd rates a lot for that, but with a group of 4/5th rates.
  21. I think the tax is a bit much and make it 4th rates, but make it other nations can't keep captured SOL's. They can keep 4th rates and below, but if you capture a SOL it goes to the Admiralty and they get paid. Only pirates get to keep these ships. Make Kidds the capital and pirates can produce and build there. They should have a raid system not a conquest system where they raid a port and can craft in that port while it's raided and get the region bonus. Once raid is over it goes back to the owner of the region. All production stops while that port is raided. Maybe give pirates involved with the raid to get a pool of those items that would of been produced as loot. Also make Mort a neutral zone for all. The port is green zone like Pitt's was but for all nations and pirates, but any one from any nation can use the other ports at there own risk to produce the common goods. This helps out the one region nations that still can produce stuff, makes it a major trade hub and well risky pirate waters for trade too.
  22. Dude let it go, maybe I got my info wrong about who one ported you, but the fact we took brit ports and than gave them back to you. Not to mention all this was over 6 months ago. Who cares about 6+ months ago. We are in the now and you guys are so far stuck in things in the past and can't move on. A lot of folks where one ported back than. I think US is the only one that hasn't been. As Jean brought up, "MOVE ON." Those that dwell in the past never see the future.
  23. Man sorry to hear that, I don't know why they keep picking on France when it's swedes that keep attacking the. I guess easy target. That alliance can field two full port battles and a screening fleet almost the same side when the other alliance can only field barely a full team in one time zone and maybe half one in the other. While pirates are getting to be able to field a full team. So that is pretty imbalanced at the moment.
  24. That is 6 letters you can only have 5 for the clan tag.
  25. True Colors? What the hell are you talking about Brits been attacking Danish for the last few weeks. You want them to just sit still and do nothing? Well prob do so ya'll can have your little care bear PvE2 server.
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