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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. It's a luck of the draw breaking up ships. I got my BUCC BP from a ship I captured off a player. When I got my first surprise built many ages ago it was from NPC ships I captured I broke up and had almost all the parts other than a few things I had to craft and gather myself. Than got some one to make it for me. So breaking up ships can be handy. Just don't let it break your bank if your going to buy ships just to break them up. There is that small chance to get the BP though by doing so and some ships you can't get from NPC's so you will never get a chance to get the BP that way.
  2. Most of the nations can't even get three clans to work together half the time how you think they are going to get three clan leaders? This is so open for abuse to cause it will be the same three leaders prob over and over over and I bet they will push around little guys that don't agree with there views. Remember when folks say 150 players on line they forget that is on line at the current moment. There is 1000's that play this game on both servers. We only see a part of those players. It's more on PvP1 than PvP2. We prob have over 10K players to be honest counting both servers but we only see any where from 100-1K at a time not counting actual alts on either server. believe me the single players prob out number the guys with alts 100 to 1. If some one is breaking the rules we have means to report it in the forums and in game so use those. Other wise folks need to worry more about the inter clan relationships of there own dang nation and clans and stop worrying about spy's and alts. Hell half the folks ya'll think are alts are just some players. The Alts you know that are public are so public it's hard to say they are spying. It's the guys you don't know about that are the good spy's and I bet you just about every nation has a few players with mutil alts and I promise you they aren't all in the same nation. The game doesn't have any true end game and if big nations crush little nations than some times those alts are all they have to help them stay in the game. Just about ever game out there these days you can have multi accounts and chars. So what is so different about this one? We paid for our extra copies just like you paid for your one. Unless some one is abusing there alts than it's not against the rules so move on. Remember what is the difference from 25 guys playing 50 chars than 50 players playing 50 chars of different nations? Nothing other than the guys that have two chars might be a bit more organized compared to all the guys playing solo.
  3. Back on topic..... ANY PATCH NEWS? Hell where is this hotfix we suppose to be getting?
  4. There is a percentage break down when you craft certain BP's that gives you the higher tier BP. http://www.navalactioncraft.com/blueprints If you don't use gifted you have a 5% chance to get the BP for a common ship, but 25% for an Exceptional. If you use gifted it turns that 5-25% into 10-50%. Once you learn a BP you can't get it to drop again. So if you want to farm a few of them for alts or lower level clan mates than you don't want to learn the BP. Look for the ships that will give you more BP's when you craft them. These are the ones you want to craft to get the best results.
  5. and turn decks off to free up crew. I seen the survival bug a few times, but allways was able to get out of it. That and it just drive me nuts seeing folks with all there crews in all there guns when they aren't using a whole deck. LOL a bit OCD on the crew thing and my ships. Though defiantly F11 with all the detail you can in these cases.
  6. Some one said they where prob our alts in game as to why they didn't come out. Ya'll are more toxic to your own players blaming folks for this or that. As for any alts or not, what the different I paid for the extra game copy so I should be able to play it if I want as long as I'm not abusing the sytem. What is the difference of 50 players playing the game than 25 players playing two copy of it. It's still a player int hat battle. You wanted to win, than why wasn't there more folks from the alliance on ya'll side since ya'll picked the port battle time and did the attack. I think you weren't expecting a big show on the Dane side, hell we weren't either but that was there Sat morning (it was a Friday night prot battle) If that was any other other day of the weekday you wouldn't have seen that many Danes show up during a US Prime time port battle. Y'all prob could of done better if you didn't send three guys (mortar and two SOL) after my little mortar brig on one side of the map. ya'll really need to figure out how to manage your team. Though I don't see that happening any time soon as it seems only half of ya'll can get into one TS at a time. Though it seems to still work with the Danes and the rest of us. We get in one TS and they have there own coms. We call things out in chat when needed but other wise we let them do there thing and we do ours. Oh and how about I go through others videos and start posting screen of clans and such. Man how butt hurt are you to go out of the way and go hunt down that info? We know tons of alts in other nations but we don't go out of our way to tell every one who they are. If you stop worrying about alts that aren't even in your own nation and worry about your own nation and get it working with each other ya'll might get more done. And the reason I made it very clear on here that Eric is my alt is cause of post like this. He's not in a nation we are at war with and just cause some one is in that clan doesn't mean they are alts. I made that clan cause I was the only Dane in or clan other than one or two other guys when I made that char. So don't think just cause some one is in one clan or another they are alts. Remember it's the alts you don't have a clue about you should worry about. The ones we are open about aren't hurting you or spying. They are filling port slots to help a smaller nation or a bad time slot. Than maybe ya'll should take your pirates atls (cause we know a bunch of ya'll have them) and maybe roll them into other nations to help though nations out. That is what we did, we took some of our own and put them in a nation or nations that need help. Didn't some one even ask us why don't we just roll National? well we kidna have and ya'll are still bitching and we even picked the small nations to do so. I mean that is if they are even alts or not. Hell who knows we might even have some PvP1 guys recruited by now. I mean I'm sure ya'll Nationals have thought about doing that haven't you, during your off times and such?
  7. Yah I wasn't a big fan of the conquest ideal of total victory that they mentioned. I would prefer a degradation for more ports you have the more they cost to upkeep. Make them where they can upkeep by clans though so folks will have there own stakes. If no clan/personnel upkeep a region it has a chance to revolt and go neutral and any one can capture it. That way when you get nations that take to much land they can't hold properly than they can easily loose it. Though I think they would have to come up with some way to do a governor/lord protector. Maybe highest Agro player at the port battle makes the changes. Kinda like the old flag system. That person would be in charge of making sure the taxes are set and the proper payment of upkeep is keep. Some regions will be cheap (no regional bonus or rare goods) while others highly expensive. This gives the game a credit sink. Maybe even allow them to set different amounts for the taxes like POTBS did for other nations so even if some one comes into your port with smuggler flag they got to pay a higher price than those of your nation or alliance. Though I do think a reset every 3 months would be good too. You don't loose anything other than the regions, but they need to be balanced a bit more where some of the one region nations should get one or two more regions to start with. That way you don't get the stailmate thing either where one side has all the regions but does nothing and the other side is all stuck at one region.
  8. Yah not sure what he's talking about unless he can't get in cause of fleets. We found that fleets have keep a lot of folks out or even worse didn't allow some one to get back up cause they had fleets. We also tend to roll with a mix of ships now to fill in BR's. LOL the other day we found out in the ROE you can get 4 heavy rattlers and a Privateer into before it locks up. While not the same, but that little extra privateer was annoying the crap out of there ships. Almost demasted a H Rattler just on my own. So yah you need to look at your numbers, BR and ships and what they have and call it out when your expecting back up to show and it doesn't stay open forever. Once it's kinda close it locks it out.
  9. Prob after the hot fix we are suppose be getting but other than that prob some time next year.....
  10. I so want to tell him,"Look who he has to compare you with..." LOL
  11. Considering we didn't even have a clue what this was all about until one of the ex-US players told us the other night. Though I don't think any of us run gold in 1st rates, Buccs hell yah, but than again mine never see anything other than traders. I use MC Marines in my Bucc cause I like to be some what combat effective. Now what we think is funny is we keep hearing US and Brit players saying we where using some Dupping exploit months ago. Which the ex-US player told us they have known about the exploit for months. This means I would love all chars of all nations. I bet you we find out it was a lot more other Nations that used it than we think some do. I personnel have 2 gold marines and 2 MC and tones of blue,green,grey that I have collected over the last year. I loose the Blue Green ones as I use them on risky ships. Though I know for fact a few US/Brit players that we have killed that had Gold Marines on them and they have been sunk and lost a good number. I won't mention names but yah if they check they need to check every one. I personally called in a fight to have that person sunk after he boarded me and I lost to his gold marines. We went out our way to sink his first rate cause of that. Loosing a gold marines in a 1st rate to us it harder hit than me loosing a 1st rate I can craft the next day as a replacement (did loose a blue marine in that fight).
  12. You mean regions we owned before you did? Every one has owned something or another. The only ones really should be complaining about loosing land is Spain as every one took from them after the reset of regions. The whole area we took s a Buffer was ours before US/Brits pushed us down to 2 regions. But last I checked this is a PvP server and we have RvR on it so folks will win and loose ports. I actually expect it. Other wise you get a boring game like what we had when US/Brits had almost all the regions and no one was fighting any one. I have only said about the US/Brit break cause it would give folks something to do, fight each other and get there numbers up and not depend upon each other. The problems is you guys don't want to try new things to see if they work. Instead your solution is to go into hiding and hope we get bored. Than we have exactly what happens back in November happen again. Instead ya'll can try something new, shake it up and fight back. Cause apparently the old way isn't working for you guys. That is how we got our numbers back up. We changed how we did things, got fights and got folks back.
  13. A lot of folks just don't understand those limitations. 1) We can't have alliances 2) We can not join any one port battles and they can't join ours. 3) We can join some OW fights if we are not at war with those nations. We do get to vote for this one thing. We can declare war on folks but that is it. 4) This use to be different as Danes have joined our fights before on OW, but since the Alliance patch they can no longer so no Nationals can join our fights. None of the other nations have to fight with these limitations and have almost over half the server trying to kill you. Just cause we have a verbal agreement to not fight the Danes (which is only between BLACK and CN/CCCP) that doesn't stop any other Dane from attack us or other Pirates from attacking them. This goes with any other nation out there. I hear folks say Pirates is easy mode, last I checked all the nationals don't have these restrictions so no it's not easy mode. Now add in what is coming next patch 5) Pirates can attack each other for a FFA fight. That means not only do we have to worry about just about every nationals trying to kill us now we have to worry about other pirates too. I'm pretty sure the first week this patch comes out you will see a lot of BLACK ON BLACK Fights for the hell of it. He was laughing so hard he was crying and we where a bit worried as he couldn't get his breath. I think he prob needed that. Hell I think we all needed that. Just glad he didn't see that post during the port battle.
  14. Little Harbor Shallow water Port Battle - 25 US/Brits vs 25 Pirates Good turn out and fight on both sides. Good job TFT8 for grinding it up and your first port battle. We will be there to support you next time in the shallows. Just wanted to add that both sides have over 25 players so there is no issues getting full port battles. It's just if they care or will show up to them. Also the server was up to 170 something during the port battles.
  15. We are hoping that once the French and the Spain get up and going where they don't need or help or even the Danes than we should be see some good OW fights at least between the groups and us. Maybe even some Port Battles in the future too.
  16. You need to look again. Though I can see the confusion, remember who ever the side your fighting for in a battle is the side you will have the flag of. So all Dane/Swede/French/Spain in that Swede battle will have a Swede flag. Every US/Brit/Dutch would have the Brit flag since they are the attackers. Think of it this way. Why should 50 players beat 25 guys playing 2 chars each. It's still 50 on both sides, but shouldn't the guys that don't have to run two chars and be distracted by both do better than the one guy trying to run two chars at the same time? I would say the 50 guys playing the one char should do more than the 25 running two. Well until you throw in things like organization. That is the biggest thing that is killing the big nations. They have way more players but they just can't stop bickering with each other to work together and get organized. Take Dutch for example. How many clans do you have for your nation? How many folks are in there own clan instead of being in a group together? Than you go and make that US or Brits and your talking about even more guys. The big nations have a big problem of they got to many chiefs that want to be the boss and not enough folks willing to be the man power event though they have tons of them. They need to get there guys motivated and fighting. Hiding and avoiding fights is not going to get those folks motivated. There is no excuse for US/Brits right now for them not being able to man a full port battle. Basicly they are going through what we kinda went through back when the patch came out where a lot of our members got bored and stop playing cause there was nothing to do. They need to get those guys back and motivated to play. Again sitting in port and hiding isn't doing it.
  17. Are you can figure out it's freaking Saturday morning for them when that port battle was going on. That is the only reason they show up in force on US prime time port battles that are set on there weekends. I bet you there was a bunch more. I know one of our pirates in a Cerberus had a bunch of them tied up at the free port and they wouldn't come out. Over a freaking low level guy in a Cerberus lol I only know one pirate that has a swede alt, most of us had rolled French alts to help out the French for the eve port battles on the week days when the Danes can't be on in number cause they are at work. Seems ya'll only want to show up with numbers when you can out number a small nation. Though kinda was wondering what the hell was up with the swede battle this morning cause there was a crap load of brits out side that hit our ships instead of going into the port battles. Again easy target instead of protecting there silver interest lol We join those nations cause we like to fight the big guys....you know the three largest nations....the ones that keep hiding and running from fights now that the tables have been turned on them and they can't just get easy wins. I'll be honest with you just about every nation has a group of players with alts. Pirates aren't the only ones. I know a good number of Brits, Dutch and US that have several alts too. Some of them are even in Pirates that we ignore even though we know who they are. It's part of the game and isn't changing any time soon. Many of ya'll keep telling us we should roll a small nation instead of playing pirates. Well we did that with our alts and ya'll are complaining that we are helping them that way. I mean I think the only thing that would make some of you happy if we just left you to your little PvE server....I mean PvP server.
  18. St Johns line ship port battle - 25 Swede/Dane/French vs 15 US/Brits Again low number show up for a port battle that the Brits set at there own prime time.
  19. Cartagena de Indias line ship port battle - 15 Dutch vs 25 Pirates Not to self mortar brigs don't make good fire ships...lol I do want to say thanks for showing up. I give the guys that did show and fought credit for that. Unlike some one that seems to be leading his clan from port or another server. Though still not sure where your alliances is. Even if some guys where tied up in the other Port Battle Brits is large enough they should of been able to send some guys to help ya'll any way.
  20. For me ship officers and the crafting of a ship should be replacement for them. If I want to make a board fit Bucc than I need to craft it as such from ground up as one. Not be bale to remove the mods nad make it now a combat ship. This will get folks to have more specialized ships than just moving mods around. Now my question is the skills per ship or for any ship of that type that you unlock. Say I have a Cerberus and I learn a few skills/perks for that ship. IF I make another will it have the same ones or will I have to relearn them over again for that new ship? I think some should be locked to each ship so you have some green crew and experienced crew/ships. Though some might be unlocked for types of ships. Like if you play a lot of light shisp you gain certain light perks for those class ships. This should be how you get things like Light ship master that effect all ships of that type. So if some one rushes through the shallows ships and never reach that level buy grind like crazy in SOL they can be master of those type of ships instead. While some one that takes there time and plays a light might master all three types of ships by time they reach RA level.
  21. There needs to be a means to get hostility. I'm sorry the missions while they sucked to grind was a means to get agro on a region when folks hid and you couldn't get PvP. To me a true raid mechanic would fix this. 12 vs 12 flag system raids that put on 25% agro if you win the raid or take it off. If there is no means to get agro than we won't flip ports if folks just hide to prevent it. So not sure if taking the missions completely out of the game and how the hell will folks level up? I'm all for more things to get folks out , but a lot of the means they try don't work (the PvP events that no one uses on PvP2). Though they need to look at the things that do work to get folks out to fight. That and stop talking to the PvE guys about things that they want on a PvP server. To be honest known of us really know what they plan for any new agro system just yet. I'm sure we will find out some time around summer or fall though....maybe next year.
  22. I just went through and counted other than the one that brits jumped into a mission we where doing at Cap Fran the other side had same or more players if you take out the AI. Yah I forget ya'll don't count AI. I'm sorry syaing they are awfull is not an excuse as to why ya'll suck so bad even when you have twice as many numbers or more when you add in AI. Though we know how much a crutch they are for ya'll. If you stop depending on them you guys would get better. We are loving the shallow water ROE cause it means no more fights that are 29+ vs 15 fights (Front of Morgan Bluff which was like 15 vs 10 players but add in all the AI made it 29+ vs 15). I'm sorry AI COUNT EVEN IF YOU PULL IN A FLEET. If it's a 30 vs 15 fight it's still 2 vs 1. So loosing in those fights there is ZERO excuse at all with those numbers. All we hear is excuses and excuses over and over. Instead ya'll should just get out there and fight. Stop being a bunch of care bear cry babies. He's gotten more kills the first day being with us than he ever had on ya'lls side so I think he is fitting in very well with us. Folks want action, sitting around hiding doesn't give them that.
  23. It's put in to keep folks from exploiting by just surrendering to each other. You just give it a broad side of ball and you will get the kill and than the points.
  24. Awww that last one, Dead was just a baby pirate back than....that must of been a good long time ago.
  25. Looks liek a good turn out on the ELITE side too. Good try, maybe next time. Looks like a close match number wise. I can understand the guys with lower ranks, but the brining 2nd and 3rds when you can be in a 1st rates is honestly hurting the Nationals. That and stop putting RA's in mortar brigs that can be in SOL's. Put you lower level guys in good ones and get them trained up until they can get into SOL's and that will help ya'll with the numbers. Good luck on the next ones. Do you know how Rookie zone battle work? The battles stay open until BR is 300 on each side. I didn't need any help as I had you right where I wanted you. I have no problem taking a good 45 mins to kill some one. Specially in a 1 vs 1 against a heavy rattler and the crew kill issues with shallow water ships you stay away from them. They joined cause the battle was open and we are flipping a port. There is no gentleman's agreement of 1 vs 1 when your at war. Your a nation that has declared war upon us while we are waging a war on your Alliance. We aren't going to be fair when you can have 3 other US/BRIT/DUTCH or any other nation join the fight. Even the Dane/Spain/French/Swedes could join on your side I think (maybe not the ones at war) cause no one can join pirates side. Not our fault /YOU/ went into a war zone solo and not expected to be jump. The guys that joined had just got out of a battle so instead of sitting out side they joined to finish you off and be done with the flip. Which I believe set the port battle when they got out of the missiosn they where doing. Sorry man don't come out into a war zone solo and not expect to get killed. I can bet you if that was the US/Brit/Dutch they would of done the same thing all jumped in and killed me if I was solo up there. US does it all the time at Sandy point and than they all run to the forts instead of fighting you out numbered.
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