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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. But if I blow his mast down, shoot out his stern, kill half his crew before I get aboard on him I should get the same reward as some one that just sunk him. I get not having them give out gold or be worth much so we don't use them over crafting ships and such, but really no Marks or XP? I worked just as hard to capture that player/AI if not harder than some one that just sanked a ship. So I should still get xp and marks from my kill. Now if they just surrender than no damage was done or very little. Make some trigger where you actually have to engage in a fight to get the reward (so no rage boarding either). I thought the one hour cool down on rewards was suppose to be a means to stop from alt/friend farming for xp.
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  2. Ok I get you want us to have a bit of money sink. Now my term for a complaint. Crew lost cost is still a bit high. I pretty much went broke with the starter money trying to get my crew back up to max and since you ahve to pay to reset your perks I didn't get the perk to get cheaper crew at start cause than I couldn't reset it without the PvE marks. Can we get when the patch goes live like a crew boost redeemable so every one that is RA/Curse can get there full crews and not have to go broke trying to get crew back. The money I'm getting from PvE is not supporting my crew lost even with using the surgeon. Specially if I capture any ships. I'm getting like one trade item that only takes up a few hundred slots for a ship that can hold a couple thousands. So loot drop needs to be worked over. I have yet to get any resources from a trader either, it's been all trade items XP for combat no matter what you do sink or capture ships. We should still get combat xp for even capturing a ship. Some can say capturing a ship takes way more skill than just sinking a ship. So why aren't we getting rewareded for our hard work? I get no gold for the fight, but we should get Marks and XP still for our hard work. Yah the cargo of the ship if it's a trader should be our reward, but remember not all ships are traders and all AI ships I found have been grey ships (1/1 Mod slots instead of 3/5). Is there a chance to get a good normal ship from an AI this way? Econ and trade. I love that we have to make our own now, but can we get where the map scroll over tells you what you can produce in ports again? We use to have this option and even if you have to visit a port to know what you can produce there is better than how it is now. Yah I can look up every port that I can make coal at, but what If I want to know what all can be build in that one port? As stated above we should have the option to fill the buy contracts we want to. I'm not going to fill an enemy's buy contracts over a friendlies. Ship dock space? Can some one explain this? How many do we have from start? Is the 3 you buy on top of the total or per port (so you can do it mulit time). With one dura ships we are going to need to have more ships and spread out over more grounds spare ships in case we get sunk at a front. If we are now limited to less ships space than before than that is going to hurt players from being able to fight. Pirates Den: I'm hoping this is one of the parts not finished, but we don't have any of the books the nationals have in there shops. So is this planned cause if pirates get yet another restrictions over Nationals and no extra perks than your just snow balling us to be useless. Cause I'm going to bet folks won't trade for these and you will have to us alts. Unless this is just an over sight and will be fixed by patch time. I don't mind we have a few less options than the nations do but we do get the Pirate Frigate BP so if this stays the only way to get it than it makes it mainly a pirate only ship, but we needs means to get the books and other things like the Nationals do too. I get if they have more figureheads than we do, but the ones we have should be mainly pirate oirented and special to make up for the lack of options.
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  3. the problem is they are all crappy gray 1/1 mod slot ships, they aren't the same you can craft or buy in shop. I get you don't want us to make them a source of only encom, but we should get something for them back in the port that is worth what we would of gotten if we sunk them. Also why do we not get any xp from the battle if we captured a ship even if we demasted and filled it with holes. Me and a buddy was taken down a much higher tier ship and I went for a bored and bang. Neither of us got XP from the fight cause I captured the ship. This is my only big complaint. I can live with not getting any cash for the ship if I'm able to sale it in port (and not for 5 god either). Breaking them down don't give you crap for mats compared to how it use to be. Though I get you don't want us to buy stuff and break it down, but should give something in the middle of what they use to give and give now when you break up ships. I have been using one ship as a escort help while I grind xp so it's a cheap means to get a fleet ship. If it sinks it sinks and I just capture a new one. THere is a large number of players that will do trade and such. You can also put up buy contracts if you don't like the mark up prized and hope to find some one that will sale it to you at a more lower price. Just don't try to low ball it cause than folks won't fill it. With this @admin we really need the option to fill the contract we want. I'm not going to fill the contract of a nation I"m at war with over some one that is friendly no matter if the guy is paying more. I love the concept of them have expire time now though cause to many contracts where put up and forgotten and filled ports in the past and many where put up to low ball folks or make it so they can't get resources. I wish they bring back the scroll over a port on the map and it tells you what can be produced in that port. Even if you have to visit it first to know this is better than no clue. Specially if they change some of the resources around. That way I know I want to produce iron and coal I can go to these two ports and put up building in them and I don't have to go to every dang port and look at the shop to see what I can build in those ports.
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  4. Some ships (captured and baisc cutter) aren't fine level and only have a few slots. The captured grays only have 1/1 verses a bought/craftered has 3/5. So while you might unlock the slot for that ship type you won't be able to add extra. I bet if you open a cutter up you would be able to add more skills to it. Time to get your trader budies to working. I all ready started up all my buildings the moment I could with common goods. I'm planing to sale some after our clan gets a good stock pile so you will see goods show up later, it's just going to be rough the first few weeks after patch drops. I do think the first week Devs should seed some goods in the shops to help boost start the econ. You never been in combat have you? They are elbow deep trying to save there buddies lives while there buddies are fighting back. I believe Germany where the EU server is located. It's prob not one of the top tier servers too as I notice it can be a bit more laggy/buggy than the EU server for me. Many I know ya'll's pings got to blow from over there. Both in the military and working offshore when it gets silent....>SOMETHING IS WRONG< Which could be a good thing fight over but could be bad thing cause of why fight is over (surrendered). By the looks of it the crafting system is what they are still working on so don't go off anything you see right now until the patch is fully released. This is only part of the patch to tie some of us over until the main patch drops hopefuly next week. I get the no gold and such from them, but we should still get xp from captured ships. That and the cargo has been so small that it hasn't even been worth captureing any traders right now. Hell I would just be as happy to take the cargo and sink the ship if I got some sort of xp out of it from the battle. Even worse for pirates is if we hit a contraband good trader it makes the fight a FFA and we get nothing at all any way and others can join until the fight is over. Pirate vs Pirates FFA fights need to be only Player vs Players in my opinion.This just means folks will avoid certian traders in fear of getting ganked by any one that comes by.
  5. lol that is kind a mean joke...why would you want to do something like that to them poor EU players? I just kid...
  6. When you get enough xp on a ship you can put the perks on it (like mods) and one of them is marines. So still mods per say but I take it they are perm since we only have 3 perm slots now.
  7. I still have no clue what is in the books section as it's not listed in the Pirates. I need to delete my other char and roll him nat just to see that side and what to cost of some of those things in the shop is.
  8. What you expect every thing to be just given to you? Your going have to grind PvE marks and PvP marks to get stuff. Though most of the good stuff is with PvP marks any way so shouldn't you be getting those from PvP? I assume the marks of Conquest are from port battles.
  9. I think they gave every one enough to make RA and Rank 50 but those that been on test got redeemables of there exp level too and crafting rank. That is how I understood them. Remember this is a pre-pre-patch we shouild get the full version next week hopefully. The reason nothing is in the shops is cause WE AS THE PLAYERS WILL BE THE ECON. It's going to be rough at start but once folks start producing stuff hopefully you will start to see more stuff in the shops. My Don't like list: Contraband good traders count as pirates. So all battles with one are FFA and any one can join (since I'm pirate). The fact you don't get any XP for traders (since your going to capture them I guess). I get no gold or such, but no XP either? And since Contraband good traders count as pirates we don't get anything from the fight. I don't know if it's the same for the Nats, but I'll bring on one of my other chars as a Nat later to test that out. Can't repair in battle results screen. So if your damage you pop out damage and have to repair fast in OW. The OW repair only does it in blocks of like 5 so you can't even fully repair as it will live a little bit unrepairds. Pirates Den doesn't have any of the books that seems the nationals have. In fact the pirate dens has very little compaired to the nationals. I get that for the most part, but if we can't get the same books as they are than there is going to be a problem. Just hope this is an over sight and needs to be added in when full patch drops to test. Can we get a one time redeem or the money to pay for all crew. Paying for your crew up to RA level makes you pretty much broke. I'm going to bet this is going to be a big problem when it goes live too cause there are a lot of RA/Curses in this game and being stuck with only a small part of you crew is going to be costly.
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  10. need to add the fleet perk to capture and take ships.
  11. You can only exchange the PvE for the PvP marks, but I do't know what he's bitching about most of the good stuff is all needing PvP marks, oh wiat it's all the books/mods that we don't have in the pirates den that Nats have....lol
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  12. It's combat as i have 250 of my 950 needed for the first one for the Suprise. I did cap a Trader Brig and it got it's first one free. Guess you capture ships get the xp too. Now my question is this excpierence per ship or if I bought a sercound suprise it will have the same xp gain. Need to test that, but I'm running out of money as I opend a few ports to start grindning up some econ stuff.
  13. Yah just got back from the store and noticed that.....let the chaos begin.
  14. But how hard is it for them to come on here and make a post, "Hay we are having some more issues with testbed patch so it won't be this week, we will try our best to get it out next week. Have a happy Easter weekend and enjoy it with your family." Signed Devs See that wasn't hard at all and now that it's Friday evening and they have been avoiding this and we know it's holiday weekend so that pretty sure we WON'T SEE THE PATCH this week. Which maybe if they stop adding crap like removing global and other things they can get the patch out and than make tweeks to it while it's in testbed as needed. Remember not every content has to make it into every patch, but if you keep pushing patches back and back and back to add more content they will never get dropped in a timely manor.
  15. Well it's Friday eve UTC time so unless it drops some reason on this weekend and I don't think they have ever patched anything other than hot fix on a weekend than guess once again something wasn't delivered on time and we will yet again sit around waiting another week or month (for the live patch). Would be nice if the Devs actually update this for us so we know hay it might be in a day or two or week or two and stop wasting our time sitting around wondering what is going on. Oh and since it's Easter weekend I'm going to state for sure we aren't getting it this weekend. Well hope every one has a good and joyful weekend with there families.
  16. Yah one of those guys even said he played offline. Right there I called him out cause there is no offline of the game so he had no clue what the hell he was talking about. He made his review off friends reviews and what he's read in post. What I think is some guys get the game with some friends. Find out it's not some World of Warship instant battle game and than give bad review and get there money back and get there friends to give the same reviews. Like I said I might be hot headed on the forums and bug the crap out of the Devs about certain things (LIKE WHEN WE GETTING TESTBED PATCH UPDATE?), but i know what we are playing and the other stuff I like seeing. I have no problems with the coming patch (other than global chat turn off thing). I just want to see it get on test and live some time this year. Maybe even this month. So I'll bitch about it here, but I won't write a bad review cause of it. We are EA in Alpha stage of development things are going to chage for the better or some times worse. It's no where close to the finish product and folks need to understand that.
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  17. I did fail a mission to confrim, just thought we didn't get neutral any more when there was no agro. Guess they are still in the rotation of random nation with no agro precents. We should of tried to flip it to see if we can have neutral port battle lol
  18. Yah but we shouldn't have to use a third party software for something all ready in game. I'm sure it will get dropped or changed with all the complaints, but than again you never know with this group....I just want the testbed patch to drop so I can start picking apart the new patch and get us ready for when it drops on live.
  19. We haven't seen the full changes yet and folks need to remember the three meta's won't be able to be crafted by every one at start. So we will see a lot of other ships instead. I think we should wait and see how things or before we got asking for any nerf or buffs. It's actually going to be nice the first week or so cause every one won't be in the top best ships cause we be gathering mats and crafting ships and getting the Marks for the BP's we need. So some of the first port battles is going to be a mix of ships and maybe not so boring as having all one type of ship and builds. @admin Going to ask this every freaking day until some one gets an answer. Is testbed going to be patch this week or we going have to wait another week? As now we are at the end of the week and folks have been waiting on this. An answer/update would be nice.
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  20. Pretty much spot on, as we will see this with the new patch and for a while we are prob going to see a big mix of ships as folks gather resources and can only make certain ships. Might be a good change than the norm meta of certain type of ships. Even more so with the SOL's going to take more to build and have. They won't be a meta for every one to bring there rare 1st rates except for very important battles.
  21. I seen all the madmax, I plan to live that way...>ROAD WARRIOR<
  22. Not to worried about N. Korea, hell even China is busting there balls about all this crap and China had there backs for ages. But just in case I have made sure a few bags are ready and the car is gassed up and the guns are ready just in case something crazy happens.
  23. Well if they ever update the testbed On testbed only Yah many of us have stated why did they stop patching the current stuff to live when they came out with the new stuff that is coming patch? They act like it's all part of this new patch and it's not. They could of updated the live with current tetbed structure stuff, Pirate vs Pirate and the change to AI and gave us something to play with on live while we wait for the patch update. But instead we are going have to wait prob another month for anything to hit live and maybe another week for anything to be updated to testbed.
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  24. I'm sure there been some of the same on PvP1, but on PvP2 BLACK has had a long standing alliance like this with the Danes CN/CCCP clan for a very long time. I can see with the new patch and Pirate vs Pirate returning that we will prob see a lot more of this where clans will support one nation/clan or another and it might not be the same ones as others do. It's a bit early, but good time to get the word out and maybe work with some of the current players and clan on either server to get connections. Though player base is way down right now as a lot of folks are waiting on the patches to come.
  25. So on Facebook which prob a good chunk of the players never see or even have. What next going to do official post on twitter and other things? I agree and since this is the FORUMS which is the official spot I going to say than your post of void saying this on FB and not on here. I'm sorry while I have ya'll followed I don't get every post on FB cause it isn't a high traffic source. Hell I don't even have twitter so don't start doing like a certain other big name company and posting info on 50 different media except on there forums. This is why I stated ya'll should have one thread with announcements that only ya'll can post in so you post the announcements and make post stating it's been updated but no one else can post on it. That way info doesn't get lost 20 pages into a post cause we can't see every post cause some folks aren't on 24/7. Than you make a feedback/discussion post that has the same info, but we can give our feedback to. Hello Captains. This is an information post as we are getting questions in private messages and in posts to a page about the updates. For quality assurance reasons all patches and changes in 2017 are first deployed to testbed before going out to user version. Since beginning of 2017 more than 5 updates of varied size were deployed to testbed including Admiralty store, changes to durability, changes to perks with fleets, structural damage and many other features based on your feedback. We are currently finishing the feature allowing you to use cargo hold of your fleet and once its done the patch will be sent out to the main servers. We just did not want to spam you with unnecessary messages before the work was actually done and deployed to main server. You can play on the testbed server yourself. Here is the link explaining how you can join and participate http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php… P.S From now on we will try to post more about what is going on with coding of the game and modelling of the new vessels. Now this is what I assume you mean was posted. Now tell me where exactly it says live is dead and they aren't putting patches to it until the wipe? I get the current stuff can't be cause of game mechanics, but the stuff that has been on there since Feb could of been updated to the game even the silly 3 dura stuff and that would give us more content and prob would shut a lot of players up for a bit (hay we will always bitch about something). Which I'll be honest if you do the patch to tested and in a few weeks it goes to live that is exactly how most of us expect the patch/testbed to work, but what the majority of us don't understand why has not of the stuff before this current update has not been pushed along to live for players to test and play with. The structure system and ships with 3 duras (though that part could of been left off), the Pirate vs Pirates stuff and hell even some of the admiralty and new OW AI stuff could of been pushed to live a month ago before this patch changes was even announced since they have been on test bed for over a month. But instead you stopped every thing and made the game go stale cause you announced a wipe in a few weeks 4-6 and not that it's a month later and we haven't even got the patch to testbed and folks aren't expecting the patch to make it live any time soon folks have stopped playing. Cause why should we play on a dead server of content that doens't matter and will be wiped? Last night there was only 40 on PvP2, 30 something on PvP1, 20 something on PvE and 3 on Testbed during US prime time. A time when there would normally be proib about 300-400 players online between the servers had less than 100. Folks have been asking this week if the patch is even going to make it to testbed this week as we been told. There has been zero answer on both the english and russian furoms when this is asked. So lets be straight with each other. Is the patch going to make it to testbed by the end of this week or should we expect it some time next week maybe? Which would prob mean that we won't see the patch going live around the 19/20 or even the end of April if we don't see it this week on testbed.
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