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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I agree, we have won way more fights that we should of lost when we didn't have the BR and this would show you that you did hard owned work cause of it. I kinda think it should be a modifier for the rewards not a flat out things to keep from abuse of alt/char grindings to get marks. What always cracks me up is when some one post the other side of the story. We been in some fights and one thing happen or the other. Than some one goes and brags about the results in there nation chat or even global and it's nothing like what the actual battle results are. It's why we screen shot every thing. Get me not had folks say I ganked them and tagged them until I should the screen shot that there 5 vs 5 (me and my AI on his story) was actually Me and my Fleet and a bunch of shallow water ships vs 5 guys with AI's they forgot to count so they actual had about 10 equal rank ships not 5. We like to call that math 'DUTCH.' math. Where you add up what numbers and only use the ones you want to use out of the stats and numbers.
  2. Speaking of boarding. @admin with these changes how are marines going to be handled. I seen smoe mention on the Russian Q&A about restrictions and keeping marines to 10-20% crew and more close to historic figures of 150-200 marines on board. I would say it be nice if every one has 10% across the board marines no matter what and than add a perk/mod that allows a bit more to match up to 10% percentage but never going over the cap you placed there for the crew. Maybe part of the ship progressions. I know this will kill board fit only builds we have now, but to be honest you didn't see 99% of the ships back than set up for boarding only in fights like we have in some fights now a days with folks with rare gold mods (I have many myself).
  3. and this thread is just proof we need separate rooms for the kids...lol I added PvE cause while they are a small voice they are still a voice of the game and I'm sure they would like to have post without all the PvP crapping spamming it for announcements and things they might do over there. Hell some one might spur up the play and get things like tournaments and such going just for PvE server and what not.
  4. I'm hoping they do a slot just for regional perk. Kinda like how you have the one slot for paint. Sounds like it can be added at any time too. So if you craft a ship but don't have the refit for it yet you can take it out and start getting the expeierence in that ship until you get the refit. Maybe even chang out refits on a ship to change out the build. Just like how you can change out the perm mods right now by destroying them.
  5. There is all ready an xp for travel so this isn't that hard. I would take it the traders would have only a few perks to them to learn, but would be interesting. Specially if i can set up something like my boarding LGV I use for trader hunting. Thus he gets XP from not only running hauls but his combat so ya'h he's going to be the better ship.
  6. I liked it so far, it stil pays out decently, but your not going to get rich quick and even if you farm multi alts its still going to take folks a long time to do so. We know it can take a while, but would still be nice to have the option. Kinda like the POTBS system had where you can offer up a portion of your cargo. There are many times I would just let a new guy or poor broke guy go after I tag the, demast them and take most there crew. Just as I'm about to board them I tell them to have a nice day, tip my hat and off for other fights/adventures and remind them to stay out of pirate waters. I assume we still get the XP pay out though, but I'm fine with the ship being reward Right now we get a slight bonus when we craft a ship over the same build from a note or NPC ship. Do we still get this slight perk in stats on player built ships over NPC built ships? That is the older Decemebt shipcrafting post I believe where they where talking about doing more than one tiers like a PC, NPC, and Rare ships pretty much. This is good to know as it saves you having to make the refit for said ship, but I think admin posted right after that it retains every thing. Going to make capture other ships than SOL's very interesting. I think this is the only way a surrender system would properly work that gives up part of cargo and lets them go free. I still wouldn't mind something like this cause some times it's just tagging and letting folks your blockaiding a port that sets teh point in than just sinking every one.
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  7. I know PvP1 guys broke theirs. Is there a way we can just have all alliances broken until patch cause of low server pop right now we have the super mega allainc rolling nations and your going to just run off more players with them one porting every one until the patch a month from now. Most of us are taking off or will be on Testbed as we see absolutely no reason to play on main live server fight now. Maybe give us some rare ships to goof around with too, like the mass majority of PvP2 has never even seen the SC unless they where the few rare ones built while the BP was dropped for a few hours.
  8. Yah that was one of the spare ships I pumped out back when it might of looked like we where going to lose kids. I'm still giving out ships to folks. I'll surely make another after the patch...some day as it might take a long time to get back up into SOl ship crafting lol For me it's my original first exception ship a Exceptional Trader Brig I built back when I was first crafting and I built it to get the Trader Snow BP cause back than it had a better cargo than the brig. It's going to be sad as it still has all dura and never been caught, ask Privateer and a few other pirates that never caught it when I was US. That going to be a sad day to see it go.
  9. We all know the pops are down, but when US can still bring 25 in none prime time (they have brought up to enough to fill two port battles with GB/DUTCH) we know it's not a numbers game on there side. It's a fact they only choose to fight when they have winning odds. When we can get 25 they all disappear and stop playing. It's why they are zerging us right now. I have yet to see them bring close to our numbers of 5-10 as they been having like 15-25 the last week with some out side. They only come out and fight when they can win no matter what, but as we seen in past fight that doesn't even all ways work for them. Like I been telling them month why folks stop playing, cause they have nothing to do if they can't attack the other most populated nations. So they either stop logging in or they go pirate.
  10. Have ya'll picked what nation yet?
  11. I know right now you can't adjust the cargo while at see by adding or taking out from it. You have to be in port. This means you can't put a ship in fleet with cargo yet. They are working on that. So you can capture a trader and than send it to fleet. Right now you have to still take that ship back to port if you want to keep the goods on it.
  12. I realy hope those where empty rum bottles. I mean good way to distract them, but such a waste too.
  13. That cracks me up when they even field 23 with 2 brits the other day mid US day time and we had like 6. They don't need help they just cowards. As Oneeyed Said we never have one ported them. 11 ports was the most. Last time we took them down to 18 when we had all the silver and the two ports on each side of CT when the patch announcement was up, but they still had more ports than we had (at 15). I kinda feel for you guys that will be working with them. Some of the are prob having a fit that there might be a chance of GB and US fighting each other. For like one week and it was only the live oak one week and we gave it right back to them (didn't have numbers to hold them and do other things). Than we hit the silver right before patch announcement last month. Again we wouldn't been able to hold them it's just the fact to take all the silver and say we could. As for the Brits that got one ported that was back in June/Jul of last year and you forget that was right after US and them one ported pirates. The only nation that has never been one ported is US. What with Brits/Dutch taking the french ports? They are now down to two regions (one capital) Swedes are down two two regions, Spain was never allowed to get more than two regions. We are currently at 5 regions. Sure we will loose those by patch/map. We are going to try to hold onto cap frances for labor contracts for folks that are still leveling up....but I"m sure they will take that too before the patch. They all ways do when they roll like this. So have fun with all your little dots.
  14. Was hoping PvP2 US/Brits would do the same. Though I highly dought they would. Some of the numbers where close. I think the devs should stop all alliances until patch now that it's been announced.
  15. Looks like some one got tagged in the Valley of Death (La Torte area). There is a reason you need to watch out, even if he didn't mean to there are all ways tons of AI for who ever owns that region around. As for our complaint it's not with Big AI fleets as I think every one hates them including us, what we hate is Port Battles when you bring 35+ and screen against 20 guys. It's a big over kill and when US can bring just there own 25+ (they have the last few port battles) they don't need to be in an alliance with the second largest nation GB. Though this is going to get resolved hopefully when the next patch comes out. Two largest nations should not have had a port battle since Auguast of last year. Now as for your own words you said he keep leaving and following fleets. Wouldn't that gives you a hint that he's being careful to not be attacked by two suprses? While he's in a lower BR ship a Cerberus? While some might be able to beat those odds, but not many unless the two surprises where two idiots. I'm going to say your not so if your in the same boot you would pull the fleet with you to. Now show me a screen shot of like 15 pirates vs your 2 (and I'm not counting AI's pulled) and than we can talk about unfariness. Next time don't hunt in that area and be more aware of what is around you when your popping in and out of the port. It's not like he tagged the fleet and pulled you in, he tagged you and pulled ya'll in. You had to get close enough for a tagg so I'm going to bet you where going for a gank on him and got screwed out of it cause you didn't see the fleets around you.
  16. The biggest problem I have right now is Spain is rolling most of the ports. It made it hard to get some things done when the ports aren't pirate any more that Iw as trying to craft in a few weeks ago and I don't want to remake the char as I have crafting levels and would loose the redeemable ships I have if I di that. Kinda annoying we are all at craftin level zero on there. Hell annoying I don't get prize for teh stupid missions. I was trying to get crafting up to make an essex so I don't use the mission defualt one, but I think I'm going to just give up on that until next week.
  17. It should slow down the ship. It's not easy to get cargo out of a hull and than dump it over the sides. Sorry empty a whole ship while being chased is BS. I can see if they drop some, but not every thing. Than what they drop should be able to pick up by the chasers in a fight if they wish. Of course they would have to slow down too and pick it up.
  18. Testbed end of next week Patch end of month That is my understanding but sounded like there might be two patches by wipe at end of month or something. Sorry that last part about future patches kinda of confused me about the wipe and such. Though I'm expecting patch/wipe in May so I won't be disappointed.
  19. Yah I love the content, it's just the fact it kills the servers even more until it gets put live. Luckly this time around unlike the region patch that did the same thing we get to play and test it out on testbed first so that will make the wait not so bad as hardly any one logs in. Guess I just need to find something to do until end of next week.
  20. Well with the current patch info update and the patch not coming until maybe next week I pretty much have no reason to be on test now until than. Only been on there most of the last few days cause PvP2 has been so dead. It's going to be even more dead for the rest of the month. Guess I'll see most of ya'll end of next week when the testbed gets updated.
  21. "After this patch hits it will take some time to prepare the infrastructure for the wipe and map reset Next patch will focus on new missions revamp (+ some potential changes to hostility) and will be deployed during wipe. If not we will deploy it right after the asset reset. We still expect to be able to do the asset reset by end of April." I missed this part the few times I read it so looks like we will get the wipe with the patch at the end of the month....HOPEFULLY.
  22. @admin Ok now that I got my salty out with that last post about the time table. So we get the current info listed on test bed hopefully by the 14th (end of next week) and get the patch put live by the end of the month (not the 19&20th as before) and the wipe some time in the new future to be determined? And I"m understanding this right? This end of the month patch won't have the wipe, just the new ship crafting content?
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  23. Thanks for the update, but well this just proves it's going to be at the end of the month. Well guess I better go find something else to do while the servers are dead and US/GB/DUTCH finish rolling every one to one port on PvP2 cause the numbers are so down. But hay we will prob have the patch by next month so that is a good thing. Once again thanks for the update.
  24. If it's who I think it is, Bawsy just left to go on a deployment recently and we hope he makes it back safe and sound in due time. Many of us are actually excited about the merge if folks don't come with certain attitudes like they are better than others. There are a lot of great players on PvP2 that we see held back cause there nation is ran buy guys that prefer PvE over PvP/RvR and they need help and guidance. I think many of them are going to shine as good PvP players once they get more numbers of like players and experience. And yes I brought up our clan and how we fight over there against odds in one post (not 90% as some one apparently has Dutch math). It wasn't meant as a brag it was meant to say LIVE OAK META isn't the only build for port battles. We actually lost a port battle cause of this build and bad wind. The 1st rate never made it out of the first circle cause of the wind. If we had some faster light ships we could of controlled a second circle liked the US/GB/Dutches where able to. So Tanked out slow ships are not the only ships for port battles and that was my point to get across until they turned it into, "PvP1 are ELITES vs PvP2 are a bunch of scrubs." I'm going to bet both sides/serves are going to find some surprises when the merger happens about how things are done. Good and bad in my book. We all agree they do need 1-2 more LO Resources locations and that is what this thread should about. Not who is better than who on what server. Save that for National News...
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