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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Prob not, I have been hardly seeing any fleets out. Hell a few 6th rates and a few traders and a rare 4th rate fleet, just not enough to grind any xp or credits out right now it seems and this is with a very low player base for testing.
  2. Just had the same thing happen to me. I noticed the captured ship after I put crew on it took the name of my fleet ship. I wonder if that is what happening it thinks it's the same ships and than bugs out and you get nothing. So just F11 but lost both the Merc I had in the fleet and the LVG I capture. OH and 461 food supplies was it's cargo...>CRAP< Nothing but crap from the traders and it's buggy as hell and we don't even get XP for all the time. I love how they have Marines, and high firepower (so prob Barricades and other mods like before) so we loose more crew than we should cause we can't have any of those mods until our ship gets unlocked but we get crap for xp or even cargo. FIX YOUR FREAKING TRADERS. It was historically a means Privateer and Pirates made money but I can't make crap and have to grind fleets to death or make extreme cargo runs of goods (which you limited this patch) or I go broke.
  3. Yah I'm not going to do the major grinds like I did yesterday to get from to the suprise unlocked and such. Figure what it's like and I'll just let it test it self. Been running around in a frigate though.
  4. they changed it so we don't know and I don't feel like grinding ships again in a day or two so I'll take my time.
  5. @admin The cannons, can we craft mediums too? Cause there are some ships I actually use them on the bottom decks for brawling up close for max damage
  6. Haven't done it since the last two patches, but in the testbed before that it gave you nothing other than bragging rights
  7. We may never see each other in battle again...well unless I roll my Dane French like I'm thinking to play Nat on that side of the world....than I'll find you OneEye and I'll get you....>INSERT EVIL LAUGHTER< Well maybe not...lol I think we are going to see a lot more clan based control of area's than nations.
  8. The titles are off your post count, well unless your STAFF, TESTER (Pre EA players before sea trials) OR MODERATORS...haven't seen any other special ones though.
  9. LOL I think a few of use was thinking the way you worded that was they where removed and only way to get them was not by normal means. Thanks for clearing that up. Yah sorry if you surrender or what not you lost your ship, done deal. Now what would be nice in the future is a surrender option where you can give up a percentage of your cargo and if I accept I take the cargo and you keep your ship and crew. POTBS had something like this. Would be nice way to let folks go when your Pirate/Privateering and don't want the ship or all the cargo. I would let new players go with there ship and partial cargo if given the option to. Well you shouldn't or surrender if you didn't want to loose your ship. Plan and simple. See option I put above, it should be a surrender condition option from start that they offer you part of the cargo if you let them live.
  10. I tested and you can't, but I would think we should be able to put less if we wanted to run a lighter ship by having less guns without putting none on a deck or going lower class.
  11. Nah by my understanding is a lot of folks didn't get the xp/gold redeemables if they didn't play on testbed before the last patch. So they came with nothing at all. So what they are prob going to do is give out another rounds of redeemebles for those players. I have a few clan mates with no crafting levels cause they didn't play on it before the current patch was updated last week. but who knows we will just have to wait for the next patch update on testbed
  12. But we need a proper raid system. Basically instead of conquest we raid a port. Make it 12 vs 12 man raids we get to capture that port (not the region) for say 3-5 days and do our crafting. All production has stopped during that time and the ones part of the raid get the resources that should of been produced or just simply we can craft for those few days there in that port. Once the raid is over it reverts back to the owner. Raided zones could cause agro spikes in that region too making it unstable and more easy for another nation to attack. Things like that so we are more a thorn in the side instead of total conquest crap. Give us Kidds as a capital and home region. We get free towns to work out of and turn Mort into a neutral region for every one to use no matter nation (so no one will ever truely be one ported) and it will turn into the center of trade hub. Though dangerous spot too as folks will prob be raiding traders and ships in that area. People want to restrict Pirates on the ships they can use. Ok we can craft any ship up to 4th rate, but we are the only ones that can craft Pirate Refits (and prob need to bring in one or two more refits that are pirate only of lower rank). The only way for a Nat to get one is to capture one. SOL can only be crafted by national, but Pirates are the only ones that can capture and keep them. If a National captures one it gets sent to the admiralty and gets a prize for it (like how SOL's NPC ships are paid for if you capture them right now). Want to make pirates even more special make this a pirate only ability to capture ships and all Nations capture ships are sent back like NPC SOL's and paid a prize. To many guys want to restrict the pirates, but they don't wan any of the restrictions on nationals. There needs to be a trade off. Pirates all ready have a bunch of restrictions and no perks in game. If you keep adding restrictions than no one will want to play them, so you need to give and take. If your going to restrict them than make restrictions to Nationals on the side and give a perk for that restriction back. Also allow pirates to join any fight on any side. Maybe even include port battles. They can fill in slots. They can fight for one side or the other, or they can kill every one or every one can kill all them. Make pirates where they are more clan based or solo not an actual nation.
  13. Dev didn't say anything about a wipe. They just said they are going to change the progression tree a bit to be more in line with the type of ships. Currently for the Connie you need the Endy, that ship isn't a Heavy Frigate and as far as we know we can't craft it. Now what exactly they are talking about scout ships, maybe the Enymion is counted as a scout ship. We will see if the patch gets updated this after noon. They been doing it around noonish the last few times so that is a good thing we will see in a few hours. You never where able to telport with active fleet ships in the past. Just now we can't use the 5 slots as storage. If you have to telport you have to have free slots in port to put the ship in your total slots. We start with 5, but you can trick the game with 6 as long as you stay in that one ship. With 6 you can't move a ship out of your fleet or telport. It was like that on live you can actually have one extra ship if you stayed in that ship, you could store 5 ships in your fleets slots even if you never used them. Now you can't store any ships in your fleet slot so you can't have a total of 5-20 ships period in stock depending how many slots you have. Though you can trick it with the one ship your in being an extra one, but if you try to telport you can't cause you will have to many ships. I kinda tested this earlry when I was trading ships between alts. I was dock full, but I was able to put one ship in fleet to fee up a lost to trade and than was completely full with fleet and ships so I couldn't TP. I had to trade another ship back to my alt so I can take the ship out of fleet and telport to another port. I think that is what might be confusing some folks on the ship count.
  14. Yah I'm not saying 20 is bad, just saying for the causal player that is going to get very expensive. Hell I remember when I bought my last outpost slot for a million and thought that was more money than anything. It wasn't until around the fine woods day that I ever got over the 2-3 million in bank days. Than after that (I got 76 million off fine woods) I all ways had over 20 million on each char. Once you get up there it's not hard to keep it, or it wasn't in the past, it's just the struggle to get up there. On live we get new guys all the time freak out when we give them a couple of millions, it's not nothing for us that we can't make back in a few hours or days, but for the new players and casual guys it's a lot of grinding and play time for them to get up there. Than again I have so much stuff stocked up on live i can pump out several 1st rates easily. Going to be nice to have to start with a clean slate again. I'm all ready trying to figure out what is the best stuff to produce to get a good ship building up and going again. We pretty sure we are going have to get clan members to work on certain things to pool it all together to be productive. And I'll be willing to trade with the french for something like...>FRENCH REFIT< lol
  15. Once the slots are unlocked for me, they are unlocked on any Mercury that I own. They aren't unlocked for any one else, but say I have a Mercury and I have unlocked it to 5 slots. I can put the 5 perks/knowledge in those slots that I want. Than I can trade the ship to you. Say you never used the ship at all. That ship will have 5 perks set to it, but locked in. When you get xp and unlock the slots you can change that perk in that slot. I know it works in trade, but I haven't tested it in ships sold in the shop, but a clan mate said it works that way too. Which is interesting cause it doesn't show the slots unlocked so you might buy a ship in the store to find out it has all the slots set with perks. So if you see any ships sold by this name or Lil Texas pick them up...I put up a bunch in La Tort after unlocking for the knowledge tree up for cheap and they all have 4-5 slots unlocked with perks set. I only have unlocked one dock space upgrade so can't have a billion ships in my docks.
  16. I just want a log system for the clan storage and I'll be happy...lol Oh and remember you can use the right and left arrow keys on that slide bar instead of the mouse to get the number you want.
  17. I remember back in the old days I struggled so hard to get any money, but that was when I didn't know the system like I do now. I can easly take three LVG's out and make a couple millions in a flash, but not every new player or causal can do that. Not to mention right now no one is hunting those areas to make those runs. I try to look at the game as both a hardcore player with three alts and than as the casual or new player and how it will effect them. Nothing should be made so that you have to have alts. Yah it makes it easy for me, but I see it more like i"m three players in one that way. Though nothing should be made where you have to have alts or even a clan. It just might take that solo player a lot longer time to get things done. Hell when I started I only solo played and refused to join clans (back in my US nation days). I did it cause I wanted to learn the game with no help. It was a rough road but it's easier now compared how it was a year ago for some one to level up and keep a steady income. These new features are going to be interesting and I like them for the most part. They just need some fine tuning I think and well that is what we are here for.
  18. Are you running any econ buildings? I think folks are getting more money than they expect cause the new crafting system isn't in place and many folks aren't running econ. It sucks you money up fast when you burn buildings production and are you an active PvPer? Remember some of us are looking at it in a RvR/PvP view. I had almost all my docks filled on live with a few free slots to ship ships around cause I was fighting all over the place. Yah the no teleport stuff is going to cut that down, but as soon as you loose a ship or 5 those 20 slots are going to look really small fast. Right now your not loosing any ships either so your not spending any money on cost of new ships or supplies for them.
  19. and as you gain xp in that ship you can unlock and change what is in that slot. When I was leveling up ships like the privateer, lynx and mercury I gave them to another player with all 5 slots unlocked when I got done with them. It will help them have a better ship for there own leveling up having those perks all ready unlocked. As you can do this by trading too. The only problem I see with this system is folks will get one clan member who has a ship unlocked to set perks and than trade it back to them.
  20. What I brought up before one fix for this is when we make a ship it can be made into a note to store. That way you can keep the ship notes as back up. Like the notes you get from the ships chest. This would effectively like having dry docks.
  21. Yah when I heard it was cut down to 20 slots I kinda cooled down about that as 20 not that bad a number, than I saw how much we are getting charged to upgrade every 3 slots and what is it like 6 something million for the last three slots? ARE THEY FREAKING SMOKING CRACK? If me and you get our groups together and we are trying to flip a port and the other defend we might loose several ships on both sides and suddenly unless you had ships in that area you can't defend or attack any more cause your out of ships. WHen in the past I had any where from 0-4 more duras to look back on if I got sunk and be back into the action. I don't see 20 as a bad number if we are going to be forced to mainly work in one field of operations, but the problem I'm seeing is the cost to be able to have more than 5 ships for the casual player is going to be high.
  22. Just to let you know Niagara doens't take anything to unlock all 5 (well 4) slots so you can completely unlock that ship without any others. I think there are a few others like also. Not part of any tree. The kinda cool thing is if I have all slots unlocked, I can set perks on a ship and trade it to you and that ship will have the perks. They will be locked, but you will have a 5 perk ship compared to say your 1 perk ship. Than you can change the perks as you level up that ship. This is where capture of ships from players is going to be nice. You capture say a vets ship it might be completely unlocked.
  23. lol selective reading, but hay I added we can get them from drops too. It's way to early for me to be up this morning. Time for some coffee...
  24. actually you can buy the knowledge/skills. You use PvE marks in the Admirality/Pirate shop and can unlock more than just the basic ones we all get from start. Also some ships if captured will have books/notes that you can use to unlock them too. Once I get most of my Surprise unlocked I'm going to go back to captured ships (since I won't need the XP) and do some hunting for these things.
  25. Good to know, I was expecting an update patch today before the weekend. Hopefully it's more stuff to or the whole patch. I also figure ya'll tweek it jsut as I get the Surprise unlocked in that line lol Yah I keep telling folks that all the crafting and stuff is not even in the game so don't be setting things up, this patch isn't even final and than we get to tweeking, but we did set up a fast spread sheet of the line for the unlocking that didn't take long with the info folks had. It just makes it easier for when every thing is tweeked we will have a reforance chart for players that aren't on the testbed when the patch goes live. After all it's part of what we are here to do, test things.
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