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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I play MWO (mechwarrior online) and play a Mech unit and that is what they do. We can pick a faction/house we want to fight for at like a set time contract. Than according to the population of that House/Faction we get either a bonus for helping them or penalty towards our earned xp and credits.
  2. That is kinda what my Privateer concept is about where it's a means to change nations in game and help other nations. Pirates/Privateers can't be picked at start of a new char. You have to go pirate in game and than Privateer can be used to swtich nations. Would need a very good reputation system to support it too.
  3. There is more than one type of Victory's, we aren't going to total Victory. Just at this point we see in our operation of naval warfare we came out on top and have made it clear or current intentions until such time GB can regroup and bring the fight back to us. We told them from day one bring a proper screening fleet and we will just fight you out side and never go inside the port battle. That is honestly the best way for them to stop us from taking ports, but when they show up in light ships and store bought ships for a 4th rate or LOS port battle and all they do is tag and run and tag an run using a broken BR mechanics it's not fun. If you look at every port battle we made it into so far and there was a fight we where always out number by a couple. Add the forts and towers on the defenders side they odds should been in there favor if they just brought proper ships and tried to fight. Yah your giving folks hell and what I like you move round and not pick on one nation or another. The best way to get better folks and I said this a hundred times is to get out there an fight. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. I have to agree with both of you on most points. When we got one ported and than 3 region we fought back harder cause now we didn't have to worry about defending regions other than two of them at max so e actually had more fun with no concerns. While other nations loose one port and think it's the end of the world. US does this ever time we take a port from them even though they might have 20 something other regions still. We can't hold tons of regions (well back than) so we stricked at spots that hurt the other nation. US we did operation Camel Toe (posted after first strick our intentions). Took both regions on each side of Charlese Town and held them until we gave them back. We did Dutch Oven when the dutch keep attacking our only source of Silver (us took Bahamas straight out of the bat and held them). We took5 regions in just a few days. They only showed up to the first fight and gave up. Still had 10 of there 15 regions. We gave back all but the ones we wanted to keep. Mainly for the Strong Hull region to build more ships with it. Than we did operation Lone Ranger. We took every silver region on the map that wasn't held by us or the Danes. All while working out of Mort, Kidds and Castries only. We never expanded our regions cause we didn't need to. Every time we do something big we post our intentions so folks freak out cause we are tired of folks saying, "THE PIRATES IS GOING TO ZERG THE MAP." We learned that is not healthy for the sever so don't plan to do that again. It also burned a lot of us out and than when there was nothign to do folks go bored and stopped logging in. Which has been a tackit of US and GB when they won't fight us on PvP2. They just stop showing up until we get bored and our numbers drop than they zerg us down to one region/port (normally about the time the server is dead from a big patch coming being announced.) And this is why ya'll have such bad time keeping players is you think every one is an alt and you treat new players like crap cause of it instead of trying to get them interested into the game and level them up.
  4. And no one said these are terms of peace either. We are only letting them know our intentions. They don't have to listen to them, but than we will just keep taking ports if that is what they want. Maybe we don't want to take all the ports, but we don't have to take all them to win the match for the week. If you don't like our intentions than your more than welcome to stop us. We will see ya'll at Portabella tonight when we flip it and than at the port battle. Bring you best screeners if you dare. Other wise shut up and go lick your wounds where ever your hiding at now.
  5. Having a better team isn't an exploit. Y'all had chance to take it back in a time you picked and you brought trash ships to a lineship battle. Not our fault. Agian we took one US ports, Brits took over 5 ports and I don't see you bitching at them. IF you can't hold your ports and properly defend them than you don't deserve them at this time until you can properly do so. With this notice we are trying to give them time to build up and get that fleet to fight back. A lot of guys wanted to roll them down the coast and destroy all there econ and win. That isn't a win when every one leaves and the game is dead. So we are leaving area's off limits. They still will prob have the second most ports in game. We have no plans to take all the GoM ports as that would extend us out to far. That is why we offered US to take back the ports around the one they have in the GoM to help them grow a bit more and get encouraged to fight back. We are hoping in a few weeks they both get organized and bring the fight back to us. I know we butt heads on here a lot with post, but both your post have been spot on what they need to do, but until they can stop the interfighthing and unit clans together it's not going to happen any time soon. We are trying to give them the chance to do that. While they where running around grabbing every dot on the game we built our fleets up. They should have done the same. They got to spread out and couldn't defend there own lands next to there home port. That is the problems they need to learn how to work together and fight back. No one is saying they can't, we are just giving them out intentions is all. And this is why we are posting our intentions. If we rolled up and destroyed them to last ports folks will stop playing and the game gets dead. They bit off more than they could chew by spreading out so far and not working together . This is a great time for them to get organized, build up more than one fleet and than be ready to fight back. They can't do that if they are spread all over the place. Remember folks OW PvP is still on to keep folks busy. This is only an RvR intentions of our actions. Since the other nations are ready to fight in 25 vs 25 port battles we area given them time to grow and get ready and than offering to help other nations to. We honestly don't want the GoM ports. We would like to see US take some of them back to grow and even France to NO back and maybe Texas and beyond if they want them. Hell we would give Spain back some ports too if they can actually flip them with the two players they have or if any clans want to offer to move to spain we will give them some ports back. The new system is great compared to the CM as we don't have to roll some one down to 1 region to win or own every dot to be the best on the block. We just have to have the most points by the end of the week. Now that you can exchange Combat Marks for Victory points even the small nations can get things that the winners where locked out from getting before this hotfix. That funny most of the folks we been fighitn out there have been high ranks not noobs. It's your job to protect your noobs. If you move away from your capital or don't come out when there is a threat than it's your Vets that are letting them down. Ya'll still have plenty of vets as we see them all the time.....>ON TRADERS< but never out fighting when some one shows up. So what that tells us is they only care about trading and not there nation. Didn't a large chunk of US move to bBermuda to safely grind your fleet missions and such? Maybe that is the US and GB problem is ya'll move away from your capital. BLACK has keep there center at Mort so we can help out the rest of the nation. We use to be based out of Kidds pre-partch and found that won't help any one this patch. Mainly cause of the lack of tow to port options and telport back to capital to get ships back there. Again if US cared about there nation they wouldn't of offered all there ports up to British and bent over for them in the first place. You would of fought for your regions and not gave up. We took one region. They took over 5 regions after that. We have even offered US some of those ports back they lost. Remember US attacked two of our regions and brought them into port battles an lost. Up to that point we had not attacked or agro any region on the map other than the Spanish port around us. We than took the brits ports next to our capital but did so in prime time so they could defend them if they wished. So why shouldn't we attacked back? It got the point through that if your not ready for the RvR part of the game stop attacking our regions. IF you want to stop those hunters out side your capital do what we do. GO OUT AND FIGHT. Ask the french and brits (now french also) that have raided Mort, most of them have faced a large force of ships to run them off a time or two. When you come out in light ships you bought from the store to run some one off and your rear admiral rank your not helping your nation one bit. Edit: Removed hidden content - Moderator Team
  6. But the diffrence is some of these ships could actually hit 15 knts in the perfect wind conditions so that isn't exactly the correct comparision and again your still limited to the 20% stack not the old 40% so you will see a lot less ships hit that mark. Though the ones made for that could actually do it and it spreads the purpose of certain ships duties out more.
  7. The problem is they have a testbed and they aren't using it for feed back before they put a patch in. I'm half wanting to destroy most these mods i have on my ships but I'm half wanting to keep them too cause they might change the patch in a day or two cause of how many folks complain. I do agree we need to fix the speed meta, but they could of done it in so many ways. Hell the only reason really I might remove most of the speed mods is cause of all the 10 and 20% crew required to sail ships added to them now. Did any one notice Crooked was drop in speed, but still take s 5% off your HP. To me that mod was made right cause you had a penality to your stats if you added it. Bovinewinds refit should prob had a penality to your sails if you added it. Copper Plating I think could of stayed. Than what they could of done for the ship knowledges is have a stack rate degration on more than one speed state so the more you put on the less points you get for each one. The 20% cap on speed to be honestly is a good number for the cap on mods, but they should remove the speed cap of 15 knts too when they do it. This will still keep some ships under the 15 knt speeds, but lets other ships reach it or go a bit higher. Endymion suppose to be the fastest ship in game, but it hits the 15 cap fast and isn't that fast when you compare it to anything else that can hit that speed cap too. Though it's down side is it's wind directions and crappy turn rate.
  8. Any nation can do that, they just have to attack a fleet or another nation player to do it. That isn't some pirate only special hack to use the after battle invisibility thing.
  9. This is total BS for the majority of us want our own mechanics, but if we are going to be treated like a half arse read head step child of a nation we are going to act like a Nation. Most of us Pirates including myself have made many post about how to make Pirates more pirate like. Right now it's the least of the devs worries as they are working on game mechanics for all nations. Maybe some day in the future pirates will get there own game mechanics but right now they are a Nation in game. The only difference is our flag is black. I also have done some really great write ups about turning us into Privateers instead of being called pirates and than have those that aren't working for a country would be the outlaws/Pirates. Maybe later when I get up I'll post these two concepts of what we/or myself would like to see for pirates and than the privateer concept.
  10. We actually last night wanted to test something about them. What we did was have the screners in normal fleet groups so they can pull smaller groups and not all of them at the same time or get tagged by a big screener fleet and all get pulled in from that screener fleet. While the PB fleet was in FLEET Group. Wanted to test it out but we got little to no action (screeners had some fights on the way). Hard to test things when the guy gives up and runs. But this post has nothing to do about battle mechanics used by either side. It's about lost of ports and offering terms to not total crush a nation and it's player base. I think the problem isn't how the battles started or where avoided it's more deeper than that with the clans and organization about why folks didn't show. They can make up all the excuses they want but that won't fix the actual problems with the nations as a whole.
  11. We aren't crying and running to post every time ya'll use the mechanics and using it as an excuse as to why we lost a very fair and straight up fight....oh wait cause we didn't lose the port battles or any fight we got into other than a few guys that got singled out. Why is It every time ya'll get beat you stop fighting? We heard so much smack talk about how VCO and TF wanted fair fights and how great they where and they wanted to show us how real port battles where. IF they where so good they didn't need screeners and now we found out why they needed them. Now how exactly is 23 vs 25 easy pickings? We where down two ships compared to them at PnP. Brits had the forts and towers to help them too since our mortar brig didn't make it in. To me sounds like we where just fine with the challenge of an uneven fight and how did it turn out? 8 Brit ships sunk and 1 captured with zero lost in the port battle on the pirate side. So exactly how do we just want easy pickings again? Sounds more like Brits only want easy pickings by using there numbers to pick off and split off a much smaller group than they have.
  12. We where actually wanting to test it out too. The first day on the way to Trinidad there was a bunch of glitch problems (see @Jeheil ghost ship post). While we don't think it's the group it self that caused it but we had a lot of problems that night with lag and glitching in and out of the game. Didn't see it last night though so maybe they got it fixed or something else will cause that. We actually would like to see how it test against a fleet as the devs don't really tell us what the BR vs mechanics for pull exactly are. Like it's some magical formula.
  13. I'm saying a true fleet of our size put against such weak screening force would just push through the small ships and into port. If we where lagging ships behind than they should be able to pick us off by all rights, but we where balled up like crazy and they where able to pick us off cause of bad BR mechanics and pull. Now you can't do that. They have to bring a proper fleet and have the BR to match. And no you don't have to fight every fight,, but when the mechanics your bitching about is fixed there isn't an excuse to use that as reason your not fighting any more. The mechanics would't have changed the out come of PnP. They lost that port and than gave up fighting. It's there own nation that gave up on them.
  14. They where using broken mechanics to split our fleet and not fight us. When you show up in screening ships of store bought ships, navy brigs for Line Ship battles and every thing is speed fit you are not there to fight. A real fleet would just sail past them or through them and into the port to take it than. This was called griefing. IF they truly wanted to fight us they would have a full 25 ships out side and not just tag and run. They would fight us and we would skip the Port battle and have OW fun in some good old PvP. As soon as the Devs fix the BR mechanics we roll up in a group of 25 using the new Fleet and no screeners to be found. Not a single person in battle either. Well a few good chaps that stick around and had some fun, but none of the ones on here you hear complaining about mechanics and exploits. Both port battles we have had with actually numbers we have been out number and beat then with almost zero to little lost. SO that tell you they are using mechanics to keep us out of a fight they don't expect to win. If they where so much about fair fights than they wouldn't be using 75 ships to screen a small nation out of a port battle and than not show up as soon as game mechanics are fix where they have to use proper screening ships. Again we have said over and over we would fight them out side if they brought proper ships and would fight us straight up. Last night we had a full 25 port battle fleet and finally almost a full 25 screening fleet that showed up before us. They got a bit of a fight on the way to the port battle, but guess what didn't show? And this was a 4th rate battle during server prime time as we wanted them to have no excuse why not to show up. It's not our fault there nation can't work with each other at this time in get things organized.
  15. All my chars are Pirates I do not have any other chars. So before you go accusing folks maybe get your facts straight. I swear all you guys can do is come up with excuses and bitch about things. I have yet to see anything from either of your clans to have impressed me on the battle field. All ya'll do is bitch and come up with excuses. If you where so good you wouldn't had needed to use broken mechanics to keep us out of a fight. Instead you would of meet us 25 vs 25 and proved your worth on the battle field. Oh wait we all ready did that, but it was 23 vs 25 and we didn't loose a single ship. Hmmm and what about the last three battles we rolled in with the FLEET GROUP and you didn't show? Not even to peep out? We where expecting to see a massive proper screening fleet to meet our BR and get a fight, but instead while using new fixed game mechanics ya'll gave up.
  16. I honestly thought that was the way they where going to go with the big patch. Like copper plating should be something you installed when you built the ship and the only way to change that is a major refit of the ship.
  17. I'm fine with them making changes, but the problem is a lot of us spend a lot of hard earned money to unlock slots/get books that cost us a lot and make or find hard to get mods to put on them only to have them worthless and now have to be removed to replace and make a new build of the ships. Cause I'm not going to take a 20% to crew hit on mods and only get 3% to my speed. I'm now going to max the HP the crap out instead for fighting. Prob about toe destroy about a half a million worth of mods from ships now. Not one bit of compensation from the devs for all the speed mods and figure heads folk will have to destroy and remove.
  18. The problem is that they Nerf all the speed mods instead of giving stacking penalties. I don't make 15 knots speed build ships other than one I used for chasing the other 15 knts guys. But the few ships I put speed mods on to give that little extra boost now have 1% or the ship knowledges I bought books for is only 1% so why even use them. Time for those reload builds I was thinking of or pen cap builds.
  19. Than bitch at them for using broken BR mechanics and griefing tactics to try to keep us out of a port battle. IF they where so good they would meet us in fair fight of 25 vs 25 in the port battle. Once the couldn't use there own exploiting mechanics they stopped fighting. We didn't even have a full 25 in that one port battle too.
  20. Did you see the 20/15% for Stay/Studding Sails.
  21. Oh give it a rest. We showed up to the last three port battles without using a fleet to jump into. We used the new fleet group mechanics and they didn't show. Once they couldn't use there numbers and crappy ships to screen us cause they couldn't apparently beat us (after one defeat) in a Port Battle they stopped fighting. That shows it never was about the game mechanics. They are pissed they couldn't use there own exploits (bad BR tag mechanics) to stop us from entering the PB. We told them from day one bring a proper fleet and we will fight you out side the Port battle and never enter.
  22. Not the largest, though I think we might of took US spot of number 2 or tied with it. GB still has way more numbers than we do. Now for the most powerful I won't denie that one...lol
  23. It means I have the Heavy Rattler and Niagara BP's and 3 permits for both all ready. I might get the Wappen and Ingerland BP soon but I can't stand the Wappen and the Ingerland only has perk of 32 pounders. We really need this cause I can tell some ships seem to take a hit more than others that I own.
  24. Yah I was going to make a ship but won't touch any crafting until we know the new wood numbers. ALl my speed mods are pretty much useless as 1% is pretty much pointless and now I have a Speed Bucc that takes 40% more crew to sale the ship cause two speed mods take 10% crew and Staysails takes 20%
  25. US is not in any place to be demanding any thing. We have offered you two ports that you lost to GB. Don't bite the hand that is feeding you. A rabid dog can be put down real fast.
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