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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Nationals can't even work together as is, just image if they could attack each other? They would never get anything done cause there would be so much in fighting it would be crazy. I think that is what they all expected to happen with pirates when Green vs Green came back to pirates, but instead we learned the system, got organized and The Pirate Republic has never been stronger than ever (well on GLOBAL). We have used very little FFA fights to work with other clans, we actually are working with them and letting them do there own things. That is what is working for us. It would work for the nationals too if some folks would swallow there ego's and stop trying to be kings and just work together. I would make pirate havens all over the map of the ports that was traditional pirate/smuggler ports and keep Free Towns how they are. Though the Pirate havens prob should have some restriction as to even smuggler flag can't be used in those ports by Nationals. As wouldn't that make the national a pirate himself? Yes they can, back before the patch when US held Marsh Harbor region they built a lot of ships out of that region and just TP/Towed them back home. How you think they got all them Pirate refit ships that wasn't shallow water ships. This is why I like the new system but wish they keep the regional bonus system. That way you can't tow them, but you could still TP if you built one in the shallows. Honestly I think ports should be restricted on what can dock in them. Shallow water ports can only have shallow water ships, Noraml ports (4th rates PB ports) 4th rates and below. Deep water ports (SOL ports) SOL and below. This would mean some ports that are currently shallow and we can get into prob need to change to the middle port or stay shallow water. You mean like all the pirate refit ships US/GB built at Little Harbour and than just TP out of there? There was a reason nationals took that port on both servers as soon as they could from pirates. Like I said before there would be so much in fighting they would never get anything done. As @Duncan McFail said this is the problem when I see Nationals trying to tell us how pirates should be. Not one mention of changes to how Nationals play either. My system gives and takes from both sides. All I see is restrictions and restrictions and even worse it's by folks we beat fair and square for the most part at the national game. If we had any other flag they would lose the fights just the same way. If you don't bring the proper RvR fleet or even OW fleet to a battle you won't win. So make us hardcore and restrict ya'll will find something else to complain about saying instead we are to OP in the OW, nurf us.
  2. I would say yes and no, they can give you a big edge over some one that doesn't have the slots open, but also I captered a 4-5 slot ship from some one that had no clue how to manual sail still. He just did a lot of AI grinding and my 2 slot ship raped him, but that was more player skill than opened slots. Though you add the two together it can be nasty over some one with 1 or no slots, but most folks that don't have slots open are prob going to be less on par than some one that took the time to build, mod and grind out a ship. It's like any MMO, your going to have folks that grind out epic events, dungeons and so far and if you match them up against some one that never don these stuff and is still in basic gear they are prob going to great creamed. Just to prove this once I took my maxed out char on a game and fought some one with basic gear, slaughtered him. Than I took the gear off and pretty much fought him naked, Slaughtered him again but not as fast. It was just to show that skill means a lot but add in skill and gear your deadly to some one that has neither. Now the problem I seen with the skill slots is that for some one like me that plays a lot cause I'm semi retired right now and not working I have time to grind, but even the high teir ships just are a pain and turns me off from playing. Some of the first few slots on SOL"s are enough xp to level up your char two times over. What is the last slot on the 1st rates 100K? Don't know I still haven't made it past doing my first slot on my Vict on one char and l'Ocean on the other cause of the grind and how bad fleets missions are or even the solo ones. I normally got tons of xp in port battles, but when no one shows and you get more xp for PvE fights than PvP than why bother? It's only 80K to max out your chars level. I think some of the grind is way to much. You should be able to get the first slot on any ship after one or two missions/fights as that is saying you have basic knowledge of that ship. Than get the 2-3 slots fairly easily as that is a norm according to the Devs average player should be able to easily unlock 2-3 slots. The 4th and 5th can take a good while, fine with that, even be more cool if the 5th slot could only be unlocked through PvP play and can be unlocked with the 1st two easily if that is all you do is PvP.
  3. I'm going to bet since this isn't all what the last post was talking about and only part of that concept we prob won't see Mort or any other main ports moved. Though it makes me wonder if the other nations are getting moved more to the coast lines than wonder where they would move pirates. Kidd's maybe would be more a pick away from the center, but that is so far away. Nassau is a shallow port so it would need to be either made deep water (which it was real life) or something else needs to be picked. Though I would be fine with kidds. Pirates should never be a starting nation for any new players, should be something you become in game, but that is a topic for another discussion as this is not about any pirates mechanics. Hopefully they will have the stuff ready for testbed soon or @admin any luck on getting a map of the region/port changes for this patch any time soon?
  4. Freetowns the few that will be left still won't be able to telport to so why would that change? Now neutral towns are going to be a thing, but unlike in the past pirates now can use them. In the past ports like Pitt's which was the last Neutral town all Nationals (except pirates) could use. My clan used it as it's base before we went Pirate when we where US. It was great spot to raid the US. With that though I can all ready see the great use of Neutral towns. You go raid a port close to where you want and set it up as neutral and get folks to come trade there and well that means more targets to hunt. You can also take important ports like Flatts in Bermuda, set up killer taxes for all nations and than just enjoy the rewards as it's the only port you can get cedar from. Since it's neutral instead of pirates any one can use it.
  5. Prob didn't remove them from the captians chest to do the trade. Though I think it gives you an error player doesn't have that item when you do that.
  6. Just wondering if any one tested the bit where @Ink said you can't stack Bovennwinds with any of the Rig Refits. I noticed I was able to put them on the same ship, but do they cancual one or the other out or something?
  7. Did you not get redeemable? Admin said the Town Management is close to being done and will be sent to Testbed when ready so we might see that this week. I think most of the other changes are minor enough they can get them done quickly we hope. As for Capitals changes haven't heard anything new about that so we will have to wait and see. As for assets many things might happen. Back when we did the regional patch and had a map wipe like this all buildings where removed and you got paid the cost to make/set them up. Though the ports are going neutral and we can set up outpost and buildings in neutral ports so they might do anything. Though many of us are waiting on a map of what it will look like so we can move stuff and set up for the patch.
  8. Was wondering on an update. We start to get the worse today, but it's already flooding around town all over. Not to mention we have three more days to come. It's going to get nasty. Luckly I live on top floor so not worry about the flooding to much, but Wakatow is out on an island.
  9. Again no facts and now just personnel attacks. I asked you to show me proof they got more rewards for none kills and assist and you show me a PvP kill. So some one isn't the one reading every thing through.
  10. You still haven't proved anything. I said that the rewards where more than cause you still got rewarded for damage even if you don't get the kill assist. You don't get any rewards now. So instead of saying I don't have a clue maybe you should bring some actual facts to the table? You done little of that and you are using half the time data that is over a year and half old. Show me a battle you got no kills or assit back than and what your reward was and show me what it would be with the exact same battle now? You would of still gained XP and Gold a year ago. Now you would get nothing. A player that isn't maxed out like me or you is being hurt by this. They try to help but they gain nothing from the fight. So to me I think it's you that don't know what rewards give and I stated several times that if you did not get Assit and Kills. I mention nothing about kills reward. It sounds like your the one not reading every thing. Maybe you should go back yourself and read a little more what folks are debating about. The issue isn't about kills and assit, the issue is getting no rewards when you are in a fight if you don't get any kills or assit. Maybe if he reads what we are saying and not what he wants. I wasn't talking about PvP kills. I said many times for folks that get zero assit/kills in fights but do damage. Maybe he doesn't know the rewards either. Who knows, but I do know one thing unless you get a kill or assit in the fight than you get nothing....period. By the sounds of it he's the one that doesn't want change or things to be fixed. Folks are asking to have it returned to a level that wasn't so much a PvE grind and pain. We aren't asking for it to be returned to the level you get XP/GOLD for damage, only a few guys I have heard said that and that includes him. Most of the post I seen are folks only asking for XP for damage.
  11. And your not getting it. On today's system they would not get more xp/gold unless they get a kill or assist. Take out the kill xp of 360, 1800 gold. New system if you didn't get the kill/assit you get ZERO REWARDS. On that old system for doing that much damage but no kill/assit you would still get 333 xp and 18344 gold, while on the old system that player got 693 xp and 36344 Gold. You still haven't proved anything cause where is your rewards for a current system kill to compare? I don't screen shot my kills but if I find a belle Poule I'll do one to compare. Was that PvP or PvE by chance?
  12. On live server the mod was broken and one of it's perks was crashing players games (the one that allowed more angle for your cannons). So it's only place holder stat.
  13. That is all fine and the great thing about this game is no one is stopping some one from playing that type of Pirate or Privateer in any of the nations. So if that is one person play style why force every one else to play the same. You seen my post you know I'm not a big fan of pirates being part of the normal conquest and even being able to craft SOL's, but I want a check and balanced system. If pirates have to give up some things and are still included in the RvR conquest system than Nationals need to give up things too. This is my biggest argument with folks that say pirates should have this or that, well neither should most nationals. SOL's should be rare and Naval officers didn't keep every ship they captured. In fact they only commanded one at a time (other than private owned ships). Captured ships should be a pirate only thing. To be fair lets say every one can captured 5th rates below but anything 4th rate and above can only be captured by Pirates. All nationals have to return to port with the ship and turn it into the Admiralty. They get paid good for it, but they can't keep it. So if we can't have certain things so neither should Nationals. If a national wants to keep said ships they will be turned Pirates (cause it's an act of piracy). The same if they are caught in such ships as the Pirate Frigate which should be a pirate only ship (funny I see more nationals in them than pirates these days). Pirates are limited to only crafting level 1 and 2 shipyards (this is a game after all lets keep it some what fun). The only way for them to gain a SOL is by captured from a National (or other means). POTBS did this by making these ships PvP ships even when not in PvP zones. This isn't a problem on our game so any one can attack and take them back if found. One way to limit SOL on both sides is make them so they can only dock in SOL ports (ports should be split shallow, normal and deep water harbors and you can't dock any ship above the port level in that port). So that way they can only have their captured SOL's keeped in certain ports. Kidd's Habour should be the only Pirate owned DEEP water harbor any others should have to be captured. They can't have all the cake and eat it too. Most Privateers where seen as pirates by one or another nation that they didn't have a LoM with. Most pirates in history tend to turn to Piracy when there was no war and they weren't sanctioned Privateers. As soon as a war broke out they get pardons and LoM and some times not even from there own parent nation and they return to proper legal (well in some eyes) Privateering. This is why I think Pirates Nation should be changed to a Privateer Faction. Work more like Merc Units in Mech Warrior Online that can be hired out to Nations (other house factions) through Letters of Marque's. This should be a clan base function where the clan picks a nation to work for a set time (a week or month would work best as things change). If it's a low pop nation they get bonus to xp/credits. Here is clip of the contract page for Merc Units in MWO. The population of a House decides the bonus you get for working for that house/Nation. IF the population is to high as you see with the first listing you got -20 to your rewards as that house is the most populated one. Though you can get up to 30% rewards for the lowest population house if you took contracts from them. My unit use to pick the lowest houses that where part of the alliance with House Kurita our parent faction backer. When we weren't fighting for one of the lesser houses with an alliance with House Kurita we would work under them, but gain a slight penalty to our credits earned cause they where one of the more popular houses in game. I think in example below at the time they where the Population 10 house so in the middle so gave no pen or perk to contracting with them. Than you have your solo players and or clans that don't want to act as privateers. Those are your Pirates and Outlaws since they don't have a LoM. Make it so that Privateer/Pirates have only none capture ports. These will be Freetowns and Pirate Havens. Kidd's and Mort would be main ones but pick the ports that where known to have pirates work out of them and those are what they can set up shop and use. While a clan is under a LoM for a nation they can use that nations ports and set up out post, but they can not build in any of them. They can only build in pirate haven ports. They are there to fight wars not set up a home after all. Pirate/Privateer faction can not be picked at the start of the game, you must become one in game by going pirate. The game needs a reputation system and you can only return to your parent nation once you get enough reputation back or going another nation through your in game actions. This will give an in game means to change nations. Though it takes time and can't be done over night, but still can be done. The reputation system will be based off your in game kills. If you sink ships from one nation more than others you will loose reputation from that nation. If another nation is at war with that nation it can actually gain you favor by sinking ships of the nation it's at war with. So that way you can still keep your national identity. A Spanish Privateer can sink only British ships and keep favor with Spain, but also gain favor with France that is at war with Brit also. As long as he doesn't sink any french ships that is. While a clan is under a LoM they will have a tag and carry that nation flag. Like I would have Cursed Pirate [BLACK] Sir Texas Sir while I'm not under a LoM shown in OW so you know I'm a Pirate/Outlaw, but as soon as my clan falls under a LoM for lets say Spain, it will change to Cursed Spain [BLACK] Sir Texas Sir. Keeping my rank as the pirate rank letting folks know I"m a Privateer for that nation and in battle my ship would have the Spanish flag.
  14. if your farming they don't fight back. I remember certain EU port battle where folks brought in ships without guns. Now tell me how those players where fighting back exactly? If some one wants to find a way to exploit a system they will find it no matter what. Don't hinder the honest players cause of it though. Report those players and let the Devs deal with it.
  15. It was also a year and half ago when you got insane xp/gold from PvP kills too. The current system pays nothing for damage so only way to get anything is through Kill's and Assit and even than the pay out right now are no where close to what they where a year and half ago. You know a game and system that has been tweeked and changed many times since than. I think it's funny how many of these guys reason for not wanting changes are things so old and out dated they can't even happen now or if they did it would be on a very small scale.
  16. Uh isn't that exactly what farming is for? It doesn't matter if you use alts or another player. Farming is still farming. Though most folks that do farming use alts not other players. Really you going to nick pick my words to get your point across? You just proved mine, it was there to prevent farming alt or other wise. Though it's actually a great system and doesn't really hurt folks that bad cause most folks that get killed don't rush right out to get killed over and over cause of the cost of ships. If they do it's normally in a basic cutter and than they are just trolling and that was fixed by making it so Basic Cutters can't start any PvP actions. Which was a fix Devs came up with to stop another form of exploiting of the game. So let the Devs handle those issues and stop hurting the small casual players that are struggling with this game to even level up. You don't see it cause your maxed out, but we see players quite all the time cause the grind is to hard. PvP GLOBAL had a large amount of players come in with a streamer and most of them are gone now...main reason (yah I know folks wills say it's the pirate fault) was cause many of them think the grind is to hard. You gain little to no xp unless you win a fight, if you don't win you get nothing. Folks need to get something and that is why we should be rewarded XP for Damage no matter how many kills/assit or even times you get sunk. Every fight should be a learning system. Ok I have given reason for why we should change the system, you have gave nothing other than an old exploited system over a year ago that is no longer in game and rules have changed. So tell me please why shouldn't we gain XP for damage please?
  17. Scroll back 30 pages and I have yet to see some one ask for more than xp on damage, maybe one or two guys, but the majority only want xp for damage and than they want a proper x2-5 for PvP compared to PvE so it's worth the high risk over low risk which right now pays out more than PvP. Well for one it hurts the none exploiters cause they are limited on earning xp. You want to know why we have a recently killed tag where no reward for an hour? To keep from exploiting farmers that kill there alts. That means if some one is having a blast and jumps right back into the PvP fight and gets killed no one gets anything from it. Even though we are just having fun and killing each other and not explioting the game. A low level player runs with a group. He can't get enough damage to get an Assist or Kill but he can shoot at sails and do damage. On an xp for damage system he will still gain xp for shooting those sails. On the current system he gets nothing. Though more than likely he got sunk too in the fight and gained exactly nothing. Though on an XP for damage system he would of gained XP for his expierence in the fight. Which even if you loose you should always have learned something from that fight. Remember this exploiting moment you speak of was on an old system. Game has changed a lot since than. If I recalled wasn't it a problem on PvP1 EU only for the most part? Just like the dopping of ships and mods was a problem? Maybe the problem is the players you have on your server and not the game it self. Which in my book the devs need to get stronger on punishment of those exploiting players and not on the players that play the game legit. Making a bunch of rules that limit your honest players cause of a very few bad players is not a good system. Once again these guys where damage farming to make gold not to gain xp. Once you max out XP any way it pretty much means nothing for you. That is why you go with a XP ONLY for damage system and keep GOLD/CM off the current Kill/Assit rewards system. Why would the Admiralty pay you gold rewards any way for a ship that escapes? Your bounty should be paid on any ships sunk or captured? The reward for capture is the ship it self. Both me and you are maxed out players. Look at a system to help new players level up, right now the system is not very friendly for new players and casual players to level up and they get frustrated and stop playing.
  18. If you actually read most of the folks are saying ONLY XP IS REWARDED FOR DAMAGE. That way you can't make any gold/CM without sinking a player and it's only paid off for the Assist and Kills. XP on the other hand is paid no matter id any one is killed. What the worse that would happen, that exploiter max's out his char? I mean maybe he will unlock his ships if that is why he's doing it, but than that is what the logs are for and yes devs have banned/punished folks that had insane damage done in a short time to one other player (most likely alts). We don't see every thing the devs do to punish these folks and we don't need to, but making every rule around preventing a few folks from exploiting hurts the other 10K players that don't exploit the game.
  19. I think it's a lot to do with todays society that every thing is pretty much given to folks instead of having to fight for it. Instead folks just give up and stop playing if they don't get what they want. We see it all the time in game. Take one port they freak out and act like they been one ported even though they have 20 something other regions/ports that are untouched. They stop playing and don't fight back. You know how you get better? You fight back. PvE rewards are better than PvP rewards so it doesn't motivate them to fight back. Some content shouldn't be readly easy to get for every one. They messed up when they took away the PvP marks. though I think the PvP/RvR should of been combined so you can get the same rewards from doing either one. If a PvE only player wants those rewards they need to do the content themselves or pay for it from some one that does it. They shouldn't lock key things behind those rewards though. These rewards should be things like paints, mods, skill books and certain ship permits (still keept hem random drops but the PvP/RvR guys can buy them directly). While I don' t really care that Gold isn't jacked up and i think they got CM kinda close to where it needs to be for PvP, but XP needs to be off damage for both PvP and PvE and it should be x5 for for PvP rewards not x2. Cause you can grind way more out faster than you can find the PvP fights, but if the rewards are x5 more it gives folks more incentive to fight PvP than to just run and go do PvE grind. Smuggler flag should be like it was the last time we had Pirate Green on Green. If you have the smuggler flag on you should be treated as a Pirate. Any one can attack you including your own nation and it turns it into a Pirate vs Pirate FFA battle that any one can join. This way even if a national hit you and your counted as a smuggler the pirates that don't like you can join either side or just sink any one. Same with any one else that joins the fight. I wouldn't say don't pay tax's but they can get a reduced rate maybe? Though if any one can attack them than it would give incentive to keep folks that smuggle out of your waters. I personnely think pirates should have smuggler perm, we pretty much all keep the flag on us any way. Maybe the perks is to join any national port while in a trader and give reduced taxes, but you are marked as a smuggler until you get back to a friendly port and take it off and any one can attack you so folks (nationals) will want to hunt smugglers down of their nations or others as if they are pirates. I would prefer the port enter thing be replaced with a proper reputation system in game that goes off if you can trade with one nation or another depending off your reputation for that nations traders guild. To keep it form being exploited that is why you keep Gold/CM rewards off the Kill/Assit and you make XP only off damage done. I mean if some one exploits it what all did they do level a char/ship at most? It still cost them an arm in leg in gold for the ships they damaged for the repairs, are you can still keep the kill assit thing for giving out the rewards but just make it some one has to do the kill/assit for you to get your xp reward, you don't have to do the actual kill/assit to get it, but as long as some one does it you get xp and don't make the player split the xp between all involved. Only gold/CM should be split between all involved in the fight. XP should be off individual accomplishments in battle. Maybe even reward extra for things like demasting, boarding, captures. XP should be paid out no matter if you sink or capture a ship too. Also to help with the ship grind travel xp (ever so small) should go towards your ship knowledge along with XP you gain from doing missions. If you give more means to get xp that grind starts to not be as bad as it is now. I do think some ships need to be better balanced. The first slot should be easy to get, just a missions or two (or one good fight) should unlock the first slot as it's basic knowledge of that ship. Second and third should take a little more work but still fairly easy to unlock. The devs say the average should be 2-3 slots for any players, but this can be insane amount of xp for the high tier ships. Some times leveling over a char second time over if not more. Now the 4th and 5th slots i think should take time. Even like the concept some came up with 5th slot only open through PvP to reward PvP players. So the only way to open that last slot and you can open it early is by doing PvP only with that ship. You can have some one that PvP only have the slot one and two open, but cause he PvP's he has slot 5 open too. He still has to grind out the 3rd and 4th slots, but he now has a three slot ship cause he does nothing but PvP. Another way to avoid any exploits is to make the combat news anounce who they sunk. We don't need to know the ships involved but if you list it like this. Sir Texas Sir sunk pirate player Duncan McFail near Kidd's Island We notice this pops every hour on the hour that I'm sinking Duncan pretty much every hour than I'm mostly likely exploiting the system and give an option for players to report that so the devs can check the logs if they don't all ready have a monitoring system to do so. Even just a simple f11 as means to report would work. I almost done this once when I noticed a certain player keep sinking some one around every hour and no one in nation chat would pipe up they are being sunk. You put the name down and it will make it sure who is getting sunked where. It also lets you know if certain players are doing nothing but camping new players to get there sinks.
  20. I believe this is what your thinking of. Dive > SteamLibrary > steamapps > common > Naval Action > Logs This is where your chat and battle logs is keep it should be the most resent custom_real long number file that has your settings saved in them.
  21. Yah they came back and said doing cross nation would be to much a trouble with the code how Nations are set up. So it's only clans in your own nation that you can add.
  22. Yah when I make ships for folks most the time it's by order and they bring the me the CM's in trade for the ship with what ever the price is. Normally a bit more than needed for the Permits. I all ready have all the BP's so it's just the cost of the mats and the permit. Hell I had folks give me 1 victory mark for a Heavy Rattler and I got to keep the two extra permits as payment.
  23. We only getting the rain so far on NW side of Houston. Stay dry over there.
  24. Make sure to check your warehouse. It doesn't go to your Captains Chest. I do this all the time and think I messed something up as it's mixed in with my warehouse stuff.
  25. George Town 4th Rate Port Battle - 17 Pirates vs 11 Brits. Even with the numbers off the ELITE guys did a little fun brawling in circle B. Miss those guys always will fight even when out number. Me and three guys went to C so it help make the numbers more equal and every one that joined after me pretty much came in after the start. Until next time guys.
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