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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by jodgi

  1. I don't get why you keep feeding him, Chris. Nobody pays any attention... Except you?
  2. It's cute that muricans will brag about sticking it to the King, dumping tea into the harbor and what not, but who keeps the King's old and impractical measurements alive?
  3. Yes, I still mourn the fact that there wasn't enough man hours or energy to give Legends a fair shot. Now you're stuck with us as admin has stated intentions of including us in the OW somehow. We still have hope for patrol missions when devs get time to review that feature. OW stars can continue to bully players in the reinforcement zones while we in the fight club can find actual fights in the pzones where, hopefully, death squads and late joiners won't have the win served on a silver platter like now. We don't want to take away your OW joy of steamrolls, rigged and lopsided fights, noob farming, wargame, "playing it smart" and what have you. We want real and hard fighting where skill matters.
  4. I don't remember reading that but I do remember them mentioning statistics of people going afk/disco during Sea Trials when they got storm instances. I vaguely recall server strain being part of the equation too.
  5. Heh, my private little self serving hypothesis is that the pve grind and eco work on the PvP server is why we have trouble keeping peeps. This is contrasted by the guys who think "MOAR CONTENT!" is what's needed.
  6. jodgi

    Cannot connect

  7. jodgi

    Cannot connect

    They're on it, btw.
  8. jodgi

    Cannot connect

    Yep, was kicked out, then stuck at char screen:
  9. I wish I could pay money to water down pve content to the point it's so diluted it practically doesn't exist. We simply like different things.
  10. He would, @Liq. I'm completely shameless in skipping and fast-tracking ANYTHING that relates to pve stuff. I didn't become like this because of many hours logged, I came here like that. It's not because the pve content is weak, bad, lacking or whatever, to me the best and most rich PVE content in the world would still look like a turd. People can avoid PvP all day 'erry day, but the best PvP gear is locked behind a pve grindwall. Thanks to the ridiculous nature of pve content I found a way to get it all without much hands on effort. Some would say I should thank pve content for granting me indirect access... I dunno, should I thank my dad when he stops beating me with the jumper cables? I won't violate any express or unwritten rules, that's how my mom brought me up, but apart from that, and especially towards pve content, I'm chaotic neutral... almost evil... proudly.
  11. Yes! I think you're wrong, but even if you're right fun patrols won't hurt the rest of the OW in any way. Duh! When the death squads rule the patrols as well as the OW in general, but it's much harder to make an escape in patrol instances, I don't wonder at many players' reluctance to go in.
  12. Well, when they closed NAL there was an announcement about including everyone in OW, so in that sense you have imported guys like me. Since patrol missions were released I haven't done anything BUT patrols, long before prem ships.
  13. I'm not too worried about that. The "p2w" thing is a knee-jerk reaction to anything involving money for most of the people doing the shouting.
  14. Oh, yes! But stats are separated. Nobody worth their salt even glance at those stats. I guess people ground something there... Fake rank maybe?
  15. Hey, man, grab a snickers!
  16. So the OW lives and dies on whether there are none, some or many premium ships? How many until critical mass for destruction is reached? By extention you're saying that too many people would "take the easy way" and use premium ships, right? That it would "ruin" the economy and crafting, right? Soooo, what you're actually saying is that there are not enough true lovers of eco to keep the wheels running if normal people had optional access to ships outside of the economy? Even with the rather high threshold of paying real money for them? People here have told me that guys like me are a sad little annoying minority while there are thousands of eco lovers. But as soon as there is an alternative to the terribly important, highly meaningful and super fun eco/crafting gameplay it will all fall apart? If we get FREEDOM (sandbox buzzword) to opt out of eco gameplay all is lost? Eco needs that EVERYONE is FORCED (not a sandbox buzzword) to partake in eco gameplay, no matter their taste? I'm confused...
  17. So can you, please! In clear conscience I can only give two examples of the worn out p2w argument in wot. And then that's limited to 1-4% boost to your winrate if you play those tanks exclusively. If you join the hypetrain without due diligence, then sure, all f2p games are p2w cesspools. If you look at the numbers combined with some gameplay knowledge the p2w propaganda gets harder to substantiate.
  18. Maybe it is so, I don't know. Wargaming released some numbers on premium stuff a few years ago and those showed that cosmetics was the least lucrative. On top was premium time followed by premium vehicles. I would probably buy a paint or two for the ships I like. But premium ships? I'll buy em all and ask for more as they allow me to partially bypass eco and that holds tremendous value to me.
  19. WoT has indirectly (global rebalance) nerfed premium tanks, though they generally try to avoid annoying customers. I bet the alpha tag or pre-release status give some legal leeway, if that is even needed at all.
  20. That wouldn't fly in wot. Global winrate first and foremost, then you correct for damage stats and low tier seal-clubbing. If you pad some secondary or tertiary stats instead of making plays to help your team win, you're not getting into any of the top clans.
  21. I was looking forward to a Connie a day for my patrol mission short attention span needs. Now that Connie might not come or be hit with a long cool-down that makes the value very questionable for me. Maybe we'll get a 12pdr frigate or two, maybe even an 18pdr? I'll buy em all and then I might forget that I've actually paid for something I can only use every three to four days. Arrrgh! These eco concessions always take a shit on anything fun in this game...
  22. Heh, derogatory term used by people who just "play4fun" when losing to one or more players who have applied themselves to the game and have stats that reflect that commitment.
  23. Well, ok. I would say the team is more important in arena games than in more open games (NA, Aces High...). The very best players, or stat padders, in WoT achieve 60 up to 70% global winrate. Tremendous skill only bump you up to 20% compared to a yoloing pubbie. In NA or AH you have these individuals or groups that can achieve close to 100% winrate if they pull out all the stops. Maybe they don't "win the war" when they play like that, but that is a roleplay element more than anything.
  24. Saw the vid, haven't played that game, didn't quite catch your drift. "Ace pilots murdering new players..." might be it? But the anomalies themselves, dunno. What did you get from it?
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