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  1. they are not standard screenshots. F9 saves high res screenshots
  2. да тестбед для всех будет открыт
  3. Seasonal Patch: The “missing link” The concept existed in Darwin's time, that a chimpanzee-like missing link—that looked like something between humans and apes—would eventually be found at the root of the human family tree.Lucy found in 1974 proved this concept; Ardi further connected these missing links. Just like the scientists who study the human origin, we strive to find all missing links in the sailing model to make Naval Action (and future games) better. Missing link one: The Battle Sail Everyone knows why Captains of the Age of sail fought on battle sails. Battle sails allowed to have a clear deck, improved visibility and reduced the risk of fires and falling sails. Many did not know why this allowed the ships to perform, sail and turn and the sailing model did not allow for that. Ships sails worked in linear progression. Careful and deep study of 18th century books on Seamanship helped us to uncover this link and connect the dots. Extra sails have diminishing power and every next sail that is set provides less and less power to the ship. As a result you will sail at very good speed and have best turning at just half of your sail set. For the majority of vessels sail settings will change to slow half battle full Undercooked sail settings (like sails opening and closing when increasing sail) will be fixed Missing link two: The Wind shadow Ships fought in lines, station keeping was important. Captains who could not - were court martialed, as lack of station keeping caused great danger to fleets and their task. Why they had to keep station and plan maneuvers carefully? One of the main reasons was wind shadow. Wind shadow significantly cuts the wind to leeward. At certain range (depending on the height of the mast) the wind could be completely cut. If you sail in a frigate by the leeward side of the first rate you will completely stop - No wind there. This is being implemented in Naval Action. Your position to the enemy or a friendly ship becomes a lot more important. Ships will get stuck if they don’t keep the station, blobs stop working, chases change, enemy ships will no longer be able to push you into the wind to board. Missing link three: Sail setting vs Sail furling This one is simple but important. It takes longer to furl (remove) the sail than to set it (drop it down). In active battle captain will have to turn yards and depower sails instead of removing them. Gunnery changes Multiple treatises on gunnery and ordnance were studied and the main lessons will be applied to Naval Action gunnery. All guns over-penetrate at close range, but long-range penetration does not diminish a lot for heavy guns Long range accuracy grows with cannonball weight The wind shadow and proper sail power will increase the battle distance on some occasions, and the changes the sailing model will help tactical variety in battles Other changes and fixes Visual overhauls for ports Dutch British USA Prussia China France Russia (eventually) Additional descriptions Sailing Fixed and tuned presets for all sails groups and ships Fixed proportional power of yard power Sail furling is now 2x slower compared to sail setting (sail setting/opening) has the same speed as before Sail preset bonuses Added bonuses to presets Lower crew depending on sails preset: more sails will require more crew, less sails will require less crew encouraging you to fight on battle sails Sail damage resistance changes based on sail preset (you get additional resistance when you have minimum sail) mast resistance based on sails open is coming soon New mission content Mission to capture ports added. Requirements Capture several ports from neutrals or top 4 nations Must be all in different regions Front line change: You can now take hostility missions for 2 nearest ports AND 1 nearest port of top 3 nations. Damage model rebalance Full rebalance of hull penetration, cannon penetration and masts thickness numbers, giving better usability to lower calibers and giving more options in range for longer guns Hull thickness difference changed From 25 (cutter) - 75+ (first rates) to 70 - 100 Mast thickness changed to 100 (cutter) to 130 (first rates) Gun penetration changes Distance change - heavy long guns can operate at 1km against unpgraded first rates, and at 1.5km against light ships Almost ALL guns penetrate first rates and their not upgraded masts at point blank range Re balanced several upgrades (mostly reduced bonuses on mast thickness) overall mast thickness boosts fell from 70+% from woods and upgrades to 49% total boost (max upgrades max wood) Increased mast HP of lower sections and mid section Increased charge penetration bonus from 10% to 20% Tracking shot accuracy bonus lowered from 40% to 10% as 40% was too much in new penetration logic Economy and looting Changed cannon prices Looting: You can now loot from ANY distance after battle is over. Loki invaders now count in PVE hunts (oops) Rebalanced prices for clan wood delivery missions Teleport to port battle is now 50,000 doubloons Chatting Help chat and global chat is now switched off for War Server. Help chat and global chat will continue working on Peace Server. Added ability to redeem Trincomalee if you already have it in docks Visual upgrade for some nations Discuss. Battle sails hotfix has been deployed 22 August Warning - DONT FIGHT AT FULL SAIL at close/medium range. Sail combinations bonuses have been updated. Logic Turning bonus - You get better rudder performance due to less heel and water pressure at keel at certain sail positions Yard torque bonus - same as above - due to less resistance at keel you get better yard side torque Crew on sail reduction = 85%. - self explanatory - less sails = less crew to operate Sail damage resistance = less sail open, less damage to rig and entanglement from chain Mast thickness bonus= 45% = less sail open results in less wind pressure on masts ,thus they are harder to take down. Mast damage reduction= -80% = less sail open results in less wind pressure on masts, thus they are harder to break if rig is damaged or mast is hit. We are thinking of also adding accuracy bonuses to lower sails as you have a lot better visibility on deck for gun crews if you dont have lower main sails opened. Here is the current state of bonuses after maintenance. Stop Turning bonus Yard torque bonus Crew on sail reduction = 85%. Sail damage resistance Mast thickness bonus= 45% Mast damage reduction= -80% Slow Turning bonus = 5% Yard torque bonus Crew on sail reduction = -85% Sail damage resistance = -75% Mast thickness bonus = 35% Mast damage reduction= -65% Half Turning bonus = 10% Yard torque bonus = 10% Crew on sail reduction = -75% Sail damage resistance = -60% Mast thickness bonus = 25% Mast damage reduction = -50% Battle Turning bonus = 15% Yard torque bonus = 10% Crew on sail reduction = -50% Sail damage resistance = 40% Mast thickness bonus = 25% Mast damage reduction = -30% Full Turning bonus = Yard torque bonus = Crew on sail reduction = Sail damage resistance = 10% more damage - due to full wind pressure Mast thickness bonus = -20% less thickness - due to full wind pressure Mast damage reduction = 20% more damage - due to full excessive wind pressure on sails Several players asked us (thanks for questions @Koltes) Battle sails - why you get a lot of speed at half sail? Sails work the following way. Every additional square ft (meter) of sails give less and less power when added (lower utility). First 10% of sails give approximately 30% of speed. Last 10% of sails give almost no speed bonus and could even slow you down (by increasing heel, screwing your rudder position and keel position creating additional leeway that need to be corrected constantly). The specific relationship was described in several seamanship treatises and shipbuilding books. We have implemented this relationship. As a result like in real life you don't need full sails to sail fast. Extra sails are needed if you need to squeeze extra half knot during chase, but during battle you can get everything at battle sails. Just like in real historical battles. Hotfix 27 August 2020 Hercules, Pandora, Xebec HP buffed, thickness buffed Turning curves changed slightly for more turning penalty at full speed and at less penalties at low speed. Optimal turning zone is from 50 to 85% ship speed. With increased resistance the ability of rudder to turn the ship becomes worse due to resistance of keel Full sails receive a penalty to turning and slightly increased penalty to mast thickness and hp. Determined defender now requires attacker to have 30% more crew to overcome stiff resistance.
  4. Update Test bed will be set up soon for testing Wind shadow experiment New penetration and gun rebalance New more realistic wind power mechanics All other things with the exception of reputation The "Missing Link" patch announcement will be provided later today or tomorrow. Reputation systems delayed in full and might only appear in a cut form after the patch, after deeper consideration of their effect on the game.
  5. please confirm - if you have checked the ability to redeem in game TODAY after this post and still have not got access to it.
  6. Morale consists of morale drop due to losses + morale shock. If you lose a lot more than enemy you have a huge drop in morale. If you inflict casualties a lot more to the enemy you might gain morale. Its going to be very hard for a brig to board an Ocean. But if ocean morale is zero already then Brig can potentially win.
  7. Valve confirmed that it takes time for the database info to propagate (spread) through all steam IDs but eventually it will get to everyone.
  8. Raiders attack ports every 30 days (we have actually changed it last week) This requirement is more than reasonable for even a busy man. The goal to the feature is to provide a natural incentive to only own the number of ports the clan wishes to defend once every 30 days. If clan has too many undeveloped ports for its number it will have to constantly fight. But per port - is once every month
  9. The chance of wind shadow implementation (coding).
  10. Better post as separate topics as player probably do not read this one and search for topic named with their language
  11. first this is a discussion topic and it was stated that karma description is not final. so - pls - careful on the terms . if you are insulted by the discussions - perhaps you are too thin skinned for this forum. This is not a safe space.
  12. Like Columbus the game will sail on. Someone has to sail anyway. You need to haul some resources and timber does not grow on trees Sailing = target. More targets for the brits and swedes.
  13. this you can do anything but will lose karma. Once you lost reputation you cant do anything positive (help them in battles) with those who you have negative karma with.
  14. Trincomalee will be provided next week to all owners of the game Game price will drop to 20 dollars per copy. (subject to valve action of course)
  15. please remember that the karma feature is in design and tech implementation phase and some parts of it might come out slightly differently. Our goals are give some options of neutrality provide choice persistence - if you chose the enemy you will have to face consequences of this choice (no longer will be able to side with them) which will reduce pressure to abuse the system by for example helping the enemies in battles on interfering with your allies in other ways (unlocking BR difference or other means) If during internal testing the goals will not be achieved and generate some parts of the feature will be dropped.
  16. yes to both They are PVP neutral not pve neutral. You can sink them and they can defend themselves. But they cannot initiate attack.
  17. Port bonuses will work for neutrals. We are removing the choice from the clan options. If the city is developed (like Austin is a game dev cluster) and i can work in that city - i can use the development of the city to my advantage. So the bonuses will only work for clan allies and All neutrals. Nobody else.
  18. 0 crew number is rounded (up or down). So he could have had 1 man left (last man standing) with 0.39 health (it is still rounded to 0 but there was a guy). He crawled to the quarterdeck bleeding profusely and raised the banner, falling in exhaustion afterwards.
  19. сorrect. UI was showing 0 crew because they were already moving to another ship. Its classic NPC reboarding. his ship was sinking, some crew survived, he took the ship. Just like Captain Blood in the Sabatini novel.
  20. unsinkable does not mean unpenetratable from 100m
  21. Captains. We plan to deploy the gun rework soon. Here is the short description for the review and discussion Goals for the rework Gun roles Gun roles will remain but they will be slightly improved in their roles Long guns/Navy Guns - Strong Penetration Effective range for 42lb - 1km Medium guns/Blomfields - Balanced penetration and DPS Effective range for 42lb - 700m Congrieve/Edinorogs - Strong DPS Effective range for 42lb - 500m Carronades/Obusiers - Effective range for 42lb - 250m Effective range meaning Gun will penetrate non-upgraded ship at this distance at 90 degrees hit angle. Penetration drops will be improved based on historical penetration drops but with effective ranges defined. Range control. Every gun will have a role (even 4lb). All guns should be able to penetrate a fully upgraded ship hull and masts at 100m as they could historically. Including smallest calibers. Heaviest guns penetration ranges will strongly improve. Every gun will have defined effective range both for masts and for hull Thickness - Masts vs Hull Thickness difference for masts and hulls will be reduced for ships, with effective distance of operation in mind. Thickness difference between some classes will be reduced or removed Thickness for masts will be rebalanced for range - but ALL upgraded masts will be somewhat vulnerable at close range Upgrades for hull and masts will not give invulnerability but instead will reduce or increase effective safe range. Accuracy Accuracy will be finally rebalanced (including for tracking shot) Accuracy will grow with caliber as defined by the Treatise on Gunnery and other historical sources on Ordnance. Overall the changes will do the following Bring range back into play Define effective ranges better Reduce thickness inflation and make it work gameplay wise Make more guns usable (including small calibers) Provide clarity on masts and thickness penetration in terms of range. The list is not final and will be updated based on questions and comments. ETA - 1-3 more days. update. Taking longer than expected. Some data for review.. 24LB Old curves 24LB New curves Curve is not final and might get flattened a bit to give more control over distances for various guns. On average 15cm thickness should reduce effective range of you being penetrated by 200m Base un-upgraded thickness for oak 95-100 - lineships/3rd rates 85-90 - 4th rates/frigates 70-75 - 6th rates and unrated Masts will probably start at 105 for unrated and 150 for a first rate (gap might become lower - but need more internal testing)
  22. упс апдейт 47 это пве сервер пвп сервер 93 флага с 13 числа
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