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  1. can you please also repost to ship designer feedback.
  2. Ultimate general: civil war had a easier difficulty, it was added during early access. The development team might add a similar feature here as well. give it time.
  3. Bumping for more attention. Long 15 hour maintenance next week just because our server providers decided to move equipment on the week of the patch.
  4. Production (digging and growing) costs are fixed at reasonable low price and their supply does not end. This makes the too expensive ships problem player driven. But its a sandbox so there is no problem. No-one -wants to make ships at cost (which is low) and sell them at 10-30% margin. In addition to that captured ships are free. Which further increases supply of ships - but does not lower the price - which means that there is just too much money which needs to be addressed.
  5. we will provide a direct paypal option very soon. (hopefully next week)
  6. Germany had colonies in the Caribbean. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_colonization_of_the_Americas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_colonization_of_the_Americas Caribbean country selection is our decision and we take full financial responsibility of this decision. In the past this decision has led to more copies = more players despite complaints of people unfamiliar with history of colonization of the world.
  7. Patch this month for sure.. (unless something horribly breaks)
  8. amazing works everyone.. keep them coming!
  9. please provide feedback not trolling.. sarcasm is very localized and others might not understand if you are trolling or giving feedback on strange new ideas.
  10. steam key will be universal and will work in all regions + if you buy limited edition you will be able to play immediately using our company launcher. (steam key will be sent separately when we launch on steam)
  11. good idea on this book list.
  12. would be awesome to read sources on this.. will help a lot (any links or screens from books) inlcuding book names.
  13. Its just not a proper description. It was written some time ago and need update. In reality here is what happens. Early Heavier machinery reduces elevation = reduces distance Faster reload because of heavier machinery = reduces ability to adjust aim so accuracy is lower But the description is all over the place. and need to be replaced. New upgrades will be introduced (especially in the campaign) that will later cancel out elevation and accuracy penalties.
  14. binoculars.. good idea. will ask to to put on backlog list
  15. Royal Oak Torpedo Damage https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-50033917?fbclid=IwAR2wH5IY4r6rSswhXiYH4B9iM-MNZr1gqakqMQc-T4CkfD87_TgtjqIhyOk USS Saratoga torpedo damage report and photos https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/online-reading-room/title-list-alphabetically/w/war-damage-reports/uss-saratoga-cv3-war-damage-report-no-19.html
  16. Whats important is what other users see. Other users see you in the OW.. Not an exploit.
  17. having said that..
  18. We think its cheesy.
  19. We are looking into it. We will provide alternative to purchase this week. Hold on.
  20. Please post your most beautiful screenshots, videos and gifs from Ultimate Admiral. Combat, ship design, crazy or historical creations - all welcome. Best works will be used for steam and advertising (crediting the author of course).
  21. Yes. Players choose the war server. Game has not forced anyone to go to the War server. War server is to wage war and destroy enemies, run them before you and hear lamentations of their women in chat. But you cannot destroy capitals or free towns. So you CANNOT lose "pretty much everything", even if you lose the port you do not lose anything - your personal assets are not destroyed, your warehouses are not emptied, you can move all out in trading ships. ps It does not happen in other hardcore games. in EVE online you lose all assets and all industry when you lose your clan station. We considered this option some time ago but decided that players have enough stress elsewhere. Your ships are not going to be lost.
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