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  1. Pirate Republic (which existed for 11 years) will capture regions.
  2. only production buildings will reset clan warehouses will stay as before. But if they are in the enemy region you will have to conquer the region or smuggle them out. Alternatively ship them out before the patch.
  3. Hello Captains Map will be updated with the forthcoming patch. We do not have an estimate when it will be deployed, but it would be good to start preparing for the move of assets. direct link http://imgur.com/a/r7Oj9 You can right-click on the image in the link, then choose "Open in a new tab" for a better resolution. NB: the yellow indications in parenthesis (example: Port Morant ( B ) ) are just old informations, they don't indicate the ownership in the september patch - only the colored zones do. Detailed list of port ownerships in the september patch: All regions (except for some in Bahamas) will start with their historical ownership. This was decided because we don't need neutral cities as it will require players to pve a lot during first weeks of conquest. What to expect. Because of the resource changes all buildings will be destroyed by a massive earthquake and their costs will be recovered to players by national insurance companies. Outposts will stay intact all assets in warehouses or ships in docks will be untouched. But if your outpost is currently located in your national town or in a neutral town this might change. Regions will change ownership and neutral towns will disappear. Players who want to have access to assets after the patch should move them out to their national region. Alternatively players can just capture that region after the reset. PVE server players will have to move them out or use smugglers.
  4. Bans are issued weekly or/and on the spot depending on the severity. If mods are present in chat they will try to give a warning first. If a player was abusing other players right and left in other places and if there were enough of those reports he will also receive an additional weekly ban for those phrases once they are reviewed. Once ban expires and if the player becomes more careful with abusing others nothing bad will happen. If he continues he will get banned again for new offenses. But this will be a new punishment.
  5. надо было зарепортить вообще мы рекомендуем все что странное происходит сразу репортить ф11 чтобы логи были we recommend reporting any strange grape behavior (abnormal) by sending us the bug report using F11 function
  6. Santisima has 4 decks. The crew is split at approximately 250 men per deck. by repeatingly shooting at the deck with grape (unprotected) you will kill some crew. But after some time you will stop doing damage, and will have to aim elsewhere. Grape does not penetrate intact planking- you have to destroy planking first to penetrate. (or you can aim into ports or windows). Which ships are you referring to? Can you show screens or videos of really killing 200 men from one shot from santisima?
  7. Naval Action is a skill based game. Some people (even those present in this thread) say it is a gear based game and and upgrades matter. Your case is one of the example that proves them wrong every day. You just transcended to another - much higher level. You accepted that you are already dead. You did not care about losing your ship You ignored the conventions You won despite these facts: Cutter can be demasted easily Cutter crew is like really vulnerable. Experienced captains can kill a cutter from 6 guns in just 2 broadsides (using grape). also Grape is the bag of 8 to 12 to maybe 24 metal balls - caliber of the bullet does not matter. small bullet into a brain. large bullet into a brain. size does not matter
  8. To move things between ports you can use free towns - they provide a delivery service. Some times its safer to move things without the use of free towns. Reinforcements are not available now (they were abused for damage farming).
  9. Thanks for the great work and sorry for troubles, but the map will be bit different we will post it tomorrow final edition
  10. its expensive server wise + might disrupt the opportunities to help rookies or involve rookies in veteran fights..
  11. That guy was banned for phrases like cyka blyat, ruski idi nahoi to [player name] go fuck yourself #whitefagsmattertoo to [player name] fuck you prick He definitely should add those to his steam review and reddit But this is not LOL or DOTA - we try to keep chat clean and people who are not using allowed cursewords will not be able to talk at all.
  12. Those capitals are within 30 mins of sailing from each other. I would not call it dumbing down - its more raising the stakes. If we removed wind from game that would be dumbing down.
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  13. resource production buildings will all be destroyed during reset compensation will be provided in monetary form. so if you have invested 1 mln in production buildings you will not have buildings but will have 1 mln on account.
  14. With new system (without assault flags) this is going to be irrelevant. If you can generate enough Hostility in 2-3 days US Navy can conquer Trinidad island right away. There will be no flanks. We found by experience that players don't know what they want until they try it.
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  15. Captains. We wanted to do this long time ago, but other priorities interfered with this change. In the forthcoming patch new players will have different spawns. All new created accounts (or old accounts after player deletion) will spawn in the shallow water Bahamas. List of rookie capitals Danmark–Norge: Bimini España: La Desconocida France: Walker's Cay Great Britain: West End Pirates: Marsh Harbour Sverige: Green Cay United States: Turtle Cay Verenigde Provinciën: Mimbres Players will have a choice to spawn in the main capital, but it will not be recommended. List of rookie regions Abaco Andros New Providence Grand Bahama Map of new players capitals Rookie zones will have a unique ROE (rules of engagement) All battles will start 1v1. Other players in the vicinity will not be pulled into battle and will have to enter using reinforcement circles The size of the battle will be limited by Battle Rating (BR). BR will be tuned to allow 3 brigs or 5-6 lighter vessels. Battle will be opened for the weaker side until it ends or battle rating is evened out. Battle rating will be checked on entry. So if the battle is full the player won't be able to unbalance the fight. These changes will teach players several important game mechanics including reinforcements. They will also will provide somewhat equal battles opportunities in PVP. Such locations will allow players to find more PvP faster as distances are closer and there always could be enemies nearby. We will also spawn some rare resources required for crafting in those regions allowing new players to experience port conquest right from the start and actively participate in port battles or hostility generation.
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  16. free towns serve another important purpose - resource deliveries. Removing them will make crafters/builders life much harder. Sunbury existed before close to the US capital and had no significant influence on the player numbers.
  17. Sunbury exist as a free town near US capital in the current version. It is also close and allowed raiding in the US waters.
  18. social will be reworked it will allow unlimited entry for the weaker side up to 1v1 (+/- 20%) BR but not more.
  19. Hello Captains Four types of change will be done to the free towns in the next patch within 15-25 days: Free town status and free town assets exchanged switched with another port - to save players time. The free town status will switch from a port to another. All the player assets (outpost, ships, warehouse) of the ex -free town will be transferred to the new free town. Also, all the player assets of the ex- normal port will be transferred to the new standard port. This change concerns those pairs of ports: Island Harbour - Hat Island Plymouth - La Désirade Caño Macareo - Guayaguayare Canalete - Dariena Victoria - Santa Ana Tordo - Tamiagua Aransas - El Rancho Barataria - Saint-Malo Key West - Las Tortugas Cabo Cañaveral - Cayo Biscayno Sunbury - Saint Marys If you had assets in one of those free towns (on the left), you will find them in the corresponding new free town (on the right). If you had assets in one of those ports on the right of the list, you will find them in the new port on the left of the list. Example. You had assets in Las Tortugas. It became a free town. To save players time we moved his assets to Key west. 2. Free town status and free town assets moved to a new port One free town will be moved to a newly created port. This change concerns only: Île-à-Vache - La Navasse If you had assets in Île-à-Vache, you will find them in La Navasse. The port of Île-à-Vache won’t exist anymore. 3. Free town status added to a new port Some standard ports will receive the free town status. This type of change concerns those ports: Salinas Little River Those 2 ports are new ports, they will start empty anyways. 4. IMPORTANT Free town status removed from a port 4 ports will have their free town status removed without any other modification. This type of change concerns the following 4 ports: Crown Haven Little Isaac Rocks William's Bay Vieques If you had assets in one of those free towns, they will stay there but the port will become a normal port and its ownership may change. We advise players to move the assets out of those ports before the patch. Reasons for changes New positions for free towns are required to support the hostility mechanics - they have to be placed on the borders of regions (preferably). The overall free town mechanics is under review and their number might go down before release. To support the changes of the regions system 14 new ports will be added Ocean Bight La Navasse Hat Island Sandy Hill Cul-de-Sac La Désirade La Moussette Salinas Tamiagua Guacata All Saints Little River Wantlands Ferry Rum Cove Edit 14/09 Those ports will actually not get the FT status in the september patch: Beata (which will also not be added as a new port) Barranquilla (which will stay as standard port as it is currently and be included into the Santa Marta province) Gracias a Dios (which will stay as standard port as it is currently and be included into the Royal Mosquito province) Updated map: http://imgur.com/a/ijzWn Sorry if any players had already started moving stuff to Barranquilla or Gracias a Dios.
  20. One word - Drawcalls. For optimization we don't differentiate your ship and enemy ship. In the early versions we had cannons roll out and back during fire. But was killing FPS. Not likely to return.
  21. One of the posters have expressed the risks with the system they will provide the bigger bonus to something to be able to compete you will have to a) grind b ) maybe grind more - as you will be losing them often in pvp If the bonus is not significant - no-one will bother. If it is realistic then it will act the same way as some OP upgrades we had or might still have
  22. Hello everyone Moderators are all volunteers. They are helping us a lot and have proven themselves to the community over time. We allow players to express if they are unhappy with moderation here. Of course everyone can make mistakes. Which are usually and quickly corrected especially if you contact them in pm in a friendly manner. But if there are big differences in opinions, players will usually have to come to understanding with moderators. Not vice versa.
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