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  1. HMS Victory had 3 original figureheads. 2 of them are in various museums (replicas) one of them is only in the book form. We chose the museum ones. Here is work in progress for HMS Victory 1765 Figurehead
  2. Prussian town work in progress
  3. We are not stuck Current is a better implementation as hull sections actually give less flexibility (it would require to model too many interdependencies), which is wasteful as it would increase the time to develop and delay campaign indefinitely.
  4. I was not aware.. Thanks for pointing that out. @Mouth of Sauron will deliver what was recently requested of him and will be subject to general amnesty. until then he is banned for ban evasion.
  5. If what you say its true its not a bug.. I think its a temporary feature.. Having stable conditions would allow players and developers to test the parameters in equal environments to balance better. It is obviously temporary.
  6. Update for general rules of the forum. Due to the quantity of users on this forum, there will be no second chances. Anyone who is acting overly aggressive or contributing to an overall negative mood in the forum will be removed from it, without hesitation. Show respect to your fellow users and keep the forums clean!
  7. Witcher has 5x difference too because they use steam recommended prices. https://steamdb.info/app/378648/ You are outraged? because you dont have facts. Then first get facts then post. Locked because it is now seems that the goal of the post is to incite rage and provoke negative reactions from other users.
  8. Yes. Unfortunately we do not have ability to control and lock regional prices. So you will have to wait for Steam. Hold on.
  9. because RDR updates forced changed to their own price, and approved them at valve. Some developers chose to not lower prices for other countries at all. We used prices recommended by Valve.. (but now its obvious ukraine and polish price is really puzzling, there is no freaking way Poland currency has more purchasing power than Britain or Qatar). Need to review (especially with all the recent currency moves)
  10. We will fix instant PB set ups. The hostility points will be generated first slowly then faster and will allow enough time to defenders to react. There will be no point to do 10 missions at the same time. It will become impossible to immediately raise it to 100% and it will become less relevant if you are doing hostility with 5 people or 250 people. 250 people will be faster but not a lot faster. Eventually as we have full ability now to track alliance vs alliance violence we can return OW hostility back too. But it will happen when hostility missions will be acquired differently. In addition to that points will be more equialized so all ports take somewhat similar time to set up a port battle.
  11. Regarding new trees. Some players have inquired about their availability and effect on admiralty notes or admiralty made ships (for example imported ships) Those new trees will not have a significant effect and will be rare and very expensive. They are not going to be widely available (but by their composition any professional crafter can judge what they will be as they are mostly variations of rare teak and rare strong oaks). They will be salted/seasoned from the start.
  12. Steam prices are strongly recommended by Valve.. they insist we use their prices. If we want to use a different price for a certain country we need to get an approval.
  13. Cant find a new thing to be outraged about? Regional pricing existed on steam for years. It has been public information on steam db for all the games on steam https://steamdb.info/app/311310/ Click on the prices tab.
  14. it will be very easy, barely an inconvenience Overall the plan for communication moderation is the following Clans officers will be able to moderate their alliance members (can ban them from chat) Top officers in leading clans in the nation will be able to moderate national chat for all clan members. Any warnings will remove rights to talk to other nations Reports instead of GL will be sent to clan leaders giving them free PTSD and loss of faith in humanity Battle chat communications with enemies will be reworked into simple 10 messages like Sorry Welcome to the Caribbean Thank you GG Great night, I enjoyed it very much. My cannonballs weight 84 pounds Nice shirt You have a great blue camisole Good morning Well met London is a capital of Great Britain
  15. Main post updated
  16. the teleport to port battle was being discussed since early 2016. The constant greifing and abuse of the game rules (keeping players in battles for 45 mins during screening), has flipped the balance. Its done and being tested internally for deployment within 1-2 weeks. Good riddance Say thanks to griefers and maybe next time you can foretell this and tell your allies or clan members to stop abusing mechanics kicking them from clans or alliance if you think they are doing a wrong thing. Just like you say - it was foretold. I am foretelling another thing If the level of abuse and toxicity in chat does not start falling starting now - all communication with enemies will be removed like in WOW.. people will say KEK and lkjsdfljwoeijow .. and that's all you will read from enemies. Hope this foretold warning will allow you as a community member to push more friendliness from allies.
  17. the difference is that you open ship expertise by fighting in a ship and somewhat risky which is deep, beautiful and interesting. If you make mistakes you will sink. You cant screw up making 10 logs or 100 logs.
  18. agree! You can build New York from New Amsterdam if you want to and have time and resources.
  19. We cant bring this back because you need to be able to counter, because if its so slow there will always be somebody who does not sleep while you are in bed. But we can make it last the whole 3-4 hours and require effort. PVP based hostility is too exploitable. Ask friends to suicide themselves and voila. You have a battle. Hostility can only be PVE or must cost doubloons or VMs.
  20. You are saying this as if it was something unexpected. We knew exactly what we were doing. Capturable first rates opened a lot of content for an average players. People love capturable NPC ships and love DLC ships despite the fact that YOU do not like them. Redoutable was a number 4 top seller on steam world wide!!! it was selling more than red dead redemption 2 for a week! If you were correct this could have never happened. Classic victory will again be a top5 best selling item across ALL steam games. So its not unexpected. We are removing the pain point because griefing went out of hand. With 1st rate DLC the pain point would increase, so action must be taken before. If screeners were a little bit more accurate it would not happen. But no. They were not. They were enjoying wasting other people time. And paid for it.
  21. не факт @Malcolm3 нравится скрининг в текущей форме. мне не нравится скрининг в текущей форме. Здесь нет предмета спора вообще и конкуренции под солнцем.
  22. Ehm.. People argue when they are making a decisions and look for advice. We already made the decision. We are not arguing you. Screening Griefing during port battles will soon become irrelevant. Port battle will decide who win the port. Not numbers or NPC captured fireships.
  23. I am glad you see through sarcasm in my post you are replying too (unlike @Borch) There will be no screening of course. Nobody sane will not use the item. Everybody will use the item. Because we want good port battles. Not suicide squads losing ships stopping PB fleets. Or worse holding the enemy in battle artificially by pew pewing some shots and then wasting their time for 45 mins, to avoid tribunals. No Screen during hostility and then you can suicide as much as you want.
  24. You are living in the magical world of butterflies and unicorns where players are happy to wait for 2 first rates per nation built once a year. NO.. real players have to work (hard work) and have 2 kids and dont give a shit about your historical 1 first rate every 4 years for only 1 best player fantasy.
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