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  1. video = best proof series of screenshots = good but not adequate in most cases. and will require additional time consuming checks in databases. Basically screenshots should show them doing it. verbal report = not a proof unfortunately.
  2. Main post updated with a known issue of instance crash (disconnect) because of masts
  3. Structural feedback goes here
  4. main post updated
  5. Hello Captains Test bed has opened today. Some disclaimers first. Testbed is not a stable environment. It does not have the same level of stability as main servers. Number of instances available is limited but will be enough unless everyone moves to test bed. This environment is not connected to the main server databases. We will provide some xp and money and ships for you to test things we want. Sometimes it wont work at all. How to get access to the testbed Find the game in your steam library Right click and go to properties Go to Beta tab Enter the key - key FcaH2KzZXutz Select the beta called: Testbed And click close It will download automatically. To return to the main game select none instead of testbed in the beta tab. Main test goal: Structural damage testing Combat model updated. Structure introduced. Ship now receives structural leaks when structure goes down (not when armor is destroyed like before). Structure affects leaks and masts integrity (you will be able to demast by bow and stern raking). This feature requires heavy tuning that is why it is deployed to the test bed. In the future we will also test a couple of other changes increasing the role of skill in combat allowing skilled captains to dispatch enemies faster (even outnumbered) What’s new and other changes on the testbd Port battle entry is only allowed 30 mins after login at sea. This penalty can be dropped if you enter any port. If you log off at sea and login within 5 mins (disconnects etc) you don’t get that penalty Zone control points are not accumulated during first 10 mins of the port battle New PvE challenge added – Timed demast Tiered rewards are coded into the challenges and eventually we will provide different rewards for different positions in the leaderboards. New sounds are added but not finalized yet. Admiralty PVP events in admiralty zones are 6v6 now. Only 6 ships are pulled for each of the sides of combat. PvE challenge ships should now change (rotate) automatically Tunings: Map zoom increased 2x in commander tablet Port battle time increased to 105 mins Accuracy and damage from land based guns increased by 15% Points for kills increased by 50% in port battles instances Antigriefing 5x limiter decreased to 4x Attack circle timer (ow attack) reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds Certain changes in economy applied Time to start PVE challenge reduced (only for testing) If you sink in battle you will still be able to see the compass and wind indicator Brace command is now a toggle All contracts that are more than 15 days long are going to be automatically cancelled from now on. Main goal is - test structural damage and report the findings feedback on structural damage goes here KNOWN ISSUE. mast destruction from structural damage sometimes crashes the instance - it will be fixed early next week.
  6. currently no. but of course there were plans for a single player as a separate game or a separate purchase of the personal server. Both in the very distant future
  7. согласен параллельных пб у альянса быть не должно Но все города не набьют - невозможно по системе
  8. вы просто наигрались сэр я тоже недавно цивилизацию запустил и чтото не затянуло (а когда то чуть изза нее из универа не вылетел)
  9. На ру форуме нам удалось найти баланс прямоты (когда можем друг друга обложить, забанить, разбанить а потом выпить) на ру форуме ничего не изменится
  10. Content plans for 1H of 2017 We will keep it short and only focus on new features or important points Admiralty Certain activities will provide marks of victory, honor, conquest that you will be able to convert to exclusive content or buy other activities. Hostility system will get dropped and port battles will be arranged by purchasing them in the admiralty (simliar to the old assault flag system but without exploitation). Lord protectors might return to provide some clarity for port battle timers. Mission changes We believe the game was actually better before missions existed. As a result missions might turn into dailies. Hopefully we have enough time to tie them to admiralty orders and admiralty related organizations which will provide their own missions. Raids Raids will be implemented. Pirate mechanics reversals Pirates will be able to attack each other again. We found the way to eliminate exploits in levelling or hiding. Implementation of rookie zones and later admiralty events now allows us to do it. Pirates attacking pirates will create a unique FFA instanced battle. We are not sure yet if we want to split pirates into two groups The Pirate Republic of Nassau under black flag acting as nation and Outlaws – real pirates under red flag of Moody with no Capital. Smugglers might get disabled. Initial goal of smugglers was to provide risky trading with enemy nations, but exploit fixes made this feature something else. Officers Officers will be removed and will perks will moved to the Captain him/herself. Officers might return in the future in a more traditional role and implementation. We are also considering a reset/retire option for veterans who will be able to retire, and start a-fresh continuing a dynasty. NPC changes Bots will change and will start changing from January. Privateers will be added to the OW attacking players and traders in enemy waters. Elite NPC captains will also sail around and join battles from time to time (like before release) User Interface changes Self-explanatory Localization into main European and Asian languages Self-explanatory Final player ship voting event - previous voting can be found in the shipyard. American ship pack Kickstarter event. We constantly receive requests to improve USS Constitution to the level of new ships like Endymion. Constitution was the second ship we built in NA. To make it happen we will arrange a Kickstarter to fund this project. The Kickstarter will also contain additional US based ships on stretch goals. If this event is successful we will set up such events for other underrepresented national vessels too. Content tuning, fixes, improvements of current features Community relations heads up In 2016 we have been very active on the forums, responded to you multiple times a day, participated in the discussions, argued with you and sometimes fought with you. We found that our openness/directness started to be used against us, sometimes because of us. We will be doing some changes in the way we talk and discuss things with the community. 2 Half of 2016 development list is here Once we get more clarity on the estimated time to code everything in we might provide the list split into monthly patch plans.
  11. topic locked. New topic with 2017 pre-release plans and estimated timelines is going live soon(tm)
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  12. NPC speed is not related to player speed. They sail 20-30% slower on average.
  13. Generals and Captains. Happy new year! May all your dreams come true next year.
  14. hostility system was a good idea on paper. But people dont come to defend thus everyone is forced to pve there will be a couple of changes to hostility next year.
  15. we talk to players directly in game, skype and other private channels in addition to the forums.
  16. For gameplay balancing reasons masts thicknesses are based on the largest medium gun caliber penetration for that ship at certain distance. If we use historical penetrations all ships will be demasted from 1 broadside from any cannon. Remember russian mercury vs 2 turkish ships of the line? That brig escaped because it partially demasted both ships of the line. Maybe we should make it historical but then all battles will be boring and all ships will be stationary after first couple of broadsides (without the mast repair on cooldown)
  17. Placebo feeling i believe Masts buff after the reversal of initial 30% is minor for frigates (10% hp and 5% thickness and non existent in 4th rates). For example surprise is 79 vs 75 before (which is miniscule) and such change cannot make it suddenly not viable. Constitution is an aberration - we will harmonize masts and thicknesses if this change is properly tested.
  18. perhaps in a separate arena game sea trials style?
  19. по большинству перков такие же мысли надо нерфить либо убирать.
  20. еще думаем над этим вообще история показала что все изменения будут восприниматься в штыки как минимум половиной игроков.
  21. without diagrams hard to say if you are talking about the bug or not but again both 1 and 2 working as intended if 1) trader sails towards your reinforcement zone (which position is fixed because of land in battles) 2) you chase trader towards his reinforcement zone (which position is fixed because of land in battles) so if a player is inside or very near the fixed position reinforcement zone he will see enemy pop near him.
  22. It is working as intended - don't sail towards the enemy reinforcement zone if you don't want enemy to be near you. Sail towards your reinforcement zone then enemy will appear far far away. If you both fight in the center enemy will never appear in the pistol shot distance
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