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  1. costs for buildings will be sent to your redeems as cash.
  2. you can already move all assets you have on global will come to you redeems once merge starts (hopefully next week) . All you have on the Caribbean will also be there.
  3. We have always recovered lost ships and assets and almost always immediately if it was our fault. we also recovered marks and combat marks lost in such cases if it was chosen by players But in this case @Malachy issues are on your side fix them and your crashes will stop also calm down with your attitude we find it strange topic locked
  4. you can read it on game login screen so everyone who plays the game knows it (unlike you).
  5. they want battle sails to be great like in old sea trials where battle sails gave +15% turning bonus
  6. i think the boat has some sternway on the video which could be very fast as well .. you can judge it by the small boat moving across the bow (a bit behind the ship) at 1.27.
  7. There will be no map reset. Players will be able to reset the map by natural means of conquest
  8. all assets will be transferred. including marks, rare books (learnt or unlearnt) and knowledge slots
  9. There is not going to be a port wipe at this stage.
  10. majority of assets from the global server will appear in your redeemables on "Caribbean" server
  11. one world = one pvp server the die is cast.
  12. you can raise hostility at 1am on EU but the battle will still happen at 17-00 UTC triggering immediately but happening at 1700 how is it different from today? did you think the questions through?
  13. clans are not transferred - only clan warehouses.
  14. asian server (japan, china, korea, NZ, Aus) will only open (for testing) after localization is done. We are sure it will be a successful full server. But right now we can't support it.
  15. you will have all assets from global in the redeemables
  16. port battles are clan based - remember. As an owner of the port you will have full control on when you can defend and who can enter. Also don't forget that on release we had same system on all servers and it worked just fine. Night flips were a problem with alliances - with no alliances (clans based content - it is not going to be a major issue)
  17. Captains. Please pay attention to the important announcement regarding the pvp servers PVP EU will be renamed "Caribbean" PVP global will be closed down All assets from the PVP Global will be transferred to the redeemables tied to steam account including combat and crafting xp slot xp knowledge books learnt ships money and monetary costs of buildings and outposts and dockyard slots resources clan warehouses are under review - we will try to merge them too to the officer who logged in last Defence timers will come back: clans will set the 2-3 hour defense timer that will be used to set up port battles Defence timers will cost 100k per day, clans can choose to not setup the defence timers if they choose to do so. Next day port battles will be partially abandoned. Majority of port battles will start the same day from the hostility generation. If you raise hostility before the defense timer port battle will start during the defense timer (which sometimes mean immediately) you raise hostility at 2pm UTC defense timer is at 4-6pm UTC Port battle will start today at 4pm UTC if you raise hostility to 100 from 4 to 6 port battle will start immediately if you raise hostility after the defense timer port battle will start the next day during the defense timer you raise hostility at 8pm UTC defense timer is at 4-6pm UTC port battle will start at 4pm UTC the next day TLDR: One world - one pvp server. Discuss.
  18. TLDR there is nothing we can do at this stage @Rigge1988 We have 2 programmers and are LASER focused on the tutorial and user interface. If you are not interested in the tutorial i cant help you with anything until tutorial and UI is done. Until then : Maybe re-roll for a harder nation - or help @Bart Smith capture cartagena as a mega challenge that will leave your trace in history. Or join brits to pvp near port royal non stop. Topic locked.
  19. I doubt you will get much from the tutorial and user interface upgrade. Which are the main content priorities now. Maybe you should attack danish (BF) or Pirates (Rubli) instead of boring pve missions that give no loot btw did you know that open world ships loot actually gives good rewards. I have no idea why experienced captains do missions.
  20. all empires fall - you are witnessing the start of the fall of the swedish empire. We have seen empires fall before and we have no plans to change this realistic mechanic (when great generals leave the world empires fall)
  21. Its boring if all you do is boring missions (judging by the fact that it takes you 130 cancels to find a safe spot) expecting loot that does not exist in missions (remember the patch in which missions stopped generating rare loot) Its a sandbox. You pick your goal (preferably conquer the world) and deliver. For fun there is a simple trick. Switch to Prussia or Poland or Russia and capture cartagena. Or maybe join Britain. Use your millions to fund British rookie fleets to conquer the world.
  22. try tacking in bellona or aga at 3 knots you can get completely stuck
  23. Good points by @maturin use carronades and just try to use your better maneuver and stay on one side cerberus eats Renommees for breakfast - just needs a bit of practice use planking or reload mods (even if they slow you down) you can also hunt in the open sea in the cerberus - picking targets to your liking (even pickles)
  24. we are confident that the new tools given to players sailing ships can be tuned to perfection now..
  25. in patch notes it was stated - 2 masted ships were not touched and were not updated
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