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  1. LGV is an unconventional weapon. For some reason solo pvp players want to turn it into a solo pvp frigate, for that role they have surprise and maybe trinco and other ships. its a support ship with a specific role and it shines in that role. Players have to find that role.
  2. Hard lesson learnt Everybody is excited about losing economic warfare against the opponent in a single player game. Nobody is excited about losing economic warfare against the real players especially if they play in another time zone. To show you real example of economic warfare feature you will love but everyone else will hate. You raid Port royal - all assets in port royal are lost. You will be excited - but most players will leave the game.
  3. we tested this theory and cant confirm this statement. we probably need to buff swivels.. but they are already op (if used in the very narrow segment of boarding support for example) - maybe they are op to my opinion, but due to price of the ship not everyone can find the beauty of the vessel (like people found the wapen)
  4. The game does not revolve around you mate, there are other people there. There are multiple other players who will be doing those missions with the recently killed status. Damage reward is blind
  5. you can use enemy hulks to transfer repairs
  6. you still have to get the ships - but they are easy to capture from NPCs, or buy from the market.
  7. swivels have great penetration and deliver good crew damage. + It has a good hold. Its a great support ship which will make your friends boarding 10x easier + you can supply repairs for your friends if needed when needed.
  8. it has a great sailing profile (it did have bad profile before the latest patch) people just don't use it for its intended purpose.
  9. leeway degrees were reduced to correspond to more historical leeway figures. (for example in a book about chapman, there are specific leeway figures on wasa). it is noticeable at slow speeds, but is less profound (not 20-30 degrees like before)
  10. New missions make farming useless and irrelevant. If you can get same or better rewards for doing a fun activity, you will do a boring activity less.
  11. why don't you sink him instead? and get even more rewards.
  12. сейчас клан решает кому зайти на его ПБ - каким образом можно помешать кому то зайти?
  13. все текущие механики остаются
  14. victory has a better sailing profile compared to ocean and santisima (to our data)
  15. safe zones are not a problem. They are small compared to the map and those who want to stay in safe zones stay in safe zones and dont attack even if they have a numerical advantage.
  16. They are not in the reinforcement zone. Can be attacked and sank too. We do not see this as issue. Look at the rewards, you dont need to farm anymore. Just find an enemy and try to max damage. "No captain can do very wrong if he places his ship alongside that of the enemy": Nelson
  17. usual suspects will be there. you can all damage @Havelock he will come from time to time
  18. Hello Captains We already announced the changes that will improve the hostility missions and victory mark distribution in game, giving everyone equal footing. Individual port ownership will grant you victory marks and even owning one port will make your conquest efforts count. You will no longer be limited by your nation capabilities and your small clan can influence the conquest, and get rewarded even if you are the only clan in your nation. Now it is time to improve pvp itself. In one patch a new type of mission will be added to the game. This mission will completely change the mechanics and motivation behind progression and will route the player to one of the most fun and varied activity in the game. PvP missions will reward player based on the damage he was able to inflict on enemy shipping. PvP missions will reward the player with ships, repairs and small amount of pvp marks. The goal is to remove gear fear from pvp and motivate fighting, not ship preservance. Example of the mission for the light frigates La Mona Naval Patrol Captain: Your task is to inflict as much damage as possible on the enemy players shipping in the designated areas of the Caribbean. Running is discouraged, preservation of your vessel is not important! Assigned ships Cerberus, Renomme, Surprise. Goal: Inflict 5000 damage on enemy shipping in the area. Rewards: Random light frigate note, 30 rig repairs, 30 hull repairs, 250 rum, 5 pvp marks, combat ready upgrade, some money for fitting and guns. The player will have to arrive to the designated area, damage enemy ships and probably sink as a result, but he will learn something. Of course due to 2.5x pvp xp bonuses he will be leveling up faster and such navy patrols will help him recover losses. This feature will be further underlined by the fact that tutorial master exam will award the player with the M&C rank making him immediately useful + such missions will route him to the most fun activity in game. Discuss.
  19. Yes, its no longer a thing. It was only needed during early testing, was buggy and was causing problems.
  20. which are? Provide the list of specifics fixes that made it more and more casual for you List of 5 things will be enough.
  21. forgot to add a teaser from new UI result screen from passing of the hard master & commander exam.
  22. will check
  23. Your spreadsheet has mistakes in them Frigate is 175.. Renommee 150
  24. Your favoritism comment is incorrect, the valid proposal to allow smaller ships/fleets to attack larger ships/ fleets was initiated by @Banished Privateer who is definitely not our fan (was even banned multiple times, in game and on the forums). His proposal was good though, i liked it. He sails for one of the smallest nations on the server. The new 10/10/10 hostility mission system that will come to live servers soon and will help to balance port battle generation even more, giving more options to defend for smaller nations.
  25. Most shallow ports are similar indeed, i think we should probably cut BR limits for some of them to allow smaller size battles shallow water ports (more variety).
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