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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. Like liq said the reward of ganking 10pvp marks is higher than the mission reward. So what we will see? ;-)
  2. so we will see noobs bring quest ships and vets waiting with meta ships ;-) sound like the standard NA game experience. Like i said after all iam thankfull that game labs still believe in us but we are not worth any trust we get by them. We will turn this fun mechanic into a pain mechanic.
  3. difference is that reward is tied to some kind of ships. Therefore my bet is that majority will bring this kind of ships to get the reward (and if its a daily mission) log off afterwards or get new missions and do it again. As long rewards while fulfiling the mission are bigger than bringing a sol to this location we will most of the time see the quest vessels.
  4. other downsides of the missions. people will run away even more if they dont have the mission active because they wont get the reward and therefore waste of time when you dont get double bounus.
  5. and retags you again in ow^^
  6. i bet all missions lead to one spot on the map
  7. Its nice that it is based on real data. But our ships are not based on real world behavior. We turn much faster our guns reload much faster the game is much faster. Its not a sim its a simcade game. Therefore the effect leeway has to be much bigger in order to scale with the rest of the game.
  8. yeah on paper but now back to current valid game purpose.
  9. What is the intended purpose?
  10. should be easy to figure out who has to leave ;-)
  11. Just today i was sailing an indiaman and while fighting a tbrig i experienced no leeway on my indiaman. So is it taken out of the game?
  12. add to the mission discription - BR has to be in ratio off xx/yy in order to fulfil the mission and show battle ratio in the scoreboard.
  13. not only alt farmers ;-)
  14. you guys always think about the best of us. when history has proven its not the case ;-)
  15. better but why not make it a perfect experience for everyone.
  16. I understand. But i am looking at the fun side of gameplay. Even if you get rewarded it doesnt have to be fun. (offtopic: pls check pm )
  17. What is done to prevent this: Demast player in a group. Everyone pick a side do 5k dmg sink the enemy. ( let him stay alive and retag afterwards let the rest of the grp do 5k dmg) Issues I see. ( farming as group). farming at all. Edit: to prevent abuse i would recommand to tie the mission to a grp size. and let the battle close instant if max grp size is achivied or prohibit further joining for max player reached side.
  18. How can in-game localization fix forum communication? ;-)
  19. I guess because of such incidents we won't get any teaser in the future
  20. True. But there was a reason why so many people just left at the beginning of the fight. Even we had smart gunners most broadsides got eating by waves. We saw a lot of demasting while people tend to aim higher. If memory serve me well most people didnt liked it. Dont get me wrong i would be the first to try out dumb gunners but not sure if majority would like it, like patch 10.x which was in my opinion an awesome time ;-)
  21. Still remindes me of the strom battles in sea trails (really miss them like all weather conditions like fog banks etc that we had once). Experts might love it for beginners the even difficult gunnery might be hard to master. (But we are getting a new lvl system so beginners will start with bigger ships). But what always bothered me is that the visual waves almost never fit to ship motion that would have to change in order to predict and make gunnery a skill.
  22. Just chill. Nobody has to proof anything here. We all should be happy that we might get better port customization in the future. Damn holy rvr ... theres no reason to be mad. And for the ones that go mad because of a sneaky changes - Dont rely on old observation and maps... scout it.. the true age of sail experience boys
  23. Eating vegetables is healthy but eating an half cow filled with pork just taste better So from the fresh recruit perspective this journey is good to do so. But is it fun? I guess you have in mind while sailing down with the basic cutter (free repairs) you attack whenever you see AI and repair afterwards. But therefore 1. you have to survive + 2. you have to know that repairs are free + how to repair crew. What is the real behavoir of a new player?
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