but loss Tows are good to deny other players content. I just want to tow my ships and never use them. And with the new crafting rng luck outside the safezone i dont want to get intercepted while sailing all my crafted gunless gold ships back. I need more tows. 50 tows seems like a good thing.
I want more tows so i can tow all my ships on one day in order to prepair a nation switch. It sucks to wait up to a week in order to tow all my ships. login tow log out wait login .. repeat.
There is a bug with spanker sails. Every spanker is effected. It's even noticeable on privateer, prince and even on square rigger and their spankers. If you don't hit sail center no dmg happens. This bug is really old but was almost never noticed because other sail areas work fine and we hadn't a ship with 100% spankers. Now the bug became really obvious^^
Only advice I can give is aim close to the masts there chain normally works.
I will not disagree. And fair is always relative^^ but people (some) were asking for more pvp and less eco and less need to sail.
Now they can grab a ship sail to xy and fight without regret. Fight die repeat. Isn't that a great moba concept?
But Ofc we no havew a new meta so everyone else has to use it as well because imported ships are easy to get and don't have the touch of losing something.
But in the end more pew pew if it's meaningful? To some maybe.
the cd already takes into account how long ONE player would need to get all mats and to craft it (regarding lh generation of a single player).
Isnt that what everyone wanted more pvp?
without the outpost limitation i would agree. glad they did not increase outpost slots^^ But sure a merchant player can now have everything and a bit more
Actually there are. you dont have enough slots on ONE Account to do everything. It would be a decision to be a merchant a rvr player a pvp player a raider. But alts destroy that purpose.
not justify - its to name the real issues not that damn mimimi about i got sunk by xebec
What are issues:
Spanker sails are bugged on any ship its not possible to dmg them correct. - The thing is on prince only 33% are spanker sails rest is jib and square sails which get dmg correct xebec is 100% spanker therefore 100% bugged
sailforce mods are broken not only on the xebec but xebec is the perfect example
accelerating is to powerful on the xebec - sail force mods even increase the issue
crew dmg seems broken on the ship
thickness combined with hull shape
that it can be made of heavy woods and sail force mods still make her sail like fir/fir
downwind sailing ability due to sail force mods
What are no issues:
that the ship can go upwind and escape square riggers -
32pds carronades
her crew count (currently only an issue because she gets almost no crew dmg)
I cant agree more that we need a nerf. But what I try to point out the whole time is that the ships itself is 20% broken(with it bouncy hull and tickness, somewhat bugged sail and crew dmg) whats flawed are many mechanics and mods. The xebec (herc) are just the visible top of the iceberg but it goes much deeper.