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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. who is talking about that? The proposal was to lift deep water ship BR by 120. So a cerb with current 110BR becomes 230BR and a Santi with 605BR becomes 725 That would allow to give shallow ships a wider BR range. Or do you think that the BR difference (25BR) of pickle 55BR vs Heavy Ratlle 80BR refelcts in any way the difference of the ships. To make it more easy for you to understand if you look at the pickle vs hrattle. compared to deepwater standards i would look at surprise vs coni that is a BR difference of 135. In my little world that difference refelcts better the capability of those ships as a BR difference of 25. With that wider BR range and reworking shallow port battle BRs a mono team of xebecs could just field 12 xebecs while a mono team of princes could field 25 players
  2. if people would just understand that their unwillingness to fight is the biggest reason they lose. Dont wait till a xebec (any other ship) is in a perfect place to attack you (ow tag) - There will always be a battle just the terms can differ Running - There is no better way to expose sail and stern ..... Dont play on the enemy terms play on your terms - he shows interest to board/hug you dont get in a position so you have to follow his rules even with pirate rig xebec isnt as good as she was downwind (180°) she only has 2pd and no chain. Most ships have rear chaser ... just extend. But dont wait to the moment he is withing 250m.... he will chain you making it impossible to extend Reacting is allways worse than acting @Hethwill the Harmless and I we had a discussion that battles should start at warning shot distance. I told him they do. But only if the captain fires a warning shot (aka counter tag) But lets be honest. Most player dont want that fight in the first place. Those player have to understand that there will always be a battle. Yes always so better fire the damn warning shot!
  3. with average in mind it will. But elite mods/books will always ruin your day
  4. ofc barricades and marines increase chances to survive aaaaaaaaaaa lot but lets be honest who will take 3 boarding mods when he actual doesnt want to play the boarding game. 1 mod (boarding axes) is more likely to happen and increases safety a lot against xebecs
  5. there is one strong tool against any xebec "boarding axes".... We all know the xebec meta ppk (push pull kill) if certain to encounter a xebec which is at kpr - equip it its a cheap pve mark book First round Use defend in first round. (he might use fire deck guns or muskets as fast response or will wait for last sec) If he does a last sec command the xebec captain might even use attack. So never use grenades or brace.... 2nd round (last round) In order to secure the kill he HAS to use attack. So if your prep is high you can do a last sec defend. Even If fires guns or whatever he can only kill crew but not win because to win he has to attack 3rd round is disengage if you command a big ship (its unlikely that your guns will hit and dmg the xebec due to height) So better load grape while in round 1 in boarding and shoot. Reverse (if pushed into the wind) get distance in the 60sec he is unable to board again If you command a ship with low gunports shoot double or ball give him hell and get distance. Distance to xebec is key But ofc coming to the forum and whinning is much easier ..... (last sentence not at you @Lovec1990)
  6. hmmmm will be the new missions not like this? 🤔 go out in 7th rate and sink someone? where is the screenshot?
  7. I boarded a fully preped 100moral fully crewed aga with my prince 188 crew at 75% moral and survived.... I was outnumbered 3 to 1 A surprise captain vs a xebec is only outnumbered 1,5 to 1......
  8. lets consider deepwater br as working. So worst ship (cerb 110BR) and best ship Santi (605BR) makes a ratio of 5.5 Applying that to shallow BR Lynx and Herc ( which i consider worst and best shallow ship) should have a ratio of 5.5 as well
  9. @Tiedemann Why should hrattle and merc have the same BR? Why is Niagara only 10BR better than merc and Hrattle? Why prince is worse than navy brig? Why only 10BR difference between Herc and xebec? etc?
  10. by the way why nobody suggested to add a "crew dmg modifier to hammocks mods/books" so far Ah right dont touch my mods
  11. Crew hitbox got fixed last patch but nobody shoots grape at her so people will never know. Dont aim for the waterline if you not certain to leak her aim for the gun ports or on the deck and crew will die like flies.
  12. Wrong you can but you need 2 ships to catch one. (in my opinion thats ok) A combination of prince and privateer can chase a skilled le requin and deafeat her with no problem. Ofc it comes down to the tag and position especially when you chase 15.5kn ships but that you should know because you chased speed ingers with your bellona. A good tag is a half gg.
  13. why would anyone use a pickle or big vs an Hrattle? how many ships can you get in more 2 or 3? Changes like that just change the ship meta. Shallow pbs really need a rework. And one flaw is the small BR range which always favors the meta ship. Nerf one meta ship out and you get the next. Its like an hydra.
  14. With people asking to increase xebec br wouldn't that be counterproductive?
  15. Can not catch a snow upwind and at 50% with 100% sails in a rattle. Sadly same issue don't forget ships with 50% still turn to good:(
  16. he likes that we figure stuff out by ourselves
  17. Player do the prices with 400% and more profit When they sell repairs for 3k each its way over 100% profit
  18. we have to ask .... wait for it ..... @qw569
  19. a cycle could be 30 patrols🤓
  20. same reason people duplicated mods. its an advantage
  21. no pickle no lynx no privateer no normal rattle 1 cutter sometimes snow and brigs but majority niagara, merc, prince, and ofc heavy rattle. TBH i dont see any difference in ships to our last Nassau + LH battle just exchange outdated heavy rattles with xebec in your screenshots. Worship the new meta
  22. wohaaa what do you attack pickle fleets or lowest 5th rate mission.^^ thats not sailing thats carebearing for her^^
  23. one ship out of 25? or were all some random bunch of shallow ships? pls show us some screenshots.
  24. so you can actual sail her and not just look at her?
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