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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. to late i put already mods on it but guess will be around 11.5 to 12
  2. teak teak / nothing in hold Fake windows ❤️ will other ships get them as well instead of the full glass ones? like trinc? coni?
  3. We could ask devs to give the xebecthat jib. then the xebec could go into rigging schock^^
  4. if you look at pictures of xebecs that lost the bowsprit (ingame) you will see what is left is exactly that what the sail plan is about. so actual you would lose nothing^^ like it is ingame
  5. do you have a other full rigging plan of a xebec? i am not sure that front main and mizzen are connected. For me the bowsprit just looks like a addition to hoist a jib. Because this xebec doesnt even have a bowsprit^^
  6. the fore mast is not hold by the bowsprit.
  7. do you know what the line on the bow controlls? Because the xebec we have ingame does not have that jib
  8. to 2:40 you are outrunning him but not at 135° you are outrunning him at 180°. Like you do at 3:26. Furthermore you are using rudder all the time which is slowing you down 😉 to 3:53 sorry to say but most shots went over the ship as you can see by the splashes or bounced due to our all loved skillfull angle game. Bellona should have waited for better angle to shoot 4:16 as you can see (guess you are using med) the cannonball drop kicks in so you have to aim higher. Before it gets smokey you see that the balls hit the side (no hitbox issue as you may want to say) 5:16 Bellona aimed to high you see the ball splashes on the left side of the requin. And actual you are closing in. but you use rudder to much. Watch your speed by doing it. it drops from 13kn to 11. 8:03 when you lose weathergage in a square rigger any schooner or le requin can slip away. The art of fighting those ships in sqaure riggern is to deny the escape upwind. that was executed poorly
  9. and we dont want to start a discussion that 7th-6th rate boarding knowledge is the strongest 😉
  10. shhh its not worth to equip them on that ship and you cant fit the hammock perm on it
  11. Other ships have jib sails conected to the bowsprit
  12. grape works fine against le requin have you even tested that?
  13. Happened just yesterday. found a lone ocean. coulnt tag him with my prince. had to call a friend. we decrewed him to 145 crew (was still to much vs my 175 crew) because of dd. So I can understand anyone using the xebec with max crew to bypass dd meta.
  14. A number that allows you to join or not to join pbs. Furthermore BR allows you to tag ships. If your BR is less than 4 times the ship you want to attack then the attack will fail. The current flaws are in my opinion that BR does not reflect the mods used. So a ship with no mods has the same BR as a ship with All elite mods. The new BR system will try to take those both extrema into account by taking the average of both performances due to log files of the Kill death ratio into account. So a 1vs1 in same ships still wont be fair (even BR says it) but matches between different ships with same BR might be more fair.
  15. Finally le requin can attack 1St rates alone are they now excluded from pbs or got the enter system changed as well?
  16. Ofc admin said that but in his source there is only mentioned that the Diana had "Obusier" but what is not said if its "Canon" or "de vaisseau". The source sella posted shows when they talk about "Obusier" the Marine nationale were talking about Obusier de vaisseau. Even the amount that were fitted fits to admins source.
  17. yes the prince rattlesnake and xebec are great too but would chosse the prince over them anytime
  18. Any active player wants his fav ship to perform best of all ships. But she is just a 5th rate so still "no real ship" compared to 1st-3rd rates.
  19. It's not your personal rating it's the average of all players.
  20. If I understand correctly br will be based on kill to death ratio of that ship.
  21. Isn't that system only fair to the player who has all the fancy stuff that was used to create that br? For example let's look a prince that was a highly specialized ship used by minority of players that knew what they were doing. Regarding to data it's need an updated br. Now place an average player in that ship. It will underperform.
  22. Will mods/knowledge influence BR as well? In my opinion an elite modded ship shouldn't have the same BR as a basic modded ship.
  23. Game just looks a deck difference. Lgv one deck requin one deck. Lgv vs prince prince has 2 decks 😉
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