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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. That is my current rank after the hotfix. I still believe it should be "Fregattenkapitän"
  2. Numbers don't say anything. There can be 600 player on and you can still see/find nobody. It's a damn empty OW since 11.x
  3. I like the current system. But i tend to agree that time to get to the target is sometimes (even with all the time changes we got so far) to short. Wouldnt it be a compromise when after the time is over a sinking ship can currently be looted x% of the cargo gets destroyed but the rest stays there till everyone leave the battle?
  4. Its an alternative universe of the wooden warship era.
  5. I bet that will happen when the new nations are a success regarding their intention.
  6. Evil to him who evil thinks.
  7. My suggestion was: Every clan sets its portbattle window which can only be changed once in a month. That means EU clans can set their timer like the current EU server one and Global clans to their prefered time. The time span of the windows has to be equal to the current EU server one. By setting a portbattle window the clan agrees that only in his timeframe he can attack or can be attacked. Only matching clans can attack each other this way. Only clans with oeverlapping times can ally. So if nightflips happen it would be your own fault.
  8. new players will not find them. and leave or find their own way. So I dont know if its the right/ or good idea. For experiened player it will. But in the end. Nations that dont care about new players will bleed out.
  9. Even on EU is a lack of ow pvp.
  10. ROVER is working on a good player experience for new prussian players^^
  11. we dont nix fix values. BR should be a combination of ship (base) + armament setup + crew on vessel + and maybe playerskill
  12. Can we get mixed flag icons back (neutral+the one of the holding nation) for neutal towns controlled by players/nation. Might be misleading for new players + you have to hover with the mouse over the town in order to tell to which nation it belongs to. Former version was better. You could tell by just looking at the map "Its neutral and it belongs to xy".
  13. Ich kann jeden verstehen der jetzt um die Freetowns rumlungert und auf pvp hofft. Das dabei neue Spieler leiden hängt vorallem damit zusammen das ein wechsel zu den neuen Nationen schon bei der Char Erstellung möglich ist. Da hätten die devs das wechseln/joinen dieser neuen Nationen ehr nur durch eine Spielmechanik aka die papers die wir haben ab einen bestimmten ingame Rang möglich machen sollen. Das Spiel ist mit 11.x echt langweilig geworden (wenn man nicht gerade einen pve oder rvr Fokus hat) darum kann ich wie gesagt jeden verstehen der jetzt hier irgendeine von den 1000 pvp Arten sucht. Was ja auch erstrebenswert ist denn darum bin ich gewechselt Aber ja wer mit Verlust in disem Spiel nicht leben kann sollte bei den alten Nationen bleiben. Hört auf @rediii überlegt euch das gut bevor ihr wechselt.
  14. Your majesty, the Rover Comapny would like to inform that we already established an outpost in the west indies. We are ready to annoy all shipping belonging to the ememies of your greatness
  15. Shouldnt it be "Korvettenkapitän" instead of for Prussia? Cant tell for the other ranks.
  16. Love the new map
  17. Naval Action pinball next project leak?
  18. Sterring wheel incoming! Brakes for yardtrim
  19. I like that we now get a soft start regarding tow. But I agree with @rediii that players that are completely new to this game shouldn't be get the option to join the hardcore nations right away. That are the kind of player who really need protection by game design. Only experienced players should be allowed to switch. If you have game lore issues than look at John Paul Jones or Joshua Barney. But allying through player made alliance can become a major annoyance. I mean these are nations to fight not to life in peace and harmony. Maybe they need a kind of tension mechanic. When tension sinks under a certain lvl this nation retreats from the Caribbean. Then captain which are part of this hardcore nation switch back to their former nation.(which makes sense when people can't join right away)
  20. how many allied clan chat windows do you want to have? Clan X can be allied with clan Y. But Clan Y is allied to Clan Z as well but Z is not an ally of X. So Clan Y has 2 clan ally chats while X and Z have just one?
  21. Most people were euphoric at this stage. Game got recently into EA it had a lot of potential but with time comes disenchantment. Don't get me wrong I still want to believe. It's not possible to link ratings strict to game feature like the game was a different compared to now. The Steam game description looks a bit outdated. Maybe game labs should redefine what they want NA to become to which target groups it should appeal. Maybe we both by talk together and wasting each others time.
  22. Wouldnt be that result: Cancel NA focus on NAL? Because OW is a waste of time? Or Reduce NA to a lobby based pb simulator?
  23. Here is the answer. But there is a major flaw. Somewhere in an other topic admin mentioned that US are the biggest buyer but they stop playing more often and earlier.
  24. Doesnt look like that it is just for a few weeks. At least there is no word about that. I still wonder why we have to choose perks. The game lost so much depth in the last patch and now it looks like its losing even more. The 3 new nation are just a drop on a hot stone. May I suggest a new target group :
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