Heya Garbad, Triptyx here from the Wargaming titles.
The game is currently in "Sea Trials", an early part of Alpha Testing. You can get access fairly quickly by pre-ordering the game. They currently have PvE (players on one team versus bots on the other) and PvP modes implemented, along with a rudimentary progression system for larger ships in place (mainly, I believe, to force testers into some of the smaller ships for balancing data). The gameplay that is implemented is quite polished and a lot of fun - looks great, plays well as long as you have DX11 capable video card and OS, and I've personally been enjoying myself immensely. The developers are extremely responsive to community input as they're a small team, and often ask our help in gathering informational resources, etc.
If you take a look on YouTube, you can find tons of gameplay footage.