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Henry d'Esterre Darby

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Everything posted by Henry d'Esterre Darby

  1. thats definitely worth testing. Thanks for the heads up!
  2. hehe, much of that kind of stuff was packed up and put down into the hold if an action was imminent.
  3. The point is that the chain itself doesn't do much to the mast (unless maybe its one of the very thin top-masts), but that the loss of support as the chain shot cuts halyards and stays (particular parts of the rigging that provide strength to the mast) that then reduces their ability to stay up since on their own, they're actually quite weak when subjected to the shearing forces being placed on them by the sails and the rolling of the ship.
  4. Fair enough, but losing shrouds or stays should also put the appropriate section of the mast at risk. Any amount of sail, or even ship rolling, on a mast that is missing too many of it's shrouds or stays in that axis will cause it to come down.
  5. Massive +1 for invoking the Articles of War Sir!
  6. Islands aren't solid yet. It's an Alpha test, they're there to add flavor, and I'm sure they'll be solid and block LOS and shots at a later date. Right now you can generally just sail right through them.
  7. Ok, no language barrier. So you're saying the only viable tactic in the game if you want to win and not be an idiot is to run downwind as fast as possible? Do you think there may be a problem with that kind of thinking?
  8. No to the sails please - it just wasn't historically done with very few exceptions.
  9. I have a feeling there is a language barrier here. Arisu - windward means to be upwind of something - the wind is blowing from you, towards your target. Leeward is the opposite - the wind is blowing from your target. In sailing battles, ships attempt to get to windward of an opponent. This allows them to dictate the range and timing of the engagement, as their opponent can't easily sail up to them against the wind. What you are advocating is, at the start of every match, every ship run downwind as fast as they can in the hopes of getting farther downwind of their opponent, so they can fire at them with no fear of being fired upon. This is not historically correct, it's not possible to counter, and it's not good gameplay.
  10. You're making a pretty serious assumption there - that this is the way the matchmaker will always work. This is a temporary feature of Alpha to support Sea Trials. Down the road, I'm sure the instant combat matchmaker features will allow you to enter/leave the queue at will, once it has the features needed to prevent exploits.
  11. I'd say that simply means that NA has found a sweet spot between skill and simpleness that will work for gamers of any level. No need to make it less complex than it is right now, in fact, this anecdote may argue for making it a little harder.
  12. The main thing I know about is that they removed BrigMR as a requirement to get to Victory. They also severely nerfed BrigMR's ability to hit and damage things yesterday since people were using them for orbital strikes on defenseless players.
  13. My pleasure. If I hadn't read that one personally and remembered it was there, I might not have found it. A good method to search is to use the advanced options, put in your terms, and search for only posts from "Admin" if you want to see if there was any official word on a particular subject.
  14. Please see this post: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/1757-battle-availability-gank-post-fleet-duty/?hl=escort
  15. Heya Garbad, Triptyx here from the Wargaming titles. The game is currently in "Sea Trials", an early part of Alpha Testing. You can get access fairly quickly by pre-ordering the game. They currently have PvE (players on one team versus bots on the other) and PvP modes implemented, along with a rudimentary progression system for larger ships in place (mainly, I believe, to force testers into some of the smaller ships for balancing data). The gameplay that is implemented is quite polished and a lot of fun - looks great, plays well as long as you have DX11 capable video card and OS, and I've personally been enjoying myself immensely. The developers are extremely responsive to community input as they're a small team, and often ask our help in gathering informational resources, etc. If you take a look on YouTube, you can find tons of gameplay footage.
  16. This is by design due to players "gaming" the fledgling matchmaker. The cancel button is disabled the moment another player joins the PvP matchmaker. Recommend NAB (Not a Bug).
  17. T'is but my humble offering to King and Country Sir, I was quite fortunate to be in a position to help Lord Nelson a time or two, but I thank you for your sentiment! A glass of wine to your good health and fortune.
  18. Suicidal Brig Captain reporting in...

  19. I'd still prefer the mechanic of having a light grey transparent line at the height of the last shot from that particular side of the ship. You can either line back up on it, or offset from it to adjust for your last fall.
  20. Thank you for clearing that up. I have stricken my answers above.
  21. Is that actually a compass or is it a wind direction gauge??? I thought it was just a wind direction guage, but then maybe the wind was just always out of the north.
  22. Really glad to hear it's coming back!
  23. They already had this, and I'll have to agree it looks as if it made gunnery too easy. I'm for a "last elevation" bar, or maybe unmarked hashes, but not anything marked specifically with ranges.
  24. As I recall, large caliber shells, such as you'd find in a battleship, are perfectly capable of hulling a ship below the water. Now, I'll immediately concede that these cannon are far from an 18" gun, but it's still a real world possibility. Edit - sniped by RAMJB. Well stated Sir!
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