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Naval Games Community

Henry d'Esterre Darby

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Everything posted by Henry d'Esterre Darby

  1. The community has shown that they do not like the idea of having player stats published. Doing this has led to massive toxicity in numerous online communities.
  2. With regards to adding functionality: The entire Development Team is 100% utilized on the community's priorities from the Development Priorities thread. The community as a whole voted on what they wanted to see and when they wanted to see it. Each time someone on the forum demands functionality, and demands it right now, means, if efforts are turned towards that feature, the wishes of the community as a whole are disregarded. That is unacceptable. This feature might be worked on in the future, assuming it stands up to the scrutiny of potential griefing and exploits, etc. Demanding it be worked on right this minute, based on the needs of a very, very small fraction of the playerbase is out of order.
  3. Bear in mind gun reload is the same amount of time, so long as you have at least one full gun crew set on guns. The only difference in having more versus less crew on guns above that number is in how many guns get reloaded at the same time. If your guns take 34 seconds to reload, they'll always take 34 seconds to reload, just less of them will reload at the same time if you have less crew on guns.
  4. To be entirely clear, I'm not Admin. I'm a forum moderator. I was pointing out that you are violating the rules, which the game automatically enforces. I thought it might be nice to make sure you understood what the rules were before you had a sudden and unexpected XP reset, or worse. I'd also like to point out that there is a link to the rules on the main steam page, down with the mention of an Alpha EULA. As to "there is no rule against impeding an ally", it is our opinion that that activity falls under trolling, which is also specifically forbidden. Green ships are your friends until that battle is over. If you don't want to aid the greens you're put with, please leave the battle. Plain and simple. The reasoning for this is how close you're placed to your green friends at battle start. This leaves the situation open to massive griefing and intentional abuse.
  5. Green on green damage is flat out against the rules. It doesn't matter if your best friend is on the other side, you either have to assist in killing him to the best of your ability or leave the instance. Those who continue to commit green on green damage will find their accounts reset or banned in short order. Period.
  6. Awesome link, very apropos.
  7. 1. Ships bought from crafters or the market generally have 5 durabilities (except fourth through first rates - they have the same number of durabilities as their rating - e.g. Victory, a First Rate, has a maximum 1 durability) - they can sink/be captured five times before they're gone for good. Materials and costs required are commensurate to having 5 "lives". These are to prevent players from having to spend so much time assembling/moving ships to PvP with. 2. No monthly charge. Buy once and done. A cash shop with cosmetics and "unique" (but not overpowered) ships is planned to keep server maintenance paid for. 3. See #2. There will be a store eventually, but the Developers are adamantly against pure Pay to Win. Items available will not be more powerful than items that can be purchased/crafted in the game. 4. Depends on the server. PvP1 has nearly 2k at peak time. Living in Washington, you'll see less online, but see what server works best for you. Population is decreasing somewhat from launch, but this is normal. 5. Yes, the game is in "early access" and is still considered to be in testing. Expect bugs and problems. That said, I've been playing for nearly 2 years and have never seen a more stable, fun game that is still in testing.
  8. That usually works - if the link is the full youtube.com link, often the forum software will pick it up and put the video inline automatically when the link itself is put into the post.
  9. I would also like to see marines on board act as a permanent positive number in the boarding category. I would also like to see them potentially injured/killed with other crew.
  10. I've been fighting for 2 to 2.5 minutes for months. It's fine the way it is.
  11. Please right click the person's name on the offending statement and then select "Report". This is the correct way to handle toxic people and will result in chat bans where necessary. Tribunal is for non-chat violations. Thank you!
  12. I can't think of a good way to code this that doesn't result in exploits and other issues.
  13. The National issue doesn't exist. If a national player attacks a player of the same nation, the moment the battle starts, the attacker becomes a pirate. The only faction that can attack each other and accomplish the result that the OP is complaining about are Pirates.
  14. I think a better rule, considering the game is developed by Ukrainians, would be to require Russian in all channels at all times. If you don't want to speak Russian, you can go form a clan. /sarcasm All languages are welcome at all times in all channels. If you are offended by seeing other languages, you may use the ignore button on those who are speaking them. For someone who has only been on the forums for a few weeks, that's an extremely bold and abusive statement sir. You might be best advised to retract it with an apology considering the numerous ideas that have come straight out of the community and into the game. This developer group is the MOST responsive and willing to implement ideas from the playerbase that I've ever seen in nearly 21 years of online gaming.
  15. Thanks Martin, I fixed the errant parenthesis.
  16. I have no urge to run into an NPC coded by Prater or Mr. Doran.
  17. Please use this thread: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/8263-petition-remove-port-capture-windows/ Thank you!
  18. The map size itself has never changed since I began sailing upon it around December, 2014. The "actual" speed of the ships has gone up and down a little, though, I believe. There are plenty of areas where one can find tons of enemy shipping, port battles nearly daily, and skads of ships sailing back and forth without traveling more than 10 minutes from a freeport. If you seriously have no time, sail there and you'll never have to spend time traveling again. For the record, due to an extremely busy family life, I have less than 500 hours played total since the first phase of Sea Trials almost two years ago. I'm as casual as it gets, and I understand to the depth of my core that the world MUST remain large for this era to be adequately represented.
  19. In all fairness, this wasn't done because the ship wanted to turn with its sails down - it was done when the wind nearly completely failed, and it was faster to row the anchor out ahead of the ship, bring it home via the capstan, rinse and repeat to make way in a straight line. This can only be done with a bottom that has a good holding ground (if you foul a fluke, you're going to have to slip the cable and use a another anchor in that situation), and only when you're not engaged directly by other ships on their broadsides. I guarantee when Constitution did it, the ships she was fleeing were behind her and not running around her in good wind. If you were going to try and tow the head around, again, this was done in very light air and not in the middle of a battle full of ships with good wind. Anyone trying this with enemy ships using their broadsides in range would be shot to pieces with grape in short order and you'd lose the boat crews. With good wind, in order to turn, you must be anchored with a springline (and in that case you're going to be there until you slip the anchor cables or bring them home - likely you could do this once, maybe twice before moving again in a single battle), you need to have enough water flowing past the rudder to have steerage way, or you need to have your sails backed/filled in such a way as to bring the ship around. The practice in game of going to zero sails and acting like a turret was, in my opinion, completely terrible and absolutely not in the spirit of the Age of Sail. People just didn't do that unless they were at anchor with a spring, and they did not do that unless in a very tight harbor fighting other ships who themselves were limited in mobility.
  20. No, thank you. That we have a map at all was a huge concession from the Developers - they don't want you to have GPS. Navigation is actually quite easy once you get the hang of it - we really don't need GPS in my opinion. I would, however, support you marking your own map with where you personally think you are. That would be quite good.
  21. I entirely agree, I suspect it was an oversight or mistake. Correct, it was incorrectly turned on. Those characters are now, I believe, no longer accessible.
  22. It's two accounts when you only paid for one. Even though you can't play both at the same time, they had completely separate character lists, resource lists, nations, etc. A "correct" family share implementation would have been to have the original account's characters, assets, xp, etc also available on the shared account - keeping it to the one character per game purchase rule that was implemented. The way it was, you could create an infinite number of characters, each with their own separate crafting pools, different Nations, etc. without paying an extra dime. This was not correct, it was not fair, and it was gamebreaking.
  23. This subject has been hashed repeatedly. Items/ships that are superior to the unpaid items/ships in the game will not happen. Items/ships that are unique, though not better than their regular counterparts, and require real money will happen. The Yacht is a prime example of this. It's not markedly any better or worse than the cutter, but it is still a lot of fun and only available to certain people.
  24. The game is still in Early Access. Cash shop will come later.
  25. I think with the latest patch you'll find capsizing isn't easily accomplished any more. If you find that it is, please F11 and explain the exact circumstances. Thanks!
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