Depending on your video card, please check the latest drivers either here or
It is not currently on the list but might get in once we start working on options after the Campaign
Have you tried to test all three? But this is a temporary default game launcher that will be dropped once the game is close to release
На предоставленных скриншотах не видно нарушений правил.
Просьба предлагать предложения по доработке игровых механик в соответствующих разделах форума по игре.
It is ok - you can keep both software installed with a little workaround:
The workaround is to try temporary disable Citrix Virtual Bus Enumerator in the system devices (you might need to activate it again once you are about to use Citrix)
Open Windows Command Prompt (press Windows + R), then type: devmgmt.msc and click ok
Expand System devices tab and find Citrix Virtual Bus Enumerator
Right click on it and select "Disable"
Captain, unfortunately sometimes there could be temporary connection issues between USA and Europe on third side ISPs that we cannot affect in any way. In case the problem is on the server side we allways make announcement about it
Captain, according to logs the date was 6th May, not 5th May.
If you encounter a similar issue in future, please make sure to capture a screenshot with the date
Could it be that you created a shortcut from the launcher after you moved the installion files a folder above? We have tried multiple methods of installing the game into a none empty folder and it was not successfull.
Your case is sent to Xsolla support team, they will contact you if they need more information about the case
Greetings Admiral!
Have you checked an in-game guide that you can access through the top right side of the main game screen?
There are help topics that might help you get familiar with the game
Please sendconnection test report (3rd option in the game launcher in Steam). Once the report is sent please paste the number here (it will be copied into buffer, something like NAS-1234567)
You cannot install the game just on drive D:\ - game launcher does not allow it
You cannot install the game into a NON-EMPTY folder
You can only install the game into an EMPTY folder. If you dropped other files into a game folder they will be deleted after the uninstall. This is a game folder and all files from the game folder will be deleted. But you cannot install the game into a NON-EMPTY folder as was stated above.