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Everything posted by Ink

  1. Fleet ships in fact never had extra hold space by the perk. The difference is that previously speed reduction was not that great as it is now.
  2. The case is closed as based on screenshot it could be indeed a mistaken tag. If you have more evidence or similar cases in future from the same characters, please send me a private message, the thread will be open again.
  3. Fixed the bug with hold optimization perk - now it affects only player ship on client side (as it works on server side). The perk was not supposed to increase hold of fleet ships. Before the hotfix on client side their hold were affected by the perk thus in fact players overloaded fleet ships.
  4. Ink

    Loading Loop

    Captain, nice to hear the issue is solved
  5. In case you have overloaded cargo with hold optimization perk (that might prevent overloading) and OW speed is still reduced - please hold on, the bug will be fixed tomorrow in a hotfix (the perk works as intended if you haven't fleet ship assigned) Also, please check the recent patch notes, as ship overloading will result in OW speed reduction
  6. Have you sent a F11 report?
  7. The problem will be hotfixed tommorow
  8. Under investigation. At the moment the perk does not work properly in case you have a fleet ship assigned. Without fleet ships the perk works as intended.
  9. Ink

    Loading Loop

    Captain, could you please open those ports for Naval Action: 7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600 Also, please provide PC specs
  10. Closed
  11. Under investigation
  12. You cannot enter a combat instance on Freetown side - this is not a bug. You can check the nation by hovering mouse on the flag
  13. Captain, have you sent a F11 report? Are you sure you did not activate Brace command?
  14. Under investigation
  15. The capsize bug mentioned in the compensation topic was fixed. In this case the bug was not confirmed/reproduced.
  16. The fix has been deployed today.
  17. Determined defender works both in pvp and pve. The bug was not reproduced. Once it happens again, please make some screenshots (or video) with boarding
  18. Please provide more details, what NPC ships you faced?
  19. 14% hostility was gained within Nassau Port window timer yesterday. The message you linked might be caused by technical issues on the server (both cases happened after server issues on July 13th and 23th)
  20. Ink

    STOP Trade Exploit

    The problem with overloading a ship via OW trade option will be fixed within next patch
  21. Captain, Redeemables clearance was announced in February and completed in the middle of March. It was announced in Steam news, Steam forum news and this forum as well. Please check it: https://steamcommunity.com/gid/103582791441124315/announcements/detail/1664516071239460102 https://steamcommunity.com/app/311310/discussions/15/1700542332324190361/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/311310/discussions/15/1698293703767690893/
  22. Ink

    STOP Trade Exploit

    Could you please send me a private forum message with the detailed description of bug/exploit?
  23. Case is dismissed. Every nation has a guaranteed path to raise hostility via hostility mission system, but, in case attackers find a large OW NPC Fleet in a suitable spot, they can attack it to generate hostility as well. It can be used by every nation in the game. To suggest changes regarding hostility please use suggestion sub forums
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