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Everything posted by Ink

  1. Captain, please use in-game report function to report chat abuse (right click on the player name in chat box, then select "Report")
  2. Если для остальных игроков на вашей стороне было очевидно, что Вы часто воюете против них на других ваших аккаунтах, не стоит обвинять игроков в предпринятых действиях против Вас. Вместо этого, попытайтесь приватно урегулировать вопрос с командиром, отдавшим данный приказ. Трибунал закрыт. If it was common knowledge to battle participants that you often sail against them on other accounts you should not blame them for their actions and try to resolve the matter in private with their fleet commander who gave the order. No action will be taken on this tribunal, accused party is acquitted.
  3. Как часто вы ходите в море вместе с кланом BF? Do you often sail with clan BF?
  4. Captain, please send a report via F11 with description (include there a date when you logged in if you still remember it).
  5. According to the logs you indeed completed the exam within time and requirements., the possible bug is under investigation. To all Captains: if you face the same issue, please send a F11 report right away.
  6. NPC does not take into consideration in BR tag mechanic (but yes - it was tested with NPC as well just to check).
  7. The case is under investigation but definitely there is no bug related to general BR difference calculation as it was tested by us on internal server. BR was more than enough to be able to tag. In such cases, please send a F11 report right away as it helps a lot.
  8. Please ask to send anyway
  9. Did they send a F11 report when it happened?
  10. Добрый день, просьба отправить личное сообщение на форуме или (желательно) репорт через F11 с указанием текущего имени и того, на которое хотели поменять.
  11. Captain, please check in-game message that was sent to you.
  12. Добрый день, награды (корабли) за успешное завершение обучения выдаются только один раз, иначе можно злоупотреблять механикой (постоянно удалять и создавать новых персонажей, перекидывая награды друг другу)
  13. Captain, as the first workaround please try to temporary turn off antivirus to check the game. Also, could you please provide your steam name via private message
  14. Captain, could you please clarify that you never done it on a previous character on this Steam account?
  15. Captains, please continue to report such problems (preferable via F11)
  16. Captain, have you tried to contact their support team? We have not tested the game for cloud gaming service functionality though, thus we cannot guarantee it is fully supported. There was a similar topic in past:
  17. Ink

    Crash in Cartagena PB

    Captains, Server provider had an internal loss of connection between servers and this caused the need for servers restart. Captains who participated in the port battles that failed due the technical faults on the provider side will as usual receive a gift for the troubles. In case you lost a ship due to server issues, please do not forget to send a detailed report via F11 button.
  18. Captain, the DLC will be available within 1-2 days (as soon as Valve approve)
  19. Captains, the server is online again. The problem caused technical issues on the server will be investigated tomorrow. In case you lost a ship due to current server issues, please send a detailed report via F11 button. Apologize for inconveniences.
  20. Captains, the server will be online within 15-20 minutes
  21. Captains, the server is stopped, we will provide launch time as soon as possible.
  22. Ink

    Crash in Cartagena PB

  23. Ink

    Crash in Cartagena PB

    Captains, the problem is being investigated
  24. Ink

    Crash in Cartagena PB

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