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Everything posted by contact

  1. It is correct. A newish change. My understanding is the aims required to pass are set in the top left of screen. If it allows. Ask in Nation or Help chat in game. Plenty of players will be able to tell you exactly what to do. Get pass this and you will start to enjoy this great game. Good luck
  2. Hi, Many thanks for your reply. My friend was saying he knew of another game. Not from Steam.I can assure you he was not suggesting NA did. But if NA did. I will advise NA does not use this system. Regards
  3. Hi, Thanks for your comments. I do hope it can be sorted. My apologies too. As in my post I incorrectly said it was a PB. Regards
  4. Thank you for reply. A member of my clan has said could be caused by NA using Peer to Peer connection
  5. You are not alone. Today I was on PVE taking part in PB at Pointe-a-Pitre. I joined the battle group and was disconnected at least 6 times. This took place at 2pm GMT on 10 August. Bug report sent
  6. Hi guys. Today I was attempting to take par in a PB. I was disconnected in excess of 6 times. It took me back to log in screen. wen logged back in was in PB battle but then despite being re invited into group. M y ship had no controls. Though it was taking damage. This as a I say happened a number of times ! I logged back in every time until the battle had ended. I did do a but report every time. Anyone else having same problem please. Have the Devs sorted it out for you ? Many thanks all.
  7. It is annoying. I bet we have at some time all done it ! 😐
  8. Yes. All recovered. In addition a nice gift given to all. Many thanks.
  9. If not in one. Join a clan. They will give you a lot of help and advice. Even ships. On the PVE you do not need to use a full crew for number is says to have. As there are only NPC’s it’s safe to underman when trading. Even in combat as long as not too much under crewed. It does get easier. The tutorials are useful and lead to the exams. They are not to bad. The last one is more difficult where you have to sink one ship, then a second spawns. But nice goodies for completing it. You are given 90 minutes for this one, so take your time. It is a bit of a pain but saves a lot of game time in raising your rank
  10. Thank you for that. Much appreciated. Maybe I could just mention a little more on the tone used by Nations. Perhaps it has always been there and I am only now starting to notice. A couple of examples from my own experiences. Earlier this year I attacked an NPC trader. During which a player from that nation attacked me. Being in the distance I carried on and sank the trader. Then turned my attention to the player. Seeing it was a higher ranking than my ship and that I had sustained damage. I decided to ease away to carry out repairs. While still firing my stern chasers. The player continued to follow me but my speed was sufficient to keep a distance. Whilst this was happening we were communicating with each other in a friendly manner. As my ship repaired I was deciding on either turning and attacking or to pull away and escape. We continue chatting. Most respectful to each other. I decided I would set full sail and pull away ! The enemy player said you win. You are very fast. Take care my friend. I wished him well. The other example. Towards the end of January I was attacked by a pirate. It lasted approximately 30 minutes. I was in a higher rate ship. But he was obviously experienced and new his job well. Towards the end I thanked him for the lesson and hope I would soon be able to match his level of sailing in combat. He thanked me and we parted with kind words to each. Yes I was sunk. So where has this respect gone. Or is it not normally there. Is this me being naive. I seen no reason to become overly hostile. It is a game ! Don’t get me wrong. I do not like losing. But it is a “game”, I play for enjoyment. Sorry (I do waffle on !). Along with other players I have noticed a large increase in the number of players now on line. I know the debate goes on about the ganking of new players and not wanting them to leave NA. But I find the real animosity shown by Nation to Nation. Player to player. Could cause players to leave NA too. Cheers 🍻
  11. I would still consider muse to be a noobie. I must admit I am surprised at the real hostility being shown in this “game” by Sweden. Perhaps others too which I have not yet seen. I do not pretend to know all of the facts. I play for enjoyment. I tag other players. I get tagged by them. All part of the PVP server. Checking the upcoming PB’s, I was surprised to see there was one due to start at 3am. Even though both countries were European. Surly common sense should not allow this to take place. The attacker I assume has worked out/arranged they can have sufficient players to win. This in my humble opinion is gamesmanship and should not be allowed by the devs. PB’s would be better timed for when sides are able to field sufficient players. Sorry, is this how NA works. Am I being naive. Regards all.
  12. Yes all good. Just so you know. Do not get down when ganked. It happens all the time to players. Those that are new, more often than when obtained experience. Expect it to happen. Everyone who plays has the tee shirt. Just carry on. Cheeers 🍻
  13. In fact I still receive it. I have plenty to learn !
  14. Agreed. I would have been lost without the guidance and experience offered to me
  15. contact

    PVP & PVE

    The above seems to clarify it all. This is part of a guide recently placed on this forum. My apologies to the member for not knowing his name. But thank you.
  16. contact

    PVP & PVE

  17. contact

    PVP & PVE

    Hi, Many thanks for your reply. I assumed I would have to start afresh. But I thank you for confirming this. I would hope with the experience gained on PVP. It would enable me to advance reasonably well. My concern was if I would lose my gains made on PVP etc. Wanted to make sure could use both severs at the same time so to speak. Many thanks. Best wishes
  18. Often see a message sent to clan member. If they don’t reply. A member usually says “give them a kick” Best wishes
  19. contact

    PVP & PVE

    Hi, Many thanks. Sounds like the best of both worlds. Really appreciate your help. Best wishes
  20. contact

    PVP & PVE

  21. contact

    PVP & PVE

    Thank you for such a quick reply. And I assume I keep rank, ships, money etc from PVP. I just start as a noobie on PVE ?
  22. contact

    PVP & PVE

    Maybe this answer is already available but not been able to find it. If I wish can I play on PVP and PVE ? So far have played on on just PVP. But would like to try PVE too. Can this be done ? Though I assume I would have to start from scratch on the PVE. But still keep my rank etc on the PVP ? Many thanks.
  23. In Clan chat. If an answer is required but the receiver does not reply. They can get a ‘kick’ IE a noise to advise a reply is required
  24. I like the sound of this. This hopefully will encourage players to sail round round looking for good deals. It could well encourage more PVP. As players wil sail round looking to find traders with expensive cargo. The game should become better. If players feel it is worth sailing further afield rather than the huge clusters of players that just spend everyday in the same areas. Though of course. It is their choice. Cheers 🍻
  25. Those that purchase NA should have the freedom to chose how much or little time they spend online. Also, to spend that time doing what they want. Not be told what they must do. Some are able to play for longer due the their own specific circumstances. IE. Some may be retired. Having more time. Others working so not so much time. Etc. Having paid their money for NA. Surely it is up to them how long or little they play. Also, I do not think players should be coerced into or not playing for a specific country. I am fortunate that my country of birth is Included. So I would not wish to play for any other nation. I would not wish to fight against my country. Very obvious reason for choosing the country of your choice. Being able to speak the language ! It’s an open world game.
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