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o Barão

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Everything posted by o Barão

  1. BETA v5.0.3 N.A.R. changelog: Updated to UAD Optx2 Note: As I mention before, I will go on holidays tomorrow and I will only return by the end of the month.
  2. Not a bug. I didn't update the mod to the current version yet, that is why you are seeing different things. It is not supposed to affect, but you are not the first player that mentions the same issue. Sorry, but atm I don't have the answers for that situation.
  3. You want 8" shell with a 6 seconds reload. It would be fun, but I can't. In game there are already loading mechanics, but they are universal for all nations. It is not possible to create a gun, to have a different reload time only for that caliber, that nation.
  4. BETA v5.0.2 N.A.R. changelog: Updated to UAD Ships sections on fire needed to make it sunk buffed from 70% to 80%, credits to "brothermunro" for the tip. Important Info for the upcoming days. I will be on holidays starting at day 8 for 2 weeks, so don't expect me to be around to fix any issues with any updates during that period. I will try to get some time before, to update the mod description pdf with all the changes and move the mod files to "Nexus". This will solve my headaches with cloud services, well, I hope. *The place to gather feedback from the players, will still be here, not Nexus.
  5. I need to change my statement. I got the information that is in fact possible trough @brothermunro, so credits to him. It is at 70% now, the sections on fire needed to trigger the ship lost due to fires. I will buff this to 80% in the next version to run tests.
  6. Sure, you are right. For a moment, I thought you were deleting the JSON files inside the data folder. My mistake.
  7. @vonPeretz Could you help me with startingyear_income_mod and startingyear_growth_mod? I just can't get [GDP Growth] and [Naval funds] what I need for each state. Each time the campaign starts there are different numbers. Is there any randomness? Yes! You will find the random modifier in the "params" file. cash_start_randomness,0.05,plus-minus randomness ratio of amount of starting money,all money gain,revenue = budget,"2,187,500",,,, wealth_start_randomness,5,at new game plus-minus this amount of monthly wealth growth will be applied,all money loss,expenses = expenses_fixed + budget * ( tech_budget + intel_budget + training_budget + shipyard_budget )/100 + maintenance + shipbuilding + ship_repairing,#REF!,,,,
  8. You are asking for the only thing, that I am unable to do anything.
  9. Deleted json files, but why? Check the game files integrity from steam. You can also open the game folder from steam just to be sure where it is.
  10. BETA v5.0.1 N.A.R. changelog: Updated to UAD
  11. Sure, go to "partModels" file inside the resource.assets. In the first line you will see this. @name,enabled,#mm,subName,countries,shipTypes,model_1,scale_1,max_scale_1,weight_modifier_1,caliber_length_modifier_1,model_2,scale_2,max_scale_2,weight_modifier_2,caliber_length_modifier_2,model_3,scale_3,max_scale_3,weight_modifier_3,caliber_length_modifier_3,model_4,scale_4,max_scale_4,weight_modifier_4,caliber_length_modifier_4,model_5,scale_5,max_scale_5,weight_modifier_5,caliber_length_modifier_5,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,# default,1,,,,,,-1,-1,1,1,,-1,-1,1,1,,-1,-1,1,1,,-1,-1,1,1,,-1,-1,1,1,,,,,,,,,, ###,,,###,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, So 5 tiers guns, 5 scale modifiers. The max_scale modifiers, is how much the gun model will increase when change the gun caliber.
  12. No, because I don't have the right 3D model to represent the late Italian destroyer's 120mm guns in game, however they are not "boxy" as the BB counterpart. Those are turrets with a diagonal shape design, as you can see below. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folgore-class_destroyer#/media/File:Rn_fulmine.JPG https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freccia-class_destroyer#/media/File:RCT_Freccia_cartolina.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maestrale-class_destroyer#/media/File:RM-Scirocco_at_anchor.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oriani-class_destroyer#/media/File:Oriani_and_her_crew.jpg You can edit the "partModels" file to get what you want. Swapping the 127mm italian BBs gun from the destroyers.
  13. That would create a situation where multiple ships would surrender due to crew losses instead of being sunk, and the battle of Tsushima tells a different story, and as I said before, fire chance from HE in the mod is already lower in comparison to the AP shell. And why should you not be your ship disable trough fire? If your capital ship have the guns advantage, can, and it should be kept at distance from smaller caliber guns. This is also one of the reasons why the navies start considering all or nothing armor by the start of the century. Another reason to consider, is for a ship to have a great capability to start fires is because it is probably using some pricic acid variant, and there is a high risk vs high reward by using that. It is not only positive things. Anyway, below I posted all fire modifiers from the game. I suggest anyone interested to read, tweak the values and run experiments. crew_fire_damage,0.4,crew damage from fire modifier,12.5,,,,,, section_fire_chance_gun,8,basic chance of fire in section (from gun),10,,,,,, section_fire_chance_gun_deck,12.5,"same, but special chance of fire if hit deck sections",10,,,,,, section_fire_chance_torpedo,15,basic chance of fire in section (from torpedo),15,,,,,, fire_damage,0.33,base fire damage percent per second (to structure),0.5,,,,,, fire_damage_part,0.1,base fire damage percent per second (to part),,,,,,, surv_fire_decrease,65,percent decrease of fire damage due to fire (from max survivability),65,,,,,, fire_stop_chance,35,basic chance to stop fire (every 10 seconds),10,,,,,, water_stop_fire,80,threshold of water level (due to flooding) to stop any fire in section,80,,,,,, fire_min_dur,45,minimal duration of fire (in seconds),15,,,,,, fire_spread_chance,20,"chance of fire to spread to one nearby section (percent chance, every 10 sec)",5,,,,,, ap_fire_mod,0.8,fire chance multiplier for ap rounds penetrations,3,,,,,, he_fire_mod,3.5,fire chance multiplier for he rounds penetrations,3,,,,,, 3.5 in the mod, 4.5 in vanilla Crew quarters should be important when designing a ship if it is going to be in the frontline. Raising the limit will only help the player by only going with the minimum and save weight. Not an interesting thing to do. I changed those values months ago, and I can't explain now exactly what was the idea behind it. If I remember, the idea was about local damage and the losses of personal in one specific location could have an impact in performance which can be mitigated to an extent by the high crew numbers. Something like that, but the values (from the mod) are listed below. As you can see, the minimum crew to operate the stations without a penalty are more generous in ships with big crew quarters. crew_quarters_min,0.7,modifier for crew numbers at minimum quarters,,,,,,, crew_quarters_max,1.3,modifier for crew numbers at maximum quarters,,,,,,, crew_quarters_min_threshold,1,min crew percent to operate stations without efficiency penalty (Min Quarters),,,,,,, crew_quarters_max_threshold,0.8,min crew percent to operate stations without efficiency penalty (Max Quarters),,,,,,,
  14. English not being my native language, do me a favor and write what would be the correct way. Thanks in advance.
  15. In N.A.R. there is already a base value nerf to fire chance for the HE shells in comparison to vanilla game. he_fire_mod,4.5,fire chance multiplier for he rounds penetrations,3,,,,,, Stock he_fire_mod,3.5,fire chance multiplier for he rounds penetrations,3,,,,,, Mod There are other modifiers related to HE performance in game, but I am very reluctant to nerf even more to a point where battles like Tsushima will not make any sense inside the mod. Not only the shell weight, but also what type of shell (capped ?) and the propellant type used will have an impact in the penetration performance. So if you breach the 2x value, from your shell penetration value in comparison to the armor value at that angle and distance, you will get overpen. Try using the same BB against CA, but now using SAP, and you will probably notice a major performance difference if you were using capped shells before. Bigger is not always better. So before considering nerfing HE even more, I prefer to make sure that you are using the right AP shell for the job, taking into consideration the target and gun. From game files, both stock and mod. over_penetration_threshold,2,penetration threshold over armor to over-penetration (ratio),,,,,,,
  16. IMPORTANT: For players that are having issues with Mega, try this new link below. https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=kZgSeeZittruRIfAvYP0PyJsyLy2SjJcf8k Report if having any issues using this cloud service. The service comes with two data centers, one in Luxembourg and the other in Dallas, so I expect the vast majority of players to have reasonable download speeds. Let´s see.
  17. Didn't I explained in the mod description why? I am almost sure. Well, I can tell you again. The reason is very simple. The AI does not know when to use it, simple as that. Do you remember playing vanilla game and seeing clouds of smoke from invisible ships, telling you where they were? Yeah, terrible. Then we have the two other issues with smoke. Smoke is not a circle cloud that magically surrounds the ship. And then we have the arcade time mechanic for a time limit to use it, and again the AI does not know when to use it. So in conclusion, is a terrible mechanic and unfair against the AI. I suggested, many months ago, to smoke be used exclusively when the ships retreat from the battlefield. That would make sure the AI would use them when it is needed and would be fair for the AI and the player. Didn't happen, so no smoke to anyone. I didn't change anything about DDs health for the past 7 months, maybe. The only thing I did, that will indirectly affect the DDs, was to allow the player to use an arcade accuracy. So if you are using that, you will see that is a lot easier to land hits on ships in general. DDs are fragile ships against medium caliber or higher guns, so use them with cautions. I suggest you go to the steam forums and search posts about players complaining about the DDs being too survival against torpedo hits or guns in general. Unrealistic, and you will not see that here.
  18. I had no idea there was a limit.
  19. It is depend if have torpedos on board or not.
  20. It is you, since I didn't change anything in the last weeks.
  21. You forgot to apply the English file from the mod.
  22. Note: The devs launched a new update, but the mod still works fine. No changes needed.
  23. Interesting, first time I see this. The HE shells were able to reach your ship? That is part of the internal game code and I don't have access.
  24. Just a side note, the mod is compatible with the new game version launched today, so there are no changes needed. Just download and apply.
  25. The reason is the tech tree is universal, but the ship hulls are not. The American "Modern Heavy Cruiser II" is 18.2k tons minimum, so you will need to unlock the next step in the tech tree. Ok, that is strange, I never saw that. Next time, please share some screenshots for me to see it. Can be a vanilla bug. Windows should have edge installed by default that you can use.
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