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Everything posted by Palatinose

  1. I like it @Tiedemann. Always thought of this issue as a tolerated exploit. Let's say for an example the port consumes 20 units an hour and can store up to 100. Wouldn't this help the majority of players? And what do we (or devs) want in this regard? *Bumps @admin*
  2. I agree with your point. Question is: how do you want to distrubute something equally on a map which mirrors the Caribbean.
  3. The question is, why would a random port consume random goods. E.g. the Port Sancti Spiritus on the southern side of cuba consumed Batavian Spices, a dutch trading good. I understand all ports, that produce/drop certain goods as small colonies with no more than 200 people (make it a thousand idk) living there. So why would these ports consume anything? Cities like Maracaibo or San Juan, those which consume the caribbean goods, I understand as medium sized cities (there might be a bit of history in it). Then we have "the hungry four", Puerto de Espana, Cartagena de indias, Santo Domingo and Nassau and the capitals (and for some easy mode boyyz the second ones *sorry*). These are bigger towns actually worth the name city. More people = more wealth = more demand. So much for port size. At the moment and at the current state of game poulation these ports might be enough. Low player base needs hubs for interaction. Assuming player pop rose more of those "hungry" cities should be around imo.
  4. Reported the same issues as OP two days ago at Hispaniola Patrol. Even gar to kill an AI Pavel for the last 2k damage. Plz don't let this grind unrewarded 😎
  5. Only one thing is bigger than gear in NA. The fear of the opponent's gear.
  6. Operation: Raider Trader
  7. Kill sowie Search & Destroy Missionen sind nicht unbedingt in einem Rutsch zu erledigen. 10x Fregatte heißt schlicht, dass ihr zehn Fregatten auf unbestimmten Zeitraum versenken müsst. Es gelten PvP, als auch PvE Kills. Angenommen ihr habt neben der Mission für Fregatten auch noch eine Missionen für Belle Poules und erwischt eine 5th rate fleet, in der zwei Frigs und zwei BPs sind, geht bei beiden Missionen der Zähler um zwei nach oben. Hatte bisher nicht das Gefühl, dass die OW zu leer an NPCs ist. Sie sind halt nicht mehr direkt vor der Hauptstadt unbedingt.
  8. I guess there will be eco missions aswell, so trading will get you doubloons. this thread is about NA becoming a one-dimensional game. As far as I can see from my post-patch playtime, trading aswell as pvp have lowered rewards. Overall it's just a shift from having everything in abundance (ship prices for 3/5 5th rates fell below 300k gold) to it actually becoming a bit rarer. Yes this is time consuming, but it was so before. There is just one currency, as soon as the prices on markets have settled: reals. We purchase everything with it, be it ships, ressources, guns, refits, books or doubloons. the latter will be abundant soon, so labor will be abundant and the only ones who profit from this are traders who deliver woods and supplies. You're right, it is simple. You're wrong when saying the traders are those who suffer the most.
  9. In your comparison you assume that the value of a 1st rate has not changed. But it did, and significantly. Let's say a shop price of a 1st rate was ~2.5 million gold, now the production of one first rate is probably the same, but in silver. In the calculation the trader would buy Doubloons for 50 reals each and ressources for shop prices - it's a very vague calculation, nothing is really settled yet. In that comparison the 1st rate prices have increased by a factor of ~20 while the reward of trading has been increased by a factor around 3(*). How can you compare that to pre patch values? 1st rates are just a bad example, imo all of us need to clear their minds from the 1st spam we had. It won't be here anymore. Not only the trader has to put more effort in getting a ship, but everybody has. And as all ports are still filled to the roof of the storages with previously worthless goods that are now profitable a trader can dock in all ports and make his sail. Nearly every port is making profit now, people trade like crazy and still you speak of less profit. If I was reawarded and looted overall 1k Doubloons in pvp, that's a lot. Assuming "dubs" can be sold for 100 each - that's 100k reals. Make it 200 to double it. Still 200k for the risk - it's the same for a pvper as for a trader - is an okayish reward and absolutely compareable to a trade run (which takes less time). Yes distribution of drops of goods seems rather RNGish at the moment and still the richest players will be the traders. Sailing on nearly entirely safe routes back and forth, checking contracts - perhaps now a trader has to put in some work. I speak as a trader myself and making loads of money via trading was the easiest thing before the patch, and it still is. (*)pre patch profit of two indiamans filled with Gold Coast Ivory (one of the better trading goods) was ~1.2kk gold. Now - as posted above - 210k silver. Conversion ratio of gold -> reals = 1/25, adjusted to inflation ~1/20. Even with adjustment to 1/10 it was 120k vs 210k.
  10. Let's say you have two Indiamans with guns and repairs. Buy a trading good for ~4k each. That's ~85 units of the good on these two traders. Sold in a consuming port it will sell for ~8k. Substract the tax (max 10%) and the profit is ~210k. Inflation-adjusted that's nearly 4 million of old gold currency. FOUR MILLION! In one trade run, with an average trading good. Sorry but if there was no risk for that, we would truely see a one-dimensional gameplay.
  11. When a player steps in, he's neither wolf nor sheep. If you let them discover the game on their own most will ask in nation chat where they will (mostly) read: stay in safe zone, trade for money, grind a bit. All the boring stuff that consumes time, but doesn't give thrill. I like this, even the enemy safezone part. Show newbies mechanics. 2k damage is nafing. Perhaps we get newby PBs, CHAOS AND ANARCHY whoop whoop!
  12. Proposed possibilities: select mission hunt/s&d for 4th rates - should give you a couple of doubloons do hostility missions at ports with a timer but outside of the pb window to not get discovered by mishka. Rewards are slightly better, reals are more farm in patrol zone - 20k damage (should be around two 5th rates) give you 2k doubloons Remember: at the end its all just currency. Time will show the true deficiencies/benefits of the current mechanics. Got 6.5k doubloons from the patrol zone: 5 kills in pvp including loot (5th rates, I was on 5th aswell) @admin If (hope shall never die) the RoE in the patrol zone got altered a bit, these might be the hot spots we had always hoped for. Imagine frigate (5ths) fights and improving skill levels in pvp. A dream would come true.
  13. Sobald man einmal die shortcuts nutzt geht es eigentlich. Das Gute ist, du kannst sie dir sogar individuell so setzen wie möchtest. Persönlich finde ich die Kategorie "Nörgler"/"Wutspieler" viel nervtötender als jeder Patch es je sein könnte. Probiere die neuen Dinge doch aus bevor du hier ausfällig wirst. MMn hat der Patch ne neue Tiefe gebracht, es gibt tendenziell aufgrund der hohen Kosten für Schiffe wieder mehr Fregatten PvP, mehr Gründe mal aus der eigenen Reinforcement Blase herauszuschauen. Neue Ressourcen Distributionen ermöglichen Zugang zu seltenen Hölzern, Missionen belohnen diejenigen, die mit Verstand fahren, Schiffsbau erfordert mehr Teamwork. Diese "Ich will, ich will, mein Recht, haben haben haben!" Einstellung finde ich egoistisch, langweilig und dumm. Liebe Grüße und frohes Ballern (oder halt auch nicht) Euch allen.
  14. "War is a state of armed conflict between states, governments, societies and informal paramilitary groups, such as mercenaries, insurgents and militias. It is generally characterized by extreme violence, aggression, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces." by wikipedia.org, 30.10.18 #makelovenotwar #happypewpeweveryone
  15. Try Hostility Orders. Leveled the 3rd Rate. ~1.5k XP for 1 Bellona. Done in 10-15 minutes. If you sail them to pb's two or three slots should be enough to perform okayish in a fleet.
  16. Doch doch gibt russisch Hack heute..
  17. You're right. Though you know there's a certain taste coming along with the realism argument. What's even worse than mast sniping imo is people spraying some balls into the masts and bringing it down by luck. In that case thanks for the realism and gg to the winner with the bigger guns but less skill.
  18. Imo you obviously didn't play smart when you let your enemy escape -provided he has the same speed or is even slower. If you give up the wind the penalty is a longer fight. If we had one rep each, mast HP/Thickness aswell as chain damage had to be reworked. Otherwise, thanks for the 5 minute fights..We'll demast the shit out of every opponent. Yupp great skill ...
  19. Wouldn't that apply for every AI targeting a human player (exception player has multiple traders - which would also be AI then)? Sorry but I fail to see what aggressive AI will provide for players, but griefing (or the feeling to be griefed). Could you plz enlighten me @admin. Thx in advance.
  20. Didn't we have XP penalties? What about gold penalties or damage penalties in the patrol zone? +1 for the duel room (@HachiRoku !!!)
  21. Gawd I really love us primates of the eastern caribbean. We can barely read and write, but at least russians, french and swedes fire loaded guns at each other instead of highfalutin words. Best regards.
  22. 20/34 ships are DLC ships. That's 58.8%. Is absolute majority sufficient or do we need a two thirds majority to rename it?
  23. Yup. But you obviously didn't read the "still in development" thingy. You constantly assume and moan about things that haven't happened yet. A customer, who obviously did not read the inscription and before even testing his product, returns to the store, slamming it on the desk: "This is BS, REFUND!!! NOW!" I guess there are plenty of people who would kindly deny this kind of customership. Take a chill pill 💊 -> 🤗
  24. Yup understood. Read Banished's reply, I agree with it. The ganker in front of the free town is one step further than you? Time to pull ahead in the mind game.
  25. It's just easier to fight a heavy Agamemnon in a 3rd rate than on the same ship. Human nature calling. In general it's a good thing imo that pvp is also created around the zones, but I agree it sucks for solos. Perhaps you could try to set up OPs in nearby free-for-all ports (e.g. Saint Nic; Corrientes; Higüey; Nippes etc.)
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