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Everything posted by Christendom

  1. Rant and whine about wars and alliances all you want. BLACK has been allied with the Danes and WO from the first week of the wipe. When we attacked the US we went after ports that they could defend. A 4th and a shallows. Just like you, we were fully aware of our enemies capabilities and we actually look for good fights, not seal clubbing. We were asked by the US council to come and help screen Savannah last night and we obliged. Unfortunately due to tactics I assumed BLACK clan was too "great" to use, the screening was circumvented. Very shameful. For reference their crime was live streamed for everyone to see.
  2. I believe no proof was given linking the alts to any SORRY member right?
  3. Then perhaps an NPC fleet should of been tagged?
  4. what exactly does your screenshot prove Khyron?
  5. 1st rate fleet from the BLACK clan used what appears to be a US alt to hide in battle for 40+ minutes until the port battle triggered. 2 US players in real ships that got tagged in were sunk, but yet mysteriously the "Master Baiter" in a basic cutter was sailing around unmolested for 40 minutes and then was conveniently sunk within 5mins of the port battle timer. The pirates then were able to drop battle and get right into port. Perfectly placed with the wind at their backs right near the join line. How very fortuitous that there just happened to be a US player right where they needed to be. Frankly this smells like another alt being used for port battle gain. Screen grabs are from a twitch stream by player Koiz who was in the battle and sunk. He did not make a VOD of it, but it was watched. Basic cutter sailing away, doesn't seem to be much of a chase with all those 1sts. And here he is after the battle sailing rather close to a pirate first rate fleet. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/848216173213439674/F4EBADC79414D798CD0361F35B3511D85B3634DE/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/848216173213440000/50E7E0827149877385EAAD78521E9D5E7CB27187/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:1101&composite-to%3D*%2C*|2048%3A1101&background-color=black This needs to be investigated. There's been a lot of talk about how good the BLACK clan was on this server, kinda sad to see this tactic used (assuming it is an alt). Much shame. Why was a basic cutter allowed to be tagged in in the first place?
  6. We assisted in screening just like the pirates were screening Port au Prince earlier today. No alliances right? The US asked for our assistance because they were unable to defend the port, the pirates know this.
  7. We didn't attack a port they couldn't defend. We also didn't hide in battle with an alt. What shame
  8. midnight EST
  9. Majority of your battles are empty port flips. Sounds fun to me. My group switched the the Brits to make sure that the US and Brit nation were at war for the health of the server. The only way for that to happen was for our people to switch and join up with like minded brits from PVP1. If we had gone anywhere else US/Brit would still be allied. The 2 largest nations cannot be friends IMO. If you're going to try and insult us at least get the info correct. We declared war on day 2 of our arrival. Enjoy your empty port battles and non- aggression agreements. We have real fights here. Now piss off of the global threads and spray your bitterness elsewhere. Thx
  10. You're so angry...... Yes you managed to get a server where night flips are history.....and so are contended port battles too. Have fun :-( Take a look on our battle thread. I'm glad you're enjoying EU. Please stay out of global's threads. We do the same.
  11. all those EU danes and swedes are just salty still from the night flips and that getting us booted off the snow flake server. Now that we're gone they managed to create a port flipping/empty PB hot zone. Congrats. We might have 1/3 of the population, but we're having real battles on global and it's glorious.
  12. Bullying them is attacking a port they can't defend. aka Lineship battle. You know it, they know it. If you wanted to teach them a lesson you would attack a port they can defend and beat them soundly. This is bullying.
  13. I think if you wanted to send a message you would of gone after a port the US could probably defend like Ays. The US can't possible defend Savannah and will have no chance to retake, this is just bullying.
  14. Hodo is correct. One of the main reasons why we switched is because the US refused to fight the Brits.
  15. Are you still complaining about PB window times? This is kinda funny. Why is EU boring? Well...you guys basically kicked off a fairly decent sized portion of RVR minded people (US and Brit) because you couldn't stomach the fact that you were not on for EVERY single battle. Now you're on for every battle and they're all pretty much empty. I hope you're having fun, I know I am on global. The brits and US players you kicked off were largely responsible for planning about 95% of all the battles the Western Alliance coordinated. ZERG, Jags (7up/Dutch), Myself more or less coordinated (with help of course) the majority of fights our little group setup. We got the boot to global and now you guys are still maintaining weird quasi agreements and some of the largest nations aren't attacking each other. It's like you lost your real enemies and you're too afraid to fight your old friends. It's almost comical.
  16. Actually the GB move wasn't my idea, but I'm adaptable. I see you're still salty. So sad. It's time to let it go bud. You guys got us booted off so you can have a server full of port swapping and empty battles in your prime time. You win. Now go back over to bad hombre server and leave us be on global. I know you're bored, but we've got actual port battles to fight. Thx chief
  17. La Bahia PB https://gyazo.com/1e819533d78eaa20675badbac9e4b424
  18. A few tactical mistakes but a relatively easy win. Bring more aggies next time please :-) Too bad I had my mute on for most of the fight. GF US.
  19. The diplomacy aspect of swapping ports even seems to be encouraged by the admin
  20. You can come join Chijohn and the rest of us in the glorious Brit nation.
  21. I don't get it. Always nice to hear from our mates in sweden tho!
  22. PVP needs to give gold and experience for capped ships as well as sunk.
  23. I feel like KoC didn't express his views enough on how pvp is terrible in this thread
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