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Everything posted by Christendom

  1. Russia has players because people realize that the flag on the back of their ships don’t matter and it’s the people you sail with that does. We didn’t pick Russia because it has a pretty flag or it was historically accurate. Sounds like you need to nut up and leave the Dutch if you want some action. It sucks, but that’s the breaks. If you want to live out some fantasy of sailing around as a Dutch captain in the 1700s because you’re a quarter Dutch IRL that’s cool, but don’t expect to be accommodated by everyone for it. Adapt or die.
  2. This post is basically whining about the lack of empty neutral ports to flip at night. Welcome to the real server bud. People fight back here.
  3. To be frank, we’re lucky we got the merge. I’ll wager that it had more to do with admin not wanting to keep paying for a global server with 150 players than actually accommodating all time zones....but when you’re tossed a bone, you say thanks. I think a map wipe where everything is neutral and global carebears could do exactly what they did on global...snatch up 50 ports they don’t need....and set them to late timers would of caused the entire EU population to revolt. Dutch have a decent sized amount of holdings down there in no mans land. Why can’t you make it work? If you need resources you can’t get, get an alt or trade with players who can. Like everyone else does. The merge was necessary and both sides had to suffer some to bear it. I’m ok with the status quo. Maintenance does need to be changed however. Despite the naysayers like @Bearwall and @Intrepido who want th game to tank, the server is thriving with a nice post holidays bump. 700+ yesterday.
  4. This is a good analogy. Screeners in this situation are very similar to the bombers and naval ships on D-Day trying to soften up the defenses before. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The defensive fleet in this situation has every advantage. Not having to sail to the port, presumably not getting screened out and joining directly on the docks. The defensive fleet also has the option to simply log on, undock and join. We had to be on an hour and a half early to get to the port. This game is not a port battle simulator. We have legends for that. On the OW the sail up to the port and the battles just before it starts should be just as important as the fight inside. There's 2 different mindsets at work here. One nation wants to involve the entire nation in the process of the Port Battle. From grinding it up together to gathering 40 people to show up and screen. It's a national effort. The other mindset is to log on 15mins before the battle....load in, sail around, chain, win and then log off back to playing PUBG. Tell me which is better for the game overall?
  5. If you're fighting fair, you're fighting stupid. The swedes could've had a screen fleet to counter ours. They didn't. They also could of had the guy who got tagged join immediately instead of sitting there getting tagged. They didn't. Arrogance and stupidity lost them the port. Our boys outside did their jobs and we now get the enjoy the stunning views and warm waters
  6. The North Remembers
  7. Lots of salt on the forums from a guy who couldn’t be bothered to defend the most important port in the game despite complaining on the forums how bored he was at not getting good fights. Odd that. We sent our screeners on a one way trip into the bay of Carta with the intention of making sure our fleet got in. We got in. I’m not sure if it was arrogance or stupidity, but some how Sweden had zero screeners outside the port and managed to get themselves screened out. I almost wonder if he allowed himself to get tagged so you wouldn’t suffer the shame of losing in the PB. Sveno on the stream said something to the effect of, well we would of probably lost in the battle anyway. It was an odd choice streaming the screening fight with coms Now we know why I replaced most of our losses in the screening fight while I sat afk in the PB. No big deal. Dropping some screening bucs for Carta is a fair trade to me.
  8. Except...Hat Island, Conttoy, George Town, Appalachawhatever, Las Tortguas....and of course the grand puba of all the ports....Carta. I was straight up flabbergasted that you guys let yourselves get screened in defensively. But it happened. You should stop by carta for a visit sometime once @North gets done cleaning up the joint.
  9. I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias redii, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
  10. yes. I hold a doctorate in advanced tactics and trolling.
  11. If you recall on the forums I did a post analysis on that fight and it was lost well before Amp blew up LV. He was just the scapegoat for a bruised ego. We all have our parts to play, Amp did his this afternoon. PS - the water down at carta is beautiful this time of year.
  12. so does that make the inger a boat instead of a ship? boats get carried on ships
  13. No names, just flags. Love it. Or have ship names on the back
  14. Actually I was stalling in the first battle until I could escape the 2nd and let your friend get ganked. Which he did. I surrendered in the 2nd one because we had just finished killing your friend in the other battle and then went after you. I was late, so no sure if they got your or not. Drama aside, I'm still astonished that after an hour or so of shooting masts you were still not able to demast my heavy rat with an endy. WO's standards have dropped if you managed to get in. No bueno.
  15. oh man...this warms the cockles of my heart. KoC has just turned into a gank machine, no longer a great player. Very sad.
  16. Stingray, Rab and KoC are pretty good. Chester is pretty good at farming alts, not sure about players. to KoC's credit they work well cohesively together.
  17. those are not the good WO players. Aster is good at running and rafi is basically awful. It took him an hour and a half and 2 battles until I ran out of repairs to sink my heavy rat vs his endy last night. very bad.
  18. You've also said you were an "MMO" expert, but then I think you said your only MMO experience was some airplane game that isn't an MMO. I've been playing MMOs since the days of my 56k modem and Ultima Online. All the good ones have good casual content that puts fans in the seats and keeps them coming back. There's a fan run server of a star wars MMO called star wars galaxies (SWGEMU) from a game that came out over 10 years ago that has more active players than we do. It's almost laughable. Your current mindset is similar to what games labs is and that mindset has created a game that has sold over 100k copies and a year and a half later has 2000 active players (realistically it's 1000, but lets be generous). So yeah....that doesn't work. I haven't seen you pop up on the leaderboard or combat news in a month or 2, so either you're not much of a wolf or you're one of those players that says the game should be like this....but doesn't actually play it. Either way you're wrong. This exclusive sailing sim mindset that the game shouldn't be accommodating to new and casual players is exactly why we don't have very many of them. Good work. And on that note, I'm tired of talking about it on the forums. With the recent sailing/wind changes we've simply become the new testbed server for ideas that may or may not work on NA Legends.
  19. I dislike this elite/hardcore vs casual mindset that some players on here have been spewing out. Especially some that are most certainly not elite players. Even more amusing is some of the players here saying the game needs to be more "elite" are the very same players who only come back for a week or 2 after every patch and then piss off elsewhere while they try to get more changes done to the game we don't need on the forums. NA has tried the hardcore stance a few times in the past and every single time it just forced players to quit. Successful MMOs have good PVE/Casual content that keeps players coming back to the game everyday. NA really needs to improve the game for the average person if they intend to keep the momentum going (spoiler: they haven't in the past). In the almost 2 years I've been playing the game the PVE aspect of it has remained relatively the same and unfortunately people just get tired of it. When all the casual players are muscled out because these "elite" players want to have a super real OW sailing simulator while wearing their Aubrey replica tricornes at home they'll unfortunately be all out of targets. Happy sheep create happy wolves. There are ways to make ships more exclusive, the marks system is not it. The only thing PVP marks should be good for are cosmetic items such as paints, flags....ship names whatever. This way these elite players can sail around in pink ships just to show everyone how great they are. I remember at the start of the wipe @admin stated that he wanted losing ships to mean something and while that's a decent idea, the marks system is completely anathema to that mindset. I extremely dislike having to just sink good ships just to get PVP marks so I can now purchase the most OP ship in the game. Seems wrong and 100% what this game should not be turning into. But that's just me. I've got several wasa's in various docks just sitting there, I still use them to PVP and do PBs in. I got several more I can redeem from the global server as well. I've also got enough marks to redeem several more. I'll be fine. The noobs up on the east coast that RUBLI & Moscalb farm every day are a different story. They take their OPs wasa's and just demast the crap out of all their opposition. It's fun to watch, but that well will dry up eventually. Making the Wasa cost PVP marks is a move that is otherwise known as "lazy balancing" in the MMO world. Fix the damn ship already please. ------ As for victory marks, it's a decent idea to limit 1st rates. The BR balance needed to happen before this was implemented however because the meta is still wasa's and 1st rates in PBs. Until they implement the lord protector = marks thing though.....it's just gonna be an alt fest. I hear there's an alt clan in sweden already raking in the MARKS. As long as there is any sort of mark system in this game it will be abused.
  20. it's not realistic. It feels like the ships have no keels at all.
  21. Basically what it's like sailing a shallow ship right now
  22. I still maintain my thoughts from a while ago. too many nations, too many servers (prior to this month) and not enough content. Good MMOs, even the sandbox ones provide their casual player base (the pve carebears) with enough reasons to keep coming back to the game. NA only has one flavor of PVE content and it's grinding the same tired old AI. More ships is not content. Simple additions would make this game 100% better.....like mission variety (search n destroy, escort, delivery, exploration.....), player created bounties and ship contracts, daily/weekly challenges....you name it. Sandbox games require players and we don't have enough. They left because the game didn't keep them interested.
  23. Oh I knew what I was doing there, we commented on TS that there was going to be no way out. Once one of the 1st rates committed into going to the beach, we had to go follow. I'm not sure the brits in that battle were fully aware of how much they were getting pushed to the shore. Anyway, I understand what happened and why there was no way out. I just prefer the old system better. Realism does not always translate into fun.
  24. Had a PB tonight against the brits. It turned into a Russian beach party. I can appreciate the inclusion of leeyway into the game, but to be honest it's not really that enjoyable.
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