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Everything posted by Christendom

  1. Get yourself a good set of headphones, seinheisser or something like that and then get a separate mic that you can clip on or move out of the way. Gaming headsets are trash and usually over priced. If you’re like me, I can’t use anything but open back cans. Closed back or noise canceling sounds weird This is what use, minus the pop filter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06WRMZZ45/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_NXYwCbF40BCRS https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N3TMY12/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_JYYwCb9FMA4S0
  2. The idea is to organically push players as they farm fleets into zones where they can interact with other players. Removing the secondary safe zones does this in a sense. Rather than pushing players out of their areas, it brings hostile players in. Which will work, but not for long. For admin to properly fix this problem we'd have to spend development resources on things that actually need fixing instead of combat models and boarding.
  3. Frankly the only DLCs we have should be cosmetic in nature rather than paying for ships or dockspace......but that's a different discussion. I'd spend all my money on paints / flag colors / stupid ship names and other baubles in the game. Gameslabs missed the boat here I think
  4. yea I use that slot for the magical and immersion breaking talent that is determined defender. I not really sure why having the sextant be an option in the game menu is a bad thing, but OK. I do however think that removing F11 coords and not having a navigation tool be on by default because some players like to "get lost" is incredibly selfish and short sighted.
  5. it could also very well be moved to the game options menu and captains who want to get lost and be immersed at all the 1st rates in the Caribbean......can simply turn it off. pssst I doubt they will
  6. Remove F11 only if sextant is built-in and not a perk.
  7. You still have the option to use different parts of the map. Now you just can't do it without any risk. As it should be. If you want the juice, you gotta squeeze. A clan member of ours has something like 150k doubloons that he's gotten primarily from hitting AI trade ships from towns like Key West and Saint Marys. Occasionally he gets caught. It's the price of being in a multiplayer game on a PVP server. If you want to farm doubloons with zero risk of losing them to other players, go to the PVE server. Players sitting in a secondary safe zone on far corners of the map ganking AI ships in 1st rates right by the capital zone is bad for the game.
  8. As one of these colorblind individuals, we can see red. This is a misconception. What we can't see is different hues of red. Green/Brown/Orange/Purple can look very similar. For example when we do our pre-battle plans I take a copy of the map into MS paint and throw a few things on there, I can't distinguish between several of the colors on the palate and routinely tell people "join at the red X" when it's in fact brown. I also can't tell the difference between the colors on new traffic lights and have to go off position while driving around. My wife makes fun of me because I'm almost always ordering the wrong color shirts online and I own far more pink shirts than I probably should. Red with a yellowish outline would be very visible, far more visible than white on a light blue background for example, and a welcome change.
  9. Because this is a multi player game and players being able to farm AI fleets for doubloons in capital areas (2 capital areas) is bullshit.
  10. you do realize that they still have safe zones by their capitals right? This is just removing the farming frenzy that is Belize / New Orleans / Vera Cruz. If players are going to quit because they lost their 2nd safe zone, well then it's no big loss.
  11. Wish we could just cut some of these areas out of the overall map and consolidate folks into more populated areas. Be better for the game overall.
  12. yet you have a large amount of folks hanging out over there hiding, hauling and getting lots of precious doubloons. Time to say hellooooooo
  13. Good. Be happy to lend a hand over in vera cruz if/when spain starts to timer dodge the brits.
  14. good when he goes after rax, tell him to leave us out of it
  15. Good lucky getting Kingy to grind a battle these days
  16. Good scrap outside portillo tonight. Thanks to the BAIT fellas for making content.
  17. Anolytic I think has the right idea in protecting new players from vets in SOL and decked out frigates, but I think this is the wrong way to do it. His idea works great for the first 2 weeks, but what about new players after the 2 weeks. What about new players currently? Better protections overall for new players really need to be in place before launch. Dynamic safe zones where new players are 100% totally safe, but are still flexible enough to allow new players to venture out and explore a bit....taste a little PVP, but not get completely thrown to the wolves. Player progression quest lines or something similar would also be a good idea. In essence we need starting areas. Regardless whether or not players are in bigger ships with fancy books, the PVPers will still beat up on the noobs starting day 1 to start collecting their marks and getting a leg up on PVP rewards. New player protections built into the game need to be ready to go to handle the problem right out of the gate.
  18. I really really really don’t want to grind ship slots again. Max rank comes with time and I’m not particularly worried about that. But yea f those ship slots.
  19. I feel like “the person who enters the battle should fight in it” is a pretty good quote from Admin that applies to 99% of these kiting and trolling posts. Join a battle. Fight in that battle. No more drama. Don’t want to fight? Don’t join. What a dynamic solution. Sorry to annoy you best buddy.
  20. This open question of tagging/screening/kiting really needs an official answer. Kinda tired of seeing these posts.
  21. Prime seal hunting grounds. Quick access to Bermuda. No price too low! Added protection from the Pirate fleet if you wanna pull a Prussia and keep nightflip timers on it! Will include 1 cute picture of my new puppy also. PM - serious inquiries only. Conditions - Can't give it back to the US. Will leave port open and changed to the timers you request to flip.
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