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Everything posted by Christendom

  1. His alt admitting his identity
  2. Admitting his identity as Lord Hartz
  3. I actually agree with you about Spain. They were a useless ally to the US. We couldn’t even get them to flip on time during the Prussian triple flip. They refused to provide any assistance against France and actively blocked the US taking apalachicola to escape to the gulf. they seem to be helping now that the US is fighting GB But times change and I’m not US anymore and don’t really care.
  4. GA & Capt Hardy's contribution to the GB war effort.
  5. Nerfing the ships after the purchase of them is probably not the best method. Improving the other smaller shallow water ships is too time consuming for the devs. A more simple approach needs to be taken. Increase the CD on them and restrict them from ANY and ALL port battles. No premium ships in port battles....ever.
  6. DLCs have been the best things and probably the worst things to happen to this game in a while. They got more people on the water and out PVPn again. The shallows are more lively than ever. But.....Requins and hercs have ruined all other shallow water ships and in the case of the requin, most smaller frigates also. I think 24hr CD on the redeemables is too high. Maybe 1 a week. AND you can only have 1 total in dock/fleet.
  7. Then you must not do much fighting. I don't really see you in combat news come to think of it. A smart captain is built for both situations. ==== Fleet ships don't particularly bother me, except perhaps when a player has 3 redeemable OP P2W ships in fleet. I don't use them because I perceive them to be a crutch. Others are free to do as they wish. HOWEVER if chain shot being limited and repairs not being limited makes zero absolute sense to me. I run out of chain after a couple broadsides but players can magically regrow masts every 12 mins? I much preferred the old system of unlimited chain and only 1 sail/1hull repair in battle. Running in battle now requires zero skill, just a slightly faster ship and more repairs. I do like the reduced effectiveness of chain though at range now, this seems more accurate. KEEP the chain damage dropping off at distance BRING BACK unlimited chain LIMIT the amount of repairs one can use in battle.
  8. First US Navy Jack https://gyazo.com/e49c5698170bd792e772274daced3939
  9. The John Paul Jones flag given to him by the Dutch after he captured the Serapis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Paul_Jones
  10. Flag used by Perry to honor Captain James Lawrence https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Hazard_Perry
  11. Checked how? Please elaborate. Are you upset that we left you in the US or something? As a former mod you should know better than to make accusations without proof. Please submit some.
  12. Says the lazy cuck who only sits out on this porch (la navasse) while the worker bees in this clan provide everything for him. Way to a constructive member of the community. This is the only way to save the game IMO. In more aspects than just the economy. Too many nations. Not enough players.
  13. Bensalem PB. Spanish Victory. Regrettably we capped all 3 circles and won on points before we could sink more of them 😕
  14. Less nations. More casual player content.
  15. Good fight tonight Prussia. Albeit lower on BR to make it fair 🙂 We had to break out our 2 day old player, some lower level guys, dudes not on TS and guys on TS refusing to fight. Was an interesting cluster fuck, but enjoyable.
  16. Good screening fight outside Turneffe this evening. The 3 first rates and 1 bellona that made it out, did not last long. Where did the brit PB fleet go?
  17. Luckily there are freetowns where even the most remote of nations can hang out.
  18. This is a bullshit argument. The US is the weakest nation because it consistently gets hunted day in and day out by multiple nations who, instead of fighting each other, simply just help each other sink the maximum amount of noobs they can for PVP marks and forum screenshot egos. Your crew included. Veteran players in the US don't exist. They either move on to other nations that are less farmed out or simply quit out of frustration. The US has quite literally been backed into the safe zone and they have nowhere else to sail. Prussia isn't good because they are located near tortue. They are good because good pvpers joined the nation and then folks tired of getting farmed outside Ctown or KPR joined them. Same with the WO group. Majority of WO was at some point in the US or GB and decided to be one of the clubbers rather than the seals, affirming my previous point. Veteran players don't stick around in the farmed nations, they latch on to a crew and then proceed to help with the farming.
  19. Prior to the wipe I would sail around LT, Navasse and KPR with a loaded Santa Cecilia full of paints, BPs and notes. Back when speed was not affected. No one ever did catch me. I spent hours trying to catch @Pagan Pete back in the day when he would load up the banshee and skit around the coast talking about pyrates on the stream. Props to the seal clubber-in-chief King of Crowns for creating content. You are now allowed to use #ContentCreator in your signature.
  20. I hunt in the capital areas, mostly solo, as most brits and US can attest to. Unfortunately without being able to identify the target beforehand I have no idea if this is a seal I'm clubbing or an old vet I just tagged or mission jumped. It's almost to the point now where I don't even want to let folks go because If it's not me killing them, someone else will come along up by Ctown in 10mins and club this guy anyway. I wonder how many new players are sunk now that we can't identify them prior to the battle...then before when we could selectively pick and choose our targets. I'm still not convinced this forced anonymity we have on the OW is a good thing. Anyway, until this game creates a necessity for players to leave the safe zone....players won't leave it. You can't fault new players or casual minded ones for NOT leaving their safer waters if they don't have to. Especially with the gank-in-numbers groups we have roaming around the main capitals these days. You also can't fault the hunters who can only find prey outside the capitals. You can however fault the hunters who don't fight other hunters. I've seen Prussians and French just stand off, watch each other on the OW and wait for a couple US players to leave the safe zone for all 10 of them to go and gank. The other day we sunk a couple french off Charleston who were waiting for US players to pop out of a battle and their leader went on to whine in global chat about how sinking french up there wasn't allowed. We should be only sinking US..... How very sad. This game is being ruined by the "win at all costs" mindset of players that refuse to target anyone else that could possibly be a threat to them.
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