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Everything posted by Christendom

  1. I can’t recall him in a single PB with us. Maybe 1 or 2 pvp outings in the span of a year. He joined right after the global server split and stuck around changing nations with us up until now. We kept him around because he seemed pleasant and was good at giving us a little forthcoming game intel from time to time. He must be on the same meds as rax and forgot to take them
  2. Maybe like 15 mins without hull damage or something.
  3. What kind of dogs would my followers be? Pit Bulls? Ferocious and bite hard. I kinda like that. Labs? Loyal, stupid and lovable. I could see amplify as one of those wiener dogs honestly
  4. If anyone changes nations more than we do it’s Sam. Lol. Not much of a leg to stand on here bud. Wind never actually did anything for or with us other than lose ships to AI and beg for replacements. He’d check in on discord occasionally then we’d see him 2 months later. He’s just upset we left him and that we didn’t like most of his moronic suggestions over the past few weeks. No big loss. This pitter patter back and forth grows tiresome. Back to the contest. We crafted a gold t/wo indef last night that will be given to the most scalps collected internally within VCO by Monday. Get hunting boys. I want my scalps.
  5. Yup. I’d add him to the holy crusade list of persons to smother with Catholicism, but he doesn’t actually play.
  6. Sure seems like you’re bitter. 🙂 You do know the DLC papers resets every 30 days right? I see now why you were given the boot out of the moderators group. You’re nuts. Anyway we’ll continue to enjoy the contest. You enjoy doing whatever you do. o7 buddy!
  7. Just brainstorming here. What about an option where you can “sail to the nearest outpost” in exchange for all gold and marks earned on that trip? If you didn’t earn anything, no TP
  8. VCO is leading the hunt in scalps so far! Keep up the good work boys! Wind babe, someone needs to teach you the art of the troll post and ironic role playing. Humor is not your strong point. You simply just don’t get it. I’m sorry you don’t. Some people get this thread..you are not one of them. I’m sorry VCO left you in the US as well. You log on once every 2 months to beg for a ship and then we don’t see you for a while. Hard to tell ya were moving when you don’t play. Just move on already!
  9. Blood's on the walls, beratnas! Keep those scalps coming boys
  10. We have no endgame. Which is the point of my comment
  11. This like our ONLY end game progression...
  12. Of all active members only 1 did not follow us. Even some inactive guys came back just for the switch. I also paid for the DLCs of members who were not able do so themselves as well as some of our crafting alts. Between all the DLCs for myself, others and another alt account I’d say admin managed to fleece $300 bucks or more off my ass alone this summer sale. VCO moving nations will probably keep official games labs Dacia full of gas for a while. Honestly @admin I think owes me one and should let me personally ban King of Crowns for good.... I joke I joke ....kinda. Maybe? Anyway we actively PVP nightly and I can usually be found during the daytime out doing a little solo hunting. If you had stuck around for more than 15 mins at a time you might of noticed. Wind... buddy old pal, go grind that axe in game for a change and stop being salty on the forums. toodles
  13. I’d have to say the speed and boarding books give players an advantage over those that do not. Obviously. As you said, I’m not convinced how much the gunnery books help unless it’s pure reload. Even then very seldom am I in a position during a fight where I solely have to focus on DPS. So who knows. Id be more curious if you tracked the perm mods and what that outcome would look like. Those I feel matter substantially more.
  14. so what opinions did you formulate after making this?
  15. Ever the pest. I have no problem fighting anyone else on the server. Only you babe. #denycontent I even sink occasionally. The little requin didn't last long in here.
  16. Someone's salty we left them in the US. Sorry bud, but decisions are made by those who show up. Because it's fun. We're content creators after all. Some people get the RP schtick, some don't. You don't. Says the guy who logs on once every 6 months, makes 10 forum posts and then bails for 6 more. Top kek.
  17. Elaborate more on the fight sruPL. I'm curious what happened (other than a lopsided win)
  18. Christendom

    Key to sucsess

    and I feel like we're missing a DJ Khaled meme in here given the title of this thread
  19. Christendom

    Key to sucsess

    I would like to see some sort of process that guides a player into a nation. Like a pre-tutorial of sorts. Player X joins the game ands starts off somewhere on a rookie island somewhere or whatever and then is guided to the nation he wants to join....rather than select them at the character screen.
  20. Christendom

    Key to sucsess

    Well it's pretty obvious new players aren't buying this game in droves and the ones that do stick around typically do not stick around that long. So clearly our method is not working out quite so well. Despite Vernon's and Hethybaby's tenacity and love for punishment, they are not the norm in games like this. There are games that are designed to intentionally be difficult and then there are games that are difficult because of indifference. This is the latter. Nearly everything that currently ails this game is almost nearly related to a lack of player population. Ports don't make money, RVR is dead, PVP is only active near safe zones.... etc. With 1000, 1500 or even 2000 players this is a very different game and it's player economy would function. We need more people. We aren't going to get them with the status quo. It just isn't gonna happen. The tutorial seems to have helped a bit, but I think it needs to go further and it sounds like admin is working in that direction.
  21. NOOOOOOOOOO This game needs to encourage players to go out on the water and sink AI fleets and/or do epics for these books. PREFERABLY out of the safe zone. This game also needs a more lively trade market. In game allocation of these books creates both. Let's please stop this DLC madness.....
  22. I was down by belize yesterday doing some PVP in the requin. Snagged a solo frigate, managed to chase down a Tlyx going 15.3 knts upwind and then jumped in a safe zone battle with helped spain sink an ocean (we didn't make it out of that one....). The ship is stupid OP, but it definitely is fun. I think Hethybaby said it perfectly. The DLC ships should compliment the sandbox, not disrupt it. Once we start allowing full fleets of DLC ships in PBs the game truly turns the corner from the grey area P2W we currently have into full blown play to win conquest. This I'm firmly against. It makes owning the DLC a necessity, not just a luxury.
  23. Because your situation in GB is "simpler". Laugh... Feel free to contribute to the contest above. Everyone is welcome.
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