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Everything posted by Christendom

  1. Quoting myself here. I guess this is what happened to the prussian fleet headed to Portillo. Ouch.
  2. Blood’s on the walls, beratnas! First LOCO blood spilled and 1 Naval clock dropped. Thanks!
  3. only solution to make hostility fair is to do away with hostility. bring back flags
  4. But but using a herc is sinking at 5th rate and shouldn’t be allowed...
  5. Creating content. It’s been a few weeks since we’ve been pirate bud. In then evenings I go where the people are. I usually trek down to frenchie or Brit waters if I’m on early. Still waiting for your pvp kills. Do you have any or do you just huff bath salts and go nuts on the forums? I’ll keep waiting for them.
  6. Sinking players elsewhere on the map. Had a busy evening yesterday with US and French players..and dodging revenge fleets. Sadly I cannot be everywhere. I’m still waiting to see some of your pvp kills. Wind stop embarrassing yourself on here. This pettiness from a former games labs moderator is quite shameful.
  7. A you really playing the “I have a life card”? Laugh. Cute I suppose, but no. I watched you move timers around in the Bahamas to avoid fights months ago. That’s what you do. The dodger-in-chief reigns supreme.
  8. Proud? No. Just proving a point. Safe zone ganking is possible if you don't suck at it. Aka don't show up in a wappen outside a major capital and not expect to get sunk. You made a post complaining about not being able to gank in the safe zone, I replied showing you it's possible. if you don't suck I've achieved similar results ina pirate frigate and a trinco. BTW this also my tutorial herc that only goes 14.2. Despite purchasing the herc DLC I haven't actually lost one yet. Stop whining about having to work for your supper or just admit you want lazy pvp. This post is very unrepublican like of you. Donnie is not please. Take personal responsibility of your situation, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and git good at safe zone PVP. Snowflake PS - you can add multiple quotes to 1 reply btw.
  9. waaaaaa why can't I gank right outside capitals and get away scot free? This was in and around the US safe zone today in a herc. Solo. I also helped out a swede while jumping another battle and almost took out an inger (he was down to 90 crew in boarding) before reinforcements were able to join something like 40mins after the battle started and broke it up. I was astonished. Some folks are good solo safe zone gankers and then there's you. stop sucking.
  10. I'm not sure "a beating" is what you can call that PB when you didn't even sink one of their 1st rates. Looked like the wind screwed Spain primarily. But ok. Anyway just in the last few days I've seen 11-14, 16-19 and 17-20 all on little cayman. This is timer manipulation and timer dodging, which are abuses that primarily caused the aforementioned increase in timer costs that Liq made this thread complaining about. A happy medium needs to be found where putting a timer on the port is still costly AND nations need to think twice about putting vast amounts of them on ports ..... while still encouraging RVR. My first post mentioned that if this game was properly full of players and had working economies 500k might not be such a terrible thing.
  11. We made a special event to multi flip serious timer dodgers like yourself. It worked. It wasn't a daily thing though. You didn't seem to learn from your lesson however and you STILL set timers outside of prime time hours, and in the case of little cayman, change those timers daily just to avoid fights against superior opponents. Your block of 11-14 timer ports in the bahamas prior to the increase in port costs was most likely one of the biggest contributors to the change being complained about in this thread. Congrats 🙂 Anyway Liq's post here is not to debate with salty dodgers who lost all their ports. Move past it Greg
  12. I agree with you, but I also feel like if this game had 2000 people like it should most ports would be making money and this issue wouldn't such a big deal. One bonus of this increase timer costs is that nations don't own blocks of ports all with the same time that you simply just cannot attack. Only a few ports are worth the cost now.
  13. Meh who cares to be honest. He’s technically not buying gold for IRL money which is what the RMT rules attempt to prevent. He’s putting money in games labs pocket and buying DLCs so others can continue enjoying the game. Win win. pssst. @admin we got some other threads in this area for you to look at
  14. https://gyazo.com/6029abff16e0f119cb2a4b503e2bb2c1 Not bad.
  15. Poods on the herc is fun. Takes a little more effort to aim them I suppose. I’ve found mediums to be easier to aim with poods and you get a little more close in damage. I’ve got my t/wo one up to 14.2 knts so I’m not really sure if the downgrade to t/t is necessary or not...to each his own.
  16. ^^ This guy is a bigger idiot than I thought. ----- ANYWAY. Updated the list so far. [VCO]William Death is top dog for now. Someone else needs to win the overall contest...I don't want to give him TWO gold ships
  17. Salty jaded vets keep this game afloat. so yes.
  18. Eliminating DLC ships from port battles eliminates the majority of your issue with them. Though very seldom does one cap and take control of another ship in the PB (usually just sunk for points). I mean I guess I see the problem. But it really isn't a big one. You can cap and sink them no problem, but you just can't flee on one. I just don't see this as a major issue that breaks the game. the population increase and PVP increase from the DLCs offsets just about all the downsides in my opinion.
  19. Just 1 dope sitting in an endy in the deep water with no repairs.
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